高中英语总复习 part1 M1Unit 2 Growing pains(1)课件 牛津译林版 新课标

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高中英语总复习 part1 M1Unit 2 Growing pains(1)课件 牛津译林版 新课标_第3页
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【1】辨析suggest, advise, request, order(1) suggest与advise都是动词“建议”,它们后面的宾语从句都用虚拟语气(shouldv.), should可以省略。advise sb. to do sth.表示“建议某人做某事”,advise不能用suggest替换,但可以说suggest sb./ones doing sth.。I advise that he (should) go at once.我建议他马上动身。I suggested going in my car.我建议坐我的车去。(2) request, order等动词后接的宾语从句中,也常用“should 动词原形”作谓语,should可省略。They ordered that for every tree cut down two more be planted.他们要求每砍伐一棵就要补栽两棵树。(3) It is suggested/advised/ordered/requested从句,此时从句也常用“should 动词原形”作谓语,should可省略。It was ordered that the army be sent to the front.部队接到命令,他们立即要被派往前线。 名词suggestion, advice, order, request等后接同位语从句或这些词在表语从句中作主语时,从句也用“should 动词原形”作谓语,should可省略。He agreed with my suggestion that we should change the date.他同意我提出的更改日期的建议。【注意】若suggest作“暗示,表明”,insist作“坚持认为”讲时,后面的宾语从句不用虚拟语气。He _ to stay at home and have a good rest.他建议我们待在家里并好好休息。The professor suggested that parents _ their children every day when they stepped into the college.教授建议父母不要在孩子进入大学后每天给他们打电话。The smile on his face suggested that he _ (be) happy to meet her again.advised us(should) not phonewas【2】 explain vt. 解释,说明explain sth. to sb./explain to sb. sth. 向某人解释某事explain that 从句Will you please explain the third paragraph again to us?请您把第三段再给我们解释一下好吗?I explain that an ambulance would be coming soon.我解释说救护车很快就到。explain yourself 为自己的行为作解释I really dont see why I should have to explain myself to you.我真不明白我为什么非要向你解释我的行为不可。explanation n. 解释,说明the explanation for sth. 对某事的解释对初学者解释这个问题很难。_Alex解释说他的汽车出了毛病。_我想不出他缺席的任何理由。_It was difficult to explain the problem to beginners. Alex explained that his car had broken down.I cant think of any possible explanation for his absence.【3】 charge n. 费用;价钱,v. 要求收费;索价;将(电池)充电;指控,控告The fruit seller charged me too much money.这个水果商赚了我太多的钱。Does your car battery charge easily?你那辆汽车的蓄电池容易充电吗?charge sb. with 指控某人;赋予某人职责(或任务)in/take/have charge (of) 控制(局面、组织、人群);掌管,负责(主语一般是人,是主动的)in/under the charge of 在的掌管下/由照看(相当于in ones charge, 逻辑主语是被动的) Who is in _charge of the factory? It is in _ charge of my brother.A. the;/ B. the; theC/;/ D/; theShe was complaining that the seller was _ too much for the coat.A. spending B. offeringC. costing D. charging D D 【4】 deserve v. 值得,应受的deserven./to do 值得(做)deserve doing/to be done 值得被做deserve to be punished/punishment 应该被罚Good work deserves good pay.良好的工作表现应该得到丰厚的报酬。He certainly deserves to be sent to prison if he continues to do it.如果他再继续这样做的话,的确应该被送去坐牢。Nobody thinks he _ our help so we wont give him any hand.A. deserves B. worthC. deserve D. worthsAdeserve 值得,为动词;worth 值得的,为形容词。【5】 spare vt. 节约,省出;adj. 多余的,剩下的;空闲的Do you have any spare change for the phone?你有零钱打电话吗?Could you spare me five pounds?你能给我5英镑吗?We had an hour to spare so we looked round the shops.还有1个小时的剩余时间,所以我们逛商店。spare no efforts/pains 不遗余力spare ones life/spare sb. his life 饶某人一命in ones spare time 在某人的业余时间Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare you must learn to _.A. support B. careC. spare D. shareDlearn to share 学会分享。【6】 forbid vt. (forbade, forbidden) 禁止,不许forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事(不能说forbid to do)forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事Its forbidden to do sth. 做某事是禁止的。the Forbidden City 紫禁城My parents forbid me to stay the night out.我父母不准我在外面过夜。You are all forbidden to leave.你们都不准离开。Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents did not _ her to do so.A. forbid B. allowC. follow D. askBforbid禁止;allow允许;follow跟着,跟随;ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事。 【7】 argument n. 争论;辩论The students had a long argument with their teachers about their uniforms.学生们就他们校服的事和老师进行了很长时间的辩论。argue v. 争论;争辩argue with sb. about/over sth. 与某人为某事争论He argued with the taxi driver about the fare.他与出租车司机为票价争论起来。argue that 主张,认为She argued that our attempt would be a waste of time.她认为我们的努力将会是浪费时间。argue for/against 赞成/反对He argued for the fiveday workweek.他赞成一周上5天班。argue sb. into / out of 说服某人做/不做某事We argued him out of going on such a dangerous journey.我们说服他不继续这样危险的旅程。我们和服务员就账单发生了争吵。_他认为他们需要更多的时间来完成项目。_他们说服他撤回了投诉。(argue into)_We had an argument with the waiter about the bill.He argued that they needed more time to finish the project.They argued him into withdrawing his complaint.


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