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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上A.建议信一 建议信常用词汇:feedback n.反馈 feasible adj.可行的suggestion n.建议 proposal n.建议venture v.冒昧做某事 beneficial adj. 有益的advise v. 建议 suggest v. 建议recommend v. 推荐,劝告 wise adj. 明智的二常用句式:1. However, to you, I highly recommend但是对你而言, 我强烈推荐1. If you can make a careful study, I am convinced that your skills of will be greatly improved.如果你能认真学习,我相信你的能力将极大提高。2. To solve this problem, in my mind为了解决这一问题,我的看法是3. I am writing to express my views concerning我写信谈谈关于的看法。4. You have asked me for my advice with regard to , and I will try to make some constructive suggestions.就一事你征询我的意见,我会尽量给出有建设性的建议。5. I feel that it would be beneficial if .我认为如果, 将会收益。6. If I were you, I would如果我是你,我就会7. I would be ready to discuss this matter to further details.我愿意就此时的细节进行讨论。8. Freshman as I am, I feel that it is my obligation to make some suggestions concerning作为一名大一新生,我觉得有义务对.问题提出些建议。9. I sincerely hope that my proposals would be considered and positive changes take place in these regards.衷心希望您能考虑我的建议,并在这些方面进行积极的改变。三建议信内容:建议信是建议收信人采取某种行动的信件,可以是做出某种选择或某种改变。建议信也有公函和私人信函之分,公函格式比较固定、正式,私人信函则比较随意。四建议信的写作结构:1. 自我介绍,说明目的。2. 委婉地提出建议及改进措施,或提出忠告。3. 采纳建议会带来的好处,礼貌总结或期盼回复。五黄金模板Dear , As , I am writing this letter to express my views concerning . Although , there is still much room for improvement. For instance, . In view of these facts, I would like to make the following suggestions. First, . second, . I hope you will find these suggestions helpful. Yours sincerely, 六经典范文Directions: Write a letter to your university library, making suggestions for improving its service. You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address.Dear Sir/Madam, As a student of our university, I am writing this letter to express my views concerning the service of our library. Although we have benefited enormously from our library, there is still much room for improvement. For instance, many books in the library are totally obsolete and some of the librarians are ill-mannered. In view of these facts, I would like to make the following suggestions. First, more books should be purchased according to the students needs, especially the ones on IT and modern literature. Second, students should be given the right to evaluate the librarians, which will be concerned with their income. I hope you will find these suggestions helpful. Yours sincerely, Li Ming七模拟练习(按照上文所提供的黄金模板来写,在合适的位置增添书信的内容)Directions: Write a letter to your cousin Lily, who is going to take the college entrance examination and feels great pressure, giving your suggestions. Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address.专心-专注-专业


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