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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2020-2021学年第一学期期末测试牛津译林版九年级英语试题单项填空1. Life is full of _ chances, but theyre not always _ ones we hope for.A. /; theB. the; theC. /; /D. the; /2. _ Amy likes to go to the cinema, but she doesnt like to see horror films.A. SinceB. AsC. ThoughD. 不填3. Do you know everybody came to the party?Im afraid not. I dont know the one you had a long talk with.A which; thatB. /;whomC. that; whichD. who;/4. We just need one of you for the game. you your brother can join us.A. Both; andB. Either; orC. Not only; but alsoD. Neither; nor5. The teacher asked the students to a story about a trip to the Moon.A. give upB. cheer upC. take upD. make up6. What did Tom say to you just now, John?He asked .A. if I could go to the movies with him tonightB. why I am so happy todayC. who I played football after schoolD. what will I do for the weekend7. The Spring Festival is coming. Look! many little children are practicing dancing in cold weather carefully for the show.A. So; suchB. Such; suchC. So; soD. Such;so8. 一I dont know where to go this summer vacation.一Why not visiting Suzhou ? There are many places of interest there.A. suggestB. wonderC. considerD. encourage9. - Do you know the Pakistani girl Malala?- Of course, her _ makes the whole world shocked and she becomes the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.A applicationB. agreementC. attentionD. achievement10. _,when Marx was already _,he found it was important to study the situation in Russia, so he began to learn Russian.A. In 1870s, in his fiftiesB. In 1870s, in fiftiesC. In the 1870s, in fiftiesD. In the 1870s, in his fifties11. Its raining cats and dogs. We have no choice but the picnic.A. cancelB. to cancelC. cancellingD. cancelled12. 一I am not looking for any trouble here一 .Sit and talk.A. So do IB. So am IC. Neither do ID. Neither am I13. Students _ not to use mobile phones in our school now.A. askB. askedC. are askedD. asking14. Why does Buck feel so worried? .A. He cant understand why he is trapped in this small boxB. He believes that something bad is going to happen to himC. He is not sure that he can go back to his home on this trainD. He doesnt know what do these strange men want with him15. Customer: I especially like this flowery skirt.Shopkeeper: Its very much in style this summer.A. You really have a good tasteB. The flowery skirt is not in nowC. This color looks a bit too loudD. I dont think the one fits you完型填空The earth is our home. We must take good care of it. Life today is easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought some new _16_. One of the biggest problem is pollution. We can see it, smell it, drink it and even hear it. Man has polluted the _17_ The more people, the more pollution. Many years ago, the problem was not so _18_ because there were not so many people. When the _19_ was used up or the river was not clean in a place, man went to another place. However, man is _20_ polluting the whole world nowadays. Air pollution is still the most serious pollution. Its bad for living things in the world.Many countries dont let people _21_ anything bad in the houses and factories in the city. Pollution brought by SO2 is now the most dangerous kind of _22_ pollution. Its mainly caused by heavy traffic. People say riding bikes is the _23_ way to protect the environment in terms of means of transportation. Riding causes no pollution. But even in developed countries, most people dont go to work by bike. Its not because bikes are expensive or people would become tired if they ride to work. Its because the number of cars on the roads becomes larger. More and more people _24_ their bikes and go to work by car and then things get worse and worse. There should be special roads only for bikes, making it so difficult and expensive for drivers to drive their cars in the city that they will go back to _25_ their bikes.16. A. matterB. questionsC. troublesD. problems17. A. moonB. starC. earthD. sun18. A. hardB. clearC. seriousD. big19. A. landB. treeC. foodD. fruit20. A. sadlyB. proudlyC. slowlyD. easily21. A. burnB. createC. cookD. fire22. A. waterB. whiteC. airD. noise23. A. leastB. bestC. mostD. worst24. A. put onB. put offC. put awayD. put up25. A. useB. buyC. sellD. repair阅读理解AMorpher, the folding bike helmet(头盔)People hate to wear a helmet because its thick and heavy. Morpher is a bike helmet made from plastics. It is just as strong as the traditional ones, but flexible(灵活的)enough to fold almost totally flat. Also it is much easier to carry.Shoes that tie themselvesAfter we see the movie Back to the Future, almost everyone wants a pair of self-tying shoes. Now, thanks to Nike, the shoe dream comes true. When you press a button, the shoes can tie themselves.The smart alarm clock-Hello SenseAn alarm clock , called Hello Sense, can improve your sleep. It can control the temperature, light and even air quality in your bedroom to help you have a perfect sleep environment. And it can record your sleep cycles.Sweet potatoes that could save livesThe lack(缺乏)of vitamin A can cause blindness and many other illnesses. In sub- Saharan Africa, plant experts are helping them grow a kind of new sweet potatoes. These potatoes can help them fight against some illnesses.26. Morpher, the folding bike helmet is_ .A. thick and heavyB. not as strong as a traditional oneC. made from metalD. flexible enough to fold almost flat27. The underlined word button means _ .A. 钉子B. 按钮C. 图案D. 形状28. The smart alarm clock can NOT _ .A. improve our sleepB. control our weightC. record our sleep cyclesD. control the temperature in the bedroomBJane Eyre(简爱)tells the story of a good and independent woman, who does not depend on others and does not give up even facing many difficulties. Jane is poor and an orphan(孤儿)and is treated badly by her rich aunt and cousins. She is sent away to a school where the pupils are treated very badly. Jane remains strong, because she knows she is good. And when she had the chance to run away, she does. Jane takes a job in the house of a rich man called Mr Rochester.Jane falls in love with Mr Rochester who is twenty years older than her. Jane is sad when Rochester brings a beautiful woman Blanche to his house. Jane thinks Rochester will marry Blanche. So she decides to leave. Rochester asks her to stay but she will not. She tells him she loves him and says that she is poor and not beautiful, but it does not mean that she has no feelings. She speaks to Rochester as a spiritual equal.Rochester asks Jane to marry him and she agrees, but on the day of the wedding she finds out that Rochester is already married. Jane decides to leave and even though Rochester says his wife is mad and begs Jane to stay, she cannot. Jane will not stay with a man who is already married. She has no family to protect her and no money, but she is proud and she wants to do the right thing.When Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte was first published, it was called an autobiography(自传). In Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte, like Charles Dickens, shows the double-standards in Victorian Britain. The poor and especially orphans were not given any protection by the law, they were seen as animals not humans. The rich lived a life of luxury(奢侈) and by giving a little money to charity they thought they had done their best.29. What does the underlined “independent” mean in the first paragraph?A. 坚强的B. 大方的C. 自立的D. 严谨的30. In this passage, how many names in the book are mentioned?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five31 The double-standards in Victorian Britain refers to _.A. the unequal rights between men and womenB. the different thoughts between adults and childrenC. the huge differences between the rich and the poorD. the different lives between material and spiritual worlds32. The passage is mainly about _.A. British life in the 19th centuryB. English literatureC. Charlotte Brontes life and worksD. the book Jane Eyre and its valueCSalt Lake City is a beautiful city in the west of North America. If you go there, youl1 see a monument(纪念碑)with seagulls on top of it. Here is the story about the seagulls.Over one hundred years ago, a group of men, women and children traveled a long way from the east to the west. They crossed the mountains and arrived at thequiet place in the valley. They built their homes and made their farms near the big salt lake. They had to work very hard on their farms because their life depended on their crops.One day while they were working in the fields, some farmers saw something strange in the sky.Whats that? asked one of them. Where? asked another. Over there. he answered.They saw something like a cloud coming towards them. But it was too low in the sky. As they watched, it came nearer and nearer. Suddenly a shout went up:Locusts(蝗虫)!Millions of them! The farmers were all frightened, because they knew what locusts could do. And they had never seen so many of them before.In no time the locusts came down and started eating their crops一the wheat, the vegetables, even the grass and the leaves on the trees. The farmers tried everything to kill the locusts,but while they were killing them in one place, millions more arrived in another. What could they do?Suddenly they heard a great noise. As they looked up into the sky, they saw another great cloud coming towards them. To their surprise, they saw not locusts, but seagulls this time. The farmer cried out, Theyve come to eat what the locusts. have left! But to their joy,the seagulls had come to eat, not their corps, but the locusts. They had seen or smelt the locusts and had come to eat them. In a short while they ate up millions of them. The farmers crops were saved.The people were very thankful. They decided that frrnn then on no one should ever kill a seagull. They also built a monument to show their thanks to the seagulls.33. Over one hundred years ago, .A. there was no city near the salt lakeB. people worked hard in the lakeC. there were no locusts near the lakeD. people didnt like seagulls at all34. The farmers were frightened because they knew .A. the seagulls would not comeB. the locusts might eat all their cropsC. they could not kill any locustsD. the locusts would kill some of them35. The passage does not tell us .A. where the locusts came fromB. what the seagulls came to eatC. when the group of people moved thereD. why the farmers worked so hard词汇检测36. Andy is so busy that he hasnt _(回复) my last three e-mails.37. Now, school children all get _(免费的) books from the government in China.38. During her lifetime Hepburn earned four more Oscar_(提名).39. Like many famous scientists, Yuan Long-ping _ (致力于) himself to the study of science.40. Fang-fangs mother is busy doing her business, so she isnt able to_( 留出,匀出) time for her daughter.41. How are you going to _ (证明) that it is difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild?42 I could_( 几乎不) find my old house because great changes had taken place there.43. Murder in a Country House is a horror film _(导演) by Cindy Clark.44. Some students of our school got good results in the English _(竞赛) in December.45. - Look!He is skiing so fast. -Hard to _ (想象) his legs were once broken.翻译句子46. 我爷爷宁愿看报也不愿看电视._47. 姚明是世界上最好的篮球运动员之一._48. 妈妈常叫我别在外面呆得太晚._49. 受害者说他没看清楚那个凶手._50. 昨天当我离开学校时,天正下着大雨._任务型阅读任务型阅读(每空一词)How to Make the Time for Your Personal GoalsOne of the biggest challenges in trying to achieve any personal goal is that we want to put them off until tomorrow, or next week, in order to finish more important things at work and home. Maybe the following can help you find the time for your personal goals.1.Make one goal at a timeOften the problem is that you try to make too many goals at once. You have a list of things you want to finish and because of that you never start. Its very difficult to pay attention to too many goals at once. So catching one goal at a time is enough. 2. Be sure you really want itIts not enough to say, “It would be nice to learn French” or “It would be cool to do yoga(瑜伽) every morning”. It has to be something you really want. Ask yourself why you want to achieve this goal, and how much you want it.3.Show that Youre seriousTell as many people as you can about your goal. Write down your goal carefully. If you cant even write it down, youre not serious. Then write out a plan, with dates and actions. Think about problems, and write down your ways to solve them. The plan shows youre serious.4.Make it your top taskYou all have many things to do in your lives, from school or work to family. If you put all these first, you wont ever find the time for your goal. Instead, if we make our goal our top task, well make the time. With these steps, your goals surely come true.Four _51_ to make the time for your personal goalsMake one goal at a time You never start _52_you have a list of things to finish.Its not _53_to pay attention to too many goals at once. Catching one goal at a time is enough.Be sure you_54_ want itYour _55_ has to be something you really want.Ask yourself the_56_ for achieving the goal and how much you want it.Show that youre serious Tell as many people as _57_ about your goal. Write down your goal, plan and ways of _58_the problems.Make it your top taskThere are many things for you to do in your lives.You wont make the time for your goal _59_you put your goal first.With the steps, you will surely_60_ your goals.61. 书面表达假如你叫李华,昨天晚上你看电影在回家途中目击了一起抢劫案(robbery).请就以下信息,以李华的名义写一份给警方的书面材料,要求字数90左右.材料的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总字数.案发时间昨天晚上大约九点案发地点电影院附近的一条街道拐角处作案人情况两个男子,一个戴着墨镜的高个子,一个矮个子受害人情况一位年轻的女士,戴着一条金项链和一块金手表案发经过你正在街道上走着,突然听到身后有人呼救.你看到两个男子正抢劫(rob)一名女子.女子和和他们进行了激烈的搏斗(have a fierce fight with.).当你赶到时,两个劫匪(robber)已骑着他们自己的车逃跑.女子的金表被抢劫了,但幸运的是女子没有受伤.Dear Sir / Madam, Im writing to report a robbery to you._I hope the information will help you catch the robbers. Yours faithfully, Li Hua答案与解析单项填空1. Life is full of _ chances, but theyre not always _ ones we hope for.A. /; theB. the; theC. /; /D. the; /【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:生活充满了机会,但机会不总是我们所期望的那样.本题考查定冠词和零冠词的用法.生活充满了机会,在这儿chances是泛指,泛指的复数名词,表示一类人或事物时,不用定冠词;the ones we hope for是特指,定语从句we hope for来修饰ones,当表示对某人、某物进行特指,就是“不是别的,就是那个”时要用定冠词the;故选A.【点睛】定冠词的用法:1. 特指某些人或事物.The girl in red is my sister. 2. 指谈话双方都知道的人或事物.What do you think of the film? 3. 指上文提到过的人或事物.I saw a girl. The girl is crying. 4. 用于世界上独一无二的人或事物.The moon goes around the earth. 5. 用于单数名词前表示一类人或事物.The horse is a useful animal. 6. 用于形容词最高级前.Who is the tallest student here? 7. 用于形容词前表示一类人或事物.The young should respect the old .8.用于序数词前.We are going to learn the twelfth lesson. 9. 用于乐器前.The little girl is learning to play the violin.2. _ Amy likes to go to the cinema, but she doesnt like to see horror films.A. SinceB. AsC. ThoughD. 不填【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:艾米喜欢看电影,但她不喜欢看恐怖片.A. since由于;B. As 作为,当时候;C. Though 尽管.英语中though与but不能同时出现在同一个句子中,句中已有but,故答案选D.3. Do you know everybody came to the party?Im afraid not. I dont know the one you had a long talk with.A. which; thatB. /;whomC. that; whichD. who;/【答案】D【解析】【详解】本题考查:定语从句.选项分析:which做定语从句的关系代词时指代前面的物; that 做关系代词时既可指人也可指物 ,who做关系代词时,指人.whom指人,但需在从句中做宾语成分.综合分析前后文及答案选项,依据前面的everybody可知后面用who作为关系代词,可知此处填who最合适,其中I dont know the one you had a long talk with.中the one是talk with的宾语,此处可用whom引导,也可以省略关系代词.完整句意为:Do you know everybody who came to the party? Im afraid not. I dont know the one you had a long talk with.你认识所有来参加聚会的人吗?恐怕不是.我不认识那个和你谈了很久的人.正确答案为:D【点睛】which与that两者都可指物,常可互换.其区别主要在于: 引导非限制性定语从句时,通常要用which.如:She received an invitation from her boss, which came as a surprise. 她收到了老板的邀请,这是她意想不到的. 直接放在介词后作宾语时,通常要用which.先行词有the very, the only, the same 等修饰时,通常用that.如:This is the only example that I know. 我知道的例子只有这一个.Those are the very words that he used. 那是他的原话.4. We just need one of you for the game. you your brother can join us.A. Both; andB. Either; orC. Not only; but alsoD. Neither; nor【答案】B【解析】【详解】本题考查:连词短语的用法.选项分析:A. Both; and 表示两者都. B. Either; or或者.或者.表两者之中的选择.C. Not only; but also 不但.而且. D. Neither; nor表示两者都不.综合分析前后文及答案选项,依据前面的We just need one of you for the game我们只需要你们中的一个来参加比赛.可知此处填Either; or最合适,完整句意为:We just need one of you for the game. Either you or your brother can join us.我们只需要你们中的一个来参加比赛.不是你就是你弟弟可以加入我们.正确答案为:B5. The teacher asked the students to a story about a trip to the Moon.A. give upB. cheer upC. take upD. make up【答案】D【解析】【详解】本题考查:动词短语的辨析.选项分析:A. give up 放弃;交出. B. cheer up高兴起来. C. take up拿起;开始从事. D. make up化妆;编造.综合分析前后文及答案选项,依据a story about a trip to the Moon.一个关于月球旅行的故事. 可知此处填make up最合适,完整句意为:The teacher asked the students to make up a story about a trip to the Moon.老师让学生们编一个关于月球旅行的故事.正确答案为:D6. What did Tom say to you just now, John?He asked .A. if I could go to the movies with him tonightB. why I am so happy todayC. who I played football after schoolD. what will I do for the weekend【答案】A【解析】【详解】本题考查:宾语从句.选项分析:A. if I could go to the movies with him tonight 如果我今晚能和他一起去看电影. B. why I am so happy today为什么我今天这么高兴.C. who I played football after school 放学后我踢了谁的足球. D. what will I do for the weekend这个周末我要做什么.综合分析前后文及答案选项,可知此处填if I could go to the movies with him tonight 最合适,作asked 的宾语,if引导宾语从句.完整句意为:What did Tom say to you just now, John? He asked if I could go to the movies with him tonight .约翰,汤姆刚才对你说什么了?他问我今晚是否能和他一起去看电影.正确答案为:A7. The Spring Festival is coming. Look! many little children are practicing dancing in cold weather carefully for the show.A. So; suchB. Such; suchC. So; soD. Such;so【答案】A【解析】【详解】本题考查:语境分析及形容词副词辨析.选项分析:so是副词,修饰形容词和副词;而such是形容词,修饰名词. 它们后面都接单数可数名词,但词序不同.so的词序为:so+adj.+a(an)+n.而such的词序为:such+a(an)+adj.+n.当后面接复数名词或不可数名词时,只能用such,而不能用so. 但复数名词或不可数名词前有many,few,much,little修饰时,只能用so而不能用such.此外,so与that可以直接构成词组so that, 引导目的状语从句和结果状语从句, 表示“以便、以至于”的意思.综合分析前后文及答案选项,可知此处填so; such最合适,完整句意为:The Spring Festival is coming. Look! So many little children are practicing dancing in such cold weather carefully for the show.春节就要到了.看!这么多小孩子在这么冷的天气里认真地练习舞蹈,准备表演.正确答案为:A【点睛】so和such的区别用法:so是副词,修饰形容词和副词;而such是形容词,修饰名词. 它们后面都接单数可数名词,但词序不同.so的词序为:so+adj.+a(an)+n. 而such的词序为:such+a(an)+adj.+n. 当后面接复数名词或不可数名词时,只能用such,而不能用so. 例如:例1:such beautiful flowers 这么美丽的花.


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