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三年级人教新起点英语下册连词成句假期专项练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. it, is, a, dog (?)2. TV, she, in, watches, morning, the (.)3. your,Touch, leg (.)4. Does, Amy, noodles, like (Amy喜欢面吗?)5. She, nine, is, old, only, years (.)6. a, live, Where, wolf, does (?)7. 连词成句。1at, duck, Look, the (.)2in, truck, the, Its (.)3is, It, fat (.)4bird, Act, a, like (.)5have, a, I, carrot (.)8. look, lunch, box, my, please, at (, .)9. pinkskirtaits (.)10. run, dont, the, in, library(.)11. ruler, I, a, have (.)12. river,this,very,is,wide,(.)(连词成句)13. 连词成句。1a has nose elephant The long (. )2is She a girl (. )3at giraffe Look that (. )4are good We friends (. )5that boy Who is(?)14. name, is, My, Daming (.)15. pencils many how you do have (?)16. 连词成句。根据括号里的标点符号,将下列所给单词连成一个通顺的句子。1eighteen are sandwiches there (.) 2a cat that green is (?)3color is the what watermelon (?)4my is where jacket blue (?)5are and the the they desk chair between (.)17. a Look is bear That (! .)18. an, make, lets, ice cream (.)19. dog, black, a, its (.)20. head, Point, her, to, (.)21. fine I too am (.)22. nose, Point, to, her (.)23. 连词成句。1T-shirt, is, What, this, colour(?)2my, at, new, Look, cap(.)3red, is, and, yellow, It(.)4my, This, black, is, jacket(.)24. sister, is, Su Yang, this, my (, .)25. 连词成句。1that, Tina, is, my, sister (.)2my, look, cap, at, Sam (, .)3ice cream, for, make, his, mum, an (.)4on, are, chair, what, those, the (?)26. Show, ruler, your, me (.)27. whatsliketheweather(?)28. 连词成句。1strawberries, some, have (.)2you, grapes, do, like (?)3like, dont, oranges, I (.)4some, I, can, bananas, have (?)5watermelon, a, lets, buy (.)29. is , cake , your , here (.)30. you, do, like, monkeys (?)31. are,how,you,old(?)32. is,my,This,Billy,brother (, .) (写序号)_33. ismyThismother(.) (只写序号)_6 / 6


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