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贵州省绥阳县2017-2018 七年级英语上学期期中试题(试卷满分:150 分,考试时长: 120 分 钟)一:听力部分(共20 道小题,每小题1.5 分,共计 30 分)A:图片理解,请听句子,选出与所听句子相符的图片。()1.(听两遍)ABC()2.ABC()3.ABC()4.ABC()5.ABC座位号B: 小对话理解, 请听小对话以及以及问题,从 A,B, C三个选项中选择正确答案。(听两遍)()6. A. Pens.(B. Pencils.)7. A. White.C. Maps B. Black.C. Blue.()8. A. John s uncle. B. John )9. A. An English book. B. A jacket. )10. A. 28614833. B. 28971690.s son.C. An apple.C. 28865321.C. Johns cousin.C: 长对话理解,请听长对话,根据其内容,从ABC中选择能回答所给问题的最佳答案。(听三遍)()11. Is the pencil box Janes?(A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn )12. That pen is _.t.C. Yes, its.A.JanesB. LindasC. Bob s()13. Whose(谁的 ) book is this?(A.JanesB. Bill)14. What color is the ruler?A.Black.B. White.sC. Red.C. Lindas()15.Is the eraser Bill s?A.No, it isnt.B. No, it is.C. Yes, it is.D听短文,完成下列信息表格(听三遍)。1.Gina s last name is16 .2.She has a blue17 .3.Look, this is a red18 .4.An 19 book is in it.5. Please call Gina at20 .16._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._二、单项选择。 (共 15 小题, 15 分)()21. This is _ _eraser and that is _ ID card.A. an, anB. a,anC.an, a()22. You can call your teacher _ 28613987.A. toB.atC. with()23. -_ do you spell your name?- M-I-L-L-E-R.A.HowB.WhatC. Please()24. Are you Tom?-Yes, _.A. I mB. I amC. youare()25. A set of keys _ on the table.A. isB. amC. are()26. - _?- My friend, Linda.AWhos sheB. Whats thisC.Whos he()27. This is _ friend. _ last name is Brown.A. my; HeB. my; HisC I; His()28. Please _ me at selina2008.A. callB. meetC.e-mail(A. my)29.This is my pen. And that ruler is _, too.B. yoursC.mine(A. but)30.I m in No. 14 Middle School, _ my brothe B. andC. orr is, too.()31. What s that _ Chinese.A.atB. inC. of)32. Hello, Mary. _ my friends, Jack and Jim.A. This isB. That isC. These are()33 - _ the English book?-Its Helens.(A. What about B. What s C. what about )34. - _, is this your ruler? - Yes, thank you. A. Hello B. Sorry C. Excuse me )35. - Have a good day! - _.A. Thanks. You, too.B. Me, too.C. You re welcome.三完型填空。(共10 小题,每小题1.5 分)Look! Here is a photo 36 my family. I have(有 ) a big family. My 37arevery old now. My grandfather is 70 years old and my grandmother3869yearsold. Ihave an39. Hes my fathers40 .I have two41. Theyremy motherssister.I have42cousinsa boy and a girl.They aremy uncle s43 and daughter. I have a sister, too. But(但是 ) she44in the photo. Iam in a nice45 . I love my family.()36. A. atB. ofC. in()37. A. grandparentsB. parentsC.grandfather()38. A. amB. areC. is()39. A. eraserB. orangeC.uncle()40. A. brotherB. sisterC.friend()41. A. sonsB. auntsC.brothers()42.A. oneB.twoC.three()43. A. boyB. girlC. son()44. A. isn tB. areC. is()45. A. familyB. schoolC.schoolbag四口语交际。 (共 10 分,每小题2 分)A: 46 , Cindy!B: Good afternoon, Dale!A:47B: No, it isnA: Is this redt. Its Jim s.pencil box yours?B:48. Its mine. Thank you.A:49B: They re rulers.A: And is that cup AlanB: No,50s?A.Yes, it is.B.it is Marys.C. Whatre those?D. Good afternoonE. Is this your notebook?F. Are these your notebooks?G. Whats that?五阅读理解。 (共40 分,每小题2 分)AI m Helen.I m 12 and I m in No. 1 MiddleSchool.I have threekeys,two Englishbooks, an eraser and a Chinese dictionary. I have five pencils. But Jill borrowed( 借 ) two of them from me. My things ( 东西 ) are in my schoolbag. Susan is my friend. She is 13 and she is in No. 3 Middle School. She has three English books, four pensand two dictionaries. They are not in her schoolbag. Where are they? They areeverywhere in her room on the bed, under the desk and on the chair.() 51. Helen has _.A. two booksB. three erasersC. four keys() 52. _ pencils are in HelenA. SixB. Fives schoolbag now(C. Three现在).() 53. Susan is Helens _.A.friendB. sisterC. cousin() 54. Susan has no _.A. pensB. keysC.books() 55. Susan is _.A. in No.1 Middle SchoolB. in No.2 Middle SchoolC. in No.3 Middle SchoolBLostMy new bike.Itis red.Please call me at 678-42190.My name isJimmy.FoundIs this your ring?Please call Betty.(My baseball.My name is John.Please call 708-52097.) 56. _ lost a bike.A.JimmyB. BettyPhone number :892-02311Is this your schoolbag?Please call David.Phone number: 291-20845C. David() 57.Is the ring Bettys?A.Yes, it is.B. No, it isnt.C. Yes, this is.() 58.What color is Jimmys new bike?A.Green.B. White.C. Red.() 59.You can call _ for the schoolbag.A.DavidB. JohnC. Betty() 60.What is Johns phone number?A.678-42190B. 892-02311C. 708-52097CMy name is Jack. Im English. I have a big family. My wife(妻子) Susan is adoctor.Wehave threechildren(孩子 ).Tom and Mike are my twinsons. They areboth( 两者都 ) 12.Mary is my daughter.She is10.They arestudentsin No. 3 MiddleSchool.My fathersname isJames. My mothersname is Grace. They are oldand theydontwork( 工作 ) now. Bill is my brother. He is a bus driver. Lucy is my wifes sist er.She is a teacher. She teaches(教) English in a middle school in China. My wifesmothers name is Sue. Her fathers name is Harry. They are old, too.() 61.Jacks wife is a _.A.teacherB. doctorC. worker() 62.What does the word“twin ” mean(意思)?A.亲生的B.收养的C.成双的() 63.Mary is Toms _.A.cousinB. friendC. sister() 64. Bill is Jacks _.A.sonB. brotherC. father) 65. Lucy works in _.A.a hospital(医院 )B. No. 3 Middle SchoolC. a middle schoolDHello,I m Mike Green. ( 1)这里有一张我的书包的照片。It s brown. I likeitverymuch, but I lost it in the school this morning. A pencil box, an English book, adictionaryand a computer game are in it.My pencilbox is black.I have threepencils,two pens and a yellow ruler in it. On the English book, you can see my name MikeGreen. The computer game is not mine. Its my friend Bobs. I mustfind it.( 2)If(如果 ) you find my schoolbag, please call me.you.My phone number is 352-6698. Thank座位号66. What color is Mikes schoolbag?_67. What is in the schoolbag?_68. Is the computer game Mikes?_69. 把划线句子( 1)翻译成英语。_70. 把划线句子( 2)翻译成汉语。六短文填 空,用所给词的适当形式填空。( 共 10 分 , 每题 1 分 )spell, in, see, green, it, my, he, ruler, dictionary,beI am a student in No. 5 Middle School. My name71Lucy Smith. This ismy classroom. Look, there are many(许多 ) things in it. Is this my pen? Yes,72is.It s white.Is thatmy ruler?No,itisn t73. It s Alan s74.It s red. My ruler is75. What s this? Its a Chinese76. Howdo you77it?D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y. It s Jims.78nameis on the firstpage( 页 ) of the dictionary. You can also79a vase(花瓶 ) and some flowerson the desk. Some erasers are80a blue box.七用所给单词的适当的形式填空。( 共 5 分 , 每题 1 分 )81. What s(she) first name?82. Thank you for your _(help).83.Are these his _(watch).84.Here is _(Jane) key.85.I must _(find) my school ID card. Youre welcome.八、句子改错。 (共 5 分,每题1 分)下面每个句子都有一处错误,请选出错误序号并改正在横线上。() 86.These are my friend. _ABC() 87.Here is two nice photos for you. _A BC() 88.My aunt, Mary and my mother are brothers. _ABC() 89.What do you spell that? _AB C() 90.Are these your bags? -Yes, theyremy. _ABC九书面表达。 (共计 20 分。)假如你是Tom,你的笔友Jack 想了解你的家庭成员,你给他寄了一张你的全家福照片,并介绍你的家庭成员(家里有爷爷, 奶奶,爸爸, 妈妈,叔叔,婶婶,两个妹妹, 两个堂弟)。可以适当的发挥想象,使文章内容丰富。( 不少于 50 词)Dear Jack,Yours Tom听力材料(七年级)A:图片理解,请听句子,选出与所听句子相符的图片。(听两遍)1 Excuse me, is this your hat?2. This is my grandmother.3. Those are my dictionaries.4.Whats that? It s a baseball.5.That purple watch is hers.B. 小对话理解,请听小对话以及以及问题,从A, B, C 三个选项中选择正确答案。 (听两遍)6. A:Jenny, are these pens?B: No, they are pencils.Q:What are these?7 . A:Is this black watch yours, Tom?B: No, my watch is blue.Q:What color is Toms watch?8. A: Whos that boy, John?B: H es my uncle s son.Q: Whos that boy?9.A:An apple is in Annas schoolbag.B: Yes. And a jacket is in her schoolbag, too.Q:What is not in Annas schoolbag?10.A:My telephone number is 28614833. What about yours, Ms Miller?B: Mine is 28971690.Q: What s Ms. Miller s telephone number?C长对话理解,请听长对话,根据其内容,从ABC中选择能回答所给问题的最佳答案。(听三遍)A: Excuse me. What s that?B: Its a pencil box. Is it yours, Jane?A: No, it isnt. Oh, I see. Its Linda s. That pen is Lindas too.B: Is this her book?A: No, its my book. My name“J ane” is on it.B: And is this your eraser?A: No, it is Bills eraser. And whats this, Bob?B: Its a ruler.It s red.It smine. What about this pencil?A: It s my pencil.B: Here you are!A: Thank you.第四段听短文,完成下列信息表格。短文听3 遍。Good morning! My name is Gina Brown. Gina is my first name. Brown is my lastname. This is a pencil box. It is blue. Its my pencil box. Look, this is a redschoolbag. An English book is in it. It isnt my schoolbag. I found it in theclassroom. Is this yours? Please call me at 625-8769.参考答案一、1-5 BABCB6-10 BCCAB11-15 BBACC16. Brown17. pencil box18. schoolbag 19. English 20.6258769二、21-25 ABABA26-30 ABCCB31-35 BCACA三、36-40 BACCA41-45 BBCAA四、46-50 DEACB五、51-55 ACABC56-60 ABCAC61-65 BCCBC66.Brown.67. A pencil box, an English book, a dictionary and a computer game.68. No, it isn t.69. Here is a picture of my schoolbag.70. 如果你找到我的书包,请给我打电话。六、71. is72.it76. dictionary73. mine74.ruler75.green77. spell78. His79. see80. In七、81. her82. help83. watches84. Jane s85. find八、86.C friends 87. B are 88. C sisters89.A How 90. C mine


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