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高新技术产品和绿色营销的协调发展外文翻译 外文翻译原文 Harmonious development between green marketing and high?tech product Material Source: 美中经济评论 Author: Wang Rui-chen Abstract:The green marketing is a popular marketing method.It has some advantages an d characters.It meets the mordent man s need in large part.If we combine the green marketing with the high-tech product,we will see the better development in the high technology area. Key words:harmonious development;green marketing;high-tech product 1.The definition of green marketing With the development of the society, people more concern about their lives and live conditions than before. They require a blue sky ,clean air , abundant resource, and healthy food.All of them are the products of a good environment and a harmonious society. So the environment and sustainable society are becoming more important in our mind. The business-men are aware of this trend, and they think if they want to succeed in this battle, they must meet the requirement of the consumer about the environment protection. In this condition they put forward a concept of green marketing, this idea conforms to the society development What is the definition of green marketing? Everyone can give an explanation of his or her own. Actually green marketing includes lots of things, and it is difficult to define a perfect meaning.But we can understand the main idea through some things in our lives.For example, your car uses the nature gas rather than petroleum, you use paper to package the food, etc ., these ale environmental protection actions,and they are also green marketing actions.So green marketing means that in the marketing process, you use the recycle materials and decrease the waste of nature resource. All the activities in marketing should comply with the requirement of environment protection. It may be very difficult for some companies, but it is the future for some companies. From now we should use this standard to check products around us We can take an example, P& Gs environmental policy includes a commitment to reduce, or prevent, the environmental impact of its products an d packaging in their design, manufacture, distribution, use, and disposal whenever is possible. The company tracks materials use closely to imize efficient use of raw materials. In 2002?2003, 95.56%of P & Gs raw materials went into its final consumer products, with an additional 2.29% of raw materials going to recycling or reuse. Energy eco-efficiency, measured as production units per unit of energy, has improved by 53% since 1990. The company has used computer models to develop products that are more concentrated and require less packaging, such as bottles that are stronger yet lighter in weight, packages that do not require outer cartons, and the use of stronger and lighter materials in place of heavier ones. For example, P& G redesigned its diapers to use substantially fewer raw materials an d weigh about 30% less than previous diapers, thereby use less packaging and require fewer trucks to distribute. The companys refill bags of powdered laundry detergent use 80% less packaging than the cartons they refil1. By eliminating the paperboard cartons in which its deodorants were packaged, the company cut solid waste by 3.4 million pounds per year. The result of these efforts is that since 1990, overall packaging per case has been reduced by 27% and waste, air and water emissions have been reduced by 37% 2.The factors of green marketing Recently, green marketing is a popular marketing form. Marketing is the basic of green marketing. Similarly, green marketing includes different people and different department in the process, from the manufactures to the consumers. It is a long and complex chain, not one man or one place. Every part is important and necessary, which is one member of the integrity. Product, price, place, promotion are not only basic but also important factors in green marketing 2.1 Product factor The product is the important factor in the green marketing process. Green products mean that they should be composed by the environmental material and save the cost in marketing. For example the food package can use the paper but not plastic, it can avoid more white pollution; using nature method produce vegetable and fruit but not use too much chemical pesticide as aid, and we also should save resource not cast the product when you use only one time. We can learn something meaningful from the under example, most unwanted computers follow one of three paths:the machines can be stored indefinitely, disassembled and recycled, or be used whole or in parts by a second user. Storage is the least?attractive option, for obvious reasons. Portions of used computers hold value that is recoverable through recycling, precious metals such as copper, silver, and gold in the printed wiring boards are the most desirable, but other parts contain hazardous metals such as lead, cadmium,and mercury, which are regulated and can complicate disposa1. The recycling value of a computer is estimated at just$30; the true cost of disposal to a company can reach more than$200, which depends on the age and value of the computer and the administrative costs associated with its management. Reuse is the most financially viable option: Computers can be resold in whole or for their still?valuable components, or donated to schools and nonprofit organizations for a tax break. Whats more, green marketing does not mean that everything is the environmental material, for the common material can content our needs. So green marketing is an environmental and saving symbol no waste excuse 2.2 Price factor The price in green marketing is an essential one. When we buy something that sign environmentally may be more expensive than the norm al ones. The price of environment material is higher than that of common ones. For example the pure cotton suit may be expensive in the market, and when we fit up the new apartment, the pro?environmental material is more expensive than others. But we dont think all environment ones must be expensive. Companies should produce different styles of goods according to different consumer requirements. So they may not only produce expensive products but also cheep ones in order to satisfy more people.When some things to be produced with simple material, they can get the environmental goal and reduce the cost, the price may be low. When more companies take green marketing, the price may be low. Besides the companies will have more competition in the green marketing battle, when they want to defeat other opponents, the price is an effective factor in the battle. We can see from home electric applications especially the TV set in recent years that the price cant be overlooked. If your price is lower than others when your products qualities ale same, you can get more market share. It means you run faster than others and may be the winner at last. 2.3 Place factor The place focuses on distribution in green marketing that you should take which method is right and environmenta1. We should build an environmental and effective green marketing chain and distribution spots. In the process we should reduce some additional medium parts in large part,it can save large cost.There is a retail distribution example, and retail distribution clients include sport-specialty chains such as Champs, the Sports Authority, and Foot Locker and department store chains such as the M ay Company, Federated Department Stores, JC Penne Sears and K-Mart. These retail distributors seek private label manufacturing for several reasons. Primary is the desire to have basic, commodity items at a price point advantage. These items are introduced by branded apparel firms and after several seasons have become commodity items. Retailers no longer need brand name marketing appeal and can pass the lower price to their customers. A lower gross margin per item is compensated in higher volumes. So we should try to use all kinds of methods to fit for our companies and meet the need of the market and the consumer. It is also very necessary. 2.4 Promotion factor Which promotion is the environmental one in green marketing? How can you get the ideal effect in the green marketing? We all may confront these problems in green marketing process. It includes green advertisement, green promotion,green pubic relations etc. Through green advertisement,consumer can strengthen the green environment conscious. The companies should take the correct and the active ways in this process.People should do more environmental activities, and supervise the companies commodities. Companies should take more green activities. It can help the public distinguish the goods quality and it also can produce a strong environment protection effect. Erecting the green image is a good idea, and it can call on people to do the environmental and public things 3. The relation between the electronic products and the green marketing We talk about lots of things about green marking. But which industry can get the better affect when they use it? We will try to discuss the relation between the electronic products and the green marketing. In recent years, with the quick development of electronic industry and information industry, the world has a huge change. Electronic products are the necessity in our daily life. Everyone nearly doing every thing in his daily life must depend on electronic products. Obviously the electric products play the important role in modern days, which makes the communication more convenient and more exact. You can look for the people anytime or anyplace by mobile phone, and you can chat with the person who may not really recognize you but by computer though the internet when you want, Like the internet, the mobile phone, etc., they are the other kind food for modern people in this age. If you lost them one day, you may feel it is the end of the world.People can not lose them, especially young people The opinions of the manager about the marketing are changing. Todays managers are beginning to view the web as the primary channel for marketing and so on, because their customers are using it just as they previously used the TV, video game, newspaper, radio, etc., all in one place. Every quarter, more and more marketers are shifting marketing budgets to support online efforts. Today these budgets ale millions smaller than the dollars earmarked for television, etc., but these allocations ale gaining priority and be coming more focus as efficient and effective means by which to increase business results.Todays consumers look at the web as their traditional, primary source for news, music, entertainment, and communications. The internet combines the mass reach of other mediums,providing more in?depth content that can be accessed anywhere, anytime. The broadband experience has truly allowed consumers to view brands in a different mindset.See a new consumer electronic product on your favorite show, then click on the screen to the manufacturers website and purchase them in minutes. Go to your favorite artists website and click on a video of their most recent concert, and download your favorite songs to your MP3 player Mix all the best elements of the traditional mediums into a new channel and what youve got is a new palette from which to brand, train, and communicate with your audience, While the electronic industry and information industry have developed quickly in at least 20 years from about the 1970s last century, you hardly imagine the so big change in these industries. There are more and more companies on electronic and internet fields recently. Nearly in every minute or every second the new electric companies appear, and in every minute or every second the old electric companies disappear. In these industries, the competition is crue1. The companies want to keep on. But the traditional market space is limited, and the available quotient is much smaller then before. The beginning that the new companies appear may be the end. So the managers begin to look for other managing methods in order to make them succeed, not failure. The green marketing begins to be the first choice in the other methods, for it can content the consumers and the companies. We have talked about the reason that the green marketing has the characters. When you buy the electronic product or explore the information on internet, you can find, the LCD computer and TV, and low radiation mobile phone are more popular in these days. The environmental electronic products have more shares in recent days, and they will be the leader in the future. So the electronic industry should get more market share though the green marketing. For example, people use the mobile phone everyday. If the mobile phone has high radiation, it must be dangerous for people. The low radiation mobile phone is healthy and environmenta1. From the 2000s, the Unicom have promoted the top brand CDMA in the communication industry. Through the gradual promotion in short time, the CDMA have got some share in the communication market. Until up to now, the CDM A got more share. The prospect of the CDM A is very good, which is a combination of cell phone and green marketing. It uses the environmental advantage to meet the peoples health needs to display the, characters distinguished from others, to get the share which it wants to obtain. In this battle about communication market share, the CDMA is undoubtedly a winner This example shows us the information that in the relative market,the green marketing has lots of available space Likely the environmental TVs have become the family favorite, they can reduce the radiation for the household especially the children and the women. The LCD computers are sold well than the tradition computer. Why these products sell well now in the electronic and information market? The answer is obvious,because they have exactly grasped the peoples needs,contacted the mainstream of the times. So they can succeed,and run long 4.Conclusion Through the discussion above it, we can get a conclusion that green marketing is a future marketing method. When the green marking is used effectively, the high technology industry can develop better. The one who combines the green marking and the high technology product well, will be the future winner. It possesses a relatively independent constitution. They have their own judicial structure, regulation system like rules and regulations. Their legal system is greatly different from that of countries. However, it is only applicable among the members; the relationship with outside members is bound by the countrys law.Black said “the changes of law are reciprocal to other social contro1.” Kosa Loso has almost bloody legal system which enables it to own supreme power.So the countrys law becomes rather weak in front of them As its name Kosa Loso namely, our enterprises has its goal, every new member joining in the group must vow that “Kosa Loso is supreme, senior to our individual families, our religion beliefs, and our country”. Every member should be loyal to the group. It is the honor to become a member and do things for the group without any pay.Wallach was born in a poor residence in Manhattan.His father was an alcoholic, living by picking rubbish. Later, Wallachs brother Johnny was killed in a car accident. His death was misunderstood as the behavior of policemans violent fighting. This case made Wallach form the anti?social belief and finally became the number of Group Kosa Loso. There are so many people like Wallach who devote themselves to anti?social regime. These people form the Mafia. They do all kinds of destructions to the society. 译文高新技术产品和绿色营销的协调发展 资料来源: 美中经济评论作者:王锐陈 摘要:绿色营销是一种流行的营销方式,它有一定的优势和特点。它与现代人大部分需要结合起来,与我们的高科技产品的绿色营销,我们将看到更好的发展在高科技领域。 关键词:和谐发展、绿色营销、高科技产品 1 绿色营销的定义 随着社会,人们更关注自己的生活和居住条件比以前关注发展。他们需要一个蓝色的天空,清新的空气,丰富的资源,健康的食品。他们都是一个良好的环境和和谐社会的产物。因此,环境和可持续发展的社会正在变得越来越重要在我们的脑海中。该业务的人都知道这个趋势,他们认为,如果他们想在这场战斗中取得成功,就必须满足消费者对环保的要求。在这种情况下,他们提出了绿色营销的概念,这个概念符合社会的发展。 什么是绿色营销的定义?每个人都可以作出解释他(或她)自己。其实绿色营销包含很多东西,这是很难界定一个完美的意义。但我们可以通过我们生活的一些事情了解主要思想。例如你的车使用的性质,而不是石油天然气,您使用的纸张包装食品,等等。这些啤酒环保行动,他们也包括。 因此绿色营销绿色营销是指在营销过程中,可以使用资源回收材料,减少自然资源的浪费。所有的营销活动应符合环保要求。这可能是非常困难的一些公司,但它是一些公司的未来。从现在开始,我们应该用这个标准来检查我们周围的产品。 我们可以举一个例子,宝洁公司的环境政策包括承诺,以减少或避免使用D包装对环境的影响,其产品在其设计、制造、销售都有一定的限制。公司密切跟踪材料的使用最大化的原材料的使用效率。2002-2003年,宝洁95.56%的原料成为最后的消费产品,另外还有2.29%的原材料将回收或再利用。能源生态效率,每单位能源生产经营单位计算,已改善了53%,自1990年。本公司已使用计算机模型来开发产品,更集中,需要更少的包装,如瓶子更强更轻的重量,包装,不需要外纸箱,和强大,更轻的材料使用较重的地方。例如,宝洁公司重新设计了尿布使用,大幅度减少原材料约30%,比以前的尿布少,从而减少使用包装和分发需要较少的卡车。粉状洗涤剂公司的笔芯包装袋使用80%,比纸箱他包装。由于消除了纸板是其除臭剂进行包装纸箱,该公司削减了每年340万英镑的固体废物。这些努力的结果是,自1990年以来,整体包装每箱已由27%,废物,空气和水的排放量减少37%已减少。 2 绿色市场因素 近年来,绿色营销是一种流行的营销方式。绿色营销是市场营销的基础。同样,绿色营销,包括不同的人,在这个过程中不同部门,从生产到消费者身上,这是一个漫长而复杂的供应链,不是一个人或一个地方,每一个部分是重要和必要的,这是一个完整的成员。产品,价格,地点,促销不仅是基本的,也是重要的绿色营销因素。 2.1 产品因素 产品是在绿色营销过程中的重要因素。绿色产品的意思,他们应该由环保材料组成,并保存在营销成本。例如,食品包装可以使用文件,但不是塑料,它能够避免更多的白色污染;利用自然的方法生产的蔬菜和水果,但不要用化学农药援助太多,我们也应该节约资源不投产品时使用只有一次。例如,我们可以学到的东西从下有意义,最不需要的计算机遵循三个路径之一:机器可以无限期储存,拆解和回收,或用于全部或部分由第二个用户。存储是最不吸引人的选择,原因显而易见。部分旧电脑保存价值,是通过回收利用可恢复的,如铜,银,并在印刷电路板黄金还要贵重金属是最可取的,但其他部分含有有害金属,如铅,镉,汞,这些规管是可复杂处理的。一台计算机的回收利用价值估计仅为30元;真正的处置费用,公司可以达到超过200美元,这对年龄和电脑的价值和其管理有关的行政费用而定。再利用是最经济可行的选择:计算机可以是全部或转售为他们仍然是很有价值的成分,或捐赠给学校和非营利组织的税收减免待遇。更何况,绿色营销并不意味着一切都是为了共同的环保材料材料可我们需要的内容。因此,绿色营销是一个环境和节约的象征没有浪费的借口。 2.2 价格因素 绿色营销中的价格是一个不可或缺的原因。当我们买一些东西,赶快环境可能会更比正常的人的昂贵。在环境材料的价格比普通的高。例如,纯棉西装可能是昂贵的市场,当我们适应了新公寓,亲环境材料比其他人更昂贵。但我们并不认为所有的环境必须是昂贵的。公司应产生不同风格的商品根据不同消费者的需求。因此,他们不仅会产生昂贵的产品,而且还吱吱的,以满足更多人。然而有些东西,通过简单的材料制作的,他们可以得到的环保目标,降低成本,价格可能会低。当越来越多的公司采取绿色营销,价格可能会低。除了公司将有更多的绿色营销战,当他们要打败其他对手的竞争中,价格就是在战斗中有效因素。我们可以看到从家里电力应用,特别是近几年所设置的价格不能忽略了电视。如果你们的价格比别人当你的产品品质啤酒一样,你可以得到更多的市场份额较低。这意味着你比别人跑得快,可能是最后的赢家。 2.3 地点因素 这个地方集中分布在绿色营销,你应该采取哪一种方法是正确和环保的。我们应该建立一个环境和有效的绿色营销链和销售点。在这个过程中我们应该减少在很大程度上是一些额外的介质部件,它可以节省大量费用。有一个例子零售分销,零售和分销客户包括香榭丽舍,体育


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