上海市虹口区2021-2022学年九年级上学期期终学生学习能力诊断测试英语试卷(word版 含答案)

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上海市虹口区2021-2022学年九年级上学期期终学生学习能力诊断测试英语试卷(word版 含答案)_第1页
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上海市虹口区2021-2022学年九年级上学期期终学生学习能力诊断测试英语试卷(word版 含答案)_第2页
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上海市虹口区2021-2022学年九年级上学期期终学生学习能力诊断测试英语试卷(word版 含答案)_第3页
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2021学年度第一学期期终学生能力诊断测试初三英语试卷2022.1Part 2 Vocabulary and GrammarII. Choose the best answer.21. The exciting football game didnt come toend until midnight.A. aB.anC.theD. /22. If you forget to bring your dictionary, I can sharewith you.A. meB.myC.mineD.myself23. The children learnedhow to dependthemselves through the six months5 training.A. forB.withC.ofD. on24. Parents are supposed to care fortheir childrens physical healthlheir menial health.A. not.butB. neither.norC. either.orD. not only.but also25. The staff completed the project before the schedule and the manager seemed.A. satisfiedB. humorousC. surprisedlyD. happily26. Teenagers should use aselectronic products as possible to protect their eyes.A. littleB. fewC. fewerD. least27. Our monitor has just gone to the gym, but I dont knowhe will come back.A. how fastB. how farC. how longD. how soon28. Sorry, Tm afraid Icomplete the difficult task by myself.A. mustntB. cantC. needntD. shouldnt29. A new factoryto deal with water pollution last month.A. was builtB. will be builtC. has been builtD. has built30. High school students are requiredpart in the volunteer project every term.A. takeB. takingC. tookD. to take31. Martin deniedothers, answers in the history exam.A. copyB. to copyC. copyingD. copied32. In recent months, every corner of our neighbourhoodgreatly.A. are changingB. has changedC. had changedD. will change33. If younervous before exams, you can take a deep breath and calm yourself down.A. is gettingB. will getC. gelD. got34. You cant cook ou promise not to make a mess in the kitchen.A. afterB. unlessC. ifD. since35. Dont jump to conclusions, ou may make a mistake.A. andB. soC. orD. form. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once.A. known B. characters C. honours D. traditionalE. generallyDo you like Chinese operas? Among all_36_Chinese operas, the facial mask (脸 谱)in Peking Opera is popular around the world. Different colors are used to show different37, but al first, only three colorswere used: red, white and black. Here are the meanings of them.Red is_38_used to show (hat a role is honest and loyal. An example of “ red full facev is Guan Yu,39_for his loyalty to Liu Bei. So many people like using the example of Guan Yu to educate their children. Besides, many roles use red and black to show theyre very brave and honest.A. still B. means C. culture D. standing for E. natureThe role with the white face is bad in human_40_. This kind of roles includes Cao Cao in the time of the Three Kingdoms, and Qin Hui, who put the national hero Yue Fci to death. So far, he has_41been lookeddown upon by thousands of Chinese. However, Yue Fei will live in our inner heart forever!The black mask shows either a rude and brave person or a fair and selfless one. Li Kui of Water Margin is of this kind.Later, other colours are gradually added to them, such as yellow_42_bravery, blue for someone of great personality.Now some schools are teaching Peking Opera. It is a good way to study and spread our traditional_43_.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.44. This island offers differentof scenery and wildlife. (variety)45. We celebrated thebirthday of the Communist Party of China on July 1,2021. (hundred)46. He was aware of the power ofand technology after taking part in this activity, ( know)47. In my opinion, TV programs have a greaton childrens behavior, (effective)48. Do you know what skills arc needed tothe machine? ( operation)49. Smoking hasdamaged your health, so you should give it up as soon as possible, (serious)50. The newly-built library contains a great number of foreign languagebooks, (refer)51. Ava wasat being left out of the dance team. She really enjoys dancing. (happy)V. Rewrite the following sentences as required.52. You had better go to Paris for a holiday next week.(改为否定句)You had betterto Paris for a holiday next week.53. Mary stayed 叩 late yesterday to Drepare for the Job interview.(对划线部分提问)Mary stay up late yesterday?54. My teacher asked Tim, How do you get on with others? v (保持句意基本不变)My teacher asked Timheon with others.55. I entered the room quietly in order not to disturb the sleeping baby.(保持句意基本不变)I entered the room quietlyI wouldnt disturb the sleeping baby.56. The detective discovered some important clues after further investigation.(改为被动语态)Some important cluesafter further investigation by the detective.57. I was late for school because my bike stopped working on the way.(保持句意基本不变)I was late fbr school because my bikeon the way.58. all the art works, they, although, left a deep impression, were created, on me, by the local farmers (连词成句)Part 3 Reading and WritingVI. Reading comprehension.A. Choose the best answer.The Fourth English Festival of Mount International School opened last month. There were singing competitions, recitation contests and many other interesting events.The closing ceremony was impressive. Students and teachers enjoyed delicious food, took part in games and. most of all, got to know much about foreign cultures. The theme of the closing ceremony was A Foreign Culture Camivar. There were nine tents set up on the playground. Each tent stands fbr one country, namely Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Holland, India, Egypt, Switzerland and the UK, Lets have a look at three of them. The Japanese tent is the most popular one. Walking near the tent, you can see a big tree decorated with many cherry blossoms (樱花),which were made of paper. The tree is about two deters high, and the hundreds of blossoms on it were painted by students one by one. A girl is showing the tea ceremony in front of the tree. The scene has a Japanese look, Many students gather around the Australian tent. Alice from Class 6, Grade 6 is dancing near the tent. She has learned ballet, traditional Chinese dancing and Latin, She wears very little. She must feel very cold! British tent looks very special. A boy wearing a Scottish kilt (苏格兰方格短裙)is playing the violin in front of the tent. Scottish men wear this kind of clothes. He doesnt feel funny at all. He feels great wearing it!59. Mount International School organized the English Festival.A. to encourage students to take part in many interesting eventsB. to make a deep impression on everyoneC. to let students enjoy delicious food and take part in gamesD. to help students know more about different cultures60. Which is the British tent?A.B.C.D.61. Japanese lent is about Japan. Student are busy_Cherry blossoms these days.A. decoratingB. wateringC. drawingD. picking62. Alice has learned many types of dancing except_.A. LatinB. Chinese dancingC. cowboy dancingD. ballet63. The underlined word “Carnival in the second paragraph means,A. an exciting and colorful experienceB. a public festival, usually one that happens at a regular time each yearC. a slory lhal includes a series of traditional actionsD. something that you find interesting and exciting64. After reading the whole passage, we can conclude that.A. different countries have different culturesB. our teachers are fond of creating different tentsC. Chinese culture is greatD. students arc eager to know moreB. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.In 1985, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were climbing a mountain in the Andes. They thought they would end without any problem. However, a blizzard (暴风雪)happened. The two climbers got to the top of the mountain, but they had problems on the way_65_. It was icy, and Joe slipped and_66_his leg. If he didnt get theinjury, he could climb down the mountain_67_. Because he couldnt walk, Simon lowered Joe down the mountain on a rope. When they were almost back to the camp, Joe slipped again. He was dangling (悬挂)on the rope over the edge of the mountain. He didnt have thc_68_to climb up the rope. What was worse, the cold weather damaged Simons hands. He was unable to69Joe up. Simon held on to the rope for several hours,but he finally had (o cut the rope. He thought Joe had died, but Joe was not dead. He had fallen more than 100 feet, but even with his injured leg, he had managed to climb to safety and get back to the camp.In 1988, Joe Simpson wrote a book, called Touching the Void, about the experience. The book was a huge success and the movie about (he climb was made later. I wish that I did not see the movie before I read (he book. I also wish I went to the movie with a friend. It was_70_! Of course, it was inspiring, too.65. A. upB. downC. outD. to66. A. brokeB. cutC. frozeD. attacked67. A. by the wayB. from time to timeC. by himselfD. for the first time68. A. hopeB. feelingC. loveD. strength69. A. pushB. pullC. takeD. give70. A. frighteningB. relaxingC.funnyD. ordinaryC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.Bruce Lee ( 1940-1973 ), the greatest action movie star of all time, should be given a lifetime achievement award for his work in the movies. U_7I_, Bruce died tragically in 1973, so he wouldnt be able to receive the award himself, but his f.72_all over the world would love to see him honored.Why was Bruce Lee so great? The fight scenes in his films are a_73_ and Bruce was always in top physical condition. His body was almost perfect. He was also a great actor. He s_74 acting when he was just six years old. He was very comfortable and n_75 in front of the camera. His face was very expressive. Therefore, he was able to communicate a lot of feeling with a simple look. Bruce Lee was a talented actor, a brilliant fighter, and an almost perfect example of physical fitness. His films brought traditional Hong Kong kung fu movies to a new 176of popularity. His films also i77kung fu to millions of people in the West. He shouldreceive an award that recognizes his great contribution (贡献)to the art of film making.D. Answer the questions.Real SuperheroesPhotographer Josh Rossi has used his cameras to show the worlds real superheroesyoung children who arebattling severe disease and disabilities.The heartwanning project began in 2016, when Rossi realized his then three-year-old daughters dream of becoming Wonder Woman (神奇女侠).The photographer says, T got so many emails and calls from families who had children with diseases. They kept telling me that their kids were the REAL supcrhcrocs.,Since it was Wonder Woman that created the idea. Rossi decided to focus on (he superheroes that appear with her in the movie Justice League. To make the photos more meaningful, he matched each child with a superhero. They had the most in common. Tcagan Pettit was born with only half a heart. The ninc-ycar-old loves and respects Superman. The photographer says, Superman and Teagan both have hearts of steel! v The second member was Kaydcn Kincklc. The five-year-old uses prosthetics (假肢)to walk. To Rossi, Kaydens perfect superhero was Cyborg, who was a healthy boy before a terrible accident, forcing his father to keep him alive with robotic parts. Simon Fullmer, who suffers from a rare type of nerve cancer (神经癌),is fond of Batman. According to his mom, the fivc-ycar-old never complains. Since the brave boy is dealing with his enemy like a true superhero, Rossi, thought he was the perfect Batman.78. According to the passage, who is a real superhero?79. What did Rossi get from families with children who are fighting against diseases?80. Whats Teagan Pettits trouble?81. Why did Rossi think Kaydcn Kincklc was similar to Cyborg?82. What docs the underlined word “enemy ” refer to?83. Why does Rossi think Simon Fullmer is brave? Why is bravery (勇气)so important in our real life?VH. Writing84. Write at least 60 words on the topic A perfect family”(以“完美家庭为题写一篇不少于 60 个词的 短文标点符号不占格)我们都和家人生活在一起,都希望拥有一个完美的家庭。请你描述一下你心目中的完美家庭。(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予计分)(题目)参考答案2. 语法和词汇1)21. B22. C23. D24. D25. A26. B27. D28. B29. A30. D31. C32. B33. C34. B35. C2)36-39 DBEA40-43 EADC3)44. varieties 45. hundredth48. operate 49. seriously46. knowledge 47. effect50. reference 51. unhappy4)52. not go 53. Why did 54. how.got 55. so that 56. were discovered 57. broke down/went wrong58. Although all the ail works were created by the local farmers, they left a deep impression on me./ All the art works left a deep impression on me although they were created by the local fanners.3. 阅读与写作1) A篇59. D60. C61. C62. C63. B64. A2) B篇65. B66. A67. C68. D69. B70. A3) B篇71. Unluckily/ Unfortunately 72. fans/ followers 73. amazing/ attractive74. started 75. natural 76. level 77. introduced4) D篇78. Young children who are battling severe disease and disabilities are superheroes.79. Many emails and calls. /He got many emails and calls.8(). He was born with only half a heart.81. Because Kay den Kinckle uses prosthetics to walk and Cyborg had to live with robotic parts./ Neither of them can walk on their own.82. h refers to his nerve cancer.83. Because he suffers a lot but never complains. Because everyone will meet with difficulties or setbacks, bravery helps us face them directly and try our best to solve problems, (Any reasonable answer is acceptable.)5) 写作84. 略


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