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摘 要随着语言学在世界范围内的发展,人们对于语言学的研究更加深入,许多国内外著名语言学家对此做出极大贡献。语言学的重要之处也体现在交流中,从语用角度来看,笑话作为一种特殊的信息交流方式,受到越来越多的语言研究者的重视。本文以格莱斯的合作原则为理论基础分析英文笑话产生的生成机制。旨在揭示通过违反合作原则生成幽默效果的机理。在英文笑话中,人们故意违反合作原则,听者通过其中的会话含义来感知它。本文研究运用会话合作原则理论分析不同英文笑话违背合作原则后的深层意义,以更好地理解笑话并达到幽默的目的。根据格莱斯的合作原则为理论框架,本文选取近年来流行的英文笑话作为研究对象,对英文笑话产生的幽默效果进行探讨和分析。通过定性定量和案例分析的方法分析各个笑话是如何通过违反合作原则而生成的。研究得出,在合作原则的四条准则中,英语笑话经常使用数量准则(42.22)和方式准则(28.89),其次是关系准则(16.67)和质量准则(12.22)。合作原则的违背是语言艺术。笑话使用这种方法产生一种奇特的效果,使对话更有趣。英文笑话的生成机理就是通过违反合作原则使其在对话中出现不合作现象,在对话中产生深层含义,产生幽默。因此我们可以得出结论,大多数笑话都违反了合作原则,从而达到意料之外和幽默的目的并且令人心情愉悦的效果。关键词: 英文笑话;幽默;合作原则;违反燕山大学本科生毕业论文摘要AbstractWith the development of linguistics in the world, people have more in-depth study of linguistics. Many famous linguists at home and abroad have made great contributions to this. The importance of linguistics is also reflected in communication. From the perspective of pragmatics, jokes as a special way of information exchange, is valued by more and more language researchers. This thesis examines the humor of English jokes by using Cooperative Principle(CP) of Grice. It aims to point out that the violation of Cooperative Principle can produce the humor. In those English jokes, people deliberately violate the cooperative principle, the listener perceive it with conversational implicature in communication. This research analyses the deep meaning of different English jokes in violation of cooperative principle by using the theory of conversational cooperative principle in pragmatics. Thus people can understand the jokes better and achieve the goal of humor.Based on H.P. Grices cooperative principle as the theoretical frame, this paper choose the English jokes which is popular in recent years as the research object to discuss and analyse the magical effect of English jokes. It uses quantitative and qualitative method and case analysis to analyze how jokes are caused by violating CP. It is found from my study that in the four maxims of cooperative principle, the English jokes tend to use the Maxim of Quantity(42.22%) and the Maxim of Manner(28.89%) frequently, followed by the Maxim of Relation(16.67%) and the Maxim of Quality(12.22%). The violation of cooperative principle is art of language. The jokes use this method to produce a magical effect to make the conversation more interesting. The generative mechanism of English jokes is to violate the CP and cause them to appear deep meaning in the dialogue and generate humor. Therefore, we can conclude that most of jokes are in violation of the cooperative principle to make people laugh and feel unexpected in order to achieve the goal of humor.Keywords: English jokes; humor; cooperative principle; violationChapter1 IntroductionChapter 1 makes a brief introduction to the background, objectives, significance and structure of this study.1.1 Background of the studyAs we all know, humor has always been a part of our daily life and communication, and jokes are one of the most vivid aspects of humor. A joke is a phrase, a short story, or a conversation that can make the speaker and listener feel funny or have a sense of humor.Joke is different from ordinary conversation. It often violate the cooperative principle to satisfy their unique social and entertainment functions. The main function of jokes is to make people laugh and let people feel feel frightened and joyful after facing unexpected words and actions and results. The unique function of joke determines that the jokes is different from daily ordinary conversation. It is characterized by frequent violations of some of these maxims. The two parties to a conversation in a joke often take an uncooperative attitude in understanding the meaning of the conversation, deliberately misinterpreting the other persons meaning, or guiding the other person to infer the wrong meaning, and then adding a sentence to cancel the meaning. That is why the jokes make sense.The Cooperative Principle wasproposedbyAmericanlanguagephilosopherGrice,whobelievesthatintheprocessofcommunication,thetwosidesseemtointentionallyorunintentionallyfollowacertain principle, in order to cooperate with the completion of communication taskseffectively.Makeyourconversationalcontributionsuchasisrequiredatthestageatwhichitoccurs,bytheacceptedpurposeordirectionofthetalkexchangeinwhichyouareengaged.TheCooperative Principle has four maxims, including The Maxim of Quantity, The Maxim of Quality, The Maxim of Relation, and The Maxim of Manner.1.2 Objectives of the studyThis research will analyse the English jokes of recent years from the perspective of pragmatics and help the listener better understand the deep meaning of jokes. The English jokes deliberately violate the Cooperative Principle to achieve its purpose of humor and make the conversation interest.Hopefully, it will provide answers to the following questions:In what situation people will violate CP to make jokes?How do the English jokes achieve its purpose by violating CP?Which maxim is violated most in forming English jokes?1.3 Significance of the researchThe violation of Cooperative Principle has been a popular topic in recent year. Many scholars research it from different aspect such as daily communication, business advertisement and humor. The reason why I research joke is that joke is the most obvious way of humor. The violation of Cooperative Principle is an art of speaking. I think the research will not only help people to have excellent conversations but also form harmonious interpersonal relationships.This study can help people to understand the characteristics of humorous language and promote the communicative competence through analyzing the process of humor by violating four principles. When people meet a joke, they can understand why it is a joke and how it becomes a joke.1.4 Structure of the thesisThis paper is composed of four chapters.Chapter 1 makes a general introduction to the background and the aim of the study as well as the out line of the study. Chapter 2 provides a brief review of the previous work in relevant filed, including a brief introduction of contributions made by numerous researchers to Cooperative Principles study, the analysis of its application. Chapter 3 introduces the research design of this study, including theoretical framework-Cooperative Principle, data collection, research method and research steps. Chapter 4 concludes the study with a discussion on major findings, limitation of the this thesis and some suggestions for the further study.Chapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Literature ReviewThis part will give the literature review about the previous achievements and previous researches related to the study in this thesis.2.1 A review of the studies on Cooperative PrincipleThe Cooperative Principle was proposed by American linguist H. P. Grice(1967), who believes that in the process of communication, the two sides seem to intentionally or unintentionally follow a certain principle, in order to cooperate with the completion of communication tasks effectively. Make your conversational contribution such as is required at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged. The Cooperative Principle has four maxims, including The Maxim of Quantity, The Maxim of Quality, The Maxim of Relation, and The Maxim of Manner. In Grices Logic and Conversation (1975), speakers should follow the four maxims in Cooperative Principle to achieve the success of communication. If they violate the maxims, then the implicature appears. It is called Conversational Implicature.Grices Cooperative Principle had made a significant contribution to the field of pragmatics. First, his analysis of the meaning of discourse has played an important role. The implication is usually that the listener believes the speaker will not violate the Cooperative Principle. Under such circumstances, the principles provide us with a norm in which we can express more opinions than the literal meaning. Second, the Cooperative Principle shows that people need a series of principles and norms when communicating. It is no doubt that the principles of pragmatics now is extended by Grices theory. Based on Grices theory, Leech(1983) proposed the Politeness Principle. Brown and Levinson(1983)summedupthereasonwhypeopleviolatedtheCooperativePrincipleisthattheywantto achieve their own goals, which is also out of the politeness consideration. In other words, in order to achieve a better communicative result, in some special occasion, the Cooperative Principle will be violated. In 1980, the Cooperative Principle was first introduced to China by Hu(1980). He first mentioned the Cooperative Principle and its related theories in a pragmatic report. The above is the study of the Cooperative Principle.2.2 A review of previous related studies abroadThe most famous previous research should data back to Grices Logic and Conversation (1975), speakers should follow the four maxims in Cooperative Principle to achieve the success of communication. If they violate the maxims, then the implicature appears. It is called Conversational Implicature. Many scholars apply the Cooperative Principle into the analyses about humor. The Cooperative Principle explains that communicators deliberately violate the norms in order to obtain the meaning of special implicature, but does not explain the reason why the parties to do this. Therefore, Leech proposed the Politeness Principle. It points out the criteria of politeness and impoliteness.Leech proposed that the Cooperative Principle and the Politeness Principle could be combined to explain peoples communicative behaviors.Kotthoff (2006) favors retaining the Gricean Cooperative Principle and his maxims for the analysis of humor and try to link the Gricean pragmatic of cooperation to performance analysis. In this paper, she applies pragmatic theories to two examples of emergent conversational humor not belonging to well-known conversational humor genres and consequently hard to classify using conversational folk taxonomies. Using these examples, the author shows what a pragmatic of performance can and should contribute to explaining how interlocutors co-construct humor and process various layer of meaning. She explains what Grice and his followers contribute to the analysis of humor.Smilauerova (2012) analyzes the humor strategies employed by the characters of Phoebe and Chandler in the TV Sitcom Friends. She selected for analysis such humorous situations which emerge from the violation of Grices Cooperative Principle, analyzing the exemplary instance set in their contexts. In this process of analysis, she followed two lines: The linguistic line assessed the means of creating humor, more specifically which maxim was violated in order to elicit laughter. The literal-psychological line tried to describe the personalities of the two characters, analyzed their motivations and goals and elaborated on their development throughout the show. What he found out was very close to the findings of Leech, who states that the Cooperative Principle “does not stand up to the evidence of real language use” (Leech 1983: 80).2.3 A review of previous related studies at homeChen (2015) argues that people find that there is something worth laughing in the literature and movies in English and the people whose mother tongue is English make jokes and humorous comments in their daily life frequently. The humor has been studied in different aspects in the past years. After the appearance of Grices Cooperative Principle, the humor was analyzed in a better way. In Chens paper, he argues that most humor comes from the violation of the Cooperative Principle from the pragmatic view. He mentioned that the special features of English humor. Due to the special linguistic cultural traditions and values, the humor in English tends to reflect its own particularities in terms of content, social functions and occasions.Base on Grices Cooperative Principle, Wang (2015) takes the classic dialogue in jokes, essays and films as examples, focusing on the humorous effects of intentional violation of the Cooperative Principle. Her analysis shows that by violating the Cooperative Principle, the speakers can create unexpected humorous effects. In addition, the author had a deeper understanding and appreciation of verbal humor through the study of these materials. The author argues that the speakers violation of Cooperative Principle is only a superficial phenomenon and can only be regarded as one or more criteria that violate the Cooperative Principle in a literal way, but a deeper level still abide by the Cooperative Principle.Yang (2017) believes that the lines of any film and television work, especially sitcoms, have been carefully designed and used as valid materials for discourse analysis. From a linguistic point of view, the author tries to analyze how the lines of classic sitcoms create a special sense of humor by violate Grices Cooperative Principle and Leechs Politeness Principle. She found that the violation of the Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle is a common way used by people to create humorous effects. The study is helpful to improve communicative competence both in intercultural communication and daily communication. Wang (2014) analyzes the verbal humorous in Zhao Benshans sketch with the Cooperative Principle and Relevance Theory. The humor is generated by violating the four principles of the Cooperative Principle, or the contrast between the maximum and the optional correlation in Relevance Theory. Through analysis of the effects in Cooperative Principle and the Relevance Theory in humor, the author try to combine these two principles to expect people to understand humor better. Zhou (2014) believes that jokes are different from daily conversation, and they often violate the Cooperative Principle to satisfy their unique communicative and entertainment functions. The main function of jokes is to make people laugh and make them feel surprised and pleasant after knowing the unexpected results. Its characteristic is different from the general violation of Cooperative Principle. In the conversation of jokes, both sides take an attitude of non-cooperation in the understanding of the meaning or deliberately misinterpret the meaning or guide each other to infer the wrong meaning, then add a sentence to cancel this meaning. Wang (2011) show the detail analysis of violation of Cooperative Principle and its effects on humor. In different contexts, people may misunderstand others or be misunderstood by others intentionally or unintentionally. Due to these factors, people can feel the sense of humor in our daily life. Humor is a necessary part for peoples life. It is also necessary for people to recognize and research these factors as well as functions to help people communicate with a higher efficiency and quality.Based on Grices conversational implicature, Zhang (2010) analyzes the joke in English conversation and analyzes the humor generated by the violation of Cooperative Principle by introducing four criteria of the Cooperative Principle. She introduced the humor is a kind of discourse, action or expression that can make people laugh. However, humor always appears in discourse because peoples communicative activities are mainly rely on discourse. This paper helps people to analyze and understand the characteristics of humorous language and promote the communicative competence through analyzing the process of humor by violating four principles. Longs (2010) essay analyzes humor from a knowledge of pragmatics-Cooperative Principle and shows how the humorous effects achievedduetotheviolationofcertainmaximsoftheCooperativePrinciple.Italsoprovides a lot of examples to show how to achieve humorous effects by applying Grices Cooperative Principle. The creation of humor and violation of Cooperative Principle have close relationship. Violating Cooperative Principle in the surface may create humor. A better understanding about humor will be achieve under an analysis of Cooperative Principle.Liu (2009) analyzes that the Cooperative Principle is an important theory in the history of the development of pragmatics. It tells us that the speakers discourse not only can express the meaning of the words, but also can express the implication of the words. The violation of Cooperative Principle in daily conversation enrich the form of expression. The understanding of the linguistic phenomenon of English humor helps us to enrich our language,culture and social knowledge, so that we can understand and apply the language more effectively in real life. Zhang and Fan (2009) make a dynamic analysis of the process of producing jokes from the perspective of pragmatic. It can be seen from the analysis that the pragmatic factors such as the deixis and the precondition of the Cooperative Principle constitute the important mechanism of jokes. Understanding these pragmatic factors and their mechanism of action on English humorous language not only has the theoretical value of humorous language research, but also guides people to improve their communicative method and efficiency in real life. Lin (2002) argues that discourse that can create humorous effect is a joke, so that the joke can be a long or short sentence. The intentional or unintentional violation of the Cooperative Principle often leads to humor. In addition, the Relevance Theory can explain the humor of joke. The new information contained in the discourse of speaker is not suitable for the listeners context, or the weak relevance result to the humor.2.4 Space of the studyAll the mentioned studies leave great treasure for the later generations to explore the communication. While the problem is that these studies only employs Cooperative Principle mechanically when they analyzes the jokes without promoting or improvement and lack of new joke materials as the discourses in recent years. Most of the studies only covered the function of Cooperative Principle, and some covered more theories. But some of the materials of the previous studies were not new. By comparison, this paper adopts all the process of the Cooperative Principle in detail, and its materials are relatively new. In addition, this paper will give the features of the jokes, give suggestions about how to understand an interesting joke and why the violation of the Cooperative Principle could better explain and analyze the jokes. Then the limitation of the previous studies will be solved.Chapter 2 Literature ReviewChapter 3 Research DesignA detailed introduction to the research design of this paper will be shown in this chapter.3.1 Theoretical frameworkThe Theoretical framework of this paper is based on Cooperative Principle.The Cooperative Principle was proposed by American language philosopher Grice, who believes that in the process of communication, the two sides seem to intentionally or unintentionally follow a certain principle, in order to cooperate with the completion of communication tasks effectively. Make your conversational contribution such asisrequiredatthestageatwhichitoccurs,bytheacceptedpurposeordirectionofthetalkexchangeinwhichyouareengaged.3.1.1General introduction to Cooperative PrincipleThe Cooperative Principle was put forward by the famous EnglishphilosopherGriceinaspeechatHarvardUniversityin1967.Hebelievesthatintheprocessofcommunication, the two sides seem to intentionally or unintentionally follow a certain principle, in order to cooperate with the completion of communication tasks effectively. In 1980, the Cooperative Principle was first introduced to China by Hu(1980). He first mentioned the Cooperative Principle


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