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小学英语五年级第六册(外研版)Module 10 PreparationsUnit 1 Where are you going to go?一、 教材与学情分析(一)教材分析Module 10 Book 6 的主题是“Preparations”准备,“ Unit 1 Where are you going to go?”的语言功能是描述大明去美国之前的准备;学习任务为“Where are you going to go? What are you going to take? When are you going to go to the airport? Whos going to go to the airport?”等句型。(二)学情分析 本课的教学对象是五年级学生,他们已经掌握了一定的英语词汇,具有一定的英语学习的积极性与主动性,具备了一定的英语语言运用能力,求知欲增强。因此,在新知识传授的同时,教师要尽可能多的为学生创造良好的语言环境,给学生充足的语言“习得”机会,让学生在学习中积极参与、大胆发言,从而形成积极的情感态度和自主学习的能力。二、教学目标1. 能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:list, airport, shoe, ticket, toothbrush。能听懂、会说并认读下列句子:Where are you going to go? What are you going to take? When are you going to go to the airport? Whos going to go to the airport?2. 能口头运用“be going to”这类语句询问将来发生的事情,并能口头运用“be going to”这类语句回答。3. 为学生创设轻松、愉悦、和谐的英语课堂学习氛围,使学生在学习中敢于开口说英语,并了解旅行之前应该做好准备工作,从而对英语学习产生更为浓厚的兴趣。三、教学要点分析(一)教学重点1. 单词:list, airport, shoe, ticket, toothbrush的认读。2. 运用“What/Where/When are you going to. ?”来询问将要发生的事情。(二)教学难点能够在真实的语境中正确运用“What/Where/When are you going to. ?”询问将要发生的事情。四、教学准备多媒体课件、电子白板、点读笔、单词卡片、实物等。五、教学方法情景教学法,实物教学法,任务教学法、游戏教学法。六、教学过程Step 1 Warming-up1. Greetings. T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today?Ss:Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Im very well. Thank you.2.Free talk.T: What day is today?Ss: Today is .T: What day is tomorrow?Ss: Tomorrow is.【设计意图】通过free talk为学生创设轻松的学习氛围,拉近师生间的距离,同时也为接下来的学习做好铺垫。Step 2 Leading-inIn module 9 we have learned that Daming is going to go to America in the summer. The day is coming. Is Daming ready for his trip? Do you want to know? Today lets learn Module 10 Unit 1 Where are you going to go?【设计意图】通过回顾以前所学习的内容,引入新的内容,使学生更容易快速的熟悉课文大体内容为接下来课文的学习做好准备。Step 3 Presentation1. T:OK. On Saturday, I am going to go to Shandong to visit my grandma. Ill take lots of things. Now theyre in my bag. Whats in my bag? Can you guess?(1)T shows the bag and asks students to guess.(2)Teach the new words: list, shoe, ticket, toothbrush.(3)T asks some students to talk about where are they going to go ?What are they going to take?【设计意图】教师通过谈论自己的周末活动,为学生创设真实的语境,以此导入本课的重点,过渡自然。同时通过guessing game让学生展开想象,并在猜测过程中学习新词汇,从而激发学生的学习兴趣。2. Task: Today we are going to learn how to make some preparations. After we learned the lesson, you must make some preparations for your trips on your summer holidays.【设计意图】通过布置暑假任务, 让学生明确了本课的学习目标和学习重点, 使学生在任务驱使下学习。同时设计这一任务贴近学生的生活,增加了学生学习的兴趣和动力。3. Text learning.(1)T: Tommorrow Daming is going to go to New York. Now he is talking to his grandma on the phone. Listen to the tape and answer some questions:Where is Daming going to go?When is Daming going to go?What is Daming going to take? Whos going to go?(2)Listen again and repeat the text, then find the sentences with “be going to”.【设计意图】问题的设置帮助学生在听录音的过程中明确听音目的和听音重点,通过让学生先整体感知课文,再学习重点句型,这样的方式对培养学生的听说能力起到较大功效。(3)Say a chant.Where are you going to go ?To the airport,to the airport.What are you going to take?Shoes,ticket and toothbrush.When are you going to go?At 8 oclock,at 8oclock.Who is going to go?Its me,its me.【设计意图】通过节奏感强的chant,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,还帮助学生轻松地巩固了本课的重难点。(4)Listen and choose the correct answers.T: We know Daming is going to go to New York tomorrow. What about Lijie? Where is he going to go tomorrow?Step 4 Practice T: Just now Daming and Lijie made some preparations for their trips. What about you? On May Day, where are you going to go?1.Practice in pairs and survey classmates plans, then fill in the tables.On Summer holiday:NameWhere are you going to go?What are you going to take?When are you going to go?Whos going to go with you?2.Ask someone to be reporters and interview classmates or teachers.【设计意图】通过pair work了解班级同学的暑假旅游计划,完成课前布置的任务,同时通过小记者活动,将知识联系到实际生活中,让学生在真实语境下运用语言,从而达到语言习得的目的。Step 5 Consolidation1. Listen and say the important sentences.2. Do activity 3 on the book and practice with your partner.【设计意图】通过读重点句型和搭档之间的对话,巩固这节课所学的重点内容,是学生更好地掌握本节课的新单词以及句子,是学生能够在实际生活中更好的运用。Step 6 SummaryWhat did we learn today? We learnt how to prepare for a trip. Talk about the knowlege we learnt this class.【设计意图】通过小结再次回顾这节课的知识点和内容,使学生对这节课所学的内容印象更加深刻。Step 7 Homework1.Copy the words and sentences three times.2.Listen to the tape and read the text fluently.3.Tell your parents or friends your trips on May Day and write them down.【设计意图】在作业的布置上,既能复习本课所学的知识 又能给学生充分的施展空间,使他们能更好的将所学知识合理应用,培养他们的综合语言运用能力,使每一位学生都有事做,都能体会到成功的快乐。七、板书设计Module 10 PreparationsUnit 1Where are you going to go?New words: list, airport, shoe, ticket, toothbrush.Sentences: Where are you going to go? What are you going to take? When are you going to go to the airpaort? Whos going to go to the airport?


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