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country, leadership in the three-three education. For carried out good city government system of three strict three real topic education, according to Central, and provincial and municipal of requirements, today take this seminar of opportunities, I wants to and everyone with Exchange learning practice line three strict three real and construction rule of law Government of awareness and experience, also as municipal government party carried out three strict three real topic education of topic party lecture and work mobilization. Todays lecture is divided into two parts. First part on practice line three strict three real a, and accurate grasp three strict three real of connotation and essence last year March, acquisition General Secretary in participate in national two Anhui delegation considered Shi first proposed, levels leaders are to set and develop good of style, both strict to slim, and strict to with right, and oneself, and something to real, and venture to real, and man to real. Zhihou, and General Secretary have on various occasions stressed the three Suns, in . Leading cadres are the first to bear hardships of emergency unit in the former, and soldier through thick and thin, fear not death, at life. Today, we, as leading party cadres should be more strict demands on themselves, on morals and loyalty duty, honest hard work being a good role model. Strict right, is to stick with the right for the people, according to the rules, according to the exercise of the power of the system, system power into a cage, without seeking privileges at any time, without abusing power for personal gain. The ancients said, community waver with the Justice first, the public is not confused by private, is not evil. Learn General Secretary repeatedly stressed that our power is entrusted by the party and the people, is working for the party and the people, can only be used to share for the party and for State officers, for the people benefit. Prime Minister Li keqiang at this years the two sessions on the right to be capricious, the essence of which is to the right of the mean. Civil rights civil, shred cannot be private, public money last name public, cannot spend a penny. Leadership, judgment should be used as the bottom line on the right, time to trek, selflessness and ensure that the right does not deviant, not personal. Be strict with oneself was to be awed, ruler in hand, Shendu micro-caution, hard introspection, abide by party discipline and state laws, and incorruptible. Leaders can stand the test of the complex and all kinds of temptation, key by the self-discipline, temperance desires, personal development, self-discipline, and always maintain the awe of party discipline and state laws. The ancients said, I reflect on oneself three times the ancients said, an officer of the law, only three thing, Yue Qing dynasty, Yue Shen, said Qin is all about self-discipline, keep staying poor, endure loneliness, stable and can stand the test. As leading party cadres, must guard carefully alone, and not good for small, not, not evil of, never indulge, do not over torque, wary of his ungrateful, stay upright. Something real, is to proceed from actual preparation and work, ideas, programmes, policies must conform to the actual situation and in accordance with objective laws, consistent with the spirit of science, in line with the fundamental interests of the broad masses, not ambitious, not divorced from reality. Its essence is pragmatic and realistic. This is our party Successfully leading the people in carrying outrevolution, construction and reform and opening up a huge differentiator. Comrade Chen Yun said, not only on, not only the book, only on the truth, comparative, repetition and Exchange. To do this, you must first be proceeding, something for the people, rather than for personal preparation, and uphold the correct achievement view; second, caught unaware, grounding, and combine spirit and ancestor of local conditions, and is responsible, under the combined the responsibility for creative work, but not copying, copy, Dodge. Venture to be implemented, is down to Earth, and do solid work, dare to take responsibility, the courage to face the contradiction, problem solving, and strive to create stand up to testing practices, people and history of performance. Deng Xiaoping once said, dont do it, none of Marxism-Leninism. Learn General Secretary repeatedly stressed that empty talks jeopardize national interests, hard work and prosperous, a deployment, a nine-point implementation, will do it right away. A new session of the partys 16-character guideline, what is Hing Gan, hard work. We can see that in the promotion of scientific development is a locality or Department, must be brave, good deed, and solve problems in the work, in action in seizing the opportunity, promoting the well-being of the masses in the work. To be real, is to the party, the Organization, honest people, comrades, doing honest, to tell you the truth, doing old things, largeness, fair and honest. This is our basic requirement of life. Party cadres acted official shall be honest and trustworthy, Frank, and thinking concentric with the party and organization, synchronized with the parties and organizations on the action, to the true feelings of the masses, gay was sincere, consistent, consistent, achieve onstage and kind, people after the same. Central required before application of leading cadres at all levels in promoting to report personal matters, but in reality there are many cadres are understated, omissions and even concealed, which runs counter to the false life. Therefore, must be strictly in accordance with the central demands provide factual, faithful to the party, and consciously accept the supervision. Three-strict and three is a complementary and dialectically unified whole. Three-strict is real premise and Foundation, only three-strict, three lay a solid ideological basis; Three solid Yes three-strict embodiment and end only three , in order to realize three-strict consolidation three-strict so that the three-strict to stay. Three-strict is essential, is the starting point, must hold firmly, preventing loose; Three is the goal, is the end result, to highlight the real and to prevent deficiency. II, and deep awareness three strict three real of far-reaching meaning three strict three real is central in strengthening style construction made stage effectiveness of key period, to party issued of in-depth advance style construction of mobilization order, is new situation Xia we party on members leaders political character and man conduct made of most basic of specification, is on party of construction theory of great rich and development, reflected has new a session Central led collective strictly from the of sharp ruling style. Implementation of the three-three is of great and far-reaching significance. (A) the three-three is to implement the four comprehensive strategic placement of guarantee. By Comrade XI Jinping, . Collective will, gathering together forces, led the masses to build greatest common施工组织设计目录施工组织设计目录第一章第一章 综合说明综合说明第一节 编制说明第二节 编制依据第三节 工程概况第四节 项目管理目标第二章第二章 施工组织机构施工组织机构第一节 组织机构的设置第二节 项目人员配备第三节 部门职责安排第四节 主要岗位职责第五节 组织管理第六节 企业综合管理制度第三章第三章 施工总平面布置施工总平面布置第一节 综合布局原则第二节 施工用水、用电第三节 砼及砂浆的搅拌第四节 工地试验室第五节 现场消防系统的布置第六节 生活区的布置第四章第四章 施工方案与技术措施施工方案与技术措施第一节 施工难点、重点与特点分析第二节 施工测量方案第三节 土石方工程施工方案第四节 基础工程施工方案第五节 挡土墙工程施工方案第六节 楼梯建筑工程施工方案第七节 楼梯装饰工程施工方案第八节 楼梯安装工程施工方案第九节 总平电气工程施工方案第十节 总平给排水工程施工方案第十一节 景观工程施工方案第十二节 景亭工程施工方案第十三节 铺装工程施工方案第十四节 总平绿化工程施工方案第十五节 协调配合措施第五章第五章 质量管理体系与措施质量管理体系与措施第一节 质量目标第二节 质量组织机构第三节 质量组织计划第四节 质量保证体系第五节 质量管理制度第六节 工程质量监督体系第七节 施工技术质量保证措施第八节 质量控制措施country, leadership in the three-three education. For carried out good city government system of three strict three real topic education, according to Central, and provincial and municipal of requirements, today take this seminar of opportunities, I wants to and everyone with Exchange learning practice line three strict three real and construction rule of law Government of awareness and experience, also as municipal government party carried out three strict three real topic education of topic party lecture and work mobilization. Todays lecture is divided into two parts. First part on practice line three strict three real a, and accurate grasp three strict three real of connotation and essence last year March, acquisition General Secretary in participate in national two Anhui delegation considered Shi first proposed, levels leaders are to set and develop good of style, both strict to slim, and strict to with right, and oneself, and something to real, and venture to real, and man to real. Zhihou, and General Secretary have on various occasions stressed the three Suns, in . Leading cadres are the first to bear hardships of emergency unit in the former, and soldier through thick and thin, fear not death, at life. Today, we, as leading party cadres should be more strict demands on themselves, on morals and loyalty duty, honest hard work being a good role model. Strict right, is to stick with the right for the people, according to the rules, according to the exercise of the power of the system, system power into a cage, without seeking privileges at any time, without abusing power for personal gain. The ancients said, community waver with the Justice first, the public is not confused by private, is not evil. Learn General Secretary repeatedly stressed that our power is entrusted by the party and the people, is working for the party and the people, can only be used to share for the party and for State officers, for the people benefit. Prime Minister Li keqiang at this years the two sessions on the right to be capricious, the essence of which is to the right of the mean. Civil rights civil, shred cannot be private, public money last name public, cannot spend a penny. Leadership, judgment should be used as the bottom line on the right, time to trek, selflessness and ensure that the right does not deviant, not personal. Be strict with oneself was to be awed, ruler in hand, Shendu micro-caution, hard introspection, abide by party discipline and state laws, and incorruptible. Leaders can stand the test of the complex and all kinds of temptation, key by the self-discipline, temperance desires, personal development, self-discipline, and always maintain the awe of party discipline and state laws. The ancients said, I reflect on oneself three times the ancients said, an officer of the law, only three thing, Yue Qing dynasty, Yue Shen, said Qin is all about self-discipline, keep staying poor, endure loneliness, stable and can stand the test. As leading party cadres, must guard carefully alone, and not good for small, not, not evil of, never indulge, do not over torque, wary of his ungrateful, stay upright. Something real, is to proceed from actual preparation and work, ideas, programmes, policies must conform to the actual situation and in accordance with objective laws, consistent with the spirit of science, in line with the fundamental interests of the broad masses, not ambitious, not divorced from reality. Its essence is pragmatic and realistic. This is our party Successfully leading the people in carrying outrevolution, construction and reform and opening up a huge differentiator. Comrade Chen Yun said, not only on, not only the book, only on the truth, comparative, repetition and Exchange. To do this, you must first be proceeding, something for the people, rather than for personal preparation, and uphold the correct achievement view; second, caught unaware, grounding, and combine spirit and ancestor of local conditions, and is responsible, under the combined the responsibility for creative work, but not copying, copy, Dodge. Venture to be implemented, is down to Earth, and do solid work, dare to take responsibility, the courage to face the contradiction, problem solving, and strive to create stand up to testing practices, people and history of performance. Deng Xiaoping once said, dont do it, none of Marxism-Leninism. Learn General Secretary repeatedly stressed that empty talks jeopardize national interests, hard work and prosperous, a deployment, a nine-point implementation, will do it right away. A new session of the partys 16-character guideline, what is Hing Gan, hard work. We can see that in the promotion of scientific development is a locality or Department, must be brave, good deed, and solve problems in the work, in action in seizing the opportunity, promoting the well-being of the masses in the work. To be real, is to the party, the Organization, honest people, comrades, doing honest, to tell you the truth, doing old things, largeness, fair and honest. This is our basic requirement of life. Party cadres acted official shall be honest and trustworthy, Frank, and thinking concentric with the party and organization, synchronized with the parties and organizations on the action, to the true feelings of the masses, gay was sincere, consistent, consistent, achieve onstage and kind, people after the same. Central required before application of leading cadres at all levels in promoting to report personal matters, but in reality there are many cadres are understated, omissions and even concealed, which runs counter to the false life. Therefore, must be strictly in accordance with the central demands provide factual, faithful to the party, and consciously accept the supervision. Three-strict and three is a complementary and dialectically unified whole. Three-strict is real premise and Foundation, only three-strict, three lay a solid ideological basis; Three solid Yes three-strict embodiment and end only three , in order to realize three-strict consolidation three-strict so that the three-strict to stay. Three-strict is essential, is the starting point, must hold firmly, preventing loose; Three is the goal, is the end result, to highlight the real and to prevent deficiency. II, and deep awareness three strict three real of far-reaching meaning three strict three real is central in strengthening style construction made stage effectiveness of key period, to party issued of in-depth advance style construction of mobilization order, is new situation Xia we party on members leaders political character and man conduct made of most basic of specification, is on party of construction theory of great rich and development, reflected has new a session Central led collective strictly from the of sharp ruling style. Implementation of the three-three is of great and far-reaching significance. (A) the three-three is to implement the four comprehensive strategic placement of guarantee. By Comrade XI Jinping, . Collective will, gathering together forces, led the masses to build greatest common第六章第六章 安全管理体系与措施安全管理体系与措施第一节 安全管理目标第二节 安全控制体系与制度第三节 消防队伍的配备第四节 施工现场管理基本要求第五节 安全控制措施第六节 文明施工管理体系第七节 文明施工措施第八节 安全应急预案第九节 治安管理计划及突发制安事件紧急预案第七章第七章 环境保护管理体系与措施环境保护管理体系与措施第一节 环境目标第二节 环境保护体系第三节 环境保护组织机构与职责划分第四节 环境保护管理措施第五节 减少噪音、降低环境污染施工措施第八章第八章 工期进度计划与措施工期进度计划与措施第一节 工期进度计划第二节 工期保证措施第三节 主要岗位工期保证职责第九章第九章 资源配备计划资源配备计划第一节 劳动力安排计划第二节 劳动力管理措施第三节 劳动力保证措施第四节 机械设备的安排计划第五节 机械设备投入计划保证措施第六节 试验检验仪器设备第七节 材料供应计划第八节 材料采购组织安排计划第九节 资金计划第十章第十章 关键工序、复杂环节对应措施关键工序、复杂环节对应措施第一节 施工重点、难点分析及控制措施第二节 冬季施工措施第三节 雨季施工安排第四节 夜间施工安排第五节 雨期安全文明施工措施第十一章第十一章 地下管线及地上地下设施保护措施地下管线及地上地下设施保护措施第十二章第十二章 附表、附图附表、附图附表一:拟投入本标段的主要施工设备表附表二:拟配备本标段的试验和检测仪器设备表附表三:劳动力计划表附表四:计划开、竣工日期和施工进度网络图附表五:施工总平面图附表六:临时用地表country, leadership in the three-three education. For carried out good city government system of three strict three real topic education, according to Central, and provincial and municipal of requirements, today take this seminar of opportunities, I wants to and everyone with Exchange learning practice line three strict three real and construction rule of law Government of awareness and experience, also as municipal government party carried out three strict three real topic education of topic party lecture and work mobilization. Todays lecture is divided into two parts. First part on practice line three strict three real a, and accurate grasp three strict three real of connotation and essence last year March, acquisition General Secretary in participate in national two Anhui delegation considered Shi first proposed, levels leaders are to set and develop good of style, both strict to slim, and strict to with right, and oneself, and something to real, and venture to real, and man to real. Zhihou, and General Secretary have on various occasions stressed the three Suns, in . Leading cadres are the first to bear hardships of emergency unit in the former, and soldier through thick and thin, fear not death, at life. Today, we, as leading party cadres should be more strict demands on themselves, on morals and loyalty duty, honest hard work being a good role model. Strict right, is to stick with the right for the people, according to the rules, according to the exercise of the power of the system, system power into a cage, without seeking privileges at any time, without abusing power for personal gain. The ancients said, community waver with the Justice first, the public is not confused by private, is not evil. Learn General Secretary repeatedly stressed that our power is entrusted by the party and the people, is working for the party and the people, can only be used to share for the party and for State officers, for the people benefit. Prime Minister Li keqiang at this years the two sessions on the right to be capricious, the essence of which is to the right of the mean. Civil rights civil, shred cannot be private, public money last name public, cannot spend a penny. Leadership, judgment should be used as the bottom line on the right, time to trek, selflessness and ensure that the right does not deviant, not personal. Be strict with oneself was to be awed, ruler in hand, Shendu micro-caution, hard introspection, abide by party discipline and state laws, and incorruptible. Leaders can stand the test of the complex and all kinds of temptation, key by the self-discipline, temperance desires, personal development, self-discipline, and always maintain the awe of party discipline and state laws. The ancients said, I reflect on oneself three times the ancients said, an officer of the law, only three thing, Yue Qing dynasty, Yue Shen, said Qin is all about self-discipline, keep staying poor, endure loneliness, stable and can stand the test. As leading party cadres, must guard carefully alone, and not good for small, not, not evil of, never indulge, do not over torque, wary of his ungrateful, stay upright. Something real, is to proceed from actual preparation and work, ideas, programmes, policies must conform to the actual situation and in accordance with objective laws, consistent with the spirit of science, in line with the fundamental interests of the broad masses, not ambitious, not divorced from reality. Its essence is pragmatic and realistic. This is our party Successfully leading the people in carrying out1128第一章第一章 综合说明综合说明第一节第一节 编制说明编制说明1、衷心感谢业主对我公司的信任,给予我公司参加汉源二中南侧步行梯道建设项目施工投标的机会,我们深知工程的特殊性和重要性,将十分珍惜此次难得的机会,借业主方搭设的舞台,一展我公司的实力!2、在接到设计图纸和招标文件后,公司多次组织工程技术人员对图纸进行仔细认真的研究,反复阅看,并召开了方案研讨会,针对本工程的重、难点进行研究方案论证比较,力求编制的施工组织设计科学、合理、详尽,具有很强的可操作性和针对性。3、为了更好地完成施工组织设计的编制,我公司组织了专业人员前往施工现场进行踏勘和了解,并对现场进行了实测实量,获得了宝贵的施工现场的数据、图片等第一手资料,对场地周边环境和各种条件有了很深的了解,诸如道路交通、场地地形地貌,场地围挡情况、施工供水、排水、供电情况,周围环境等,这对施工组织设计的制定和今后现场施工十分有益。4、我公司对该工程重点和难点方面积累了较为丰富的施工经验,形成了一套成熟先进的施工技术和管理经验,特别是对施工管理和协调,与业主、设计、监理和政府部门的配合、协作等。同时我们结合本工程的特点,进行了认真细致的方案设计和招标,制定了专项施工方案和保证措施,为本工程的园满完成奠定了基础。5、我公司为本工程所选派的项目经理部的技术管理人员已经全部拟定,其中项目经理和主要管理人员,承担过多个大型建设项目并具有类似工程施工经验。该项目经理部的管理人员综合素质高,country, leadership in the three-three education. For carried out good city government system of three strict three real topic education, according to Central, and provincial and municipal of requirements, today take this seminar of opportunities, I wants to and everyone with Exchange learning practice line three strict three real and construction rule of law Government of awareness and experienc


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