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2014年4月大学英语B统考考前押题复习指导(请大家先详细阅读下面的复习指导,然后再去复习后面的押题)一、交际用语考前押题复习指导. 交际用语考5道题,每题3分,共15分。此部分是本考试最简单、规律性最强的题型,同时单题分值很高,所以请同学们务必要全部掌握。基础较好的同学请掌握下面的100多道题,如果遇到不会做的题目,请去听强化课程中交际用语的讲解,做到考试能作对5道题,拿到满分15分;对于基础特别差的同学,请掌握下面的交际用语练习45道题,做到考试能做对3-4道题,拿到9-12分。二、阅读理解考前押题复习指导. 阅读理解考2篇短文,每篇短文5道题,共10道小题,每题3分,共30分。我们首先来说考试中阅读理解的第一篇,答案是二选一,即正误的判断选择。难度相对不大(所以大家一定要重视此部分,尽可能拿到多的分数)。基础较好的同学请掌握阅读理解一的10篇,并使用“关键词回归原文定位的方法”试着做一做,细节题一般都能做对;如果考试中你没有考到这10篇中的一篇,请先做,做出自己认为一定对的题目,剩余不能确定答案的几题,请根据A、B选项的多少来选择,比如你能确定的2个题答案都选B,那剩余的3道题你就全部蒙A;或者比如你能确定1个题的答案选A,剩余的4个题你就全部蒙B,这样你就能拿到12-15分。基础特别差的同学掌握这11篇即可,如果考试中你没有考到这10篇中的一篇,5道题请全部选择A,这样你就可以拿到9分了,不要问原因。我们再来说说考试中阅读理解的第二篇,第二篇(阅读理解二的18篇均属于此类)答案是四选一。这部分我们给的18篇有99%的可能性会出现在你的考试中,所以大家一定要全部掌握。这样你就能拿到全部的15分了。所以阅读理解我们至少能拿到9+15=24分。三、词汇与结构考前押题复习指导. 词汇与结构考5道题,每题2分,共10分。这个题型对我们来说是比较难的,而且分值较低,我们复习的时候不要花很多时间,基础较好的同学掌握我们给的考前押题即可,考试的时候应该能够遇到道原题,这样至少能拿到6分。基础较差的同学请掌握词汇与结构练习的道题,考试应该能遇到道原题。 所以词汇与结构我们至少可以拿到4分。四、完形填空考前押题复习指导. 完形填空考1篇短文,共5题,每题2分,共10分。这个题型现在难度降低了很多,所以大家千万不要放弃。对于基础较好的同学,如果考试没有遇到原题,可以根据选项中5个词的词性来做选择,同时请大家注意,5个小题中的ABCDE选项的单词都是一样的,大家也可以将这5个单词拿到选项中根据排除法来做选择和判断,剩余不会做的几道题,可以全部蒙还没有选的选项,例如. 基础特别差的同学实在不行就都选择A,这样会对一个,拿到2分。所以完形填空我们至少可以拿到2分。五、英译汉考前押题复习指导. 英译汉考4题,每题5分,共20分。此部分也是本考试简单的题型,同时也是单题分值高的题型,所以请大家多花些精力和时间来掌握。英译汉是由老师来改卷的,老师改卷原则. 1、不作答0分;2、翻译对任何一个单词都能给0.5分或1分;3、英译汉没有标准答案,只要写得意思正确,就给满分即5分。4、句子翻译错误扣分,严重错误不给分。这个改卷原则给我们的启示. 1、一定要写,不写就不可能得分;2、会一个单词就写一个,写一个就会有分;3、英译汉复习中,不用背所谓的标准答案,只要将不认识的单词认识即可,因为英译汉改卷答对意思就能得到满分。4、确定不会的单词一定不要瞎猜,这样避免扣分,切记,只翻译自己会的单词即可。英语基础较好的同学争取拿到满分20分;基础特别差的同学掌握要求掌握我们给的考前押题即可,特别是要掌握好英译汉练习的27道题!应该能碰到2-4道题,拿到10-20分。六、作文考前押题复习指导. 作文考1道题,15分。此部分也属于拿分的题型。当然也属于大家恐惧的题型。对于这个题型,请大家务必掌握(会背、会在电脑上默写)我们给的7个作文模板,考试中95%的考题均会与这7个模板相同和相似,相似也就是说可以拿模板改写。对于基础较好的同学,请先听强化课程中的写作部分,背诵这7个模板,会写写作练习的15个作文题目,同时认识每个模板下面的作文题目,并会改写;保证能拿到12-15分。对于基础特别差的同学,背诵并会默写这7个模板,会写写作练习的15个作文题目,保证能拿到9-13分。综上所述,如果大家按照我说的去做,基础较好的同学应该能拿到71-89分,基础差的同学也能拿到61-73分。同时,交际用语、阅读理解、英译汉、写作属于我们拿分的题型,一定要花大力气来掌握。请大家相信,付出就会有收获!最后11天,只要我们每天拿出2-4小时来复习,我们就能一脚踢开可恶的英语!就能从此以后不用再学英语!就能和我们金程教育说拜拜! 最后祝大家顺利通过统考考试!拿到毕业证书!2014年4月统考大学英语B试卷结构与题型部分项目内容题型题量分值总分时间(分钟)交际英语5个简短对话单项选择531510阅读理解2篇短文,每篇5道题单项选择1033020词汇与结构5个单句单项选择521010完型填空1篇短文单项选择521010英译汉4个单句翻译452010写作1篇作文命题作文1151530总计3010090一、交际用语1、- Would you please show me your bankbook? 答案:B- _A.Sorry, I have no idea.B.Here you are.C.Come with me.D.Yes, Id like to. 2、- Thank you for the wonderful meal, Mrs. Hanson. 答案:D- _A.Oh, I dont think you ate well. B.Im not a good cook in fact.C.Be careful next time.D.Im glad you enjoyed it.3、- I heard you got a full mark in the English exam. Congratulations! 答案:C- _A.Oh, no, no.B.No, I didnt do very well.C.Thanks.D.Dont praise me.4、Hello, may I speak to Zhao Hua?_.A:My name is Zhao HuaB:Im Zhao HuaC:This is Zhao Hua speakingD:Zhao Hua is me答案:C5、- _? -This is Mr Smith speaking now.A:Who are youB:Who is thatC:Who are you callingD:What do you want to say答案:B6、-Dont worry. Ill leave the message on his desk.- _.A:It doesnt matterB:Thats all rightC:Thank goodnessD:Its kind of you答案:D7、- Take these pills three times a day. Come back and see me in a week. 答案:A- _A.Thank you very much indeed.B.I cant make it.C.I havent decided yet. D.Good idea!8、- How good the news is for you!- _.A:You are kind to tell meB:Im glad to see thatC:Its kind of you to say soD:Its nice to hear from you答案:C9、-Im sorry. Bob is not in his office.-_?A:Can you take a message for meB:Are you sure for thatC:Would you like to leave a messageD:Can you phone me-I havent seen Belly for 10 years.答案:A10、-Would you like to see the film with me tonight?-_.A:Not at allB:No, I dontC:Yes, Id love toD:Thats right答案:C11、- Ive passed the examination. 答案:C- _A.What a pity. B.I hate the exam.C.Congratulations. D.Come on.12、- Congratulations! You won the first prize in the English speech contest. 答案:C- _A.Yes, I beat the others. B.No, no, I didnt do it well.C.Thank you. D.Its a pleasure.13、- What do you think of the new mobile phone model? 答案:C- _A.It goes very fast.B.It travels very fast.C.It is very expensive.D.It walks very slowly.14、- _ I think you have given me the wrong change. 答案:B- Im sorry about that.A.PardonB.Excuse meC.Good ideaD.How are you15、- Well done and _.答案:B- Thank you very much!A.not at all B.congratulationsC.thats rightD.you are welcome16、- Could I ask you a rather personal question? - Of course, _.A:good ideaB:thats rightC:never mindD:go ahead答案:D17、- Im really grateful to you. - _ A:My pleasure.B:It doesnt matter.C:Dont worry about it.D:Thats OK.答案:A18、- Would you mind if I turned the radio up? - _A:Yes, please.B:No, go right ahead.C:No, thank you.D:Yes, thats all right.答案:B19、- Bring me the bill, please. 答案:B- _A.You are welcome.B.Please wait for a moment, sir.C.Ill hurry up.D.Be quick.20、- My son won the first prize in the writing contest! 答案:A- _A.Congratulations!B.Are you sure of that?C.What a pity! D.Its terrible.21、- Hello. Is Jim there? 答案:A- _A.This is Jim. Whos speaking, please?B.Im afraid I wont be free.C.This is the right number.D.Theres no hurry.22、- What a beautiful dress you have on today! 答案:D- _A.It is suitable for me.B.No, it isnt. C.You want to have one, too? D.Thank you.23、- Could you buy some salt on your way home? 答案:A- _A.All right. B.Is that all?C.Just a few. D.Let me see.24、- I think he is a good lecturer. 答案:B- _A.Sorry, it doesnt matter.B.So do I. C.Yes. Its a good idea.D.I dont mind. 25、- Could you pass me the salt and pepper? 答案:B- _.A.Sorry, I didnt know what you mean. B.Ok, here you are. C.No, I wont. D.I dont know.26、- May I speak to Dr. Brown? 答案:C- _A.Yes, he is not in at the moment. B.No, you cant.C.Yes, this is Brown speaking. D.Sorry, speaking.27、- Hello, Id like to speak to Jack, please. 答案:B- _A.Yes, Im Jack. B.This is Jack speaking.C.Its me here. D.This is me.28、- Thanks for the lovely and delicious food.答案:D- _. A.No thanksB.Never mindC.All rightD.My pleasure29、Thank you for helping me. 答案:C_.A.Dont thank meB.You are welcome to meC.Not at allD.Im glad to do it30、Hello, may I speak to Liu Mei? 答案:D_.A.Im Liu MeiB.Liu Mei is meC.My name is Liu MeiD.This is Liu Mei speaking31、- Thank you ever so much for the book you gave me. 答案:B- _.A.No thanksB.Im glad you like itC.Yes, it is goodD.No, its not so good32、- Hi, is Thomas there? 答案:C- _A.Who are you? B.Sorry, Ill call him.C.Hold on. Ill get him.D.Yes, Thomas is me. 33、- Can I ask you a few questions? 答案:D- _A.What do you do?B.Its a good idea.C.No, thanks.D.Certainly.34、- Excuse me, could you help to find my son? 答案:A- _A.Certainly. B.Why? C.No, I cant. D.Where is he? 35、- Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift. 答案:B- _A.Never mind B.Im glad you like it.C.Please dont say so.D.No, Its not so good.36、- Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please? 答案:B- _A.Whos there? B.Whos speaking?C.Who are you?D.Who wants to speak to Mark?37、Thank you for your nice gifts. 答案:A- _A.Im glad you like it.B.No thanks.C.Its very kind of you.D.Im sorry to hear that.38、- Thank you very much for giving me so much help. 答案:B- _.A.No thank youB.Youre welcomeC.OKD.Thanks39、- Let me introduce myself. Im Steward答案:B- _ A.What a pleasure. B.Pleased to meet you.C.I dont know. D.Thanks a lot.40、-Could you help me with English? 答案:D-_A.No, no way.B.No, I couldnt.C.No, I cant.D.Sorry I cant. I have an appointment right now.41、- Can you help me? 答案:B- _A.No, I dont know.B.Sure. What is it?C.Dont mention it.D.Thats it.42、-Could you help me with my physics, please?答案:D-_A.No, no way.B.No, I couldnt.C.No, I cant.D.Sorry I cant. I have to go to a meeting right now.43、-I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A. 答案:B-_A.Dont worry about it.B.Congratulations! Thats a difficult course.C.Mr. Brown is very good.D.Good luck to you!44、-We really enjoy ourselves at the party. Thanks again, Mr. and Mrs. Brown. 答案:B-_. Just drop in whenever you feel like it.A.Our great honourB.Nice having you hereC.Nice you are hereD.With pleasure45、- I really dont know how to thank you enough. 答案:B- _.A.No problemB.Think nothing of itC.Not at allD.It doesnt matter46、Thank you ever so much for the coat you bought me. 答案:B _.A.No thanksB.Im glad you like itC.Please dont say soD.No, its not so good47、- Id like to book a room, please. 答案:A- _A.Single or double?B.Good or bad?C.Which room?D.We dont have books here.48、Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? 答案:D_.A.Yes, you may borrowB.Yes, you couldC.Yes, go onD.Yes, help yourself49、If you need me, jut let me know. 答案:BI will, _.A.thats all rightB.thank youC.all rightD.not at all50、May I move your bag a little and take this seat? 答案:D_.A.I dont mindB.It doesnt matterC.You do it pleaseD.Go ahead51、Why not go and have dinner in a restaurant? 答案:C_. Its too expensive.A.Why notB.I agreeC.Im afraid notD.Im sure52、Would you go to the concert with me? 答案:A_, but Im very busy now.A.Id like toB.SureC.No problemD.Certainly53、Ill be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking at my cat? 答案:DNot at all. _.A.I have no timeB.Id rather notC.You can leaveD.Id be happy to54、Congratulations! 答案:D_.A.Glad to hear thatB.Dont mention itC.The same to youD.Thank you55、How are you? You look nice! 答案:B_.A.Thanks, so are youB.Thanks, so do youC.Yes, I doD.Yes, you are too56、Ill go camping this weekend. 答案:C_. A.Can you go fishing, tooB.Dont give it upC.Have a good timeD.glad to hear it57、- Hello! Is that Mr Wang speaking? 答案:A- _A.Yes. This is Mr Wang speaking.B.Yes. Can I speak to Mr Wang?C.Sorry, youd better ask Mr Wang.D.No, I cant speak.58、-Thank you for your help. 答案:B- _.A.It doesnt matterB.Youre welcomeC.Youre kindD.I dont think so59、- Did you win the 100 metre race? 答案:A- Yes, I did.- Really? _.A.CongratulationsB.Best wishesC.Good luckD.Right60、- Happy Teachers Day to you, Mr Wang! 答案:A- _.A.Thank youB.All the sameC.Me, tooD.The same to you61、- I have passed the maths exam! 答案:C- _. Congratulations!A.SorryB.Come onC.Well doneD.Bad luck62、-_.答案:A-Thank you.A.CongratulationsB.CongratulationC.CongratulateD.To congratulate63、- Im going to take my entrance test tomorrow. 答案:A- _!A.Good luckB.CheersC.Come onD.Congratulations64、Could you help me put up the signs on the wall? 答案:A_. A.No problemB.I hope soC.Thats all rightD.Thats a good idea65、-Can you help clean the window? 答案:C-_. A.Id like thatB.Sure, go aheadC.Sorry, but I have to meet my uncleD.Its none of my business66、-Would you mind closing the window? It is windy outside. 答案:A-_A.Not at all.B.Sure, go ahead.C.Why not?D.Yes, I would.67、-Hello, could I speak to Miss Fang, please? 答案:A- _Ill get her for you.A.Hold on, please.B.Im Miss Fang.C.Who are you?D.She is at work.68、-Well have a basketball match this afternoon. 答案:A-_. A.Good luckB.Never mindC.Yes, pleaseD.Its nothing69、- Oh, sorry to bother you. 答案:A-_.A.Thats okayB.No, you cantC.Thats goodD.Oh, I dont know70、- I wonder if I could use your dictionary? 答案:B - _ A.Go on.B.Go ahead.C.Go up.D.Go away.71、-Would you like to go skating with me? 答案:C- _.A.Yes, I think soB.No, thanksC.Yes, Id love toD.Im afraid not72、- Happy birthday to you! 答案:D- _A.Happy birthday to you!B.I am very gladC.Thats all rightD.Thank you73、-Good evening, Professor Hardy. 答案:B-Good evening, John. Come in, please.-Thank you, I hope I am not interrupting you.-No, _.A.thank youB.not at allC.thanksD.let it alone74、-Nice day, _?答案:B-Yes, it is. A.is itB.isnt itC.whats itD.isnt that75、-_today. 答案:C-Yes. It was even hotter yesterday. A.Its so coldB.Its so wetC.Its so hotD.Its so windy76、-Thank you for the delicious food. 答案:A-_.A.I am glad you enjoyed itB.It doesnt matterC.I dont think it is goodD.Dont say so77、-Merry Christmas! 答案:D-_.A.I hope soB.ReallyC.Thank youD.The same to you78、-Can I help you? 答案:C-_.A.OK, Ill take itB.Thats goodC.Yes, Id like a sweaterD.Its too dear79、-Will you join us for lunch?- _. A:No, I wontB:Yes, with pleasureC:Yes, pleaseD:Yes, help yourself答案:B80、- Thanks for your help.- _ A:My pleasure. B:Never mind.C:Quite right.D:Dont thank me.答案:A81、 - Its rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window?- _A:Yes, please.B:No, please.C:Sure, please.D:I dont like it.答案:B82、- Could you do me a favour and take these books to my office? 答案:C- Sure, _. A.for pleasureB.I couldC.my pleasureD.more pleasure83、- Im taking my driving test tomorrow. 答案:B- _!A.CheersB.Good luckC.Come onD.Congratulations84、- I have passed the English exam. 答案:D - _. Congratulations!A.SorryB.Good luckC.Come onD.Well done85、- Is it OK if I take this seat? 答案:C- Sorry, _.A.here you areB.take itC.its takenD.never mind86、- How are you, Bob? 答案:B- _A.How are you?B.Im fine. Thank you.C.How do you do?D.Nice to meet you.87、- Hello, Im Harry Potter. 答案:C- Hello, my name is Charles Green, but _. A.call my CharlesB.call me at CharlesC.call me CharlesD.call Charles me88、- Whos speaking? 答案:C- This is Tom .A.speaks B.spokenC.speaking D.saying89、- Im sorry. I lost the key. 答案:A- _ A.Well, its OK.B.No, its all right.C.You are welcome.D.You are wrong.90、- Could you help me with my physics, please?答案:D- _A.No, no way.B.No, I couldnt.C.No, I cant.D.Sorry I cant. I have to go to a meeting right now.91、- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please?答案:A- _A.Speaking, please.B.Oh, how are you?C.Im listening.D.Im Don.92、- Thank you for inviting me. 答案:C- _A.I really had a happy time.B.Oh, its too late.C.Thank you for coming.D.Oh, so slowly?93、- I have an appointment with Dr. Edward. 答案:A- _A.Please wait for a minute.B.Are you sick?C.Tell me about your appointment.D.Dr. Edward didnt tell me.94、- Hello, could I speak to Mike please? 答案:B- _A.Who are you?B.Who is speaking?C.Whats wrong?D.Why?95、- Have a nice holiday! 答案:D- _A.You have it too.B.You do too.C.The same as you.D.The same to you.96、- Paul, this is my friend, Ann. 答案:D- _A.Very well, thank you.B.How do you like the party?C.Glad to meet you, Jack.D.Glad to meet you, Ann.97、- Great party, isnt it? 答案:A- _A.Yeah, really.B.My friends are great.C.Have we met before?D.Glad to meet you again.98、- Come and see me if you have time. 答案:D- _A.I cant.B.Ill think it over.C.Thank you.D.I will.99、- She is running a fever, but now it is under control. 答案:B- _A.She is running fast.B.I will go and see her after work.C.Her mother does not run.D.She is running away from home.交际用语练习.1、- Please help yourself to the seafood. 答案:D- _A.No, I cant.B.Sorry, I cant help.C.Well, seafood dont suit.D.Thanks, but I dont like seafood.2、- Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening? 答案:B- _A.No, I already have plans.B.Id love to, but Im busy tonight.C.No, I really dont like being with you.D.Im ill, so I shouldnt go out.3、- Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech contest. 答案:C- _A.Yes, I beat the others.B.No, no, I didnt do it well.C.Thank you.D.Its a pleasure.4、- Must I take a taxi? 答案:D- No, you _ . You can take my car.A.had better toB.dontC.must notD.dont have to5、- We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us? 答案:A- _A.Im afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.B.Of course not. I have no idea.C.No, I cant.D.Thats all set.6、- How was your trip to London, Jane? 答案:A - _ A.Oh, wonderful indeed.B.I went there alone.C.The guide showed me the way.D.By plane and by bus.7、- Hey, Tom, whats up? 答案:B- _A.Yes, definitely!B. Oh, not much.C.What is happening in your life?D.You are lucky.8、- Do you mind my smoking here? 答案:B- _A.No, thanks.B.Yes, I do.C.Yes. Id rather not.D.Good idea.9、- David injured his leg playing football yesterday. 答案:C- Really? _A.Who did that?B.Whats wrong with him?C.How did that happen?D.Why was he so careless?10、- This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs. 答案:B- _A.You may ask for help.B.Ill give you a hand.C.Please do me a favor.D.Id come to help.11、- I wonder if I could use your computer tonight? 答案:A - _ Im not using it right now.A.Sure, go ahead.B.I dont know.C.It doesnt matter.D.Who cares?12、- Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office? 答案:D- _ Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You cant miss it. A.I beg your pardon?B.What do you mean?C.Youre welcome.D.Mm, let me think.13、- Wow! This is a marvelous room! Ive never known youre so artistic. 答案:C- _A.Great, I am very art-conscious.B.Dont mention it.C.Thanks for your compliments.D.Its fine.14、- Is it possible for you to work late tonight? 答案:D - _A.I like it.B.Ill do that.C.Id love to.D.I think so.15、- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! 答案:B- _ This is not the end of the world.A.Good luck.B.Cheer up.C.Go ahead.D.No problem.16、- Thats a beautiful dress you have on! 答案:A- _ A.Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday.B.Sorry, its too cheap.C.Hey you can have it.


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