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精品资料Unit 4Dont eat in class.教学课题第一课时Section A (1a-2d)教学目标【知识目标】Important words:rule,arrive,hall,dining,listen,fight,sorry,outside,wear,important,bring,quietImportant phrases: (be) on time,listen to,have to,the dining hallImportant sentences:1.Dont arrive late for class.2.You must be on time.3.What are the rules?4.Can we bring music players to school?5.And we always have to wear the school uniform.【能力目标】学会使用祈使句。【情感目标】1.培养学生遵规守矩的品质。2.培养学生根据需要制订规则的意识。教学重难点祈使句。教学过程Step 1Leading1.Teacher shows some pictures:eating,running,fighting,listening to music,arrive late for school.(见课件)2.Ask students to read them after the teacher.3.Teacher shows imperative sentences.For example,Dont run in the hallways.4.Students read the sentences after the teacher.5.Let students read the rules in 1a and translate them into Chinese.Step 2Work on 1b and 1c1.Listen to the tape.What rules are these students breaking? Write the numbers after the names.2.Check the answers.(见课件)3.Let students talk about the school rules in pairs.Step 3Work on 2a and 2b1.Listen to the tape and check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about in 2a.2.Listen again and circle what activities Alan and Cindy can or cant do.Step 4Work on 2cLet student A play as Alan,student B as Cindy,and let the two students role-play the conversation:A:Can we listen to music,Cindy?B:We cant listen to music in the hallways,but we can listen to it outside.Step 5Role-play the conversation in 2d1.Read the conversation and answer the questions.(1)Whats the most important rule in the school?(2)Can they bring music players to school?(3)Can they wear their own clothes?教学过程2.Check the answers.(见课件)(1) Its not to be late for class.We must be on time.(2) No,they cant.(3) No,they have to wear the school uniform.3.Let students role-play the conversation in 2d in pairsStep 6HomeworkWrite the rules in your home.板书设计Section A (1a-2d)重点单词短语1.(be) on time2.listen to3.have to4.arrive in/at5.wear/ put on6.bring/ take/ carry重点句型1.Dont arrive late for class.2.You must be on time.3.What are the rules?4.Can we bring music players to school?5.And we always have to wear the school uniform.课堂练习.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.Its very i for students to learn English well.2.We must be q in the library.3.We cant eat in the classroom but we can eat o.4.Dont a late for class next time.5.Lily w a red dress today.Keys:1.important2.quiet3.outside4.arrive5.wears .单项选择 1.Dont be late school. A.onB.forC.inD.at2.Dont eat in the classroom.,Miss Liu.A.ThanksB.ReallyC.SorryD.Why3.We cant listen to music in the classroom, we can do it in the hallways.A.andB.butC.soD.or4.Can I wear hats in class?,but you can wear them after class.A.Yes,I canB.Yes,you doC.No,I cantD.No,you cant5.Rose to school very early every day.A.arrivesB.getsC.reachesD.arriveKeys:15BCBDB教学反思


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