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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上新概念英语第二册1-36课测试一.词性转换15%1.private 名词_ 反义词 _2.angry 同义词 a _ b_3.not any= _ 4.Dear me = = 5. decision 动词_6.excite 形容词 _ 7.serve 名 _ 8.valuable名词 _ 9.neat= 10.recently= 11.shock 形容词 _ 12.immediately= =13.plenty= 14.mad= 15. complete = 二英汉互译20% 1. 私人谈话 2.无法忍受 3.不关你的事 4.几句话 5.在中部 6.倒立7.报名参加 8.最佳花园竞赛 9.市政厅10.维持秩序 11. on the way 12.apart from13.ask for a lift 14.look up 15.Dont interrupt16.street signs 17.in spite of 18.grown up 19.pay the bill 20.on the stage三单项选择题20%1.The money_ in his room.a. was b. were c. are d. has 2.He could do nothing. He couldnt do_.a. something b. nothing c. anything d. everything3.The manager was sympathetic._.a. Everyone liked him b. He liked everyone c. He was sorry for the writer d. He liked the writer4.The girl returned the money .She was very _.a. honourable b. honest c. honoured d. trusting5.If she _she will get a surprise.a. comes b. came c. has come d. will come 6.Work on it had begun before my sister left. My sister left _it had begun.a. after b. without c. behind d. soon7.They will travel faster. They will travel _.a. sooner b. more quickly c .hurriedly d. shorter 8.She never thought _it again.a. for b. to c. at d. about9.I have been offered some money. They want to _me some money.a. serve b .give c. take d. make10.I have been offered a large _of money.a. amount b. number c. some d. piece11.I am determined to stay here. I _ stay here.a. am will to b. want to c. may d. am going to 12 I am even less lucky. I am _lucky.a. more b. as c. not no d. so13.I am only interested in doing nothing. Thats_ Im interested in .a. only b. the one c. all d. the only14.He never _any fish.a. holds b. takes hold of c .catches d. takes15.You must give up fishing. You must _.a. stop b. begin c. surrender d. end16.I might as well have them. I am _to have them.a. very pleased b. very glad c. not very glad d. delighted17.Do you still want them? Do you want them _?a. yet b. even c. now d. more18.I looked for my bag. I _it.a. tried to look after b. tried to look at c. tried to find d. tried to see 19.Men usually wear_.a. socks instead of stockings b. stockings instead of socksc. either socks or stockings d. neither socks nor stockings 20.You cannot fail to obey it. You cant _to do this.a. refuse b. deny c. resist d. withdraw 四1) Read this dialogue and fill in the correct tenses and forms of the verbs in brackets, active or passive. 用括号中动词的正确时态,语态和形式填空。(10%)Jim: What were you asked to do when you had your driving test this morning? Alice: First of all, I_(1 ask) to drive out of town. I_(2 have to) park in a quite road. Then I_ (3 tell) to reverse round a corner. Jim: _(4 you manage) to do that all right? Alice: Yes, although the examiner_ (5 not say) anything. Jim: Well, do you think he_(6 please)?Alice: I dont know. Driving examiners never_(7 smile) , do theybut he_(8 must be) pleased with the way I drove. When we got back to the examining centre and I _(9 stop) the car, he said, Miss Smith, I am pleased to say that you_(10 pass).Jim: Alice, thats marvelous! Congratulations! Now you can give me a lift to the station.2)Read this short passage and fill in the blanks with the following words or phrases 阅读下列短文, 然后用所给的词填空(10%):so as, so that, to, in order to, in order that A month ago we bought a little dog for my wife to have as company when I am away. We bought a small one 1_it would be easy to handle, and, 2_not to disturb our routine, we decided that it should sleep outside in a kennel. The first night it barked a lot 3_be let into the house. We both put plugs in our ears 4_ we shouldnt hear it. 5_ get more peace, however, I am going away more often.五(1)Cloze完型填空(30%):Life used to be fun for the teenagers. They 1 to have more money to spend, and free time to spend in it. They used to 2 teenagers clothes, and 3 in teenager coffee bars. Some of them still 4 today. 5 , for many young people, life is 6 now. Things are more 7 . Jobs are difficult to find, and it is harder to find a place to live 8 . Some teachers say that students study harder than 9 used to. They are only interested in passing examinations. They know that 10 examination result may get them better jobs.For some, the 11 to unemployment is to leave home and look for work in big cities. Every day hundreds of 12 people 13 in Beijing, Shanghai and other big cities. Some of them find work, and 14 . Others dont find it, and go 15 again.Everyday when you 16 the newspaper, you can find the news about peoples unemployment. Actually, Chinas government has taken 17 to help the young people. It supplies many new 18 to them. We believe in the 19 the situation will be 20 1. A likedB like C usedD use2. A dress B wearC buy D have3. A eat B play C meet D chat4. A can B have C are D do5. A Therefore B However C But D Then6. A betterB enjoyableC difficult D harder7. A expensiveB cheapC different D delicious8. A in B at C forD on 9. A we B you C they D he10. A better B good C well D best11. A problemB question C answer D way12. A bad B old C good D young13. A arrive B reach C go D come14. A leave B stay C go D come15. A there B in C to D home16. A read B look C watch D see17. A off B out C actions D on18. A space B opportunitiesC money D resources19. A century B year C month D future20. A better B worse C good D bad(2)Mr. Brown lived in a small town. One day he 1 a long journey. It was very late when he was going home. 2 he found that a man 3 behind him. Mr. Brown went faster, and the man walked faster, too. 4 Mr. Brown walked slowly and the man slowly, 5 .Now, they were coming near a garden. Quickly Mr. Brown ran 6 it. He tried to get away from the man in this way, but he failed. He was very afraid. He rushed and the man rushed after him. Now Mr. Brown stopped. “Excuse me”he said. “What do you want 7 ?”“ 8 , sir,” answered the man.” You see, I have to 9 Mrs. King a bag and I asked the man at the station. He told me, Go right after that man. He lives in the house just next to 10 .”( ) 1. A. have B. go C. is D. had( ) 2. A. Suddenly B. quietly C. Badly D. Fortunately( ) 3. A. was coming B. come C. was walking D. walk( ) 4.A.What B. When C. Where D. How( ) 5.A. neither B. either C. still D. too( ) 6. A. into B. on C. of D. at( )7.A. something B. anything C. do D. to do( ) 8. A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. OK D. No( )9. A. borrow B. lend C. give D. bring( ) 10. A. Mrs. King B. Mr. Brown C. you D. me六阅读理解Reading comprehension.(30%)(A)Most people who work in the offices have a boss, So do I. But my boss is a little unusual . Whats usually about him? Its a big dog. Many men have dogs, but few men bring their dogs to the office every day. My bosss dog, Robinson, is big and brown. My boss brings him to work every day. He takes the dog to meetings and he takes the dog to lunch. When there is a telephone call for my boss, I always known if he is in the office. I only look under his desk. If I see something brown and hairy under it, I know my boss is somewhere in the office. If there is no dog, I know my boss is out.( ) 1. People _ bring dogs to the office.A. usually B. often C. seldom D. sometimes( ) 2. My boss is Robinsons _ .A. boss B. master C. keeper D. teacher( ) 3.Robinson goes to meetings _ my boss.A. for B. without C. instead of D. with( )4. Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is _.A. in the office B. at the meetings C. out of the office D. out of the work( ) 5.The passage tells us the boss _ the dog very much.A. looks like B. hates C. likes D. looks down upon(B)Wang Fei can speak English quite well because she works very hard at it.One day, her teacher, Mr. Wu asked her to come to his office and side, : There will be a story-telling contest(竞赛 ) next week, Wang Fei. Would you like to take part in it?”Wang Fei wanted to go, so she asked what she had to do. Mr. Wu told her that she had to tell an English story in front of the whole school. Mr. Wu said:” If you try your best, Im sure youll win.”Wang Fei decided to have a try.On Sunday night, she stayed up late to get ready for her story for the contest. It was interesting story, she didnt go to bed until midnight. On Monday morning, she overslept(睡过头 ) . When she woke up, it was already seven 0 clock. She did some washing quickly. Then she had a light breakfast. After that she ran all the way to her school.It was a warm morning, so Wang Fei felt very hot when she reached school. Mr. Wu was waiting outside the school hall, he looked very worried.“ Why are you so late, Wang Fei?” he asked.“ Sorry, Mr. Wu, I woke up late.” Wang Fei said.“ The contest will start in a minute. Remember, speak slowly and clearly.” Mr. Wu said.Wang Fei remembered his words. She told her story very well. In the end, she came out first.“You have done very well. Congratulations!” said the teacher. “All is well that ends well. But remember, dont oversleep again!”( )1. Wang Fei works hard at _.A. contest B. Chinese C. English D. his lessons( )2. Wang Fei will be in _ next week.A. a story-telling contest B. a sports meeting C. an English part D. a school meeting( )3. On Sunday night, Wang Fei went to bed_.A. late as usual B. early as usual C. later than before D. earlier than before.( )4. At last, Wang Fei _.A. was nearly first B. came last C. was not second D. got first.( )5. Choose the best title for the passage, _.A. Who was first B. Alls well that ends wellC. Wang Fei Learns English best D. An English contest 七作文:The happiest day ( 150字)_ _ 专心-专注-专业


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