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Teaching plan for Book 6 Unit 6 At homePart B Say and act (Period 2)Teacher: 张 真 居 Class2&3 Grade 3Teaching content: 教学内容1Vocabularies词汇:bathroom bedroom dining room kitchen living room cook sleep wash watch 2. Sentence patterns句型: Whats this? Its a /the What can you do in the? I canWhere are you? Im in the Where is ? Shes / Hes / Its in the What are you doing? Im What is he/she /it doing? Shes / Hes / Its Teaching aims:教学目标 A. Knowledge aims:知识目标1. Asking Wh-questions2. Using the present continuous tenseB. Emotional aims:情感目标1Encourage pupils to express their feelings and make clear their attitude while and after learning the text. Lead-in question: Whats this?Wheres ?What . doing?2Stimulate pupils interest in learning English with all kinds of activities.CAbility aims: 能力目标1. 学生在一定的教学情景中能用所学的句型进行交流。2. 培养学生的英语综合运用能力。3培养学生的观察能力。Teaching main points:教学重点Talking about the activities at home with the correct sentence patterns.Teaching difficult points:教学难点Using the present continuous tense correctly.Teaching aids: 教学辅助A computer, multimedia teaching 课件, Disney video, pictures. Teaching methods:教学方法Audio-visual, scenery, communicative and elicitation method of teaching.Teaching steps:一. Warming-up and lead-in1)Sing an English song and greetingsT:Can you tell me what day is today? Ps: Today is Friday.T: I hope youll have a happy Friday and enjoy my English class. Well, lets begin our class.2) play a riddle.T: Before the class, Lets play a riddle. This is a cartoon animal. It lives on Disney Land. It looks like a mouse. Guess What is it?S1: Its Mickey.T: Youre clever. Thats Mickey. (利用课件出示Mickey在跳舞的画面) Look, whats Mickey doing?S2: Its dancing.T: Mickey is dancing happily. Because on Disney Land Mickey has many friends. Do you want to see them? Ss: Well, lets go to Disney Land with the questions What animals can you see? Where are they?3) Watch a Disney video(Goofy, Mickey and Donald 在不同rooms的活动片断,引出课题at home)T: Please watch the video with the question Where are they?Video contents: Hes in the kitchen. Hes at home. Hes in the garden. Hes at home. She is in the bathroom. Shes at home. Theyre in the bedroom. Theyre at home. T: Where are they?Ss: Goofy is in the kitchen. Hes at home. Mickey is in the garden. Hes at home. Donald is in the bathroom. Hes at home. Two squirrels are in the bedroom. They are at home.T: So all of them are at _. Ss: At home.二. Revision 1) Task 1: Ask one group to show the pictures of rooms at home with some questions. T: Today,were going to learn about At home. (板书课题unit 6At home) My home is pretty and big. What about your home? (Get some pupils to talk about their homes) I think all of you have a nice home. Well, lets go to _Groups home. Theyll show their home with some questions. Ask and answer between pupils.( 台上台下学生一问一答) Whats this? Its the I can in the? What can you do in the? I canin the E.g. Whats this? Its the living room. I can watch TV in the living room. What can you do in the living room? I can read/ sing/ talk/play in the living room.2)Task 2: Guessing gameTips: 小组成员轮流描述一个房间,让台下同学猜。e.g. I can see a table in this room. What is it? Its a There is a TV in this room. What is it? Its a Where do you cook? We cook in the T: We have learned about the rooms at home. Now lets play a guessing game about them. Everyone in your groups will describe a room and the other students should guess what room it is. Are you clear? Please prepare for it . If you finish, raise your hands.三 .Presentation and practice 1) Task3 Learn about Pats families activities at home.Watch Koko English for Book 6, Unit 6, B ( 通过师生,生生问答的形式谈论Pat 的一家人在家里的哪个房间并且在做什么事情)T: Just now, we have learned about _Groups home. This time, lets go to Pats home and see what Pats families are doing and where they are.After the video,ask some questions: How many people can you see? Who are they?A. (T - Ss)师生问答T: Wheres Dad?Ss: Hes in the kitchen.T: Whats he doing?Ss: Hes cooking. T: Wheres Pat?S: Shes in the living room.T:Whats she doing?S: Shes watching TV.B生生操练-Wheres Grandpa / Grandma? -Shes / Hes in the -Whats she / he doing?-Shes / Hes (板书Where is he/she? Hes/ Shes in the Whats he/she doing? Hes/ She )C. Play a guessing game.T: But wheres Mum? Is she at home?P: No. T: Maybe shes in the office or shopping in the supermarket. Anyway she isnt at home. Shes outside.(用幻灯片课件演示Pat的宠物:running dog, 让学生猜猜它在Pat家的哪个房间)T: Look.This is Pats puppy. Whats the puppy doing?S: Its runnig. T: Wheres the dog? S: Its in the bedroom, bathroom2)Task 4 Read PartBA .T: Now please open you books and turn to page thirty. Lets read PartB together.B. T: Lets have a PK reading between boys and girls. 四Consolidation.Task 5 Make a story and act it according to PartB.T: I know yesterday each group have made a story. Would you like to show your stories?Which group wants to try?五Summary Get pupils to read the sentence patterns on the board.六HW1. Listen to the tape for Unit 6 A, B and read aloud.2. Introduce your families activities at home to your friends orally.Handwriting on the board:Unit 6 At home Where is he / she? Hes / Shes in the _. Whats he/ she doing ? Hes / Shes _. 课后反思: 通过本课的学习,学生能熟练说出bathroom,bedroom,dining room,kitchen,living room等房间类的单词,并能说出每个房间的功能; 同时能根据所学的内容进行有意义的交际,以此达到语言教学的真正目的。 在本课的教学中,我做到了以下几点:1 教学设计形式多样,有趣,环环相扣。一开始就用猜谜的形式把学生的注意力吸引过来,让学生自然地进入良好的学习状态,揭谜之后,播放迪士尼卡通片,又自然地激发起学生的好奇心。而在参观Mickey的家之后又把学生带入Pat的家,在此环节中通过参观Pat的家讨论了Pat家人在家中的活动情况;紧接着又以竞猜的形式讨论Mum和Pat宠物在哪里,最后,回到课本,学生根据课本内容编故事并小组表演。紧紧围绕着Home这个题目,一环接一环,不仅调动了学生的学习积极性,而且使学生在多样的教学设计中大量地应用了语言。2 设置情景,引导学生自主编故事表演,学以致用。引导学生在PartB内容的基础上6人一组自主编故事分角色表演,生动有趣的表演,大大调动了学生自主合作学习的积极性,进行有意义的语言交际,从而提高了学习效果。3、小组自主合作学习有序,学生互动活跃。 台上的小组成员充当小老师与台下同学一问一答进行互动,紧接着小组每个成员轮流描述一个房间,让台下同学竞猜,充分调动了学生自主合作学习的积极性,实现了以学生为中心的课堂,体现了教与学方式的转变。本课的不足之处在于:在小组讨论中,不少接受能力较差的学生未能较好地综合运用语言,未能较好地参与到小组活动中,从而没办法完成任务,这个问题在平时的教学课堂中也一直困扰着我们教师,在以后的课堂教学中,可尝试给学生结“对子”,让语言能力好的学生带较差的学生。


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