基于话轮转换理论的“I am Groot”的语用效果英语教学专业

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基于话轮转换理论的“I am Groot”的语用效果英语教学专业_第1页
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基于话轮转换理论的“I am Groot”的语用效果英语教学专业_第3页
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摘要银河护卫队系列电影是漫威公司设立在银河系背景下的科幻电影,在全球范围内取得了非常成功的票房成绩,在两部电影中,充满了奇形怪状的生物,但是在整整两部电影之中,最受欢迎的角色之一 “Groot”只有一句台词“I am Groot”。我认为,“I am Groot”这句台词在电影中起到非常重要的作用。 本文以 Sacks的话轮转换理论基础,在前人对话轮转换及对电影台词语料分析的基础上,对两部电影中所有包含“I am Groot”的对话进行定量和定性分析。进行定量分析是为了更好的记录“I am Groot”的出现次数,及在对话中的所占比例,进而总结出“I am Groot”的特点,其次,对其进行定性分析是为了研究“I am Groot”如何体现出语用效果,从而进一步的解释这句台词共有多少种语用效果。 通过分析发现,“I am Groot”在两部电影中具有回应他人,表达情感,协商条件,增进感情,表示赞同的语用效果。而且,我们得到了两点结论。首先,当“I am Groot”在规则1(a)下参加话轮转换时,Groot对整个话轮转换进程没有任何影响,在两篇电影中,“I am Groot”产生了“回应他人”“增进感情”和“拒绝他人”的语用效果。其次,当“I am Groot”在规则1(b)下参加环论转换时,Groot多多少少会对话轮转换过程产生影响:当“I am Groot”产生“解释原因”语用效果时,Groot对话轮转换进程的影响极大,基本上是引领者话轮转换;当它产生“协商条件”的语用效果时,Groot 的影响就相对小了些,只是改变了话轮转换的趋势;当它产生“表示赞同”的语用效果时,Groot对整个进程没有任何影响。在电影史中,Groot 是独一无二的电影角色,这个角色的设立非常成功,这句唯一的台词起了很大的作用。所以,研究出 “I am Groot” 的语用效果不仅会使我们能更好的理解为什么Groot就凭借仅一句台词就能在观众的心中留下深刻的印象,而且为以后的学者对话轮转换理论的应用及电影台词的分析拓展和提供思路,并帮助电影编剧更好的通过话轮转换来更好的塑造一个令人印象深刻的角色。同时,银河护卫队是一个系列电影,将来还会有第三部第四部等等,所以,本文抛砖引玉,希望引起广泛学者来研究,不断的完善和丰富我的研究成果。关键词:话轮转换; 语用效果; “I am Groot”AbstractThe Guardian of the Galaxy series is a science fiction film set up by Marvels company in the context of the Milky Way. It has achieved very successful box office results worldwide. In both movies, it is full of grotesque creatures, but it is in two full movies. Among them, one of the most popular characters Groot has only one line - I am Groot. I think the line I am Groot plays a very important role in the movie. Based on Sacks turn-taking theory, and the turn-taking theory of previous studies and the analysis of the movie materials, this paper makes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of all dialogues including I am Groot in the two films. The purpose of quantitative analysis is to better record the number of occurrences of I am Groot and the proportion of them in the dialogue, and then summarize the characteristics of I am Groot. Second, qualitative analysis is to study how “I am Groot” expresses pragmatic effect and then further explain how many pragmatic effects in this line. Through analysis, in two films,it was found that I am Groot has the pragmatic effect of “responding to others”, “expressing emotions”, “bargaining conditions”, “improving relationships”, “rejecting” and “approving”. So, we conclude two conclusions.Firstly, when “I am Groot” works in rule1(a), the pragmatic effects it produces have no effect on the entire turn-taking process, so in two movies it generated “responding to others”, “improving relationships” and “rejecting” effects.Secondly, when it works in rule1(b), that means Groot uses turns to changed the process of the turn more or less. So when “I am Groot” generated the pragmatic effect of explaining reason, it will be the strongest power that Groot uses to control the turn. When it generated “bargaining conditions” effect, the power is weaker and Groot just have an impact on the process. When it generated “approving” effect, the power is weakest, Groot change anything to the process.In the history of film, Groot is a unique movie character. The establishment of this character is very successful. This unique line has played a big role. Therefore, studying the pragmatic effects of “I am Groot” will not only give us a better understanding of why Groot will be able to impress people in the minds of the audience with only a single line of dialogue, but will also expand and create ideas of the application of turn-taking theory and the analysis of movie dialogue for future scholars, and help the film writers better through the turn-taking to better shape an impressive role. At the same time,theGuardiansoftheGalaxyisaseriesofmovies.There will be a third and fourth part in the future, and so on. And at that time my research will not be rigorous. Therefore, this article will be initiated in the hope of attracting a wide range of scholars to study, and enrich and improve my research.Key words:Turn-taking Theory; pragmatic effect; “I am Groot” 2AbbreviationT turnList of tableTable.1 Distribution of turns in Case 1 16Table.2 Distribution of turns in Case 2 18Table.3 Distribution of turns in Case 3 18Table.4 Distribution of turns in Case 4 19Table.5 Distribution of turns in Case 5 20Table.6 Distribution of turns in Case 6 21Table.7 Distribution of turns in Case 7 22Table.8 Distribution of turns in Case 8 23Table.9 Distribution of turns in Case 9 25Table.10 Distribution of turns in Case 10 26Table.11 Distribution of turns in Case 11 26Table.12 Distribution of turns in Case 12 27Table.13 Distribution of turns in Case 13 294Content1摘要 1Abstract 2Abbreviation 3List of table 4Content 5Chapter 1 Introduction 71.1 Background of the study 71.2 Objectives of the study 71.3 Outline of the thesis 7Chapter 2 Literature Review 92.1 A review of previous related studies on the theory of turn-taking 92.2 A review of previous related studies abroad 102.3 A review of previous related studies at home 112.4 Space for this study 13Chapter3 Theoretical foundation and Research methods. 133.1 Theoretical framework 133.2 Research questions 143.3 Research procedure and methods 15Chapter 4 Case Analysis 164.1 Pragmatic effect of responding to others 164.1.1 Analysis of Case1 164.1.2 Analysis of case 2 175燕山大学本科生毕业论文4.2 The pragmatic effect of expressing emotion 184.2.1 The analysis of Case 3 184.2.2 The analysis of Case 4 194.3 The pragmatic effect of bargaining 204.3.1 The analysis of case 5 204.3 The pragmatic effect of rejecting 214.3.1 The analysis of case 6 214.4 The pragmatic effect of improving relationship 224.4.1 The analysis of case 7 224.4.2 The analysis of case 8 234.5 The pragmatic effect of approving 234.5.1 The analysis of case 9 234.5.2 The analysis of case 10 254.6 The pragmatic effect of explaining reason 264.6.1 The analysis of case 11 264.6.2 The analysis of case 12 27Chapter 5 Conclusion 295.1 Major findings 295.2 Implication of the study 305.3 Limitation of the study 305.4 Suggestions for further study 30Acknowledgement 31References 32Appendix 34开题报告 34中期报告 396Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the studyGenerally speaking, a successful movie must has it own significant theme ,or it has some impressive characters, dialogues, some great shooting skills. But there was an interesting case, Guardians of the Galaxy, has a character called Groot, a treeman, who only has one line “I am Groot”. Although it is not the protagonist, it was popular around Marvels fans. The movie sets the background in the universe where exist numerous aliens in various shape, and Groot is normal in shape, so what make him so impressive than others, especially his friend Rocket, a raccoon? The conversation around this line is really important. As for conversation and this special case, I am going to analyze it under the perspective of turn-taking. This single line was given to different pragmatic effects in the turn-taking process so that the conversation can still go on. I collected every conversation around this line and I will analyze it under the theory of turn-taking. In the movie history, Groot is unique and successful. So after analyzing this we not only figure out how this character be successful, but also we can take this as a reference which could help us to write a successful play-writing and shape a impressive character. Then I searched the analysis about my topic on internet carefully. But I never find a professional analysis about it, both at home and abroad. There are several analysis which analyzed other movies under the perspective of turn-taking. 1.2 Objectives of the studyThe first research goal of this article is to figure out how and why In different turn-taking process, what kind of speech act are given by“I am Groot”.Secondly, this article is aim to get a deeper understanding of the dialogue turn theory and its application, expand and create ideas of the application of turn-taking theory and the analysis of movie dialogue for future scholars, and help the film writers better through the turn-taking to better shape an impressive role. At the same time, the Guardians of the Galaxy is a series of movies. There will be a third and fourth part in the future, and so on. And at that time my research will not be rigorous. Therefore, this article will be initiated in the hope of attracting a wide range of scholars to study, and enrich and improve my research. 1.3 Outline of the thesisThis paper has 5 parts. The first part is Chapter1 introduction, which mainly 7燕山大学本科生毕业论文introduces the subject of this paper, the basic background of this paper, its current research situation, the significance and the outline of this paper. Chapter 2, which is also the second part, literature review, briefly summarizing and reviewing previous studies on turn-taking theory. Chapter 3 is focusing on the theoretical foundation and research method. Chapter 3 is the case studies of data qualitatively to probe into the generating ways of the pragmatic effect, concretely making a detailed analysis of conversation in movies. The last part is conclusion, summarizing on the major findings and limitations and suggestions for future study.8Chapter 2 Literature Review2.1 A review of previous related studies on the theory of turn-taking Sacks (1974) and his colleagues firstly put forward that the simplest system include two elements and a set of basic rule.The two elements are the structure of turn-taking and the strategy of turn-taking They believe that speakers can construct a turn with different kinds of composite structures. The turn can be composed of any one syllable (e.g. um, ah, er, etc.), words, phrases or short sentences. Here, a syllable means a reverse response. The reverse answer is the listener uses words or facial expressions to indicate he has understand what the speaker is saying.(Jack C. Richards Richard W. Schmidt, 1985: 72). But they didnt give clear definition to “turn”. With the development of age, many scholars give it in different aspects.No matter what we choose, the turn construction unit will show an end point. In other words, there is a key point in this unit, where the speaker is converted, or transitional relevance place. Yule defines TRP as the place where the possible conversion of any turn is called the transitional association position or TRP.(Yule, 2000: 72) Liu(2004:46) made a comprehensive definition to “turn” is a sequence of words spoken by a speaker at any time during the session. It is consideredthatthespeakercanchoosethenextspeakerandthelistenertogettherightto speak on its own initiative, which is the two basic way to realize the handover of the turn, and there are some specific means in each way. The speaker chooses the next speaker, which can be realized by means of fixation and address, while the listeners choice of self selection has two kinds: normal self selection and abnormal self selection. The normal way of self selection occurs in the connection position of the turn of the speech, the speaker sends out the signal of giving up the turn, the hearer sends out the signal of the call and begins the turn of the speech, and the non normal way of self selection is the way that the speaker intervenes when the speakers turn is not finished. This situation usually happens in the speakers words. When the listener wants to have the right to speak, he interrupts the speakers turn and gains the right to speak. Turn round handover is a process of role transformation. In this process, 9燕山大学本科生毕业论文overlapping, pause and silence often occur.Luo(2017) putted her more attention on the application of turn-taking theory. And she summarized a theoretical framework, which is summarized from the aspects of the theory, evolution, content and application.2.2 A review of previous related studies abroadGreg(2017) modeled flexible turn-taking as dynamic mechanism, and flexible turn-taking arrangements promote efficiency in a repeated task environment. But in my case, the task environment is not repeated, the line is, and more interesting is that the efficiency not behind. Groot has only three words, the rate is stable. If the turn-taking process is flexible, it must be worked by others in the conversations. Generously, there are two ways we take turn, we interrupt or we are chosen, or we can chose not to take the turn, which Michal(2012) called silence. He said: “The silences serve as a means of communication with human communication. Along with speech, they belong within the verbal phase of communication. Verbal silence as a pure symbol is clearly distinguished from other silences.”(p.67). So the verbal silences also take pragmatic effects. In the case of the movie, Groot only has three words and he never interrupted others to take turn, most of situations he was chosen to take turn. However, there are several ones he used gestures and silences in stead of “I am Groot”, and these situation is essential for shaping his characteristics, so it is worthy to being analyze, or I can say the verbal silence of Groot has the equal function to his only line, because whatever the meaning under his verbal silences or gestures, if he said out, there will be nothing change. But Michals analysis was within the Grices Cooperative Principles (CP), he didnt analyze it in the process of turn-taking.Speber Wilson(2001)put forward the relevance theory and explained cognitive system of human communication under the perspective of cognitive linguistics. Relevance theory contains two core principles, cognitive principles and conversational principles. Cognitive principle is that human cognition tends to the maximum relevance. Conversational principles is that we support every obviously informational speech act has the optimum relevance. The theory of relevance can strongly explain how humour 10Chapter 2 Literature Reviewgenerate.Stephen(2015) said that “turn-taking is a part of universal infrastructure for language”. And he gave three reasons to prove “human turn-taking has in fact deeper in roots in human nature.”(p.10) As for that, Groots “I am Groot” is a vocal sign, but others in conversations are languages said by various aliens; moreover, the conversation is smoothly going on. In the movie , Groot responds every turn immediately. So I can identify that Groot is an alien but he has the cognitive ability of human in his mind. 2.3 A review of previous related studies at homeBased on the theoretical framework of Leechs politeness principle, Brown and Levinsons politeness maxims, from the perspective of pragmatics, Kong(2008) analyzes silences in the English film Pride and Prejudice, explores their functions and dissects the factors affecting the interpretation of silence by employing the qualitative method. But what I should remind is that she only do research on silences. She identified that under the emotional factors, cultural factors, contextual factors and social factors, silences has many functions, such as refusal and contempt, in the movie. What I should do for my analysis is to identified in several silences situation the pragmatic functions which make Groot impressive.As for pragmatic effect reflecting in the relationship between two speakers, Qu(2011) based on the theory of turn-taking, adapted the analysis of drama stylistics which rule that every words in the literature is a turn, and employed the qualitative method to analyze Jane Eyre. This paper pointed me a way that I need to pay attention to the change on frequency of turn-taking. But there is a limitation for my research, the only changing frequency for Groot is how many times he takes turn, he never change his length of turn. Zhao and Wang(2012) did the discourse analysis more specific by the participants control situation of the conversation in turn-taking, and according to that we could find the obvious characteristics of each participants, then figure out the pragmatic effect of lines. That mean I should calculate the length and number of words of each sentence. Well, Groots line is easy to calculate, “I”, “AM”, “GROOT”, what I need to pay more attention 11燕山大学本科生毕业论文on are the other characters words length and number of whom talk to Groot, because their words number and length, after that, I should analyze the relationship between the participants and Groot, and use that to reflect the pragmatic effect of “ I am Groot.” But one limitation is that ZhaoWang look highly on the words number and length, they didnt analyze pragmatic implicature and pragmatic effect with the help of each context that turn-taking happens.But Qu, Zhang and Wang have their limitation. They overvalued turn-taking as a device for serving characters. They attributed characteristics shaping functions to only turn-taking aspect, but turn-taking is under the big backgroundsociolinguistics. He(2015), based on the turn-taking system, analyzes the turn-taking use in Wuthering Heights from the sociolinguistic perspective, and to explain the relationship between power and turn-taking. The results of the analysis show that power indeed exerts great impact on turn-taking and to a large extent the person who has power controls the turn-taking. Besides, turn-taking can reflect the power relations between two participants. Finally, the results suggest that persons can use different turn-taking strategies to achieve their purposes.Zhang(2015) used the first ten episodes in the fifth season of “Big Bang” as her research object. And there are three ways to generate humourous effect. Before that, there is an important theory need to be introduced. As for Chinese, Shen(2013) based on CP, and used Stephen chows comedy movies as data to specifically explain how humour generate in the process of turn-taking. In one word, the humour in “Wulitou” type generate in the violation of 4 maxims of CP, which is a kind of exaggerated and unique violation, which made Stephen Chow get the reputation of “the king of humour”. These two author really has a good command of skill of summary and analysis. But in the movie Guardians of Galaxy, the conversations around “I am Groot” dont belong to any one ways of three, so “I am Groot” has no pragmatic effect in humour. Li(2007) used a successful movie 300 as his data, and under the perspective of turn-taking, he put forward an important point for me. It is paralanguage, which helps the language to express more. The use of facial expressions, actions, gestures, silence, intonation and other paralanguage are common in film dialogues. Li said: “any kind of paralanguage appear that mean he has already take the turn, because he has successfully 12Chapter3 Theoretical foundation and Research methods.draw attention from other participants and look forward to their reaction.” This conclusion is not accurate, because there is a situation that the speaker doesnt end his turn even though he sees others paralanguage.Zhou(2011)did a well job on Dead Poets Society. He analyze three dialogues in details, it showed that Neils father has average 30 words in a turn, but Neil only has 6, and Neils father has the absolutely control in turn-taking. Under this effect, Neils father express strong pragmatic effect in bad side. After this analysis and because of the specialty of Groot, if a speaker absolutely control the turn-taking process, whether it could give bad influence on Groot, and what kind of pragmatic effect generate by “I am Groot” in that dialogue.Zhao(2013) did a great job under the comparative perspective in The Iron Lady. This thesis selected forty-six pieces of conversations from the movie through random sampling. They have been classified into the private life conversations and public life conversa


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