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11996 年 6 月大学英语四级 CET4 真题及答案1996 年 6 月大学英语四级 CET4 真题及答案 1996 年 6 月大学 英语四级 CET4 真题及答案 part i listening comprehension (20 mi nu tes)secti on adirecti ons:in this secti on,you will hear 10 shortconv ersatio ns. at the end of each conv ersati on, a questi on will beasked about what was said. both the conv ersati on and the questi on willbe spoke n only on ce. after each questi on there will be a pause. duringthe pause, you must read the four choices marked a), b), c) and d), anddecide which is the best answer. then mark the corresponding letter onthe answer sheet with a sin gle line through the cen ter. example: you willhear:you will read:a) 2 hours.b) 3 hours.c) 4 hours.d) 5 hours.from the conv ersati on we know that the two were talki ng aboutsome work they will start at 9 o clock in the morning2and have to finish at 2 in the after noon, therefore, d) “ 5 hours ” is thecorrectanswer. you shouldchoose d on thean swer sheet and mark it with a sin gle line through the cen ter.sample an swer a b c d1. a) place ano ther order.b) call to check on it.c) wait patie ntly.d) go and find the furn iture.2. a) she doesn t need the job.b) she hasn t got a job yet.c) she has got a good job.d) she is going to start work soon.3. a) she got home before 9 o clock.b) she had a bad cold.c) she had a car accide nt.d) she was delayed.4. a) she hasn t gone camping for several weeks.b) she like to take long camp ing trips.c) she prefers not to go camp ing on weeke nds.d) she often spends a lot of time planningher campingtrips.5. a) a writer.3b) a teacher.c) a reporter.d) a stude nt.6. a) she has not heard of prof. joh nson.b) she has not heard of prof. joh nsons brother.c) she is a good frie nd of prof. joh nsons.d) she does not know prof. joh nsons.7. a) coming back for a later show.b) wait ing in a queue.c) coming back in five min utes.d) not going to the movie today.8. a) he has got a heart attack.b) he was un harmed.c) he was badly hurt.d) he has fully recovered from the shock.9. a) the man went to australia duri ng christmas.b) the man visited australia dur ing the summer vacati on.c) the man didn t have a good time because of the differe ntweather.d) the man rema ined home while his pare nts went to see his un cle.10. a) to attend a party at a classmate s home.b) to do homework with her classmate.4c) to atte nd an eve ning class.d) to have supper out with her classmate.secti on bdirecti ons: in this secti on, you will hear 3 short passages.at the end of each passage, you will hear some questi ons. boththe passage and the questio ns will be spoke n only on ce. afteryou hear a questi on, you must choose the best an swer fromthe four choices marked a), b), c) and d). then mark the correspondingletter on the answer sheet with a single line through the cen ter.passage onequestio n 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. a) he fell into the river but couldn t swim.b) he fell into the river together with his bike.c) he had his foot caught betwee n two posts in the river.d) he dived into the river but couldn t reach the surface.12. a) he jumped in to the river immediately.b) he took off his coat and jumped into the water.c) he dashed dow n the bridge to save the boy.d) he shouted out for help.13. a) he asked what the young man s name was.b) he asked the young man to take him home.5c) he gave his n ame and the n ran away.d) he tha nked the young man and the n ran away.passage twoquestio ns 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.14. a) alcohol helps develop people s intelligenee.b) heavy drinking is not necessarily harmful to one s health.c) con trolled drinking helps people keep their wits as theyage.d) drinking, even moderately, may harm one s health.15. a) worried.b) pleased.c) surprised.d) unconcern ed.16. a) at a conferen ce.b) in a n ewspaper.c) on televisi on.d) in a jour nal.passage threequestio ns 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.17. a) to seek adve nture there.b) to be with her mother on Christmas.c) to see the ani mals and pla nts there.6d) to join her father on Christmas.page18. a) she was seriously injured.b) she survived the accide nt.c) she lost con scious ness.d) she fell into a stream.19. a) to avoid hostile in dia ns.b) to avoid the rai n.c) to avoid the strong sun light.d) to avoid wild an imals.20. a) they gave julia food to eat.b) they drove julia to a hospital.c) they in vited julia to their hut.d) they took julia to a village by boat.part ii vocabulary and structure (20 min utes)directi ons: there are 30 in complete senten ces in this part.for each sentence there are four choices marked a), b), c) andd). choose the one that best completes the sentence. then mark thecorresponding letter on the answer sheet with a sin gle line through thecen ter.21after the robbery, the shop in stalled a sophisticatesalarm system as an in sura nee_further losses.7a) for b) fromc) aga inst d) towards22_he earth to be flat, many feared thatcolumbus would fall off the edge of the earth.a) hav ing believed b) believ ingc) believed d) being believed23 a healthy life is freque ntly thought to be_ withthe ope n coun tryside and homegrow n food.a) tied b) boundc) invo Ived d) associated24 sir denis, who is 78, has made it known that much of hiscollecti on_to the n ati on.a) has left b) is to leavec) leaves d) is to be left25 before the first non-stop flight made in 1949, it_n ecessary for all pla nes to land for refueli ng.a) would be b) has bee nc) had bee n d) would have bee n26 in britain today women _ 44% of the workhorse,and n early half the mothers with childre n are in paid work.a) build up b) sta nd forc) make up d) conform to27 _ might be expected, the response to the8questi on was very mixed.a) as b) thatc) it d) what28 if i correct some one, i will do it with as much goodhumor and self-restrai nt as if i were the one_.a) to correct b) correct ingc) hav ing corrected d) being corrected29 features such as height, weight, and ski n color_from in dividual to in dividual and from face to face.a) cha nge b) varyc) alter d) convert30_i make no tes in theback of my diary_ thi ng to be men dedor replaced.a) by b) inc) with d) of31 the room is in a terrible mess; it_ clea ned.a) can t have been b) mustn t have beenc) shouldn t have been d) wouldn t have been32 a well-writtencomposition _ ood choice ofwords and clear orga ni zati on among other thin gs.a) calls on b) calls forc) calls up d) calls off933the traditi onalapproach _ with complexproblems is to break them down into smaller, more easily man agedproblems.a) to deali ng b) in deali ngc) deali ng d) to deal34 it has been revealed that some governmentleaders_their authority and positi on to get illegal profits forthemselves.a) employ b) takec) abuse d) overlook35we were struck by the exte nt _ whichteachers decisions served the interests of the school rather than thoseof the stude nts.a) to b) forc) in d) with36shelly had prepared carefully for her biologyexam in ati on so that she could be sure of pass ing it on her firsta) inten ti on b) attemptc) purpose d) desire37 the an cie nt egyptia ns are supposed_ rockets tothe moon.10a) to send b) to be sendingc) to have sent d) to have bee n sending38 the store had to_ a nu mber of clerks becausesales were dow n.a) lay out b) lay offc) lay aside d) lay dow n39 all the stude nts in this class passed the en glish exam_the exceptio n of li ming.a) on b) inc) for d) with40 young adults_ older people are more likely toprefer pop son gs.a) other tha n b) more tha nc) less tha n d) rather tha n41 writing is a slow process, requiring _ hought,time, and effort.a) sig nifica nt b) con siderablec) eno rmous d) nu merous42 _right now, she would get there on sun day.a) would she leave b) if she leavesc) were she to leave d) if she had left43 it s already 5 o clock now. don t you think it s abouttime_ ? page11a) we are going home b) we go homec) we went home d) we can go home44 light ning is a_ of electrical curre nt from a cloudto the ground or from one cloud to ano ther.a) rush b) rain bowc) rack d) ribb on45today, _ major new products withoutcon duct ing elaborate market research.a) corporati ons hardly in troduce everb) corporati ons hardly ever in troducec) hardly corporatio ns in troduce everd) hardly corporati ons ever in troduce46 i ve already told you that i m going to buy it,_.a) however much it costs b) however does it costs muchc) how much does it cost d) no matter how it costs47new york _second in the production of apples,produc ing 850,000,000 pounds this year.a) ran ked b) occupiedc) arran ged d) classified48 melted iron is poured into the mixer much_teais poured into a cup from a teapot.a) in the same way like b) in the same way which12c) in the same way d) in the same way as49by success i don t mean _ sually thought ofwhe n that word is used.a) what is b) that wec) as you d) all is50 i caught a_ of the taxi before it disappearedaround the corner of the street.a) visi on b) glimpsec) look d) sce nepart iii read ing comprehe nsion (35 minu tes)directi on: there are 4 passages in this part. each passage isfollowed by some questionsor unfinishedstatements. foreach of them there are four choices marked a), b) c) you shoulddecide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter onthe answer sheet with a single line through the cen ter.passage onequestio ns 21 to 25 are based on the follow ing passage:excha nge a gla nee with some one, the n look away. do you realizethat you have made a stateme nt? hold the gla nee for a sec ond Ion ger,and you have made a differe nt stateme nt. hold it for 3 sec on ds, and themeaning has cha nged aga in. for every social situati on, there is apermissible time that you can hold a person s gaze without beingintimate, rude, or aggressive. if you are on an elevator, what gaze-timeare you permitted? to an swer this questi on, con sider what you typicallyand d).13do. you very likely give other passe ngers a quick gla nee to size them up(打量)and to assure them that you mea n no threat. si nee being close to another pers on sig nals the possibility of i nteractio n.you need to emit a signal telling others you want to be left alone. so youcut off eye con tact, what sociologist erv ing goffman (1963) calls “ adimming of the lights. ” you look dow n at the floor, at the in dicator lights,any where but into another passenger s eyes. should you break the ruleagainst stari ng at a stra nger on an elevator, you will make the other person exceedi ngly un comfortable, and you are likely to feel a bit stra ngeyourself.if you hold eye con tact for more tha n 3 sec on ds, what are you telling ano ther pers on? much depe nds on the pers on and the situati on. forin sta nee, a man and a woma n com muni cate interest in this manner.they typically gaze at each other for about 3 seconds at a time, then droptheir eyes down for 3 sec on ds, before lett ing their eyes meet aga in. butif one man gives ano ther man a 3-sec on d-plus stare, he sig nals,“ i knowyou , i am in terested in you, or you look peculiar and i am curious aboutyou. ” this type of stare often produces hostile feeli ngs.51. it can be in ferred form the first paragraph that_.14a) every gla nee has its sig ni fica neeb) stari ng at a pers on is an expressi on of in terestc) a gaze Ion ger tha n 3 sec onds is un acceptabled) a gla nee conv eys more meaning tha n words52. if you want to be left alone on an elevator, the bestthi ng to do is_.a) to look into another passenger s eyesb) to avoid eye con tact with other passe ngersc) to sig nal you are not a threat to anyoned) to keep a dista nee from other passe ngers53. by“ a dim ming of the lights ” (para.1, li ne 9) ervinggoffman means “_” .a) closing one s eyesb) tur ning off the lightsc) creas ing to gla nee at othersd) reduc ing gaze-time to the minimum page54. if one is looked at by a stra nger for too long, he tendsto feel_ .a) depressedb) un easyc) curious15d) amused55. the passage mainly discusses_ .a) the limitati ons of eye con tactb) the excha nge of ideas through eye con tactc) proper behavior in situati onsd) the role of eye con tact in in terpers onal com muni cati onpassage twoquestio ns 56 to 60 are based on the follow ing passage:the picnics, speeches, and parades of today s labor day wereall part of the first celebrati on, held in new york city in1882. its promoter was an irish-america n labor leader n amedpeter j. mcguire. a carpenter by trade, mcguire had worked since the ageof eleve n, and in 1882 was preside ntof theun ited brotherhood of carpe nters and joiners (ubcj). approaching the city s central labor union that summer, heproposed a holiday that would applaud(赞许)” the in dustrialspirit-the great vital force of every nation,” on september 5 hissuggesti on bore fruit, as an estimated 10,000 workers, many of themignoring their bosses warnings, left work to march from union square upfifthave nue to 42nd street. the eve ntgained n ati onal atte nti on, and by 1893 thirty states had made labor dayan annual holiday.16the quick adopti on of the scheme may have in dicated less about thestate lawmakers respect for work ing people tha nabout a fear of risk ing their an ger. in the 1880s the un ited states was aland sharply divided between the immensely wealthy and the very poor.henry george was accurate in describingthe era as one of “progressand poverty. ” in asociety in which factory, owners rode in private pullma ns whileten-year-olds slaved in the min es, strong an ti-capitalist feeli ng ran high.dema nds for fun dame ntalcha nge were com monthroughout the labor press. with socialists dema nding an endto “wage slavery ” and anarchists (无政府主义)singing the praises ofthe virtues ofdynamite(炸药)middle-of-the-roaders like samuel gompers and mcguire seemedattractively mild by comparison.one can imaginepractical capitalists see ing labor day as a barga in: a on e-day party certain ly cost them less tha n pay ing their workers dece nt wages.56. judgi ng from the passage, mcguire was_.a) a moderate labor leaderb) an extreme-a narchist in the labor moveme ntc) a devoted socialist fight ing aga inst exploitati on of manby man17d)a firm anti-capitalistdemandingthe eliminationofwage slavery57. we can see from the first paragraph that the first laborday march_ .a) immediately won n ati on wide supportb) invo Ived workers from 30 statesc) was opposed by many factory own ersd) was orga ni zed by the ubcj58.which of the following is the keyfactor in the immediate approval of labor day as a n ati onal holiday?a) the lawmakers respect for the workersb) the worker s determ in atio n to have a holiday of their own.c) the socialists dema nds for thorough reformd) the politicia ns fear of the workers an ger.59. we lean from the passage that the establishmentoflabor day_ .a) was accepted by most bosses as a compromiseb) marked a turning point in the workers struggle for more rightsc) in dicated the improveme nt of the workers welfared) sig naled the end of“ wage slavery ”60. mcguire proposed labor day in order to_ .a)draw people s attentionto the strikingcontrast18betwee n the rich and the poorb) make promi nent the importa nt role of the worki ng classin societyc) win for the workers the right to shorter work ing hoursd) expose the exploitati on of the workers by their bossespassage threequestio ns 61 to 65 are based on the follow ing passage:in the old day, childre n were familiar with birth and death as part oflife. this is perhaps the first gen erati on of america n youngsters (年轻人)who have never been close by during the birth of a baby and havenever experieneed the death of a family member.no wadays whe n people grow old, we ofte n send them tonursing homes. when they get sick, we transfer them to a hospital, wherechildren are forbiddento visit terminallyillpatients-even when those patients are their parents. this deprives(剥夺)the dying patient of significant family members duri ng the last few days ofhis life and it deprives the childre n of an experienee of death, which is animportant learning experie nee. pagesome of my colleagues and i once in terviewed and followedapproximately 500 term in ally ill patie nts in order to find out what theycould teach us and how we could be of more ben efit, not just to them butto the members of their families as well. we are most impressed by thefact that eve n those patie nts who were not told of their serious ill nesswere quite aware of its pote ntial outcome.19it is important for family members, and doctors and nu rses to understa nd these patie nts com muni cati onsinorder to truly un dersta nd their n eeds, fears, and fan tasies(幻想) . most of our patients welcomed another human being with whomthey could talk ope nly, hon estly, and fran kly about their trouble. many ofthem shared with us their treme ndous n eed to be in formed, to be keptup-to-date on their medicalcon diti on and to be told whe n the end was n ear. we found out that patients who had bee n dealt with ope nly and fran kly were better able to copewith the approach of death and fin ally to reach a true stage of acceptanee prior to death.61. the elders of con temporary america ns_ .a) were ofte n abse nt whe n a family member was born ordyi ngb) were quite un familiar with birth and deathc) usually wit nessed the birth or death of a family memberd) had ofte n experie need the fear of death as part of life62.children in america today are denied the chaneea) to lear n how to face deathb) to visit dying patie ntsc) to atte nd to patie nts20d) to have access to a hospital63.five hundredcritically ill patientswere investigatedwith the mai n purpose of_.a) observ ing how they reacted to the crisis of deathb) helping them and their families overcome the fear of deathc) finding out their attitude towards the approach of deathd) lear ning how to best help them and their families64. the need of a dying patient for company showsa) his desire for com muni catio n with other peopleb) his fear of approachi ng deathc) his pessimistic attitude towards his con diti ond) his relucta nee to part with his family65. it may be con cluded from the passage that_ .a) dying patie nts are afraid of being told of the approach of deathb)most doctors and nu rses un dersta ndwhat dyingpatie nts n eedc) dyingpatie nts should be truthfullyin formed oftheircon diti ond)mostpatients are unable to accept deathuntil it isobviously in evitablepassage four21questio ns 66 to 70 are based on the follow ing passage:faces, like fingerprints,are unique. did you ever wonderhow it is possible for us to recognize people. even a skilled writerprobably could not describe all the features that make one face differe ntfrom ano ther. yet a very young child-or eve n an ani mal, such as a pigeon-ca n lear n to recog nize faces, we all take this ability for gran ted.we also tell people apart by how they behave. when we talk aboutsome one s pers on ality, we mea n the ways in whichhe or she acts, speaks thinks and feels that make that in dividual differe ntfrom others.like the huma n face, huma n pers on ality is very complex.but describ ing some one s pers on ality in words is somewhateasier tha n describ ing his face. if you were asked to describe what a“nice face ” looked like, you probably would have a difficult time doing so.but if you were asked to describe a “ n ice pers on ” , you might begi n tothi nk about some one whowas ki nd con siderate, frie ndly, warm, and so forth.there are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels andacts. gordonallport, an american psychologist,found n early 18,000 en glish words characterizi ng differe nces in people s behavior. and many of us use this information as a22basis for describing,or typing, his personality.bookworms,conservatives, military types-people are described with such terms.people have always tried to“type ” each other. actors inearly greek drama wore masks to show the audie nee whether theyplayed the villain s (坏人)or the hero s role. in fact, the words“ person ” an


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