重庆市九年级英语上册学案:Unit1 11

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精品资料九年级(上)英语 导学案 班级 姓名 课题学习目标1. Learn some new words:skill, drug, steal, purpose, mention2. Learn to help homeless people. 3. Talk about social services and improve students sense of social responsibility学习重点掌握重点词汇和句型学习难点success的不同词性表达及用法教学方法和教学时数采用多媒体教学方法,小组合作探讨,师生问答等方式1 period学 习 过 程学习内容(学生活动)学习方法教师知识讲解一、学前准备 I. 根据汉语提示完成单词, 使句子完整通顺。1. We are proud of her _ (成功) in passing the English exam.2. This is the storybook that I _ (提及) to you many times before.3. Oh, my god! Someone has _ (偷窃) my money. I didnt buy the clothes.4. If you are good at a kind of _ (技术), it will be easy for you to find a job.5. People mustnt take _ (毒品).学生课前 完成一. 复习导入新课1. 引导学生谈论城乡生活差异,引出本课话题T:There are many differences between the city life and the village life. Do you think so?Ss:Yes. T:Who can show your opinions in the front of the classroom?(选几名学生依次站到讲台上说一说城乡之间的差异。)二 独立思考、解决问题1. 学生两分钟自读课文,找出1a关键词为下一步复述做准备。2. 读1a,独立完成1b.。3. 根据图片内容完成写作练习。学生自主学习课堂展示三分组讨论 合作探究1. 利用图片谈论流浪者的生活状况,并讨论该如何帮助他们。2. 利用关键词,学生分组复述短文3. 看2中的三幅图,小组讨论完成2。小组合作交流展示四、自学反馈 精讲点拨1. 引导学生复述1a。2. 重点词句take drugsthe purpose oflearn skillslearn skillslearn skills cruel warhave success in doingbe successful in doingsucceed in doing It is famous for its success in helping homelesspeople return to a normal life.It will be easy for them to find jobs.小组交流归纳总结教师解疑四、课后练习(1) 从方框中选择所给词语的适当形式填空。其中有一项是多余的。(2) hear of, because of, aim to, success in,thanks to, live in1. _ Project Hope, we have a good chance to raise money from people at home and abroad.2. Have you _ the Great Green Wall?3. Our holiday was most enjoyable, mainly _ the good weather.4. I think the room is too small for us to _. 5. Mr. Zhang made a great _ medical science.II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Mr. Black _ (be) here since 1998.2. Many things _ (change) since they left.3. It is famous for its success in _ (help) poor people return to a normal life.4. There is a special program _ (call) “Kids in the Hall”.5. My brother _ (be) in the army for three years.III. 单项选择:从各题所给四个选项A、B、C、D中选出一个最佳答案。1. -Why do you go to work on foot _? That doesnt seem to save your time. -To get more exercise and keep healthy. A. at times B. at the same time C. all the time D. from time to time2. -I cant decide which TV program I shall _. They all seem to be boring. -If so, why not read an interesting book instead? A. listen to B. watch C. join D. turn on3. -Excuse me, sir! Do you know a young man living here _Liu Gang? -Yes, he lives next door to me. A. to name B. name C. naming D. named4. -_ is quite bad for our health. -Yeah. Once you try, its very difficult for you to keep away from them. A. Taking exercise B. Going on trips C. Taking drugs D. Doing sports5. -How are peoples lives in the earthquake areas now? -I hear many people _normal lives thanks to the governments efforts. A. live B. return to C. get to D. rise to6. -Its very useful for students to join in _. -Yes, they can learn how to help people in need. A. basketball matches B. ball games C. school sports D. community services7. -Id like to work in a foreign company. -That sounds cool. It can give you a good _to train your foreign language. A. pay B. time C. education D. chance8. -Cruel wars between Lebanon and Israelin (黎巴嫩和以色列) often break out. -Yes. The wars _ thousands of people homeless. A. made B. left C. caused D. kept9. -You look tired today! -Yes, I _ lots of time searching the Internet and went to bed late last night. A. took B. cost C. spent D. paid10. -It is said that China is _in launching another communication satellite (通讯卫星). -So she is. Shes developed rapidly in recent years. A. excellent B. possible C. successful D. fair独立完成小组内检测教学反思编写:张云霞、祁德玉、江黎、左坤静 校审:顾德金最新精品英语资料


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