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Unit 3 A healthy lifeWarming Up, Pre-reading and ReadingContent analyze:本单元以健康话题为主题,听说读写等活动主要围绕如何健身,怎样成为健康人展开,其中涉及许多社会热点问题,如抽烟,吸毒,艾滋病,学习与工作压力等影响健康的棘手问题。本单元引导学生讨论这些问题,目的在于让他们远离有损健康的活动,并养成良好的习惯。课型设计与课时分配1stperiod2nd period3rdperiod4th period5th period6th period7thReadingLanguage studyExtensive readingwordGrammarSpeaking&writingIntegrating skillslisteningThe 1st periodTeaching Aims:Enable the Ss to learn how to give advice on stopping smoking.Difficulty and importanceLearn the bad effects of smoking and how to bive advice on stopping smoking.Learn in what ways people get addicted to cigarettes.Teaching methods:Discussion,cooperative learning and oral practice.Teaching aidsA computer and a projectorTeaching Procedures & waysStep Warming A healthy lifeA report -Health China,2005,which is about ten issues concerning Chinese people the most in the year 2005.According to your understanding ,what a healthy life is like? Can you guess what the ten issues are?A health life should include two aspectsA sample list : health issuesAIDS and infections ,parenting, relationships, food and nutrition, family issues, environmental health, domestic violence(家庭暴力), air pollution, cancer, anxiety, birth control, dental health, divorce, medical emergency treatment。Look at the issues listed in the textbook on page 17.Which issue do you think is the most important one? Why?Work in groups and have a discussion.Drug takingDrug taking is particularly important .it does great harm to peoples health; it will gradually kill a person if he gets addicted to it. Buying drug costs a lot of money, many families break up in this way. Our government has to spend much money on drug addicts treatment.Parenting is importantBecause many issues arise as a result of bad parenting or lack of care and love. If children grow up in happy and healthy families ,they will form good habits and keep away from bad habits.Smoking is importantSmoking does great harm to peoples health, it causes damage to peoples lung and heart,smoking shortens peoples lifespan(寿命)。Smoking not only does harm to people who smoke, but also affect the people around them.All these issues are important and need to be concerned. I am wondering if any of you smoke?.We know some adolescents(青少年)started smoking at very early years. Why do you think they smoke?Some realized the harm of smoking and wanted to stop it, do you know any scientific ways of stopping smoking?StepText analysis listen to the tapeSummarize the main ideal of each paragraph.In 1st :in 2nd:In 3rd:In 4th:In 5th:How about the writing style and purpose of the text?The text is in the form of _,the purpose is to explain how people get addicted to cigarettes and _affects peoples health. It also _How can I stop smoking? How can I stop smoking? 1Choose a day that is not stressful 2Make a list of all the benefits 3Throw away all your cigarettes 4Develop some other habits 5if you feel bad, ask a doctor StepReading I: ask the students to read the passage for five minutes then answer the following questions:1. What kind of person do you think James grandfather is ?Possible answer:He is fit and healthy and leads an active life. He takes an interest in his daughters and grandsons well-being. He is knowledgeable. He reads the internet. He appears to love his grandson.2. What are the suggestions James grandfather gives to quit smoking?Possible Suggestions to quit smoking:Prepare yourselfBe determinedBreak the habitRelaxGet help if you need itKeep trying3. Do you think the information and advice on the internet page that James grandfather sent is useful for someone who is trying to give up smoking? Possible answer:Its a good summary but a person wanting to give up should probably look for more information than what is presented here.4. What else could have been included?5. What information could have been left out?II: Fill in the chart on the next page with information from the reading passage. Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettesHarmful physical effects for smokersEffects a persons smoking can have on other peopleEffects smoking can have on sporting performanceIII: Make a summary on how to stop smoking.IV: Reading and comprehendingA letter from granddad to James, he gives James some advice on stopping smoking. After reading the letter, what kind of person do you think the granddad is?From his words ,I think he is very _and _.He doesnt give_advice on stopping smoking.Instead,first he tells James_and_;Then he _to his similar experience as a teenager. So I think he is very careful about_talking to his grandson about _.Suppose you were his grandson, would you love to take his advice?P20 2 Information from the reading passage1Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes2Harmful physical effects for smokersStepHomework Make sentences with the six words and phrasesDue to , addicted to ,accustomed to ,mentally, manage ,quitSearch on the Internet or other sources for information about how to stop smoking.


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