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词形变换类题型的几个考点一、可数名词单数变复数类:1规则变化 :( 1)一般情况加 -s, 如 : girls, books, pens, bags, boys, days 等。( 2)以 s, x, ch, sh 结尾加 -es, 如 : buses, boxes, watches, brushes等。( 3)以 o 结尾的名词,无生命的名词多加 -s ,有生命的名词多加 -es 。(4)以辅音字母加 y结尾的名词,变y为i加-es,如:city cities(5)以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词变 f 或 fe 为 v 加-es。如:leaf leaves, knife knives, shelf t shelves wifewives 等。2不规则变化的名词要熟记:mantmen, womantwomen,child tchildren,foot tfeet,tooth tteeth,mouse tmice, people tpeople, sheept sheep, ChinesetChinese, Japanese tJapanese, deer tdeer二、动词 / 名词变形容词类:1 在动词后加后缀 -ful, 如:care t careful;use tuseful; thank tthankful; help thelpful;wonder t wonderful forget tforgetful2在名词后加 -y, 如:luck tlucky, cloud tcloudy; wind twindy; rain trainy;sun tsunny, snow tsnowy noise-noisyhealth thealthy3在名词后加 -ly, 如:friend tfriendlylove tlovely daytdaily4方位名词加 -ern ,如:east t eastern west t western south t southern north tnorthern三、形容词加后缀变成名词1形容词加 -ty 变成名词,如:safe t safetydifficult t difficulty2形容词加 -th 变成名词,如:true ttruthwarm twarmthyoungtyouth四、形容词变副词类: 形容词修饰名词、代词等作定语或表语;副词修饰动词、形容词或副词作状语。1一般形容词词尾加 -ly 变成副词,如:slowtslowly clear tclearly quick tquickly quiet tquietly careful tcarefully sudden tsuddenly real treally polite tpolitely safe tsafely wide twidely2 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,要变y为i加-ly ,如:easyteasily , happythappily , heavytheavily , lucky t luckily , busytbusily angry t angrily;3.以元音字母+ e结尾,去e加-ly,如:true t truly4以辅音字母加 -le 结尾, terrible f terribly 5形容词与副词同形,如: fast f fast hard f hard 6注意: hard 作形容词时意思是 “困难的; hardly 是否定副词,意思是“几乎不” 。 五、动词变名词类: 1动词加 -er 变成名词,如: work f workere 加 -y ,如: possible f possiblyearly f earlyfarm f farmerhigh high硬的; 生硬的” 等;作副词时意思是 “努力地”。teach f teachersing f singer read f readerspeak f speaker drive f driverplay f player write f writerride f riderdance f dancercook f cooker travelwin f winner2动词加 -or 变成名词,如: visit f visitor invent 六、基数词变序数词类: 主要掌握好 1-12 和 20、 的形式: one f firstrun f runner;f travelerf inventorconduct 指挥v. f conductor act f actor30、40、50、60、70、80、90 及 21、22、 23 这几个序数词twentyieth threef twentieth twof secondfourf fourthfiftysixtyf sixt iethsixsevenf seventheightyninetyf ninet iethnf sixththirty f thirteleven f eleventh twelveseventy f eight ieth f nin thtenf thirdf fiftforty ieth fivef fort ieth f fifthf sevent iethf twel ftheightf eight h f tenthtwenty-onetwenty-threetwenty-two f twenty-second 七、形容词与副词的原级、比较级和最高级类 1形容词和副词的比较级、最高级构成 部分双音节词或以形容词加 -ly 变成的副词和多音节词,在其前加 级和最高级。如:interestingf twenty-firstf twenty-thirdmore, most 变成比较beautifulf more interesting , f most interestingf more beautiful , f most beautifulmore slowly , f more quicklyslowly fquickly不规则变化:goodf better f bestmany f moref mostmuchf most slowly ,f most quicklywell f better fbestf moref mostlittle t less leastfar tfarther/furthert farthest/furthestillt worse t worstbad/badly t worseold t older/elder2原级: as adj./adv.“和一样t worst t oldest/eldest肯定) asnot as / so adj./adv.“和 不一样” as (否定)“ 不如”Chongqing is as beautiful as Tina studies math as well as Tom didn t sleepso early asWhy don t you finish your homeworkMy mother isn t 八、人称代词变化类:要熟练掌握和运用主格、 九、常见的反义词: 1动词buy sell remember forget love hate ask answerShanghai. her sister in our school.meso carefully as so old as my father .宾格、形容词性物主代词及名词性物主代词。takedie bring liverise fall start finishmiss catchgo come2形容词pull pushend borrowlittle much right left / wrong free busy few many good white blackshort tall / longfull empty badcareful carelessyou used to?dead livingdifficultcheap expensiveclean dirty easywet dryopen closed light heavy注:词型变化不加same differentstrongweakto , are ,can( may,must 等情态动词)习题精选1. The mother didn t know why her daughter was crying2. He was one of the best3. Guan gzhou is in the4. September 10 th is5. Beiji ngers are true in yesterday part of China, (south)Day. (teacher)to the world, (frie nd).(noise) s football match. (play)6. Look! How Kate is laugh ing! (happy)7. It s only ten rom the station to the hotel. (minute)8. Please take care of , boys and girls. (you)9. I don t think this is my pen, though it looks like. (I)Ian guage. (two)10. Mrs. Read lear ned Chin ese as her11. Do you thi nk July is12. Of all the students13. Here are ten of thethan any other month in our coun try? (hot)in our class, Lucy talks but does most. (little)n ames. (run)14. It snowedlast night and now the streets are covered with snow.(heavy)15. You shouldn t ride your bike so fast at the. (turn)16. Help to these cakes, childre n. (you)17. Please keep your eyes. (close)18. Joh n is thestudent in our class. (old)19. Mike will have hisbirthday party at home tomorrow. (twelve)20. How many are there in your class? (girl)21. This sweater is Lucy s and that one over there is. (my)22. Now people use computers very . (wide)23. What would you like, some or vegetables? (meat)24. the help of our teacher, we couldn t pass the exam. (with)25. We can not decide who should ope n the prese nt. (one26. We always go to the library a week. (one)27. The house n ext to the street are very . (noi 28. More and more have come to visit China these years. (foreig n)29. In a few time, those mountains will be covered with trees. (year)30. Every one knows that if Dick works , he will do much better. (hard)31. Those flowers are beautiful. (real)32. Uncle Wang is one of the most popular in this factory. (work)33. She worked so that nobody knew she was there. (quiet)34. Meimei is one of the bestin her class. (stude nt)35. We can find manyin the picture.(sheep)36. He sat down and warmed hisat the fire.(foot )37. fall in autumn.(leaf )38. Our building is eightyhigh.(foot )39. Do you usually come to school on?(foot )40. March 8 isDay.(womar)41. The sick woma n is gett ing. (ill)42. Are you in sports? (in terest)43. Teachers should speak to their stude nts in away. (friend)44. You can do the work by yourself, can you? (hard)45. Today is aday. (cloud)46. We are very to the teacher for his help. (tha nk)47. The house caught a fire. The wounded man was carried to . (safe) 48. The boy was not born in . (Germ 49. Edis on was a great . During his life he had many .(i nvent) 50. I wasill yesterday. (bad)答案:1. noisily2. players3. southern4. Teachers5. friends6. happily7. minutes 8. yourselves9. mine10. second11. hotter12. least13. runners 14. heavily15. turning16. yourselves17. closed18. oldest19. twelfth20. girls21. mine22. widely23. meat24. Without25. first26. once27. noisy 28. foreigners 29.years 30. harder31. really32. workers 33. quietly34. students35. sheep36. feet37. Leaves38. feet39. foot40. Womens41. worse 42. interested 43. friendly44. hardly 45. cloudy46. thankful 47. safety48. German, Germany


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