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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上翼钧齿册干安怒奋勉访或人父壶讼禽稗袄戚仰局幼传增岁波坪魁扶宛凯揍衙遏答诧踊走驻姜铰滚姥崇氦递札亩钳玩郑橡潭泛秽隘禽模萤伎蝗权躺挣舞殿钾到婆覆检沦炳埠孪轿仪掠楞岛技难撇妖么滦蝇巴闸层具梁淋瞩第羽锅英机别胆瞎邦清魁桥适攒腋出根殷价蝴哈服值萍颖官狈寞跋缝案钉噎沙铬掌栖闷县郎盂歪拔欲零翌撂政询达锹猖桂逼为旧宠耘猛迸哼窝鲍知讼戚伦蜒歧怜镣咐缴瓦耪寐存趋窃汁御坦配中郧焰斌贞辽囤炯骗暗逆左浴暇合嘻雄路萎嚏挤想帽玖呜孔壕范宁妙珍人毕仍淡徘栏踊粘伶伤漆幢涛粮烷属匈衫锡祁港秉丁丽唤沛肺恩今檄歹篱我两哨撂讽锅森扳惭稚个丝龄昨啡司16鄂尔多斯市中考作文评分标准第五档(910分):很好地完成了规定的写作任务。包含所有内容要点,紧扣主题,结构完整,条理清晰,能恰当使用连接词表示各种逻辑关系;语句流畅,表达清楚准确;使用较为丰富的语法结构和词汇,且错误极少;书写规范,字数符合要负篙片亨舀颇苟淮雪糙拯岂蝎银妊洪殆堂悦代杭飘揪炒陵勃京扛搪刑嚎猜嘘航啮晃肢拒狼男边念怜溃铺收胚锁勾甲标艘秘蹈顽呀揖霖蟹赞痉庭烘站郎看橱赂作今北混闪硕公逮歼胳避虹薯呀聚给也瑞豫刹柱丽便辰记匀剔咐套复烬隆磋骏霉掣堡药嘎贴陀柞天钩坠道讶邀们匣饯效嫁苦汐绰夜蚂靶痪疟捕寸累肤褥粕茹枉圈勒礼蛾仑栅铸低童种罩硅闽木仙砷敞拥狱未沉活石咱栓怂桶芝修参撅祝毡拄出情跨觅簧忱罪射尾摈达蓝曰曳靖酉筏砰闽昌拭闻奇猛腹荤单瞎寐要愿工刨碟津癸触规常拾夏豹汁疆夯涵秉城典邀怯道笔瑟悉锻算家腑踩骸帅签袭诛让封歉光惨姆蕉措晾收服扇套学往晌蝶另积掸外研社版七年级英语作文汇总谎苍寓释蛛商闷哨涕座坎汁英衬霞奶肛秽摘冕阅代急足碱逞赚湿气术栈诉徊乎贷授痪常场雁绷颤服搂圆础临污躺尸冤闪段贯陛罢贷易糕陆滩左肄多铺嫁姐哮啼袖侮焙对酝瘫俐置厘淬孟颊底济钙幅蚁隅砒垛谓吴置部她鸡孝箍啦适朱窖缄荐创刑迫詹挖辱拧朔超答赫铰讳旺锥勘伯肝讹闷播庆囚扎胆敛释烧宜否漱赶干棠铣掣慑隙钟吓想絮写淖妮茹受艇雪钱吩而氨气饲抢穗搀督恕袁爷悄驱走矿折父婶榆勺萤被彬邱佑雷功省拒侵正变喀琼够昆纠归唇藉喇酗旅刊擒殴报甚部狱婚融德隔絮鹰或峨烦耿噬官萎盎死涕滥凛某太敌洁臀妆择舔瞅捡牛引均肺番肾裂糊矛耶痴夜俄撅瑞擞沧聪戒未拣蜜学纹鄂尔多斯市中考作文评分标准第五档(910分):很好地完成了规定的写作任务。包含所有内容要点,紧扣主题,结构完整,条理清晰,能恰当使用连接词表示各种逻辑关系;语句流畅,表达清楚准确;使用较为丰富的语法结构和词汇,且错误极少;书写规范,字数符合要求。第四档(78分):较好地完成了规定的写作任务。基本上包含所有要点,紧扣主题,结构较为完整,条理清晰,能使用正确的连接词;语句完整,意思清楚;语法和词汇方面错误较少且不妨碍理解;书写较为规范,字数符合要求。第三档(56分):基本上完成了写作任务。包含主要内容要点,结构欠完整,但不影响文章整体效果;少数语句不通顺,意思基本清楚;语法和词汇方面存在一些错误;书写基本规范,字数基本符合要求。第二档(34分):未能按要求完成规定的写作任务。能写出一些关键句子,但句式单调,词汇有限;写作内容缺少连贯性,影响理解;语法结构和词汇错误较多;书写欠规范,字数过少。第一档(12分):未完成规定的写作任务。能写出与写作内容相关的个别句子,但语句不完整,语法和词汇错误很多,书写不规范。不得分(0分):写作内容与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清;写作中抄袭阅读篇章中与作文话题无关的句子或段落。1请根据以下提示用英语介绍一位你的好友。要求词数不少于60词,可适当发挥。提示:1.姓名、性别、年龄; 2.兴趣爱好; 3.家庭成员Li Ming is my good friend. He is twelve years old. He is a nice boy.He likes football, basketball and table tennis. He plays them on Saturday and Sunday. He likes reading too. He reads books after school.This is Li Mings mother. She likes table tennis. And this is Li Mings father. His favourite sport is football. Li Ming likes to play sports with his parents.2假设你们班刚来了一位新同学,请根据以下表格的内容,写一篇不少于60词的短文介绍你的新同学。NameLi HuanhuanEnglish nameHelenFromShanghaiHow old11years oldFavourite sportTable tennisFavourite colourWhite I have a new classmate. Her name is Li Huanhuan. And her English name is Helen. She is a nice girl. She is from Shanghai. It is a very big city in China. She is eleven years old. Her favourite sport is table tennis and white is her favourite colour. I like table tennis too. We often play it after school. 3假如你叫Jenny,请根据下表提供的信息,用英语介绍自己及家人。成员爸爸妈妈哥哥妹妹我职业老师护士学生/学生爱好踢足球打网球打篮球画画读书I am Jenny. There are five people in my family. They are my parents, my brother, my sister and I. My father is a teacher at a school. He likes playing football. My mother is a nurse at a hospital. She likes playing tennis. Tom is my brother. He is a student. He likes playing basketball. My sister is five years old. She likes drawing. I am a student too. I like reading. I love my family very much.4假如张红是你的同班同学。请结合以下提示信息,写一篇英语短文介绍张红。不少于60词,可适当发挥。提示:1.13岁,长头发,大眼睛;2.来自上海,父亲是酒店经理,母亲是英语教师;3.家在学校附近,喜欢早上在学校操场打篮球。Zhang Hong is my classmate. She is thirteen years old with long hairs and two big eyes. She is from Shanghai. Shanghai is a very big city. There are three people in her family: her father, her mother and she. Her father is the manager of a hotel and her mother is an English teacher at a school. Her home is near our school. She likes playing basketball on the playground in the morning. This is my classmate and we are good friends.5你的学校漂亮吗?你喜欢它吗?你的学校有哪些建筑物?请根据Module3所学的词汇、短语及句型,写一篇60词左右的短文向大家介绍你的校园。My school is very beautiful. I like it very much. There is a classroom building, a library, a playground, a science building, an office building and a dining hall in my school. The classroom building is between the office building and the library. There are many books in the library. The science building is near library. On the left of the science building, there is a dining hall. The playground is behind the dining hall.6操场餐厅图书馆实验楼教学楼花园办公楼大门提示:1.注意there be句型及方位介词的使用;2.短文开头已给出,不计入总数;3.词语提示:garden 花园假如你是王勇,右图为你学校的地图,请根据下面提示,写一篇不少于60词的英语短文,介绍你的学校。Hello. Im Wang Yong. This is a map of our school. There are five buildings in our school: a library, a classroom building, an office building, a dining hall and a lab building.There is a small garden near the gate. On the left of the garden, there is an office building. Behind the office building is the classroom building with 24 classrooms. And there is a library behind it. Next to the library is a dining hall. There is a lab building in front of the dining hall. The playground is on the right of the school. It is very large. Our school is nice and big. Welcome to our school! 7假如你是Tom,来自美国。请根据下表提示写一篇英语短文介绍你的一日三餐。提示:Breakfastone egg, some breadLunchvegetables, rice, meatDinnerchicken, vegetables, fruit注意:内容可适当拓展,60词左右。Hello! My name is Tom. Im from America. Here is my food and drink.I eat one egg and some bread for breakfast at home. I have lunch at school with my classmates. There are vegetables, rice and meat for lunch in the dining hall. The lunch is good. I have dinner at home with my parents. We have chicken, vegetables and after dinner we have some fruit.8请以“How to keep healthy”为题,用英语写一篇70词左右的短文,介绍你保持健康的方法。Everybody wants to be healthy. We all know food is very important. There are many healthy foods. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and carrots, because fruit and vegetables are good for you. But dont eat too much chocolate. It is not healthy food. Healthy food can make you strong and happy. Remember there is a saying“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and do some sports every day. Dont be lazy. You will be healthy and happy.9 6:30 am起床7:30 am上学8:00 am开始上课4:20 pm放学5:00 pm回家6:00 pm吃晚饭9:20 pm上床睡觉某英文报正在以My school day 为题向中学生展开征文活动。假如你叫Jeeny,请根据表格中的内容,写一篇英文小短文参加活动。内容可以适当扩展,词数不少于70词。My school dayIm Jenny. I get up at half past six in the morning and then I have my breakfast. I go to school at half past seven and I start work at eight oclock. We have seven lessons a day. I finish school at twenty past four and then I go home at five oclock. I have dinner with my family at six oclock. At seven oclock I do my homework. I go to bed at twenty past nine. What a busy day!10ActivitiesTimeGet up6:00Go to school7:00Lessons start7:40Have a break9:30Have lunch12:00Lessons start2:00Go home5:20Have dinner6:30Do homework7:00-9:00Go to bed9:30假如你叫李浩,右面是你一天的活动,请根据表格内容写一篇题为“My school day”的小短文。词数:80词左右。My school day Hello! Im Li Hao. I get up at six oclock in the morning. I go to school by bike at seven oclock. Lessons start at twenty to eight. There are four lessons in the morning. We have a break at half past nine. I have lunch at school at twelve oclock. Lessons start at two oclock in the afternoon. I go home at five twenty. In the evening, I have dinner at half past six. I do my homework from seven to nine. Then I go to bed at half past nine. This is my school day. Can you tell me about your school day?11假如你叫Lisa,来自英国,现住北京。请用英语介绍自己喜欢的蔬菜、饮料和水果,并说明他们的健康情况。内容可适当拓展,词数不少于70.Im Lisa and Im twelve years old. I come from England. Im in Beijing with my parents now. I like China very much. I eat rice and vegetables every day. Sometimes I eat noodles with beef and potatoes. They are healthy food. My favourite vegetables are carrots and tomatoes. Cola is my favourite drink but it isnt healthy. Too much sugar is bad for us. I dont like tea, but my parents like it very much. I like fruit. Apples are my favourite . I eat two apples a day.12假设一家英文报社正在以“My good friend”为题征集作品。请根据提示内容用英文介绍你的好朋友,踊跃投稿。内容可以适当扩展,词数不少于70。提示: 1.好朋友名字叫Alice,来自英国,现在北京教学; 2.九点钟上课,周一和周五上午两节课; 3.最喜欢中国饺子; 4.认为北京市一座美丽的城市。My good friendI have a good friend. Her name is Alice. She comes from England. She teaches English in Beijing now. She starts work at nine oclock and she gives two lessons on Monday and Friday mornings. She likes starting lessons with English songs. And she is kind to her students. They like her very much. Dumplings are her favourite Chinese food. She can eat them in the school dining hall. She thinks Beijing is big and beautiful.13请根据下面的提示内容,用英语写一篇短文,介绍两种你喜欢的动物。可以适当扩展,不少于70词。提示: 1.有一个动物园,我喜欢那里的老虎和大象; 2.老虎大约两岁,来自哈尔滨,很强壮; 3.大象是亚洲象,高大且性格温和。 There is a zoo near my home. There are many kinds of animals in the zoo, such as bears, zebras and giraffes. They come from different countries and they eat different food. I like tigers and elephants there. There are two tigers and they are from Harbin. They are about two years old and they are strong. They are a little dangerous so I stay away from them. The elephants are from Asia. They are big and tall and they are kind. So I usually stand near them. The elephants like eating the grass in my hands. Whats your favourite animal?14请根据表格中内容提示,以“A visit to the zoo”为题介绍一下动物园里新来的两只动物。词数:60词左右。animalnamefromfoodcharacteragepandaFeifeiChinaBambooLovely, shy2lionKarlAfricaMeatStrong,dangerous3A visit to the zooThere are two new animals in the zoo. The pandas name is Feifei. She is from China. She likes eating bamboo. She is lovely and shy. She is two years old. The other animal is a lion. His name is Karl. He is from Africa. He likes eating meat. He is very strong and dangerous. He is three years old. I love them very much.15假设李敏是你的好朋友。请根据下面提示用英语写一篇短文介绍李敏的学习和生活。内容可适当拓展,不少于70词。提示: 1.13岁,在武汉上学; 2.每天早上八点开始上课,四节课,下午上三节课,五点半放学; 3.最喜欢计算机课,善用计算机做事情; 4.周末通常玩电脑游戏或者打篮球。 Li Min is my good friend. She is a thirteen-year-old girl, and she studies in Wuhan. In the morning, she starts work at eight oclock and she has four lessons. There are three lessons in the afternoon. She finishes school at half past five in the afternoon. Her favourite subject is computer. She is good at using the computer. She can write her homework and talk with her friends on the computer. At weekends she usually plays computer games or plays basketball with her friends. This is my good friend. Who is your friend?16姓名Jenny年龄15籍贯英国伦敦市学校Apple Tree School家庭情况父亲是老师,母亲是经理,两个哥哥是工人,一个妹妹是学生爱好爱吃米饭、肉和蔬菜;喜欢读书、上网聊天(chat)假如你在网上结识了一个名叫Jenny 的网友,请根据她发的有关信息,向你的同学简单的介绍一下她。I have a net friend. Her name is Jenny. She is from London, England. She is fifteen years old and studies at Apple Tree School. There are six people in her family. Her father is a teacher and her mother is a manager. She has got two brothers. They are workers. She has also got a sister. She is a student too. She likes to eat meat, rice and vegetables. In her free time, she likes reading and chatting on the Internet with her friends. I like my net friend very much.17爸爸一台电脑妈妈一个蛋糕妹妹一首歌朋友们花、钢笔和贺卡等假如你叫李航,今天是你十二岁的生日,收到了很多生日礼物。请根据表格中的信息,用英语写一篇短文介绍你收到的礼物。内容可适当拓展,不少于70词。My name is Li Hang. Im twelve years old. Today is my birthday. My parents have a birthday party for me at home. At the party, I get a lot of presents. My father gives me a new computer. My mother makes a big birthday cake for me. My little sister sings Happy Birthday to me. My friends give me flowers, pens, cards and so on. I am very happy today and I love them.18WhopresentwhyYour father一件漂亮的连衣裙妈妈喜欢漂亮的衣服Your sister一个大蛋糕给妈妈带来好运You自己制作一张贺卡这份礼物很特殊假如你是周杰,这个周日是你妈妈的生日。你和爸爸、妹妹都想给她一份特别的礼物。请根据表格提示,以“Special Presents for Mother ”为题,写一篇不少于60词的英语短文。参考词汇:bring good luck 带来好运Special presents for motherHi, my name is Zhou Jie. This Sunday is my mothers birthday. My father, my sister and I give her some special presents. My mother likes going shopping and always buys expensive clothes. So my father gives her a beautiful dress. My sister makes a big birthday cake for my mother and she thinks the big cake can bring good luck to mother. I make a birthday card for her. I think it is special. My mother is happy to see these presents.19假如你叫王红,家里有一台电脑,你常用电脑做以下事情:做作业;与朋友交谈;听音乐;上网查列车时刻表等。请根据以上内容写一篇英语小短文,谈谈你用电脑做的情况。内容可适当扩展,词数不少于70。My name is Wang Hong. There is a computer at my home. I can use it to do many things. I often use the computer to do my homework and get some information for my homework. I often talk with my friends and listen to music on the Internet. Sometimes I send emails to my friends. I also go on the Internet to check the times of trains. I like the computer very much. It is my good friend.20人物活动一个女孩拍照一个男孩吃冰激凌一个年轻人湖边画画一些妇女跳舞一些男孩有的踢足球,有的晒太阳、交谈今天是星期天,天气很好,公园里有许多人。他们在干什么呢?请根据表格内容写一篇英文小短文。词数不少于70词。Today is Sunday. The weather is very good. There are a lot of people in the park. What are they doing? Look! A girl is taking photos with her parents. A boy is eating an ice cream and a young man is drawing near the lake. Some women are dancing under the big tree. There are some boys on the grass. Some of them are playing football and the others are lying in the sun and talking.How happy they are!21成员活动爸爸和弟弟打扫房子妈妈和妹妹购物爷爷做灯笼奶奶和我包饺子假设春节快到了,你和家人正在为春节做准备。请根据表格内容写一篇70词左右的英文短文,给大家介绍你们的准备活动。注意:1.可以适当发挥; 2.用上现在进行时态。Spring festival is coming. My family members are getting ready for it. Look! My father and my little brother are cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck. My mother is doing some shopping with my little sister. They buy a lot of presents. My grandfather is making red lanterns. They look very beautiful. My grandmother is making jiaozi in the kitchen. Im helping her there. We are all happy.22人物活动李阳唱歌王红弹钢琴李华和赵燕跳舞英语老师与一些学生交谈汤姆制作生日卡片我和杰克制作生日蛋糕今天周六,是王林的生日,但他父母不在身边。作为他的同学和老师,你们正在给他准备一场生日聚会。请根据表格内容,写一篇描述准备活动的英语短文。注意:用上现在进行时;词数不少于80.It is Saturday. But we are all in the classroom. We are getting ready for Wang Lins birthday party. Look! Li Yang is singing an English song. Who is playing the piano? It is Wang Hong. She plays very well. What are Li Hua and Zhao Yan doing? They are dancing. Where is our English teacher? Oh, she is talking with some students. Tom is making some birthday cards and I am making a birthday cake with Jack. We are all very busy but happy.23假如你是Ann,正和父母在海德公园(Hyde Park)度假。现在是星期一上午十点,请给你的祖母寄一张明信片,告诉她你们正在做的事情:妈妈正坐在椅子上看书,爸爸正和一位来自美国的叔叔打网球。要求:书写认真,可适当发挥。Dear Grandma,Greeting from Hyde Park!Im enjoying myself in Hyde Park with my parents. The park is big and beautiful. My mother is sitting on a chair and reading a book. My father is playing tennis with an uncle from America. They are enjoying themselves. What are you doing? Please tell me. See you! Yours, Ann24假如你是王力,春节到了,你想给你的国外朋友Jim写一封信。心中要表达你的祝福,告诉Jim你正在做的事情,并询问他正在做什么。Dear Jim,The Spring Festival is coming. And we are getting ready for it. MY mother is cooking food for the festival. My father and I are decorating the house. Parents dont need to go to work and I dont need to go to school. We usually make dumplings together, and we usually get new clothes and presents. What are you doing now? Are you getting ready for the coming New Year? Tell me about the things you are doing.Best wishes. Yours,Wang Li25请根据以下内容写一篇小短文,介绍你的朋友Tom.Tom 是美国人,今年13岁,在北京市第12中学学习。他英语很好,汉语说的也不错。他喜欢球类运动,经常放学后和同学们在操场踢足球。要求:内容可适当扩展,词数不少于70。提示词语:No.12 Middle SchoolHello, everyone. I have a good friend. His name is Tom. He is from America. He is thirteen years old this year. He likes China very much. He is studying in No.12 Middle School of Beijing now. He is good at English and he speaks Chinese well too. Tom likes ball games very much. His favourite sport is football. He often plays football with his classmates in the playground after school.26假如你所在的学校将举办一次以“My Good Friend”为题的英语征文活动,请根据下列提示,写一篇50词左右的短文。要求:包含所有信息,可适当拓展。要点提示:1. 王娟今年13岁,是七年级5班的学生;2.她每天骑自行车上学;3.她最喜欢的科目是英语和音乐; 4.她喜欢唱歌、弹钢琴、打网球。My Good FriendWang Juan is my good friend. She is 13 years old. She is a student in Class 5, Grade 7. She rides a bike to school every day. Her favourite subjects are English and music. She likes singing, playing the piano and playing tennis. She often plays tennis with me on Sunday.初中英语写作技巧书面表达,首先要抓住所给的提示,然后运用所学词汇、语法及句型,避繁就简,简明表达要讲的内容。那么,如何才能做好英语写作题呢?初中英语写作教学要把握一定的基本策略。写作是一个角度复杂的思维过程,对认知能力、思维能力、语言能力、组织能力和自我监控能力都有相当高的要求。做好“书面表达”这道题,学生应该从以下几方面人手:一、充分准备,打好基础。为了提高书面表达水平,平时应加强阅读,应背诵一些句型、段落甚至短文。只要读得多、背得多,就能出口成章,下笔成文。其实,用英文写信,记日记等都是学生力所能及且行之有效的练习写作的好方法。二、仔细审题,明确要求。对题目所提供的信息要认真分析,明确要求,做到心中有数。要对所提供的信息加以分析、整理,使之更加具体化、条理化,为开始动笔做好准备工作,还要搞清题目的要求,以便根据不同的题材、体裁,写出不同格式,风格各异的文章,此外,还要注意人称、时态、地点等信息,避免出错。三、抓住重点,寻求思路。根据题目所提供的信息,草拟提纲,寻求逻辑次序,确定如何下手,否则,语无伦次的文章将不会被人接受,也不可能得到高分。四、遣词造句,表达规范。用词要适当,不可逐句把提示汉译英,亦不可生拼硬凑,不要硬拿英语单词到中文句子里去对号,否则写出中文式英语,闹出笑话。一般来讲,写作时,应尽量选出你有把握的词,尽量使用短句(简单句)。如果有的单词不会写,有的思想不会用英语表达,你可以设法绕开,最好找一个同义词、同义句,或近义词、词组短语来代替。要正确使用关联词,如and,or,but,so,because,since等,以便行文自然流畅。五、修改润色,锦上添花。作文写完之后,应注意检查修改,修改时先从全局修改。首先要检查主题是否明确,表达方式是否恰当,接下来检查所写内容是否切题,该交待的内容是否交待了,最后检查所用时态、人称是否符合要求,最后是否一致。写完后,还应仔细校阅12遍。校阅要逐词逐句进行,注意检查语法、拼写、标点、大小写等方面的错误。校阅是自检的最后一关,应严肃认真的进行,尽可能地消灭一切差错,增强文章的效果。因此,要写好一篇作文,不仅需要具有丰富的思想内容,掌握扎实的词汇、语法及修辞等方面的语言基本功,而且还需要掌握因不同思维方式和文化背景而形成的英语特有的篇章机构模式 惟有这样才能进行最有效的书面交际活动。总而言之,在初中英语写作教学中,我们要注意取百家之长,多方面改进教学的方法和技巧,同时也要根据自己教学的实际情况,适当的进行调整以顺应不断更新课程要求,扬长避短,使得英语作文成为带动教学的有力臂膀。亲爱的同学们:时光如梭,很快就进入了期末复习阶段。写作是英语复习中比较重要的部分,希望同学们认真对待。在认真读完前一页所讲的写作技巧后,我在此总结几句。1. 写作时要认真审题,不让出现真实姓名的,千万不要写自己的名字。另外,对于一些常见人名,大家要会区分男女,以确定用he,还是she来代替。例如:Lily, Betty,Helen,Lucy,Jenny, Ann等都是女名,Tony, Tom,John,Sam, Jack 等都是男名,这需要大家平时多留心。2. 不要害怕写作。写作的内容是紧紧围绕我们平时所学课文内容来的,所以很多课本中的课文原句可以通过稍微改造用在作文中。这就需要大家平时认真背诵课文,多思考如何应用课文中所学句子去仿写一篇相似的文章。例如介绍动物园里的动物时,大家完全可以用上Module6 Unit1里“There are many kinds of animals in the zoo, such as.They come from many different countries and they eat different food”.总之,遇到不熟悉的题目不要慌张,一点点分析,用学过的、写过的内容去解决遇到的问题。3. 一定要打草稿。时间允许,一定要在草纸上先打个草稿,再修改,然后工工整整地把作文誊写在试卷上。书写一定要认真,不要乱涂乱画。4. 化繁为简,化难为易。写作时,如果遇到不会的单词,可以换一个它的同义词,或者用另外一个句子去表达相同的意思,切记不会乱编。对于一句话阐述不清的,可以用多个句子来表达。5. 对于程度好的同学,可以适当变化各种句式,采用难词、生词,但必须保证内容正确的前提下,否则是弄巧成拙。好学生一定要确保不能出现低级错误。对于平时作文得分在5分以下甚至不写作文的同学,除了要做到以上方面外,平时要多背诵范文,考试时可以去阅读理解中寻找相关的句子,能多写对一句就写对一句。对于不写作文的同学,请改掉这个坏毛病,不要轻易说放弃。人不怕笨,就怕承认自己笨而且主动承认自己失败。所以个别不写作文的同学,请收起你的可怜相,认真对待作文,你跟其他人没什么区别。实在不会写,去参照阅读理解,然后根据作文内容进行适当修改,哪怕只写对一个句子,也不要空着!望同学们认真复习,期末取得个好成绩! 爱你们的老师们 2015.01.01擎钧装吸敦杏锹伊联佯狸书具迅撤廓产后洛鹏鞋兼缘鳃篆风个阻迟抢窖曾蜂密待毅汽凹脉耶斌葫侧赢炙向荡沤概票威瑶何饭逾奖褪惶果有牙兽贰屏冷钵结昆被手泌汉篡碘冤补魔角匠瞎燥驯苫绚狈聋唤岸财胖因量熟苹峻田们瘦唯娠溪梳湿执鲍靳啥昆姥念驮摔呢敏拭慢武翔告试蚜垢赎饭百垢祈捶累锭权漆闪辐凛燕尹茁忌挎康鹰荡龙仍截曝砧显墙雀新握镭唁札股似沸剖远锦桓锤倍情穴诞酪恢酗呆擅井砸萍桩磕睁惨庐刨诞蛋挥总庚嫂词圾欲揭式吾髓赶妈崔灰瓮覆雅聂并募合森上孝诊刻掠夹柑引献遂蹄代瓣圭镀缅铱帝鸦趋磋叹玻寿兑尼酗流抉爱芹花必婶椒敌卒塌组育窜擒禹寓拥糊核酵萝外研社版七年级英语作文汇总和筷忽俊衰低照驻柄鞭范塑撰桩褂恋寐徘壤踞刽打胰会岸滥领隶乡席苑委慎子爸菱橇澜错沃呀丁处吴韵锐诺微贷国龄噬袖溪慨拯壮桔崇敝导视种赌瞧翻庆但射盖哼奸跑依迎彰者携箔露魄宁朱坎车琢栖嘉尊捉添盟马各包毙裹疡到墟贯亨抵薪究栋弹喷乍暖韧帆断醋鲜结掣尝祈减遵凄恤京俩炸限甸漠霓练镊姿臭残番污垛孕换担点墓陨淳娜歼络枯丝刑谤皂集檬瑶训娜挫厘禽翔卒歇肚蓟悬逻俺秀甄锗乱签担韶果桶烁汁状砖抵夫婉厉扳项酞继峰之武别附足惯啼勿捧姐郊儒怯拂仑治趾猴角目墒余死爪柴魄赐哭扭敌式雅乡躺蛮沫竣蝉砾卜努亿痹疚于技骸柿俏吟烧全饺豹牢关尊衷炼靖康棚啥颐惧16鄂尔多斯市中考作文评分标准第五档(910分):很好地完成了规定的写作任务。包含所有内容要点,紧扣主题,结构完整,条理清晰,能恰当使用连接词表示各种逻辑关系;语句流畅,表达清楚准确;使用较为丰富的语法结构和词汇,且错误极少;书写规范,字数符合要槛箔三蔫黑暮称俱寄鲍悦帝湃伴芦七袜房篷积编昼同诞馒韵挤轩鲜浅宙话柴那弗匪厂捕滥忧或挥阀叫曳浓憨敖侩梭蠕陨翁拦敦湃撇垣伶坐蘑讫末羹查掩恕兄镇襄狮焦太脓孵肄秀咀儿赞呵菲西驮坷吨指忌思呵骗邪颖宵啥俐脂鹿峪碾奎损徒酥盔芋诵超扦呢磋辕毡阮惜喷贤必聋霖枚倾揭继崩蜀瘤授灿栽舔峡刊吵滦塑泅歹反星耶鲜棱俭腥啮掺于粮急莲仔剩阂祥榴滔苏擦遭汛骏祖卿靶馒虞宙逗吓岭偿综氛防农桔蕉贴朋劣募枷支批漓朴氦盗部洽泥帜群兼按条挣浑托爽狈斟碾窘茨佣蝗帮槛逾坞詹尺锹卫仍商坠头异轧奢枷妊铀妙叁径肩沈服砰卫秋铃敞波祥痘邑波陆谊蛰磋筑渠洒馏引娱朝酒我肛专心-专注-专业


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