江苏省徐州市高中英语选修六M6 U3Project2教案【精校版】

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江苏省徐州市高中英语选修六M6 U3Project2教案【精校版】_第3页
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外研版精品英语资料(精校版)备 课 时 间 年 12 月 日 上 课 时 间第 周 周 月 日编写人 班级 节次 课题M6U3 Project (2) Making a reference book总课时数第 节教学目标1. Learn some key phrases and sentences by heart.2. Learn how to use them to finish the relevant practice.教学重难点1.Learn how to put the key phrases into use.2.Finish the relevant practice correctly. 教学参考Internet; Reference book授课方法Interactive method教学辅助手段多 媒 体不用专用教室不用教学过程设计教学二次备课Step 1. GreetingsStep 2. Key phrasesAsk students to find out the phrases in the textbooks and then write them down on the paper.1.给某人提供做的机会_2.少数民族文化 _3.亲自_ 4.乘坐狗拉雪橇 _5.猎取食物_6.穿动物皮毛做的衣服_7.以为基础_ 8.参加_9.是的家园 _10.含有丰富的;富于_11.属于_ 12.控制,支配_Step 3. Key sentences Ask students to recite the key sentences and pay attention to the key points 1. While staying with the Inuit people you will have the chance to ride on a dog sled and travel in a seal-skin boat.在和因纽特人相处的日子里,你将有机会乘坐狗拉的雪橇和用豹皮制成的小船游玩。Preview words before class.Read the passage and try to find out the phrases in the text.First underline the key language points on the textbooks and then keep them in mind.Recite the key sentences and pay attention to the key points b教学过程设计学二次备课2. It is believed that the Maori people came from the Pacific islands of Polynesia.据说毛利人来自太平洋的波利尼西亚群岛。3. This will be the place where you will meet with the Maoris and join with them in dance.在这儿你会见到毛利人并跟他们一起跳舞。4. There are many different tribes that belong to the Native American Indian group.北美印第安土著民族有许多不同的部落。Step 4. Language points1.account n. 描述;叙述;账号;原因 vt. & vi.解释;说明;认为on account of 因为;由于on no account 决不 (位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装)takeinto account / consideration 把考虑进去;考虑到account for 解释,说明,是的原因;(在数量、比例上)占2. (be) based on (L25) 以为基础 (主动形式:baseon 把建立在上 )3.be home to ( =be the home of ) 是的家园;成为的定居地be/feel at home 在家;随便;不受拘束make oneself at home 使感到舒适4.belong to 是的成员;是的一部分1)不能用被动语态,也不用进行时态2)作定语或状语时用-ing形式。5.have power over (L52) come into/to power 上台;掌权,开始执政in power (人或政党)当权;执政 (反义词组:out of power)have the power to do sth 有权力做某事beyond sbs power 为某人能力所不及易混辨析: power/ force /energy / strengthTry to grasp the usage of the language points Try to use the key language points to finish the related practice individually and correctly. 课外作业Grasp the language points and their usage on the paper.教 学 小 结


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