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-可编辑修改 -1. This reference book consists of five chapters.译文:这本参考书包括(有)五章。2. Angels are usually shown in pictures dressed in with wings.译文:图画中的天使通常是身穿白衣,生有翅膀。3. Our trip starts from Mount Tai tomorrow and finishes up inHuashan Mountain a week from tomorrow.译文:我们的旅行明天从泰山开始,一周后在华山结束。4. He is writing a sequel to his latest best-seller.译文:他正在写他的最新畅销书的续集。5. My cousin is leaving my hometown to work in industry incities.译文:我的堂兄马上就要离开家乡去城里打工了。6. If you are going to attend the meeting, youd leave nowbecause of the traffic jam.译文:如果你打算参加会议,你最好现在就走, 以免堵车。7. Have you looked ahead to what you years?white,betterllbe doing in fives-可编辑修改 -译文:你是否想过五年后你会在做些什么?8. How many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games?译文:有多少国家要参加奥运会?9. We will have developed our country into one of the medium developedcountries by 2050.译文:到2050年我们将把我国建成世界上中等发达的国家之一。10. He is a somebody now and he will have forgotten hisold friends.译文:他现在是个重要人物了,可能会把老朋友们都忘了。11. It will have been raining for a whole week if it rains again tomorrow.译文:如果明天还下雨的话,雨就整整下了一个星期了。12. When I was young, I would listen to the radio a whole day whenever Iwas in a bad mood.译文:我年轻的时候,每当心情不好就会听一整天收音机13.The flood of women into the job market boosted economic growthand changed US society in many ways.译文:妇女们大量涌进人才市场刺-可编辑修改 -激了经济增长, 也从很多方面改变 了美国社会14. His grandfather lived a very simple life.译文:他祖父生前过着十分简朴的生活。 (现在已不在世)15. When I was reading the newspaper, the telephone rang, and I knew itmust be Fiona.译文:当我在看报纸时,电话铃响了,我一猜就知道肯定是Fiona打来的。16. She was studying in Seoul last year. I dont know if shehas returned.译文:她去年在首尔学习,我不知道她回来了没。17. The interstate highway system was finally launched in1956 and has been hailed as one of the greatest public works projects ofthe century. 译文:州际高速公路系统的建设最终于 1956 年启动,现已被公认为 本世纪最大的公共建筑工程项目之一。 (2006 CET4 )18. We had little rain in the summer. / Weve had little rainthis summer.译文:We had little rain in the summer.今年夏天雨水很少。(夏-可编辑修改 -天已过)Weve had little rain this summer.今年夏天雨水很少。(还在夏天)19. Most students in this classroom have been preparing for the entranceexamination of junior college students tosenior university students.译文:班上的大部分同学一直在准备专升本考试。20. Most students in this classroom have prepared for theentrance examination of junior college students tosenioruniversity students.译文:大多数同学已经准备好了。21.Yesterday, she heard that some surgeons in this hospital had madea breakthrough in the treatment of thatdisease.译文:昨天她听说这所医院里的一些医生在治疗那种疾病方面有了突 破。22:THE TIMES is read by the people who run the country;-可编辑修改 -THE GARDIAN is read by the people who would like to run the country.译文:在位掌权的人读泰晤士报 ,渴望掌权的人读卫报 。23:Modern scientists have discovered that energy may be created frommatter and that matter, in turn, may be created from energy.译文:现代科学家发现:物质可以产生能量,能量也可以产生物质。24:New high-tech achievements have been applied to agriculturalproduction.译文:高新科技的成果已应用于农业生产。25:Much of the energy is absorbed as the Suns rays pass through theatmosphere.译文:太阳光线通过大气层时许多能量被吸收去了。26:The proposal on the improvement of the investment environment isaccepted by all the members of the committee.译文:这条关于改善投资环境的提议为该委员会全体委员所接受。27:The Moon, the stars and the Sun are made use of by the seamen tofind their latitude and longitude at sea.译文:月亮、星星和太阳常被海员们用来确定海上的经纬度。28:With the rapid development of modern science and technology,information can be sent to every part of the world.译文:随着现代科学技术的迅速发展, 我们能把各种各样的信息传到 世界各地。29:To explore the Moons surface, rockets, satellites and airships werelaunched again and again.译文:为了探测月球的表面,人们一次又一次地发射火箭、卫星和飞 船。-可编辑修改 -30: These stone processing machines have been introduced from Italy forthe newly established factory.译文:这些石材加工机器是为新建工厂而从意大利引进的。31: The Secondary School is named after a donator who made acontribution of 50 million RMB yuan.译文:这所中学是以一名出资五千万元人民币的捐赠人的名字命名 的。32: Michael Jackson是被他的医生杀死的,而不是自杀的。 译文:MichaelJackson was not killed by himself but his doctors.33:这次实验的结果发现了一种新的治疗癌症的方法。译文:A new cure for cancer was found according to the result of thisexperiment.34:没有良好的学习习惯,就不能在英语上取得很大的进步。 译文:Onecannot make great progress in English without good study habits.35:可以根据环境保护条例和一月份刚生效的法律条文来采取行动。 译文 :Actions can be taken according to the rules of environmental protectionand the law articles which cameinto effect in January.36:It is well known that fake and substandard commodities harm theinterests of consumers.译文: 众所周知, 假冒伪劣商品损害了消费者的利益。37: 众所周知, 诸如水和石油这样的宝贵资源迟早将会被用尽 译文:It is wellknown that precious materials, such as water and petrol, will beexhausted sooner or later.38:Space and oceans are the new world which scientists are trying toexplore.译文:太空和海洋是科学家们努力探索的新领域。39:His laughter, which was infectious, broke the silence.译文:他那富有感染力的笑声打破了沉寂。40: Although he lacks experience, he has ambition and creativity, which isdecisive in achieving success in this field.译文:他虽然经验不足,但很有进取心和创造力,而这正是在这一领 域获得成功的关键。-可编辑修改 -41: I dont want to ask him for help, who is very haughty and conceitednow.译文:我不愿意请他帮忙,因为他现在十分地傲慢和自负。42: They worked out a new method by which production has now beenrapidly increased.译文:他们制定出一种新方案,采用(新方案)之后生产已迅速得到提43: In our laboratory, there is the most advanced equipment that can helpus complete the research in time.译文: 我们实验室里有最先进的设备, (设备)可以帮助我们及时完 成研究任务。44: In our factory, there are many people who are much interested in thenew invention.译文:在我们工厂里,许多人对这项新发明很感兴趣45: She had a balance in her account which would have made herbeloved anywhere.译文:她在银行里的存款足以使她到处受到欢迎。46. Working in these conditions is not a pleasure but a kindof suffering.译文:在这种条件下工作是种痛苦,而不是快乐。47.在中文菜谱上点菜对于外国人来说是一件头疼的(daunting adj.)事情。译文:Ordering meals from a Chinese menu is a daunting experience forforeigners.或Its daunting for foreigners to order meals from a Chinese menu.48. Its no use trying to reason with him becaus To talk / Talking to him istalking to a wall. e he is arrogant.译文:试图和他讲道理是没有用的,因为他很傲慢。49. I couldnt help feeling jealous when she was promoted to the-可编辑修改 -position of sales manager.考点:P 八、 译文:当她升任销售经理时,我禁不住有些嫉妒。50.我们总是可以指望刘教授给我们提供各种各样的帮助。译文:We can always count on Prof.Lius providing varioushelp.THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议, 策划案计划书,打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考学习课件等等


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