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.十、阅读。选择正确的答案。(分)Amy: Hi! Tom. I have a new classroom.Tom: Really? Lets go and have a look. Wow! Its big and nice.Amy: Look! A new black board, four fans and six lights.Tom: There is a new computer on the teachers desk. How many students are there in your class?Amy: Twenty.Tom: Great! Where is your seat?Amy: Its near the door.1.Amy has a new .A:clsssroom B: computer room2.Amys classroom is big and .A:nice B: small3.In the classroom,There are .A:five fans B: six lights4. There is on the teachers deskA: a new black board B: a new computer5.There are in Amys class.A: twenty B:twelve五、 情景对话。(每题2分,共10分)根据栏的问句,从栏中找出恰当的答案,将标号填入括号内。 ( )1.What time is it? A、Its cool.( )2.Can I help you? B、I want some bananas.( )3.Whats the weather like there? C、Its blue.( )4.How many sheep are there? D、Its nine oclock.( )5.What colour is it? E、Twelve.六、 用所给的单词完成句子。将序号填在横线上。(每题2分,共10分)A. Where B. weather C . How many D. pretty E. want1、Good morning. This is the report.Its cool in Lhasa.2、 is my skirt?Its on your bed.3、 cows do you have?One hundred.4、Can I help you?Yes. I a pair of sneakers.5、Look at that dress. Its .七、英汉互译。(每题2分,共20分)A)根据下列汉语句子,完成英语句子。1.八点半了,该上语文课了。2. This shirt is preaty, but its too .这件衬衫是漂亮的,但是它太小了。3. I have a new .Its 我有一条新连衣裙,它的颜色很丰富。4. I want some .我想要一些橙子。5. There are cows in the picture.图画上有十一只奶牛。B)根据下列英语句子,完成汉语句子。6. The library is on the first floor.在一楼。7. Where are my socks?我的 在哪里?八、给下列句子找到合适的答语。将序号填在横线上。A . Its ten yuan. B. Theyre onions. C. Its on the second floor. D.Yes, they are. E. Yes, it is.( ) 1. Where is the art room?( ) 2. How much is it?( ) 3. What are these?( ) 4. Are they ducks?( )5. Is this your skirt?九、阅读判断。(正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。)(每题2分,共10分)My bedroomThis is my bedroom. Its small and clean. There is a chair ,a desk and a bed in my room. Ive got some books on the desk. The chair is near the desk. The bed is near the window. A picture is on the wall. And there are some flowers and trees in it. There is a computer near my bed. Its on the table. I play computer games on Sunday. I like my bedroom.( ) 1. My bedroom is big and clean.( ) 2. There is a picture on the desk.( ) 3. There is a computer on the table.( ) 4. There are some flowers and trees in the picture.( ) 5. The bed is near the desk.一、翻译。20午餐 英语 音乐 体育早餐 语文 数学 课程晚餐 为,给 什么 时间三 四 五 六三十 四十 五十 六十十三 十四 十五 十六十二 八 九 七二十 its= 起床 上床睡觉二 点钟 回家 去学校起床 go to the library have lunch二、选出与其它单词不一样的单词(5分)( )1、A. playground B. canteen C.music D. washroom( )2、A. English B. P.E. C. Chinese D. class( )3、A. breakfast B. dinner C. lunch D. math( )4、A.three B. twenty C. first D. fifty( )5、A、4:20 B、2:50 C、8、30 D、11:15三、连词成句。1、is, time, it, what, now ( ? )2、school, time, its, go, to, to ( . )3、oclock, its, twelve ( . )4、for, math, time, class, its ( . )5、is, breakfast, ready ( . )6、get, go, lets, and, to, up, school ( . )7、 is time have English class to It .8、 a Just minute .四、根据下面每句话的意思和图片的提示,在空格中填上适当的单词,使句子完整。71、Its . Its time to go to .2、What time is it ? . .3、Its . Its time for class.4、Is this a TV room? . .5、What time is it? .五、翻译句子。101、几点了?2、十点钟了。3、是时候上英语课了。4、现在是8:10分。是时候看书了。5、6点钟了。是时候回家了。六、下列各句均有一处错误,请找出画线,并改正。10例:Its a apple. an 1、What time it is? _ 2 、Its time to breakfast. _ 3、Its 6:45 oclock. _ 4、Is ten oclock. _ 5、.Lets go to home. _七、连线(4分)Time for breakfast. Sing and danceTime for English Drink some milkTime for music Jump and runTime for P.E. Read and write八、单项选择21( )1 Its 8:00. Its time English class.A for B to C in( )2 Its 6:00. Its time to .A school B lunch C get up( )3、 What time ?A is, it B it, is C this, is( )4 Look at my .Its 8A oclock, clock B clock ,clock C clock, oclock( )5、Its 7:00. Its time for_ A.go to bed B.breakfast C.lunch( )6、What time is it?Its _. Its time to go home. A.At 5:00 oclock B.3:00 oclock C.three( )7、Its 6:30. Its time for _ A.English class B.get up C.dinner( )8、2+_=10 A. nine B. eight C. seven( )9、Its twelve oclock. Its time for _ A. breakfast B. lunch C. Dinner ( )10._9:00. A.It is B.Is it C.it is ( )12.Its time _ get up. A.at B.for C.to( ) 13. - _ - Its three oclock. A. What colour is it? B. What time is it? C. Where is it?( ) 14. Its time for _A. Chinese class. B. go to school C. get up( ) 15. Its time to _A. music class. B. go to bed C. breakfast.( )16. -Is this your chair? -_A.Its your desk. B.Its my desk. C.Yes,it is.( )17. Im late _school.A.at B.for C.to( )18. She has _ clocks.A. an B.three C.a( )19. They have eight _ in the classroom.A.Light B.light C.lights( )20. -_time for school? -Yes.Lets go.A.It is B.Is it C.it is ( )21. Is this _ old bag? A.a B.an C./九、选出下列发音不同的词。(共5分)( )1、A. nameB. faceC. apple ( )2、A. redB. bed C. she( )3、A. we B. egg C. he ( )4、A. deskB.three C. knee( )5、A. have B. that C. snake十、句型转换51、Its time to go to school.(改为同义句)I ts time_school.2、I can see eight apples.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _can you see ?3、We have English class .(改为一般疑问句)4、I have math class .(否定句)5、This is my computer . (否定句) 一、找出不同类的单词并圈出.(12分)1 lunch dinner cake breakfast2. Chinese English math class3. teachers office dress library playground4. tomato carrot potato fish5. horse hen animal sheep6. cloudy music sunny windy 二、选择并将序号填在前面的括号里.(10分)( )1. Its time _ Chinese class. A. to B. for( ) 2. Theyre _. A. hen B. hens( ) 3. _ you have a library? Yes, we do.A. Do B. Are( ) 4. _ they carrots ? A. Are B. Is( ) 5. No, its _. A. no B. not三、根据上下句意,选择正确答案序号填在题前括号内.(8分)( )1 询问攀枝花的天气怎么说?A. What time is it now?B. Is it cold in Pan Zhihua?C. Whats the weather like in Pan Zhihua.( ) 2 英语询问现在几点了:A, What is it B, Who is that C, What time is it( )3. is the teachers office? It is on the first floor.A. What B. How C. Where( )4. What time is it?A. Its 7 oclock B. Time for P.E. C. Its a dog.六、选出合适的词完成句子,不能重复(10分) A 、Touch B、playground C、arent D 、breakfastE、 These F、 time G、cant H、washing I 、for J、go1、What_does she go to school?2、Are they going to the _ ?3、-What are you doing?-Im _ the clothes.4、Is she cooking _ ?5、Tony_play today,Hesbusy.6、_ Gogos toes.7、_are her oranges8、-Are Jenny and Tony talking?- No,they_.9 、Its time_ school .10 、I_ home at 5:15pm. .


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