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无作业名称:大学英语(2)2012 春第一套作业出卷人:作业总分:100通过分数:60起止时间: 2012-6-20至 2012-7-19学员姓名:学员成绩:88标准题总分:100标准题得分:87.84详细信息:题号:1题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:1.35内容:Did you use to play the piano? _.A、Yes, I doB、No, I didntC、Yes, I play it every dayD、No, I do标准答案:B学员答案:B说明:交际用语本题得分:1.353500132danx题号:2题型:单选题( 请 在 以 下 几 个 选 项 中 选 择 唯 一 正 确 答无案)本题分数:1.35内容:Would you like to go to the concert with usthis evening? _ .A、No, I already have plansB、Id love to, but Im busy tonightC、No, I really dont like being with youD、Im ill, so I shouldnt go out标准答案:B学员答案:B说明:交际用语本题得分:1.353500133danx题号:3题型:单选题( 请 在 以 下 几 个 选 项 中 选 择 唯 一 正 确 答案)本题分数:1.35内容:_ the War of Independence, the UnitedStates was an English colony.A、beforeB、atC、in无D、between标准答案:A学员答案:A说明:介词的用法本题得分:1.353500134danx题号:4题型:单选题( 请 在 以 下 几 个 选 项 中 选 择 唯 一 正 确 答案)本题分数:1.35内容:While I was in the university, I learnedtaking a photo, _ is very useful now forme.A、itB、whichC、thatD、what标准答案:B学员答案:C说明:定语从句的用法本题得分:0无3500135danx题号:5题型:单选题( 请 在 以 下 几 个 选 项 中 选 择 唯 一 正 确 答案)本题分数:1.35内容:How much is that meat, please? _.A、Ten oclockB、Ten yuan a kiloC、Ten yuan a kiloD、I dont like标准答案:B学员答案:B说明:交际用语本题得分:1.353500136danx题号:6题型:单选题( 请 在 以 下 几 个 选 项 中 选 择 唯 一 正 确 答案)本题分数:2.7内容:It is always interesting to visit anothercountry, especially for those who have nevertraveled a great deal. Foreign _ can beveryeducationalforanyoneifheis无interestedenoughtomakepreparationsbeforehand.A、travelB、countryC、languageD、people标准答案:A学员答案:A说明:完形填空本题得分:2.73500137danx题号:7题型:单选题( 请 在 以 下 几 个 选 项 中 选 择 唯 一 正 确 答案)本题分数:2.7内容:How men first learnt to invent words isunknown;inotherwords,theoriginoflanguage is a mystery. All we really know isthat men, unlike animals, somehow inventedcertainsoundstoexpressthoughtandfeelings, actions and things, so that theycould communicate with each other; and that无later they agreed upon certain signs, calledletters, which could be combined to presentthose sounds, and which could be written down.Those sounds, whether spoken or written inletters, we call words. The power of words,then, lies in their associations - the thingsthey bring up before our minds. Words becomefilled with meaning for us by experience; andthe longer we live, the more certain wordsrecall to us the glad and sad events of ourpast; and the more we read and learn, the morethe number of words that mean somethingincreases. Great writers are those who notonly have great thoughts but also expressthesethoughtsinwordswhichappealpowerfully to our minds and emotions. Thischarming and telling use of words is what wecall literary style. Above all, the real poetis a master of words. He can convey his meaningin words which sing like music and which bytheir position and association can move mento tears. We should therefore learn to choose无our words carefully and use them accurately,or they will make our speech silly and vulgar.The real power of words consists in their_.A、propertiesB、characteristicsC、peculiarityD、representative function标准答案:D学员答案:A说明:阅读理解本题得分:03500138danx题号:8题型:单选题( 请 在 以 下 几 个 选 项 中 选 择 唯 一 正 确 答案)本题分数:2.7内容:Then Eagle is left with only two options: dieor go through a painful process of change_ lasts 150 days for survival.A、whoB、what无C、whichD、it标准答案:C学员答案:C说明:完形填空本题得分:2.73500139danx题号:9题型:单选题( 请 在 以 下 几 个 选 项 中 选 择 唯 一 正 确 答案)本题分数:2.7内容:A characteristic of American culture that hasbecome almost a tradition is to respect theself-made man - the man who has risen to thetopthroughhisownefforts,usuallybeginning by working with his hands. While theleader in business or industry or the collegeprofessor occupies a higher social positionand commands greater respect in the communitythan the common laborer or even the skilledfactory worker, he may take pains to point outthat his father started life in America as a无farmer or laborer of some sort. This attitudetoward manual (体力的) labor is now still seenin many aspects of American life. One isinvited to dinner at a home that is not onlycomfortably but even luxuriously (豪华地)furnished and in which there is every evidenceof the fact that the family has been able toafford foreign travel, expensive hobbies, andcollege education for the children; yet thehostessprobablywillcookthedinnerherself, will serve it herself and will washdishes afterward; furthermore, the dinnerwill not consist merely of something quicklyand easily assembled from contents of variouscans and a cake or a pie bought at the nearbybakery. On the contrary, the hostess usuallytakes pride in careful preparation of specialdishes. A professional may talk about washingthe car, digging in his flowerbeds, paintingthe house. His wife may even help with thesethings, just as he often helps her with thedishwashing. The son who is away at college无may wait on table and wash dishes for hisliving, or during the summer he may work witha construction gang on a highway in order topayforhiseducation.Theunderlinedexpression wait on table in Para. 2 means_.A、work in a furniture shopB、keep accounts for a barC、wait to lay the tableD、serve customers in a restaurant标准答案:D学员答案:D说明:阅读理解本题得分:2.73500140danx题号:10题型:单选题( 请 在 以 下 几 个 选 项 中 选 择 唯 一 正 确 答案)本题分数:2.7内容:Your memory and ability to remember thingswill be_.A、affected无B、damagedC、destroyedD、endangered标准答案:A学员答案:C说明:完形填空本题得分:03500141danx题号:11题型:单选题( 请 在 以 下 几 个 选 项 中 选 择 唯 一 正 确 答案)本题分数:2.7内容:There is overwhelming scientific evidence,_ shown in the Fourth Assessment Report (第四 次 评 估 报 告 的 综 合 报 告 )oftheIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) 政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC),A、becauseB、asC、whileD、when无标准答案:B学员答案:C说明:完形填空本题得分:03500142danx题号:12题型:单选题( 请 在 以 下 几 个 选 项 中 选 择 唯 一 正 确 答案)本题分数:2.7内容:Children can use the money _ a lot of thingsfor _.A、to buy,themselvesB、buying,themC、bought,theirselvesD、buyed,theirs标准答案:A学员答案:A说明:完形填空本题得分:2.73500143danx题号:13题型:单选题( 请 在 以 下 几 个 选 项 中 选 择 唯 一 正 确 答案)本题分数:2.7无内容:Second, check your lifestyle: Do not drinktea, coffee, cola or chocolate four hoursbefore _ . Drink less liquid so that youcan have no or fewer visits to the toilet.A、sleepingB、going to sleepC、going to bedD、falling asleep标准答案:C学员答案:C说明:完形填空本题得分:2.73500144danx题号:14题型:单选题( 请 在 以 下 几 个 选 项 中 选 择 唯 一 正 确 答案)本题分数:2.7内容:Develop a relaxing bedtime habit. Read or_27_music, then take a warm bath.A、listen toB、listen无C、hearD、see标准答案:A学员答案:D说明:完形填空本题得分:03500145danx题号:15题型:单选题( 请 在 以 下 几 个 选 项 中 选 择 唯 一 正 确 答案)本题分数:2.7内容:A characteristic of American culture that hasbecome almost a tradition is to respect theself-made man - the man who has risen to thetopthroughhisownefforts,usuallybeginning by working with his hands. While theleader in business or industry or the collegeprofessor occupies a higher social positionand commands greater respect in the communitythan the common laborer or even the skilledfactory worker, he may take pains to point outthat his father started life in America as a无farmer or laborer of some sort. This attitudetoward manual (体力的) labor is now still seenin many aspects of American life. One isinvited to dinner at a home that is not onlycomfortably but even luxuriously (豪华地)furnished and in which there is every evidenceof the fact that the family has been able toafford foreign travel, expensive hobbies, andcollege education for the children; yet thehostessprobablywillcookthedinnerherself, will serve it herself and will washdishes afterward; furthermore, the dinnerwill not consist merely of something quicklyand easily assembled from contents of variouscans and a cake or a pie bought at the nearbybakery. On the contrary, the hostess usuallytakes pride in careful preparation of specialdishes. A professional may talk about washingthe car, digging in his flowerbeds, paintingthe house. His wife may even help with thesethings, just as he often helps her with thedishwashing. The son who is away at college无may wait on table and wash dishes for hisliving, or during the summer he may work witha construction gang on a highway in order topay for his education. From Para. 1, we knowthat in America _A、people tend to have a high opinion of theself-made manB、 people can always rise to the top throughtheir won effortsC、college professors win great respectfrom common workersD、people feel painful to mention theirfathers as labors标准答案:A学员答案:A说明:阅读理解本题得分:2.73500146shif题号:16题型:是非题本题分数:6.76内容:White wines can be made from either white or无red peaches1、 错2、 对标准答案:1学员答案:1本题得分:6.763500147shif题号:17题型:是非题本题分数:6.76内容:AIDS is also spreading widely among illegalblood donors.1、 错2、 对标准答案:2学员答案:2本题得分:6.763500148shif题号:18题型:是非题本题分数:6.76内容:By choosing the best doctor for your needs,无you can be more sure of getting the properhealth care.1、 错2、 对标准答案:2学员答案:2本题得分:6.763500149shif题号:19题型:是非题本题分数:6.76内容:Many aspects of our lives affect our health.one of these is food.1、 错2、 对标准答案:2学员答案:2本题得分:6.763500150shif题号:20题型:是非题本题分数:6.76内容:无The government saysthe number of newlyreported infections of HIV/AIDS jumped 33% inthe first six months of 2001.1、 错2、 对标准答案:1学员答案:1本题得分:6.763500151shif题号:21题型:是非题本题分数:5.41内容:At last,I bought the policy.1、 错2、 对标准答案:1学员答案:1说明:教材第四章 SupplementaryReading本题得分:5.413500152shif题号:22题型:是非题本题分数:6.76无内容:A goldfish and a snake could also be a petanimal in Britain.1、 错2、 对标准答案:2学员答案:2说明:教材第三章 SupplementaryReading本题得分:6.763500153shif题号:23题型:是非题本题分数:6.76内容:There is usually a time limit for IQ tests.1、 错2、 对标准答案:1学员答案:1说明:教材第二章 SupplementaryReading本题得分:6.763500154shif题号:24题型:是非无题本题分数:6.76内容:IQ tests are the most common way of measuringintelligence.1、 错2、 对标准答案:2学员答案:2说明:教材第二章 SupplementaryReading本题得分:6.763500155shif题号:25题型:是非题本题分数:6.76内容:Dignitaries are often seen at important horseraces.1、 错2、 对标准答案:2学员答案:2说明:教材第三章 SupplementaryReading无本题得分:6.76


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