人教版高中英语选修10:Unit 4 Section Ⅲ 同步测控卷含答案

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精品资料.词汇知识.oral (adj.& n)口头的;口述的;口试_(adv.).含糊的,不清楚的_(adj.)_(比较级)_(最高级)_(adv.)_(n.).倾向_(v.)_(n.)_(adj.)倾向性的;有偏见的_(adv.).教育家_(n.)_(v.)教育_(n.)教育_(adj.)受过教育的_(adj.)与教育有关的.令人厌烦的_(adj.)_(adj.)(同义词)_(adv.)_(adj.)令人疲倦的_(adj.)疲倦的_(adj.)不易疲倦的.获得;习得_(n.)_(v.)_(adj.)渴望得到的_(adv.).像,类似_(v.)_(n.).肮脏的;杂乱的_(adj.)_(比较级)_(最高级)_(n.)_(v.).敏锐的_(adj.)_(比较级)_(最高级)_(adv.)_(n.)答案:orallyvague;vaguer;vaguest;vaguely;vaguenesstend;tendency;tendentious;tendentiouslyeducator;educate;education;educated;educationaltiresome;troublesome/annoying;tiresomely;tiring;tired;tirelessacquisition;acquire;acquisitive;acquisitivelyresemble;resemblancemessy;messier;messiest;mess;messacute;acuter;acutest;acutely;acuteness.重点短语.rely_依赖,依靠._to do sth._than do sth.喜欢干而不喜欢干.tend_(do sth.) 易于;往往会(做某事).keep_touch_sb. 与某人保持联系.make_ 有意义;讲得通.would_do sth._do sth.宁愿干而不愿干._than 多于;不仅仅._on 集中精力于答案:onprefer;rathertoin;withsenserather;thanmoreconcentrate.必背句型.I opened the oven_.答案:to find my daughters cake on fire.I find_tiresome to sit and concentrate on anything for a long time.答案:it.Its never_late_learn.答案:too;to.完成句子_,who else can we turn to for help?(suppose)假如他们拒绝了我们,我们还能求助于谁?答案:Suppose/Supposing(that) they refuse usSo _ he was able to work out all the difficult problems.(student)他是如此聪明的学生,以至于成功地解出了所有难题。答案:clever a student was he thatI wish that I _ that film star yesterday.(meet)我真希望昨天见到那个影星了。答案:had metI _ very much if you would help me with it.(appreciate)如果你能帮助我做这事,我将十分感激。答案:would appreciate itThe fact that she was foreign _ to get a job in that country.(make)她是外国人这个事实使她很难在那个国家找到工作。答案:made it difficult for her.多项选择Some school authorities_a teachers achievement or his ability by the number of his students who pass the public examinations.AassessBassignCestimate Dcalculate解析:选A。句意:有些学校领导通过学生公共考试及格的数量来评价老师的成就或能力。assign指派;指定;分配;estimate作“估价”讲,它是与price有关的;calculate计算,与数字有关。Mary was often told that she_her elder sister Ellen.Areacted BreflectedCrecalled Dresembled解析:选D。句意:人们告诉玛丽她长得像她姐姐艾伦。resemblelook like。react反应;reflect反射;细想;recall回忆。By law,when one makes a large purchase,he should have _opportunity to change his mind.Aaccurate BadequateCurgent Dexcessive解析:选B。句意:根据法律,当一个人购买大宗物品时,他应该有改变主意的充分机会。adequate充分的;accurate准确的;urgent紧急的;excessive过多的,过分的,极度的。Women _ live longer than men.Atend to Bused toCadapt to Dintend to解析:选A。句意:女人往往比男人长寿。tend to do易于;往往会;used to do过去常常;adapt to doing sth.习惯某事;intend to do/doing sth.意欲;打算。When he was a student,his father gave him a monthly_towards his expense.Asalary BallowanceCwage Dmoney解析:选B。allowance“津贴,零花钱”,常指为某一特殊目的而给予某人的钱。句意:当他是学生时,他父亲每月给他零花钱。salary指定期发给某人的工资,常常以一个月或一年为期限;wage指每周所发的工资或计时计件工资。money泛指钱。I like how in the dark my sense of smell and hearing become so _Asensible BsensitiveCacute Dallergic解析:选C。acute(感官)灵敏的。sensible合理的;sensitive神经过敏的;(机器)灵敏的;allergic(反应)过敏的。He_his adventure to his children.Arelated BsaidCspoke Dtalked解析:选A。句意:他将自己的冒险经历讲给他的孩子们听。relate(vt.)叙述,讲。Many scholars and experts from the world will be invited to attend the_of 2011 on drug control.Areference BintentionCconference Dinteraction解析:选C。reference参考;intention目的;conference会议;interaction相互作用。从语境上看唯有“会议”最合题意。A violent crime was_every 32 seconds in this area of the city last year.Acommitted BfoundCsentenced Dmade解析:选A。commit a violent crime犯下暴力罪行。又如:commit murder(theft,an unforgivable error)犯凶杀罪(偷窃罪,不可原谅的错误)。commit表“干(不合法的事,错事)”。At the crossing there is an arrow_the direction to the Andrew Farm.Aindicating BpresentingCrepresenting Dpredicting解析:选A。句意:在十字路口有一个箭头指示通往安德鲁农场的方向。indicating相当于showing。present呈现;represent代表;predict预示,都不合句意。.完形填空I took home a briefcase (公文包) full of troubles.As I sat down on that hot and damp_1_,there seemed to be no_2_to the problems lingering(游荡)around in my brain.So I picked up a book,settled into a comfortable chair and_3_my own special therapy(治疗) _4_reading.I_5_three or four hours on two short chapters of Personal History by Vincent Sheean,a foreign reportertasting,chewing and_6_each paragraph,staying over a sentence,a phrase,or even a single heatwave night.Enjoying every word,I joined Sheean on a mission to China and another to Russia.I was_7_in the authors world.And when finally I put it down,my mind was totally_8_Next morning,four words from the book“take the long_9_”were still in my mind.At my desk,I had a longview look at my_10_Once more,superslow reading had given me not only _11_but perspective,and helped me in my everyday affairs.I discovered its_12_years ago.Previously,if I had been really interested in a book,I would_13_from page to page,_14_to know what came next.Now,I decided,I had to become a miser,a greedy person,with_15_and stretch every sentence like a shabby man spending his last dollar.I had started with the practical object of making my book last.But by the end of the second week I began to realize_16_I was getting from superslow reading itself.Sometimes just a particular phrase_17_my attention,sometimes a sentence.I would read it slowly,analyze it,read it againperhaps changing down into an even_18_speedand then sit for 20 minutes thinking about it before moving on.I was like a pianist_19_a piece of music,phrase by phrase_20_,practising it,trying to discover and recreate exactly what the composer was trying to convey.A.dayBmorningCafternoon Devening解析:选D。本文介绍了“超慢速阅读”带来的享受以及使用这种阅读方法的原因。根据文章首句“下班回家”,以及第三段首句时间状语next morning可知,作者说的是在他晚上下班回家以后所发生的事。A.solutions BdoubtCpossibility Dhelp解析:选A。solutions to the problems意为“问题的解决方案”,to是固定搭配,类似的有the answer to the question,the key to the door。A.tried BappliedCpracticed Dmanaged解析:选B。从第三段第一句看出作者早在几年前就发现了superslow reading的价值了,故不存在“试用、实践”这一特殊疗法,而是“采用”这一方法。A.fast BsuperfastCsuperslow Dslow解析:选C。从第三段最后一句“superslow reading had given me not only.but perspective,and helped me in my everyday affairs.”可得出superslow。A.spent BwasteCcost Dtook解析:选A。从下文意义可知,作者“花费”了而不是“浪费”了三、四个小时读了两个短的章节、选项C、D结构错误。A.uniting BattendingCattracting Ddigesting解析:选D。tasting,chewing and digesting品尝、咀嚼和消化。A.found BlostCpersuaded Daccepted解析:选B。be lost in.意为“完全沉浸在之中”,作者已完全沉浸在书的情节中。A.broken BdiscouragedCrefreshed Dawoke解析:选C。在作者读完书以后,他的那些烦恼都烟消云散,精神完全恢复。refresh意为“精神恢复”。A.view BcareCwalk Ddistance解析:选A。从下一句“At my desk,I had a longview look at my _”可知,take the longview意为“用长远的观点”。A.therapy BproblemsCreading Dwork解析:选B。用长远的观点来看待这些眼前的“问题”。A.difficulty BsuccessCachievement Dpleasure解析:选D。从上文意义可知,“超慢速阅读”能使作者消除烦恼,而且让他懂得了要用长远的观点看待问题,所以,“超慢速阅读”不仅给作者带来了快乐,而且还教给他看待问题的角度。A.use BdisadvantageCworth Dimportance解析:选C。作者早在数年前就已发现了“超慢速阅读”的价值。A.race BreadCanalyze Dresemble解析:选A。race意为“快速阅读”;read意为“一般地读”;analyze意为“细读,析读”;resemble意为“类似”。这里作者喜欢某作品,往往会读得很快。A.worried BeagerCglad Danxious解析:选B。worried意为“担心”;eager意为“迫切的”;glad意为“高兴的”;anxious意为“有点担心的”。几个词各有侧重,eager表现了作者迫切地想读下去的愿望。A.books BtroublesCwords Dmusic解析:选C。作者现在读一本书的时候,认真对待书中的每一个字,像一个穷人在花他的最后一块钱一样来细读书中的每一个句子。A.how well Bhow longChow many Dhow much解析:选D。how much为抽象意义,在句中用作宾语,表示读的数量。A.caught BmissedCescaped Dpaid解析:选A。catch ones attention意为“吸引某人的注意”。A.faster BhigherClower Dslower解析:选C。根据前一分句“慢读、分析、再读”看出作者在阅读时,或许会以更慢的速度阅读。speed意为“速度”,修饰速度“快、慢”的词常用high,great,slow表达。A.playing BstudyingCwriting Dsinging解析:选B。作者在阅读一本书时就像一位钢琴家研究每一个乐曲一样,study在此有“研究”之意。A.in detail Bin needCin demand Din charge解析:选A。一个短语一个短语地详细地分析它,尽量能发现和想象出创作者想表达的意思。in detail“详细地”。.阅读理解When he was young,Hitchcock,the worldfamous film director,once traveled in the mountainous areas of Scotland and got lost.At last he saw a light in the distance and struggled along tiredly toward it.There was a cottage.Hitchcock knocked at the door and when it opened,he told the owner of the situation he was in,hoping to stay overnight in the house.But the owner said,“This is not an inn.Why should I let you stay overnight?”Calmly,the visitor smiled,“Ill prove its an inn with only three questions.”The owner didnt believe him,“If you can persuade me with your questions and Im contented,Ill let you stay free of charge.” The first question Hitchcock put to him was:“Who had lived here before you moved in?”The owner answered immediately,“My father.” The second question was:“Then who was it that lived here before your father?”The owners reply came fast as the first:“Of course it was my grandpa.”Hitchcock continued to ask,“Who will be the owner of the house when you unfortunately pass_away?”The owner said,“My son !” At this moment the visitor smiled again,“Thats it.You stay here temporarily.Like me,you are also a passerby.”Thus Hitchcock finally persuaded the owner of the house and was permitted to stay.He enjoyed a good sleep there.Why did Hitchcock have to ask for a night stay?AHe lost his way.BHe was too tired to go any further.CIt was too late to go on.DHe liked the cottage there.解析:选A。细节题。第一段的第一句“.once traveled in the mountainous areas of Scotland and got lost”。The author mentioned the writers father,grandfather and son in order to_Aprove the cottage was actually an innBshow they were similar to himCtell the owner that the cottage must be an innDto prove they were friendly to him解析:选A。细节判断题。根据第二、三段两人的对话可得出答案。The underlined phrase“pass away”probably has the same meaning as_Ago byBpass byCdie Dbe lost解析:选C。词意猜测题。由下句儿子会住在这里可知pass away指的是去世。What did Hitchcock use to persuade the owner of the cottage to let him stay for the night?AGood manners. BWisdom.CQuestions. DCareful observation.解析:选B。推理判断题。由故事内容可知Hitchcock当然是用自己的智慧了。


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