【精校版】人教版七年级上期 Unit8 When is your birthday 练习1【含解析】

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【精校版】人教版七年级上期 Unit8 When is your birthday 练习1【含解析】_第1页
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【精校版】人教版七年级上期 Unit8 When is your birthday 练习1【含解析】_第3页
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人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit8 When is your birthday课后练习(一)题一:词汇练习找出拼写有误的单词,并改正。A. June B. February C. Janauary D. DecemberA. twelve B. ninth C. twelveth D. nineA. eighth B. fortieth C. ninteenth D. eightieth题二:根据中文提示完成句子。名词所有格的用法:ThegirltalkingtoMaryisafriendof_(Mary的姐姐的).Thewomanoverthereis_(Julia和Shelley的) mother._(李明的父母)workinabighospital.题三:根据中文提示完成句子。A: _(什么时候)is Teacher s Day?B: The (第十)day in september.A: I see _(九个)girls on the playground. Which is Lily?B: The _(第二个)one in blue. 题四:-_ is your motherbirthday?- Its June 2nd.A. What year B. WhenC. What D. How much题五:Thisis_usefulbookA. a B. an C. / D. the题六:Threeplus(加)sixis .A. ninth B. nineC. nineth D. nineteen.题七:My birthday is _.A. on April B. in April 2ndC. at April 1st D. on April 7th 题八:One day an old woman wanted to go to Paris to see her son. She was very happy. So she got up early and got to the small station at nine oclock in the morning. But she didnt know the train time She felt very worried, and just at that moment, she saw a little boy running. She asked the boy when the train would leave.The boy looked at the woman and said, “tu: tu: tu: tu: tu:”just like firing a gun(开枪). Then he ran away. The old woman was very surprised. She thought and thought. At last, she knew the time. There was a smile on her face. “What a clever boy! He told me the train time!” She said to herself.1.Why did the woman get up early? _ 2.When did she get to the station? 3.Why did she feel worried? 4.What did the boy mean by saying tu: tu: tu: tu: tu:; do you know? 5. Why did the woman smile at last? Unit8 When is your birthday课后练习参考答案题一:C改为 January; C改为twelfth; C 改为nineteenth解析:1.一月为January.2.第十二为twelfth.3.第十九为nineteenth.题二:Maryssisters; JuliaandShelleys; LiMings parents解析:1.“那个女孩是玛莉的姐姐的朋友”。Mary的姐姐的为Maryssisters.2. 那个妇女是单数,是一个人。应该是朱莉娅和谢莉两人共同的母亲。所以为JuliaandShelleys.3. 李明的父母应该为LiMings parents.题三:When; tenth; nine;second解析:提问时间用疑问词When; 表示第几用序数词tenth; 表示数量用基数词nine; 表示第几用序数词second.题四:B 解析:提问时间,用疑问词When.题五:A 解析:这是一本有用的书,可知此处填不定冠词。判断a还是an主要看后面的useful的第一个字母在音素中发元音还是发辅音,元音用an, 辅音用a. useful ju:sfl第一个音素为辅音,故此题选A.题六:B 解析:表示数量时用基数词,3加6等于9,因此应该选B题七:D 解析:具体某一天前用介词on.题八:1. Because she wanted to go to Paris to see her son2. at nine oclock in the morning.3. Because she didnt know the train time.4.two to two to two(1:582:00)5.Because she knew the time解析:1.第一段第一句给出答案。2. 根据第一段第三句So she got up early and got to the small station at nine oclock in the morning.可知at nine oclock in the morning.3. 根据第一段But she didnt know the train time She felt very worried, 可知Because she didnt know the train time.4. “tu: tu: tu: tu: tu:”means from1:58 to 2:00.5.根据最后一段 At last, she knew the time. There was a smile on her face.可知。


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