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1 一般现在时 用动词原形2 一般过去时 用动词过去时3 现在进行时 be + ving4 过去进行时 was/were + ving 5 一般将来时 will + 动词原形 或 be going to +动词原形6 过去将来时 would + 动词原形 或 was/were going to +动词原形7 现在完成时 have/has + v过去分词 8 过去完成时 had + v过去分词 9 现在完成进行时 have/has been + ving10 过去完成进行时 had been + ving11 一般将来进行时 will be + ving12 过去将来进行时 would be + ving13 将来完成时 will have + v过去分词14 过去将来完成时 would have + v过去分词 15 将来完成进行时 will have been + ving16 过去将来完成进行时 would have been + vingIf you dont _take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret(后悔) later in the day.if引导的条件状语从句,句中应用一般现在时表示一般将来时In England, you can also have summer in winter, _and have winter in summer.分析前后两分句,它们之间仅是并列关系The weather gets a little_ cold只有a little可以用来修饰形容词few; a few,因为它们修饰可数名词There are few students in the classroom after class.否定,没有几个学生a great deal of =much只修饰不可数名词you can experience(经历) four seasons in _one_ day. one表示“不定的、随意的”一般过去时/时间状语从句An accident happened to little Tom when he was riding in the street.一般过去时Sarrys father went fishing last weekend.现在进行时Michael and his wife are watching an exciting TV program.Many young people are thinking about buying private cars.Shirley is speaking to Simon about saving the earth.Tom and Jack are flying kites happily in the parkThe blind man is trying to cross the road. Let go and help him.现在完成时Jack has got a cold and is making a phone call to his doctor in the bed.一般现在时Students clean their classroom after school every day.Peter, time for breakfast. We have eggs, cakes and milk today.Little Mary has to play the violin for two hours every day.条件从句If you dont know the word, why not look it up in the dictionary?It 结构Its my first time to take a trip by ship.祈使句Mike, time for bed. Turn off the TV.系表结构Children are happy to see the heavy snow.现在进行时Look, the students are planting trees. 情态动词(否定)Tony, you mustnt drive so fast. Its too dangerous.一般现在时态和一般过去时态 1. “I _forget_ his telephone number.” “I have his number, but I _forgot_ to bring my phone book.”【分析】仔细体会一下对话的语境:第一个人说“我忘记他的电话号码了”,这个“忘记”应该是现在的情况,即现在忘记了,要不然就没有必要同对方说此话了,故第一空应填 forget;第二个人说“我有他的号码,但我忘记带电话本了”,这个“忘记”应该是过去的情况,即过去忘记带电话本,所以现在电话本不在身上(注意句中的转折连词 but),故第二空应填 forgot, Oh, I _forget_ where he lives. Dont you carry your address book? No, I _forgot_ to bring it.一般过去时态 2. I had hoped to see her off at the station, but I _ was too busy. 【分析】前一句谓语用had hoped,表示的是过去未曾实现的想法或打算,可以译为“本想”,而后一句说“我太忙”,这是陈述过去的一个事实,所以要用一般过去时。 (1) We had hoped to catch the 10:20 train, but _found_ it was gone. (2) We had hoped that you would be able to visit us, but you _didnt_. (3) We had wanted to come to see him, but we _ had_ no time.(4) I had expected to come over to see you last night, but someone _ called_ and I couldnt get away.(5) The traffic accident wouldnt have happened yesterday, but the driver _was_ really careless. 3. Dear me! Just _look,_ at the time! I _had_ no idea it was so late. 【分析】第一空应填 look, 因为这是祈使句的谓语;第二空应填 had,因为前一句说“看看时间吧”,这一看当然知道了现在很迟的情形,“不知道这么迟了”显然应是“过去”的事,故应用一般过去时态, 4. “Your phone number again? I _ didnt _ quite catch it.” “Its 4331577” 【分析】根据上文的语境“请把你的电话号码再说一遍好吗?”可知“没听清对方的电话号码”应是在说此话以前,故应用一般过去时态。 (1) “Mr Smith isnt coming tonight.” “ But he _promised_.” 他答应(要来)”应发生在过去。 (2) “Hey, look where you are going!” “Oh, Im terribly sorry. _I wasnt noticing_.”我没注意”是对方提醒之前的事,现经对方一提醒,当然注意到了。 (3) “Oh its you! I _didnt recognize_ you.” “Ive had my hair cut.”没认出是你”是说此话之前的事,说此话时显然已经认出了对方。 (4) “Whats her new telephone number?” “Oh, I _forget_.”从语境上看,“忘记”的时间应是现在,即指现在不记得了。 (5) “Since youve agreed to go, why arent you getting ready?” “But I _didnt realize_ that you would have me start at once.”没意识到是对方提醒之前的事。 (6) “Its twelve oclock, I think I must be off now.” “Oh, really? I _didnt realize_ it at all.”“没意识到”是在听到的话之前的事。 过去进行时态5. Mr Smith _was writing_ a book about China last year but I dont know whether he has finished it.这是由 but I dont know whether he has finished it 这一句话的语境决定的,全句意为“史密斯先生去年在写一本书,但我不知道他现在是否写完了”。wrote,句子前半部分的意思则变为“史密斯先生去年写了一本书”,既然是“写了”,那么这与下文的“但我不知道他现在是否写完了”相矛盾。 6. He has changed a lot. He _is_ not what he _was_. 上文说“他”变化很大,即“他”现在不是过去的那个样子了,故第一空填is,第二空填 was(其实第二空也可用 used to be)。“What place is it?” “Havent you found out we _ are_ back where we _were_?” We are back where we were 的意思是“我们(现在)又回到刚才来过的地方”。 7. He is very busy. I dont know if he _will come_ or not tomorrow. 【分析】句中if引导的不是条件状语从句(即if如果),而是宾语从句(即if是否),句意为“他很忙,我不知道明天他是否会来。” (1) I dont know if she _will come_, but if she _comes_ I will let you know.第一个 if 引导的是宾语从句,第二个 if 引导的是条件状语从句。 (2) “When _will_ he come?” “I dont know, but when he _comes_, Ill tell you.”第一个 when 疑问副词,用于引出一个特殊疑问句;第二个 when是从属连词,用于引导时间状语从句。 (3) “When he _will come_ is not known yet.” “But when he _comes_, he will be warmly welcomed.”第一个 when 引导的是主语从句,第二个 when引导的是时间状语从句。 8. The bridge, which _dates from _ 1688, needs repairing. 【分析】因为 date from 的意思是“自某时起存在至今”(have existed since),它通常用于一般现在时,而不用过去时态(尽管其后接的总是表示过去的时间)。如: The church dates from 1176. 这座教堂是六世纪建的。 The castle dates from the 14th century. 这座城堡是14世纪建的。 但若所谈论的东西现在已不复存在,则可用一般过去时。如: The church, which dated from the 13th century, was destroyed in an earthquake two years ago. 那座教堂是13世纪建成的,两年前在一次地震中被毁了。 注:与 date from 同义的 date back to 也有类似用法。一般将来时态 9. “Youve left the light on.” “Oh, so I have. _Ill go_ and turn it off.”因为根据上下文的语境来看,“我去把灯关掉”这一行为是说话人听了对方的话后临时想到的,而不是事先准备的。而按英语习惯:will 和 be going to后接动词原形均可表示意图,但意图有强弱之分,如果是事先考虑过的意图,要用 be going to;如果不是事先考虑过的,而是说话时刻才临时想到的意图,则用 will.will的用法 “Ive come out without any money.” “Never mind, I will lend you some.” “我出来没带钱。”“没关系,我借给你。”(句中用will lend,表示“借”钱给对方是临时想到的,即听了对方的话后临时作出的反应)be going to do的用法Ive bought a typewriter and Im going to learn to type. 我买了台打字机,我想学打字。(句中用 be going to learn to type,表示说话人要学打字是事先准备的,并为此买了台打字机) 语态语态定义:英语中表示主语和谓语之间的关系的动词形式称为语态。英语的语态分为主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。We teach English in our school .(主动)English is taught in our school .(被动)2被动语态:助动词Be + 及物动词的过去分词(be +p.p.),be有人称、时态和数的变化。时 态 谓语动词的形式 例子一般现在时 Am / is / are + 动词过去分词 Colour TVs are made in the factory .一般过去时 Was / were +动词过去分词 My hometown was liberated in 1949 .一般将来时 Shall / will + be +动词过去分词 The film will be shown again .现在进行时 Am / is / are + being +动词过去分词 The walls are being painted .过去进行时 Was / were +being动词过去分词 The tickets were being well sold then .现在完成时 Has / have + been + 动词过去分词 A new road has been built here .过去完成时 Had + been +动词过去分词 Much had been done before mother came back含有情态动词的被动语态 情态动词be动词过去分词 The composition must be handed in today .3 被动语态中值得注意的问题:1 带有双宾语的动词,可以把任何一个宾语变被动,一般在间接宾语前加适当的介词。My father gave me a book .I was given a book by my father .A book was given to me by my father .2 英语中有些动词用主动语态表示被动语态。The cloth washes well .This kind of bags sells well.The shoes wear long. The knife cuts well . The pen writes smoothly . This coat lasts long .3 在英语中有时“be + V-ed”结构并不是被动语态,而是系表结构。The mountains were covered with snow .4 在“主语谓语宾语宾语补足语”的结构中,要补留宾语补足语。We found the door broken. 宾语补足语The door was found broken.宾语补足语5 宾语补足语为省to的不定式,变为被动语态后,要还原to。He made me laugh. I was made to laugh .6 如果短语动词是及物动词时,可以用被动语态,但不能遗漏所含的介词或副词。The nurse looked after the baby .The baby was looked after by the nurse .We must make up for the lessons we missed. The lessons we missed must be made up for .7 下列情况不能用被动语态:A 不及物动词: The accident happened on a busy road yesterday .B 连系动词: The girl looks like her sister .C 宾语为反身代词:He always dresses himself neatly .英音:ni:tli整洁地,干净地D 宾语为相互代词:The students often help each other .E 同源宾语:At that time, they lived a happy life .F 表示状态的及物动词:I have a new car. The book costs me 30 yuan .(十二)动词的时态:过去将来时 从过去某个时间看将来发生的动作 should / would + 动词原形was / were going to 动词原形was / were to + 动词原形was / were about to + 动词原形was / were + 动词ing 通常在宾语从句中出现,主句为过去时He said (that) he would go to Maoming the next day .She told me (that) she was moving to France in two days . 句子*句子的成分1定义:组成句子的各个部分叫做句子的成分,即:主语、谓语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语。主语和谓语是句子的主体部分。表语、宾语、宾语补足语都是谓语里的组成部分。主 语: 表示句子所说的是“什么人”或“什么事物”,一般由名词、代词或相当于名词的词或短语等充当。 Lucy is an American girl .We study in No.1 Middle School .谓 语:说明主语“做什么”、“是什么”或者“怎么样”。谓语(谓语部分里主要的词)用动词。谓语和主语在“人称”和“数”两方面必须一致 We love China . / She is singing .Mike hopes to be a doctor . / His parents are farmers .表 语:说明主语是什么或者怎么样,由名词、形容词或相当于名词或形容词的词或短语等充当,和连系动词一起构成谓语。 Her aunt is a driver . / Are you ready ?We were at home last night .宾 语:表示动词、行为的对象,由名词、代词或相当于名词的词、短语等充当,和及物动词一起说明主语做什么。 He often helps me . / We study English at school.Did you see him yesterday ?定 语:用来修饰名词或代词。作定语的除形容词外,还有代词、数词、名词、介词短语或相当于形容词的词或短语等。 The black bike is mine. / Whats your name, please ?We have four lessons in the morning ?状语:用来修饰动词、形容词或副词。一般表示行为发生的时间、地点、目的、方式、程度等意义,通常由副词、介词短语或相当于副词的词或短语等来表示。 People are all working hard. / It is very nice. We had a meeting this afternoon .宾语补足语:英语中有些及物动词,除有一个直接宾语以外,还有一个宾语补语,才能使句子的意义完整。这类词有:make, consider, cause, see, find, call, get, have, let等。He made me very angry. I find him a good boy .*句子的种类1英语中按使用目的或功用分为四类:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句。A陈述句。1 陈述句说明一个事实或陈述一个人的看法。陈述句分为肯定陈述句和否定陈述句两种。a陈述句的肯定式。I have already posted the photos. / They are students. / I must go now . / He was reading a book at 8:00 last night.b陈述句的否定形式。(1)谓语动词是系动词be, 助动词have, will, shall, be或情态动词,只须在其后面加not构成否定句。She isnt a student . / He hasnt been to the Great Wall . / I can not swim ./ You will not go there tomorrow. / They arent sleeping .(2)若谓语动词是实义动词,在实义动词前加上do not,第三人称单数现在时用does not,过去时用did not。 He didnt send me an invitation .(3)由具有否定含义的词never, nobody, hardly, little, dislike, seldom, few, tooto等构成的否定句。Not all the books in our school library can be renewed .B. 疑问句。1 疑问句提出问题。英语中有四种疑问句:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句。a一般疑问句:以一个助动词、情态动词、动词be或have开始,语调为升调,通常要求以yes或no回答的疑问句。(1)一般疑问句的基本结构:Be动词(is, am, are, was, were)+主语+表语?Have动词(表示“有”:have, has, had)+主语+宾语?情态动词(can, may, must等)+主语+行为动词或be?助动词(do, does, did)+主语+行为动词?助动词(shall, will, have, has)+主语+行为动词?(2)否定形式的疑问句,通常把助动词与not缩写,放在句首。构成回答:Arent you a student? Yes, I am .(不,我是) No, I am not .(对,我不是)b特殊疑问句:以疑问代词who, what, whom, whose, which或疑问副词when, where, why, how开头(1)如果疑问词在句中作主语或其修饰主语时,其语序如陈述句。Who is on duty today ? / Which book is yours .(2)如果疑问词在句中不作主语或其修饰主语,用“疑问词一般疑问句”形式。Where have you been ?c选择疑问句:提出两种或两种以上的情况,供回答者选择,并由or连用,但不能用Yes或no 来回答(1)疑问句选择成分1or选择成分2?Do you want coffee or cocoa ? / Are you an Englishman or an American ?(2)特殊问句选择答案1or选择答案2?who runs fast, Tom , Mary or Li lei .时态构成表(以play为例)一般时态进行时态完成时态完成进行时态现在playisplayinghasplayedhasbeen playingplaysamhavehave过去playedwasplayinghad playedhad been playingwere将来shallplayshallbe playingshallhave playedshallhave been playingwillwillwillwill一般现在时: 句子结构: 肯定句 主语+be (am, is, are ) + 其他 否定句 主语+be not +其他 疑问句 Be+主语+其他 或: 肯定句 主语+动词原型+其他 ( 第三人称单数作主语动词要加s ) 否定句 主语+dont+动词原型+其他(第三人称单数作主语dont改为doesnt) 疑问句 DO+主语+动词原型+其他(第三人称单数作主语do改为doess) 关键词: sometimes, often, usually, always, every day, on Sunday afternoon, at 10 oclockin the morning, five days a week, three times a month等. 注:在时间壮语从句,条件壮语从句中,常用一般现在时表示将来时,这时一般从 句用一般现在时,主句用将来时 现在进行时: 句子结构:肯定句 主语+be +动词的现在分词+其他 否定句 主语+be not+动词的现在分词+其他 疑问句 Be +主语+动词的现在分词+其他 关键词:now, right now, at the moment, Its+几点钟等的句子.或look, listen, keep quiet等提示语. 一般将来时: 句子结构: 肯定句 主语+will+动词原型+其他 否定句 主语+will not +动词原型+其他 疑问句 Will +主语+动词原型+其他 (will 可改为be going to ,当主语是第一人称时will可用shall) 关键词:tomorrow, tomorrow morning, at seven oclock tomorrow evening, next year, at ten oclock next Sunday, this year, at the end of this term, from now on, in the year 2008, soon, in a few days time, in the future 等. 一般过去时: 句子结构:肯定句 主语+be(was,were)+其他 否定句 主语+be not+其他 疑问句 Be+主语+其他 或: 肯定句 主语+动词的过去式+其他 否定句 主语+did not+动词原型+其他 疑问句 Did+主语+动词原型+其他 关键词:yesterday,yesterday morning等 ,last week, last year, at the end of last term, 一段时间+ago如:ten years ago, five hours ago, on January 1st,2004, in the 1980s等. Just now,in the old days, long ago, a moment ago等. 过去进行时: 句子结构: 肯定句 主语+was/were+动词的现在分词+其他 否定句 主语+was/were not +动词的现在分词+其他 疑问句 Was/Were + 主语+ 动词的现在分词+其他 关键词:具体时间+过去的时间壮语 如:at ten oclock yesterday morning, at this time last Sunday等. 现在完成时: 句子结构:肯定句 主语+have/has+动词的过去分词+其他(第三人称单数用has) 否定句 主语+have/has not+动词的过去分词+其他 疑问句 Have/Has + 主语 + 动词的过去分词+其他 关键词:already, yet, just, ever, never ,so far, for +一段时间,since+过去的 时间或过去时从句.或this year alone今年以来,these five years alone这五年 以来,in the last ten years 在过去的十年中等. 过去将来时: 句子结构: 肯定句 主语+ would+ 动词原型+其他 否定句 主语+ would not + 动词原型+ 其他 疑问句 Would+主语+动词原型+其他 (would可改为was/were going to ,主语第一人称时would可用should) 过去将来时主要用在宾语从句中. 过去完成时: 句子结构: 肯定句 主语+had + 动词的过去分词+其他 否定句 主语+had not +动词的过去分词+其他 疑问句 Had+主语+动词的过去分词+其他 a关键词:by+过去某一时间点 如:by last year, by the end of+过去某一时间点 如: by the end of last year, before+过去某一时间点,by the time +从句,或宾语从 句中. 最后,请记住: Its not the end of the world, try to look on the bright side of thing, Im sure it will be all right. 这不是世界末日,试着往事情好的方面看,我确认一切都会好起来.时态讲解 一、一般现在时主要用于: 1 、表示经常性或习惯性动作。 e.g. It seldom snows here. 2 、表示现在的特征或状态。 e.g. He is always ready to help others. 3 、普遍真理。 e.g. Action speaks louder than words. 4 、剧情图片介绍,背景说明,动作解说。 e.g. (Tom enters the room and sits at the table) Doctor : Whats your trouble, young man? Tom : Ive caught a cold, doctor. 5 、时间、条件、让步、方式状语从句表将要发生的动作时。 e.g. Tomorrow we shall go for an outing unless it rains. 与这种时态连用的时间状语常有: always, often, never, seldom, usually, once, a week, now 等。 二、一般过去时主要用于: 1 、表示过去某个时间发生的动作或情况(包括习惯性的动作或状态) e.g. When did you read the novel? She often came to help us in those days. 2 、谈到过去的情况时 e.g. I didnt know you were so busy. 3 、谈到已死人的情况时 e.g. Lei Feng was a great communist fighter. 与这个时态连用的时间状语常有: yesterday, last night, the other day, two months ago, in 1985, then, just now, when, after, as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,表示主句动作开始的时间。 三、现在完成时主要用于: 1 、表示到现在为止这一时期中发生的动作或情况,即多次动作的总和。 e.g. We have learnt four English songs this month. How many times have you read the novel? For many days we havent seen each other. 2 、表示对现在有影响的某一已发生的动作。 e.g. The delegation has left 代表团已经走了(说明现在不在这里) Look, what you have done. 看你干的事。 与这一时态连用的时间状语有: already, yet, just, ever, never, by now, so far, recently, by the end of this month, since, for 短语,连词 since 引导的时间状语从句。 一般过去时与现在完成时的区别: 一般过去时:重在说明动作在过去发生时的具体情况(时间、地点、方式、对象、细节等)。 现在完成时:只提起已发生的动作(事实)及其影响,不说明动作发生时的具体情况。 cf. Have you had your lunch? What did you have for lunch? I have ever been to the Great Wall, and I went there last summer with my father. 注:现在完成时表达的动作常具有反复性,故下面一句是错的: Have you seen the six thirtys news program? 应改为: Did you see the six thirtys news program? 四、现在完成进行时主要用于:表示过去开始的某一动作一直持续到现在,以至延伸到将来,它强调动作延续时间之长久。e.g. Ive been writing an article. 我一直在写一篇文章。(还在写) cf. Ive written an article. 我写了一篇文章。(已写完) It has been raining these days. 这些天一直在下雨。 五、过去完成时 1 、过去完成时是一个相对时态,表示过去的过去,只有在两个过去发生的动作相比较时才可显示出来。 e.g. As soon as we got to the station, the train had left. 注:主从句表达的动作紧接时,即两动作发生的时间没有明显时间上的悬殊或空档时,主从句都可用一般过去时。 e.g. Where did your brother study before he joined the army? 2 、过去完成时可表示截止过去某一时间动作的总或动作的结束。 e.g. By the end of last month. We had reviewed four books By eight oclock, he had finished his homework. 与这个时态连用的时间状语常有: by 1985, by eight oclock, by then, by the end of last month, by the time when, when, as soon as, before 等连词引导的时间状语从句,表示主句动作结束的时间。 (六)现在进行时主要用于: 1 、表示现在或现阶段正在进行的动作。 e.g. Listen, someone is crying. What are you doing these days? 2 、代替一般现在时,表示经常性动作或状态,而含有某种感情色彩。 e.g. How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉怎样?(显得亲切) He is doing well in his lessons. 他的功课很好。(赞扬) You are always boasting. 你老爱吹牛。(厌烦) 3 、动词 go, come, leave, arrive 等表将要发生的动作时。 e.g. They are leaving for Shanghai. 与这种时态连用的时间状语常有: now, these days, recently, this week 等。 七、过去进行时主要用于: 表示过去某个时刻或阶段正在进行的动作。 e.g. At that time she was working in a PLA unit. 那时她在解放军某部工作。 What were you doing this time yesterday? 与这个时态连用的时间状语常用: at nine oclock, this time last night, these days, at that time 等。 用 when 引导的时间状语从句表示主句的动作正在进行的时间。 e.g. When he came in, I was reading a newspaper. 注: 1 、 while 引导时间状语从句叙述过去的动作时,从句常用过去进行时。 e.g. I read a magazine while I was waiting for the bus. 2 、 when 用作并列连词,意为“这时”,连接两分句时,第一句多用过去进行时。 e.g. I was reading a newspaper when he came in. 一般过去时与过去进行时的区别: 一般过去时:强调过去某一时间开始或完成的动作。 过去进行时:强调过去某一时间正在进行的动作。 试区别下面两句: We were building a reservoir last winter. 去年冬天我们在修建一座水库。(可能尚未建成) We built a reservoir last winter. 去年冬天我们修建了一座水库。(已经建成) 八、一般将来时主要用于: 表示将要发生的动作或情况 e.g. Tom will have a bike of his own. 与这个时态连用的时间状语常用: tonight, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, in three hours, two days later 等。 一般将来时态与其它结构表将来情况的区别: 一般将来时态 :主要从时间的角度表将要发生的动作或情况。 be going to 结构 :表(主观上)打算或准备做某事时。 表有发生某事的预兆时。 e.g. They are going to have a competition with us in studies. It is going to rain. 据以上区别,故下面一句是错的: I am going to be eighteen years old next year. 应改为: I shall be eighteen years old next year. be about to do sth 结构 :意为“刚要做某事”、“马上要做某事”强调时间之紧迫性。 e.g. We are about to discuss this problem. 我们将马上讨论这个问题。 be to do sth 结构: 表示按计划、安排、规定将实施某事或表示注定会发生某事。 e.g. When is the train to leave. All these things are to be answered for. 及物动词与不及物动词 英语中按动词后可否直接跟宾语,可把动词分成及物动词与和及物动词。 1.及物动词: 字典里词后标有vt. 的就是及物动词。及物动词后必须跟有动作的对象(即宾语),可直接跟宾语。see 看见 (vt.) +宾语 I can see a boy. 2.不及物动词:字典里词后标有vi. 的就是不及物动词。不及物动词后不能直接跟有动作的对象(即宾语)。若要跟宾语,必须先在其后添加上某个介词,如to,of ,at后方可跟上宾语。 具体每个动词后究竟加什么介词就得背动词短语了,如listen to,look at. 3. 宾语(动作的对象):是名词或代词,或相当于名词的词或短语(如动名词)。其它词不看作动作的对象呢。 一、一般现在时1、构成:动词原形,第三人称单数须有变化。(1)直接+“s” works takes(2)以辅音+“y”结尾,变“y”为 i + es carry carries(3)以“o”“s”“x”“ch”“sh”结尾的动词加“es”goes dresses watches brushes2、功能:表现在的事实、状态、动作如:She loves musicMarys parents get up very early(2)表习惯动作或者职业,常与often, sometimes, usually ,always every week, seldom, occasionally, frequently 等时间副词连用。如:I always take a walk after supperShe writes to me very oftenTom and his girlfriend go out to take a picnic occasionally(3)表客观真理,格言警句或事实:The earth moves round the sunThe sun rises in the east and sets in the westTwo and two makes fourNo man but errs. 人非圣贤,熟能无过。(4)表将来:A 由when, after, before. as, as soon as, although, if, even if, in case, until, unless, so long as, where, whatever, wherever等引导的状语从句中用一般现在时表将来发生的动作。 (黄金重点)Ill tell her when she comes tomorrow.Even if it rains this afternoon, Ill meet you.Whatever happens, you should keep cool-headed.无论发生什麽,你必须保持清醒的头脑。Ill be right here waiting for you wherever you go .无论你去任何地方我都在这里等你B 按时间表示将要发生的动作或事件,用一般现在表达将来时的概念。The play begins at 6:30 this evening.When does the plane take off?He leaves for that city next week.According to the he timetable, the express to Shanghai starts at ninein the morning.按照时刻表,开往上海的特快列车早上7点出发。习题:The Browns_ a nice car and Browns brother_ a nice jeep.A have /have B has/has C have/ has D


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