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2022年科教版五年级下册英语阅读理解考前专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读课程表,填写单词,完成短文。Mon.Tue.Wed.Thu.Fri.1EnglishMathArtEnglishChinese2MathEnglishMusicArtChinese3ChineseHistoryScience movieMusicSocial study4ComputerHistoryScience movieP.E.Social studyWe go to school fromto. We are busy(忙碌的)every day. On, we have English, Chinese and computer. On,we have Math,and two History(历史) classes. On, we have Art,and we watch Science movies. On, we have English, Art, Music and P.E. On, we have two Chinese classes and two Social study. English is my favorite subject(课程)and I study hard.2. 读短文,填空完成句子。My name is George. I am a student at No.5 Primary School. I like seeing films very much. My favourite cinema is Star Cinema. It is not far away from my home. It is big and clean. The seats in Star Cinema are very comfortable (舒适的). I sometimes go to see films with my cousins and friends.Last Sunday, I went to see the film Toy Story. It is about a party of some toys in a toy shop. The film was funny.(1)George likes.(2)Georges favourite cinema is.(3)George likes the cinema, because.(4)George sometimes goes to see films with.(5)The film Toy Story was about. It was.3. 阅读理解,判断正误。My name is Tom. I am ten years old. I want a new friend. I can swim. I can cook delicious food and play basketball. I often play basketball on the weekend. But I cant play the piano. I cant do any kung fu. Do you want to be my friend?1Tom is nine years old.(_)2Tom can cook delicious food.(_)3Tom often play basketball on the weekend.(_)4Tom can play the piano.(_)5Tom cant do any kung fu.(_)4. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Hello! My name is Liu Yan. I am a Chinese girl. I am a student. I live in Beijing. I like to look at the map of the world.I know many countries. They are Canada, Australia, the U. S. and the U. K. I know about their capital cities, too.1Liu Yan is an English girl.(_)2Liu Yan lives in Canada.(_)3Liu Yan likes to look at the map of the world.(_)4Liu Yan knows many countries.(_)5Liu Yan doesnt know the capital city of the U. S.(_)5. 阅读理解。The Spring Festival is coming. Many people are getting ready for it. I visit a Chinese family. Everyone is very busy. QiQis mother is making jiaozi. QiQis father is cleaning the windows. QiQis grandparents are cutting paper. Where is QiQi? She is cooking fish. How nice it smells!根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。1The Spring Festival is coming.(_)2QiQis mum is making jiaozi.(_)3QiQis grandma is drawing.(_)4QiQis father is cleaning the door.(_)5QiQi is cooking fish.(_)6. 阅读短文判断句子,对的画“”错的画“”。It was sunny last Sunday. Tom went to the park with his mother. They went to there by bus. In the park, they played shess. They went fishing. They played football. When they went home, his mother asked, “Where is your football? ” “Oh! ” Tom said. “Its in the park. I lost it under the tree.”1Last Sunday it was raining.(_)2Tom went to the park with his father.(_)3They went to the park by bus.(_)4Tom played games with his mother.(_)5Tom lost his mother under the tree.(_)7. 根据快乐英语完成下列各题。A)根据短文内容选择正确的选项。The animals take Snow White to a forest. There is a little hut(小屋).In the hut, There is a little sitting room, a little kitchen, and a little bedroom. In the middle of(在中间)the kitchen, there is a little table. Around the table, there are seven little chairs. On the table, there are seven little cakes and seven little glasses.“This juice is too sour(酸的).” “This juice is sour too .” “Sour. Sour. Sour.” “Oh, this juice is sweet.”Snow White is tired. There are seven beds in the bedroom.“This bed is too short.” “This bed is too small.” “Small. Short. Small. Short.” “I should put the beds together.”When Snow White awakes(醒来), she is surprised(惊讶的). The Seven Dwarfs(七个小矮人)stand near the bed.1. There is a little _ in the middle of kitchen.(_)A、hutB、tableC、bed2. There are _ little chairs around the table.(_)A、fiveB、six C、seven3. The beds are _.(_)A、big B、nice C、small and short4. How is Snow White when she awakes?(_)A、surprised.B、happy.C、sad5. Who stands near the bed?(_)A、Snow White. B、The Seven DwarfsC、GoldilocksB)判断下列句子是否与课文内容相符,相符的“T”,不符的“F”。1. There is an old monk and three young monks in the temple.(_)2. The monster doesnt want to eat the three monks.(_)3. A swan with golden feathers lives in a lake.(_)4. The woman becomes(变得) very greedy.(_)5. At last, the woman and her daughters still lives a happy life.(_)C)选词填空chicken practise back hide-and-seek better1. The old monk lets the three monks_kung fu .2. The three monks are playing_happily.3. The woman is very happy because their life gets much_.4. Suddenly, the golden feathers on the floor change into_feathers.5. The swan flies away, and never comes_.8. 阅读理解。Last summer holiday,I took a long trip with my aunt. We went to Australia by plane. It was winter in Australia. But in Beijing,it was summer. I played with snow. I went skating there and I took many pictures. I bought many presents for my friends,too. I was excited,but I was tired,too.( )(1)Who did the writer go with?A.His parents.B.His aunt.C.His friends.( )(2)When the writer was in Australia for his holiday,it was _ in China.A.summerB.springC.autumn( )(3)What did the writer do in Australia?A.He went skating and bought presents.B.He played football and ate nice food.C.He swam in the sea.( )(4)How did the writer go there?A.By subway.B.By plane.C.By train.( )(5)How did the writer feel?A.He was bored.B.He was angry.C.He was excited, but tired.9. 阅读短文,选择正确的选项。My name is Lucy. I eat different kinds of food every day. For breakfast, I usually have a glass of milk and some fruit. At lunch time, I have my box lunch a cheese sandwich, a yogurt (酸奶)and orange juice. I dont eat school meals, because I dont like them. When I get home from school, I usually have a snake(零食)some nuts and some fruit. For dinner, I often have fish with salad or rice. I sometimes go to a restaurant with my parents on the weekend. We have steak (牛排) and salad. Actually, I dont like eating too much meat. I think eating healthy food is very important. I eat fruit and vegetables every day. Whats your favorite food?() (1)Lucy often eats _ for breakfast.A. milk and fruit B. meat and juice C. coffee and bread() (2)Lucy hasfor lunch.A. juice, a yogurt and a hamburgerB. a sandwich, juice and a yogurtC. a yogurt, juice and a pizza() (3)What kind of snack does Lucy eat?A. She eats fries and fruit.B. She eats biscuits and a yogurt.C. She eats fruit and nuts.() (4)Lucy often has _ for dinner.A. steak with salad B. fish with salad or rice C. rice and meat() (5)The reading is about _.A. how often Lucys family eat outB. what Lucy likes to eatC. what Lucys parents like to eat.10. 根据短文内容判断对错。Jill is going to a new school. He is very excited.(兴奋的)And his friend, Tony, is going to middle school,(中学)too. They are going to write email to each other. Tony is going to study Chinese, math and physics. But Jill is going to study English, art and science. Jills house is far from the school. So he is going to school by bus. Tony is going to walk to school.( )(1)Jill is Tonys brother.( )(2)Jill is going to be a middle school student.( )(3)Jill is very excited to go to a new school.( )(4)Tony is going to study Chinese, math and physics.( )(5)Tony is going to school by bus because his house is far from the school.11. 根据对话内容,回答问题。Boy: This is a photo of my family.Girl: Let me have a look. Who is he?Boy: He is my father.Girl: What does he do? Is he a policeman? Hes tall and strong.Boy: No. Hes a doctor.Girl: Is she your mother? What does she do?Boy: Shes a teacher. Shes very nice.Girl: Who is the girl? What does she do?Boy: Shes a nurse.Girl: Shes very beautiful.(1) What does boys dad do?(2) What does boys mum do?(3) What does boys sister do?12. 根据短文内容判断句子意思是否相符。Hello! Im Mike. My mother likes summer best, because she can swim. My father likes autumn best, because he can draw pictures. Winter is my little brothers favourite season, because he can make a snowman. My sister likes spring best, because there are beautiful flowers and green leaves everywhere. I like spring, too, because I like green best.( )(1)Mikes family has five people.( )(2)Mikes mother likes autumn best.( )(3)Mikes little brother likes winter best.( )(4)Mikes father cant draw pictures.( )(5)Mikes sister likes beautiful flowers and green leaves.13. 阅读短文,判断正误。An old woman wants to go to New York to see her son. She gets up early and gets to the station at nine oclock in the morning. When does the train come and leave? Shes very worried. She stops a boy and asks him.The boy looks at the woman and says. “tututu” The old woman sits in a chair and thinks and thinks. Then she says, “Oh, I see.”( )(1)The woman is young.( )(2)She gets up early.( )(3)She wants to New York by taxi.( )(4)She asks the boy the way to the station.( )(5)At last, the old woman knows the time.14. 阅读理解。Rose lives in the U.S. with her parents. They speak English. Her aunt and uncle live in China with their children. They speak English at home. They speak Chinese with their friends. Rose likes China. This summer holiday she will visit her aunt and uncle. She will go there by plane. She wants to go to the Great Wall. She thinks the Great Wall is very great. She wants to take pictures on it.(1)Who lives in China?() A. Rose. B. Roses parents. C. Roses aunt and uncle.(2)What do her aunt and uncle speak in China? () A. Chinese. B. English. C. A and B(3)How will she go to China? () A. By car. B. By bus. C. By plane.(4)Where does she want to go?() A. The Great Wall. B. The Palace Museum. C. Tiananmen Square.(5)What does she want to do on the Great Wall?() A. Take a plane. B. Take pictures. C. Go to China.15. 阅读短文,判断正误。Shanghai changes a lot in transportation(交通).In the past, there were few cars. Now there are many kinds of cars. There were not any bridges above the Huangpu River. Now there are some bridges on it. There were no tunnels(隧道)under it.There were no undergrounds. Now there are many undergrounds. There were no light rails(轻轨)and maglevs(磁悬浮). Now there are some lights and maglevs.The changes make our lives more convenient(方便). I like the changes.( )(1)The transportation in Shanghai changes a lot.( )(2)There were many bridges on Huangpu River in the past.( )(3)Now there are some light rails and maglevs in Shanghai.( )(4)The changes in Shanghai are good for our lives.( )(5)I dont like the changes.16. 阅读理解。Every morning Jim goes to work by train. He has a long way to go. So he buys a newspaper. It helps him to spend (花费) the time on the train. Jim likes sport very much. One morning on the train he read something about the football match (足球赛). The match was interesting (有趣). So he forgot (忘记) to get off the train at his station. He didnt know it. When he finished reading, he looked out of the windows. It was far away from his station. He had to go back (回到) by train. Of course, he was late for (迟到) work.() (1)How does Jim go to work every day?A. By train. B. By bus. C. By car.() (2)What does Jim buy every morning?A. A book. B. A newspaper. C. A football.() (3)Jim likes _.A. singing B. music C. sport() (4)He _ on the train one morning.A. looked out of the window of the trainB. talked with another football fan (足球迷)C. read something about the football match (足球赛)() (5)In the end (最后), Jim _A. worked in the train B. was late for work C. played football17. 看图,回答下列问题。(1)Whats the weather like?(2)Is it raining heavily?(3)Do the people go home quickly or slowly?(4)Does the wind blow strongly?(5)Can you go out and play?18. 观察图片, 完成任务。(1)读一读, 根据图片选词填空。play in birds on under beside in front of hisLook at this picture. There is a boy in it.name is Tim. He is under the tree. He canthe violin. What can you see in the tree? There are some. There is a table and a house in the picture. The table isthe house. You can see two pearsthe table. Two balls arethe table. The chair isthe table. Can you see a car? Yes, itsthe basket.(2)读一读, 根据图片及补充的短文, 选出正确的句子。There is a house in the picture.Tim can play the pipa under the tree.The cat is behind the tree.There are two pears on the table.Some birds are in front of the tree.There are two balls under the table.19. 阅读短文,判断正误。Of all the things we eat and drink, water is the most important. Nature has a great water system. Water is everywhere. It is in the air. It forms (组成) lakes and rivers. Water is in every living thing. It is in the most part of all the animals, plants and human beings (人类).People can use the water to carry goods and go around the world. People can also use the water to swim, have a bath, wash the food and clothes. Water is so important for every living thing, but man is polluting (污染) it. They throw rubbish into rivers. They pour waste water into lakes, rivers and seas. We must stop people from polluting the water right now. If not, the last drop of water will be our tear drop.( )(1)Water is the most important thing we eat and drink.( )(2)There isnt any water in the air.( )(3)Water is used for swimming, washing and bath.( )(4)Many people throw rubbish into river. But the water is clean.( )(5)People should stop polluting the water.( )(6)We have the last drop of water now.20. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误。The summer holiday is coming. Everyone is getting ready for middle school life. We have different plans for the summer Holiday. Li Ming will go to summer camp in Britain with Danny. Theyll visit some famous places. Peter is going to travel around China. Then hell go back to Canada with his parents. His grandparents miss them very much. Wang Hong is going to Harbin with her friends. They will ski there. Guo Yang will travel around the country with his family. And he will take swimming classes. He wants to be a swimming star in middle school.( )(1)Danny will go to a summer camp in Britain.( )(2)Guo Yang will visit some famous places in Britain.( )(3)Peter will go back to Canada with his grandparents.( )(4)Wang Hong is going to ski in Harbin.( )(5)Guo Yang wants to be a swimming star in middle school.21. 阅读短文,判断正误。My name is Jack . I am an English boy . Now I study in China. I usually have three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon . But on Monday afternoon , we only have two classes, so I often play basketball with my friends after school . In my free time , I like sing 、swimming and playing basketball. Sometimes I like playing computer games. What about you ?( )(1)Jack comes from the USA.( )(2)Jack usually has six classes a day.( )(3)Jack has 2 new subjects this term.( )(4)Jake like singing.( )(5)Jack study in China .10 / 10


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