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新托福iBT 口语黄金80题1. 说出你认为对你最有用的一本书,并解释原因。The most important book for me is Harry Potter. Yes, I am a big Harry Potter fan, and I have read the whole Harry Potter series for over ten times. Harry Potter is importa nt for me because it enl arges my imag in ati on whe n I was in my childhood.And as I grow up, I still love readi ng it, since Harry Potter series provide me a magical world to escape whe n I am bored of our real world.2. 电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原 因。In my opinion, televisionhas more positive effects towards the modern society thanits n egativesides. First, from the n ews broadcasti ng in the televisi on, we can knowwhat is happening in the outside world even without stepping out our living room with television in it. And second, watching television with family members after supper is a good way to relax after a hard day s work.3. Describe the most important decision that you made in your life.The most importa nt decisi on that I have made in my life is to choose journalism as my major in uni versity. You know that I dreamed to be a jour nalist whe n I was still in my high school. Although my pare nts rejected my choice of that, I in sisted to it. During the studies in university,I learned hard and practiced as much as I could.I got the highest GPA in my grade and when I graduated from university, my dream of childhood came true.4. Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic scie nee?I bet no one could deny that the main resp on sibility of a high school is to help itsstude ntsdevelop academic abilities.But for a stude nt himself, it is also veryimportant to get fully educated in other fields like music and art as well as basic scienee. Music and art can help the students appreciate beauty in our lives and that will also in crease the efficie ncy of their basic scie nce study.5. 空闲时间用来做什么?I usually do three things to spend my spare time. The first is reading. I love reading, especially in a silent environment such as library. The secondis doing sports. Everymornin g, I jog 3000 meters, and every weeke nd, I swim 2000 meters. This can make me healthier and en ergetic. And last thing Id like to do whe n I am free isto eat out with friends. You may be surprised to know that I have tried all the restaura nts in our com mun ity!6. 打手机该不该在一些地方禁止?I definitely think that the use of a mobile phone should be forbiddenin some places,for example, library. The most com mon reas on for people going to a library is to find a silent environment to read their favorite books without interruption. But if you receive a pho ne call in the library or just send out messages, the mobile phone will ring. This no ise will surely in terrupt others in the library. And I do not think it is very polite.sec ond to none in our7. 描述一件自己印象深刻的 celebration 或者momentSpeak ing of celebratio ns, there is one day of the year that iscountry, it is the first day of the year in lunar calendar, which is called the Spring Festival by most Chinese people. Even if you are indifferent with festive events, you can not resist the charm of a family reunion dinner which marks the defining feature of the Spring Festival. And during the dinner, family members make toasts for each other in order to wish for joy, peace, health and fortune for the next year.8. Which one acts more influence on you newspaper, TV or teachers?I definitely think that it is newspapers that influence me most among the three.I read newspaper everyday especially the Beijing Daily which is my favorite. I learn what is happening around or outside the school all by reading newspaper. And as a student of journalism, newspaper is just like textbook for me, I learn how to write news with it. So thatswhy I think it influences me most.9. Describe a social or politics celebration events in your culture. Speaking of social celebration in my culture, there is one day of the year that is second to none, the Chinese New Year, which is also called the Spring Festival by most Chinese People. Even if you are indifferent with festive events, you can not resist the charm of a family reunion dinner which marks the defining feature of the Spring Festival. And family members make toasts for each other in order to wish for joy, peace, health and fortune for the next year.10. 政府是否应该资助建博物馆和剧院。说出你的观点和理由。No one could deny that the main responsibility of government is to regulate its people. But it is also very important for the government to build public utilities like museums and theatres for example. We people pay a huge amount of tax every year to the government, we do not hope they use this sum of money only to regulate us, we hope they can return some profit tous. And in my opinion, building museums andtheatres is a good way of that.11. 说出你所居住的城市中你最喜欢的地方,给出原因。My favorite place in my city is the New Oriental Restaurant. The New Oriental restaurant is the largest restaurant in our city and it provides all kinds of food, from sea food to curry, andfrom sushi to barbeque. Though I am a picky gourmet,the New Oriental can make me satisfy. Besides, the New Oriental is accessible by several buses and subway lines and it hence can be reached within half an hour from my home, even during rush hour. The price of the New Oriental is very reasonable and the waiters there provide well rounded service. I love the NO.12. 你和朋友在一起的时候喜欢去哪个地方?为什么?My favorite place in my city is the New Oriental Restaurant. The New Oriental restaurant is the largest restaurant in our city and it provides all kinds of food, from sea food to curry, andfrom sushi to barbeque. Though I am a picky gourmet,the New Oriental can make me satisfy. Besides, the New Oriental is accessible by several buses and subway lines and it hence can be reached within half an hour from my home, even during rush hour. The price of the New Oriental is very reasonable and the waiters there provide well rounded service. I love the NO.13. 你是喜欢自己在家里吃还是去外面餐馆吃?为什么?In my opinion, I definitely prefer to eat out. After a hard days work I have nomood cooking for myself, and eating out with my husband is a good choice for us.We need not care where to buy the groceries and who should do the clean up. And the second reason may be more important. I am a picky gourmet, and the restaurant can provide a wide variety of food choices for me which will definitely meet my demand. So thatswhy I like it.14. 你通常喜欢去什么 park 或者 public area 。My favorite public area is the NO15. 喜欢到大城市读书还是小城市读书。I definitely prefer to study in a big city. The most common reason for us to study is to find a good job, and there are much more job opportunities in big cities than the small town. If I study in the big cities, I can do a part time job while studying, and seize the opportunity to work there after I graduate from university. Moreover, jobs in big cities can offer more decent salary. So thatswhy I think big city ismore attractive for me to study.16. 杂志, 小说, 诗歌, 喜欢哪个I definitely prefer reading novels among the three. Especially the fairy novels like Harry Potter for example. I can spend a whole day without eating or do anything else just reading novels. It is my favorite way of relaxation in my spare time. When I am reading novels, I immerse in the world depicted in it, and this can help me escape from the real world which is boring for me.17. 喜欢一个人住还是和室友住I definitely prefer to live alone. I like singing, and if I am in good mood I will sing a song no matter where and no matter when. But my roommate could not tolerant my songs. She prefers to a quiet environment. Moreover, I am a neat freak, I could not bear there is any dirt in my dorm room. But my roommate cares little about the tidiness in our room. She never does the clean up of our dorm room and even worse, there s always a mess up at her area.18. 和朋友在一起,喜欢在 restaura nt , caf 还是在家I definitely prefer to eat out in a restaurant when Im together with my friends.As both of my parents have retired from work, they stay at home all day long. So it will not be convenient for we friends have a close chat including some secrets of us at home. More importantly, eating out at restaurant or caf means we do nhave to care about shopping, cooking, or cleaning up. And then we can enjoy our time more relaxed.19. Computer have improved our lives while others think computers have caused problemsWell, in my opinion I think computer does have more positive effects towards our lives than its negative sides. First, we can keep in touch more closely with the help of computer. For example, by using Emails or MSN, I can live messages to my friends in the United States no matter when. But before computer was invented, one have to wait nearly several months to get a letter or just a short message from friends abroad.20. 老师的 characterIn my opinion, a good teacher should have the following qualities: confident and kind. The teacher should be confident both of himself and his students. Every time hewalks in the classroom, he should bring a strong feeling of authority,and makes hisstude nts feel a defi nite sense of trust. And the teachers should be kind to his students. If a teacher is too strict, his students would be afraid to ask questions, and that will decrease the efficie ncy of their study.21. 是说愿意在办公室 工作还是在家工作,为什么。I defi nitely prefer to work at home. I like to burn the ni ght oil, and get up latein the morning. So I am always late for work. Even worse, I usually feel tired during the day, and I could not concen trate on what I am han dli ng with. If I can choose to work at home, this kind of thi ng can be avoided. I can man age my work at ni ght when I am more energetic.Besides,working in office means you must wearsomething formal, but Idon lite that. If I can choose to work at home, I canman age the work in my pajamas. HAHA22. 说一个你敬佩的人的好性格I will in troduceMr. Jacks on to you. You will be surprised to find that he is our salesman ager, for his rigorous habit of reas oning makes him more like an engin eer. Yet he is not a boring person, for his smart jokes alwayscheer us up at difficult times.Mr. Jacks on is widely regarded as a low key player though he plays an importa nt role in our company. Sure he is and that why we all feel it a pleasure to work with him and to get along with him as pers onal frien ds. You can not help being attracted by his magn etic pers on ality which seems con tagious to people around him.23. 大学是应该向所有人开放还是只对一部分学生开放I defi nitely think that the uni versity should be ope n to all stude nts. I bet no one could deny that the resp on sibility of a uni versity is to help as many stude nts as it can to develop their academic abilities and be well prepared for their further careers. Itis a right foreverystudentwhoneeds educationto enterintouniversitiesno matter he/sheis richor poor.Themore well-educated studentstheuni versities produce, the fast speed of developme nt our society will have.24. Whether parents should lead their childrento watch TV or the childrenshould choose25. The most efficie nt tran sportati on in your country。You may be surprised to find that the most efficient transportation in our country is bike. As one of the widest country in the world, there are many provinces which locate on highland that do not fit to drive a car because the roads there are too dan gerous. And in the cities of prairie, there are usually traffic jams especially during rush hours. So riding a bike becomes the most efficient transportationin mycoun try.26. 说近 100 年最 important 的 invention之一Well, in my op in io n the most importa nt inven ti on of the last 100 years is mobile phone. The fist reas on for why I choose it is that, by using a mobile phone, the distance between one another is significantly shortened. For example, I can send messages or make a phone call to conn ect with my boy friend in Shan ghai which is 1400 miles away from here in Beijing no matter when and no matter where. But before mobile phone was inven ted, I have to wait several days at least to get somein formatio n for him.27. attend college是否比不读 college 容易 successful in career ,why?I definitely agree to statement that attending college will make one more successful in career. Attending college means you can get well-educated in a certain area. And the education will make you fully prepared for your future career. Besides, when you graduate from the college, you can receive a degree, which is very importa nt to get a dece nt pay. Even if you are over qualified for your job positi on, the boss has a good reas on to give you a relatively low salary because you do not have a certificati on from college.28. Characteristics of frie nds;In my opinion a good friend should have the follow ing qualities: con fide nt and cari ng. As an only childin my family, I rely on others very much. Ineed my friend to bringme con fide nee.Every time my friend appears in front of me, I hope he/she can bringa strong feeli ng of authority which makes me feel a strong sense of trust. Then he/she should be very caring. When I am suffering hard times, or confronting difficulties, he/she can give me a hand and help me overcome the troubles.29.Some one suggests school to cut the Recycli ng30. 你是愿意当leader还是当followerOf course, I would like to be the leader. I thi nkI am a born leader because of tworeas ons. First I am good at com mun icati ng with others. That is very importa nt to lead a team with many complex troubles. With my sple ndid com muni catio n skills, I can make the atmosphere among my team members very harm onio us. And sec ond,I do not like to be regulated by others, so the only way to get rid of this statusis to be the leader and regulate others myself.31. Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books?In my opinion, I think it is internet that helps us more while doing research. It could help you save a lot of time by using intern et. For example, with a click on the butt on of your mouse, you can get maybe ten thousa nd pages of useful in formati on fromthe search engine google. The click takes you only a split of second. But if you want to get the same amount of information by reading academic books, I bet it will take you at least several mon ths.32. 人是被电视,报纸,广播上的信息影响得多,还是家人朋友得影响多Well, in my opinion, it is my family members and friends who in flue nee me most.The in formatio n provided by n ewspaper, TV, radio or other formats of media can just let us know what has happe ned. But speak ing of how to deal with it, we n eed more specific suggestions. Family members and friends can offer us this kind of informationas they are the ones who know us most besides ourselves. They can giveus adequate help.33. 理想的职业In my opinion, the most ideal career for me is to be a journalist. You know what?I have dreamed to be a journalist since I was still in middle school. Journalist never tells lies, and always seeks for truths. I want to be a man like that. Besides, I often feel shy whe n I am talk ing to others, and as I know jour nalists are all good atcom muni cat ing because good com muni cati on skill is very importa nt while theydoing in terviews. I want to possess this kind of skill myself, so thats why I wantto be a journ alist as an ideal career.34. Take a long vacation or several short vacations in a year?Well, in my opinion, I defi nitely prefer to take a long vacati on in stead of several short on es. If the vacati on is as long as about one mon th, I can separate it into two parts. In the first part, I will go abroad, visiting my dreaming park Disney Land for example. When I get back, I still have one or two weeks to have a rest before go back to work. So I would not be very tired and keep energetic while working.35. What do you thi nk are the characteristics of a good pare nt?Well, in my opinion, a good pare nt should be well-educated and patie nt. Its saidthat pare nts are the first and most importa nt teacher for childre n. So a pare nt should be well-educated, otherwise, how could he/she deal with the tutoring? Secon dly, everybody knows that to feed a baby is a time-c onsuming work, it n eeds great patie nee. If they are not patie nt eno ugh, the baby would hurt itself. And leave a scar in forehead for example, thatll be a disaster for him whe n he growsup.36. Do you prefer to study alone on work assignment from class or to study in group?Well, in my opinion, I would prefer to study in a group on work assignment from class. Working in a group means I will have partners to cooperate with. The work will be separated into several parts while working in a group and each of us is only resp on sible of our own part, and that will decrease our workload and in crease the efficie ncy. Besides, whe n I confront difficulties while study ing I can discuss with my part ners. So thats why I prefer to be in a group.37. 你的目标是什么To tell you the truth, my aim is to be a journalist as my future career. And I have partly achieved it. You know what, I have dreamed to be a jour nalist since I was still in the middle school. And the n I chose journ alism as my major in uni versity though may pare nts stron gly opposed to that. During my studies in the uni versity, I worked hard and practiced as much as I could. Yesterday after noon, a received a pho ne call. It was from China Daily which is one of the most famous n ewspaper in my country . They provided me an offer to be a journalist in their newspaper!38. 描述一次 challenging experienee,以及如何解决这个 challengeMany years have passed, but till today, I still could not forget the challenging experie nee whe n I found my first job as a journ alist. You know I dreamed to be a journalist when I was in my childhood. And I went to study journalism in a uni versity because of that. But whe n I graduated, I found it was very difficult for a female to be a journ alist no wadays, for the job is really a tough one. But I overcame it by provi ng I could tolera nt the tough work as a man the n I got it.39. 应该选择工作好找的专业还是应该选择自己感兴趣的专业I surely prefer to choose a major which is easy to find a good job in the future, like finance or man ageme nt for example. No one could deny that the most com mon reas on for us to study in a uni versity is to get well prepared for a good job in thefuture. So whether or not it will lead to a good job, should be put into the first place whe n we choose our major. If I find a good job with dece nt payme nt, I can use the money we have earned from it to satisfy my interests then.40. 喜欢看那种电影,为什么:Comedy, dramaMy favorite kind of movie is loving movies. The charming actors suchasHughGrantor Brad Pit are the most attractive factor for me to fancy at the lovi ng movies.And the second reason may be more important. Watching this kind of loving moviesis just like reading a text book which teaches me how to love and be loved.Moreover,the recen t lovi ng movies are always we girls favorite topics whe n we get together and have a gossip. I do not want to be out of date when we are talkingabout thingslike that.41. What will you do to relax yourself?42.1s it important for students to attend class regularly or study byon eself?I do not think it is necessary for students to attend class regularly. If a studentis good at math but poor at En glish, in my opinion, he/she should skip some of the math classes and using the extra time improving his/her English. Moreover, some students can not concentrate in classroom because it is very noisy with too many students in it. For them, studying in a library on their own would be more efficient. If they have any questions, they could solve them simply by asking professors during office hours face to face.43. Describe an enjo yable eve nt in your childhood44.


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