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授课人:王雪晴授课人:王雪晴语法填空语法填空训练训练及及考点突破考点突破v When talking about poetry, most people will say that a poem is a text that has rhythm and rhyme. Famous are the lines by William Blake, 16._have clear rhythm and rhyme.v Tiger, tiger, burning bright,v In the forest of the night.v 17._ people will add that poems must have a certain form, with a fixed number of lines and a fixed rhyme pattern, such as a sonnet(十四行诗十四行诗). With rhyme, most people mean 18._ rhyme of sound of words at the end of the lines. It is also true that much of the classical poetry looks like that. Except for some short songs and poems 19._(include) in his plays, all of Shakespeares greatest poems are sonnets.v John Milton was one of the first poets who started writing poems without rhyme at the end of the lines. He wrote other poems too, 20._ he is famous for his long poems without rhyme. After Milton, almost every poet had a hand at this kind of poetry that was free of rhyme. Wordsworth and Keats 21._(write) some such poems, but that is not what 22._ are famous for. This style of poetry became known 23._ free verse.v It was not until the twentieth century that modern poetry was 24._(real) developed. Modern poets wanted to break with all the 25._ (tradition) forms of poetry. One of the characteristics of modern poetry is that it usually does not have rhyme at the end of a line, and it is also often about common topics. 16 whichv17 Otherv18 thev19 include-includedv20 butv21 write-wrotev22 theyv23 asv24 real-reallyv25 tradition-traditional 16 关系代词关系代词v17 形容词;可作代词形容词;可作代词v18 冠词冠词v19 非谓语动词非谓语动词v20 并列连词并列连词v21 谓语动词谓语动词v22 代词代词v23 介词介词v24形容词形容词 副词副词v25 名词名词 形容词形容词v答案:答案: v题组题组1:v (1) (2010高考高考) He spit it out, _(say)it was awful.v 改编:改编:He spit it out, and _(say)it was awful.v (2) (2011高考高考) I got on the bus and found a seat near the back, and then I noticed a man 3._(sit) at the front. He 4._(pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice.v (3) (2011惠二模惠二模)I looked at the proud dirty face that I 25._(give) attention to so rarely, with tears filling my eyes.v (4) (2012广州二模广州二模)Where men control the household, less money 21._( spend) on healthcare and food,which results in poorer health for children.sayingsittingwas pretendinghad givenis spent/will be spentsaidv题组题组1:v(5)Young Beethoven_(tell)that he had no talent for music, but he gave some of the best music to the worldv(6)The happiest of people dont necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that _ (come) along their way.v(7)The ideas of Archimedes influenced western scholars for centuries after his death and he _(regard)as one of the greatest scientists of ancient times.v(8) If it _(turn) cold again, theyll dive back down. was toldis regardedturnscomes.在语法填空中,如何才能正确填对在语法填空中,如何才能正确填对给动词空给动词空?1:找出:找出主语、谓语、连词主语、谓语、连词;判断该动词是;判断该动词是谓语谓语还是还是非谓非谓语语,根据英文句子的特点判断。,根据英文句子的特点判断。 如果是谓语就考虑如果是谓语就考虑时态、语态和数时态、语态和数; 如果是非谓语需要考虑如果是非谓语需要考虑 是是to do ? 是是doing ?还是?还是done?考虑主动还是被动考虑主动还是被动。 :判断不了时态或是不记得各时态及:判断不了时态或是不记得各时态及其语态的结构;考虑不全面,没有同时判断动其语态的结构;考虑不全面,没有同时判断动词的时态和语态及数。词的时态和语态及数。to do 表目的、表目的、将来将来;doing 表主动、进行表主动、进行;done 表被动、完成。表被动、完成。-判断时间和成分判断时间和成分谓语时态和语态的主要考点谓语时态和语态的主要考点1 1、考查在语境中判断动词的时态。常考的时态为:、考查在语境中判断动词的时态。常考的时态为:现在现在: :一般现在、一般将来、现在进行、现在完成、一般现在、一般将来、现在进行、现在完成、现在完成进行。现在完成进行。过去过去:一般过去、过去进行、一般过去、过去进行、过去将来、过去将来、过去完成。过去完成。2 2、时间、条件、等状语从句时间、条件、等状语从句中动词的时态中动词的时态- -主将从现主将从现( (if/unless/as soon as/after/before/whenif/unless/as soon as/after/before/when等等););3 3、时态标志;时态标志;4 4、时态一致性时态一致性原则;原则;5 5、上下文语境;上下文语境;v题组题组2:v试比较试比较:(1) Except for some short songs and poems 19._(include) in his plays, all of Shakespeares greatest poems are sonnets.v 改编:改编:All of Shakespeares greatest poems are sonnets,except that some short songs and poems 19._(include) in his plays.v(2) Lessons are also available for college students in many universities, _ (include) Oxford and Cambridge.includedare includedincludingv题组题组2:v试比较试比较:(3)_(compare) with other forms of writing, diary is shorter and takes less time. It can help us to develop the habit of thinking in English. v (4)When _(compare) different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. v试比较试比较:(5)A visually impaired(弱视弱视) boy _(name) He Yuxuan was spot-lighted at the beginning of the ceremony. v (6)In January,2010,the United States Library of Congress_(name) Katherine the national ambassador for young peoples literature.Compared comparingnamednamed2012 汕头二模汕头二模改编:改编:v16 gatheredv17 minev18 otherv19 Comparingv20 butv21 whomv22 exactly v23 thev24 tov25 Although语法填空解题步骤语法填空解题步骤:1 把握大意把握大意,边读边填;,边读边填;2 划关键词划关键词,先易后难;,先易后难;3 复读检查,复读检查,贯通文意贯通文意。Thank you! Good bye.


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