透析there be的非谓语结构

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,there be,结构的非谓语形式,there be,结构为非谓语形式时,,be,可以是不定式(,to be,)或(,being,),,there,作逻辑主语。非谓语形式的,there to be,和,there being,结构可用作主语、宾语、或状语。,一、主语,1.,有,for,引导,则用,there to be,。,Its a great pity for there to be much trouble in the class.,太遗憾了,这个班上有多方面的麻烦。,It is common for there to be problems of communication between teachers and students.,老师与学生人之间存在着沟通问题是很常见的。,2.,没有,for,引导,则用,there being,。,There being a public bus service is a great convenience to people.,公交车对人们十分方便。,The prison is heavily guarded. There being no hope of escape is certain.,二、宾语,1.,介词宾语,用,there being,结构,而不用,there to be,。,Whats the chance of there being an election,this year?,今年举行选举的可能性有多大?,He was disappointed at there being no money,left.,他对不剩一点钱感到失望。,2.,动词宾语, 跟动名词的动词后用,there being,。,常见的动词有:,deny, appreciate, mind, imagine, admit,跟不定式的动词后用,there to be,。,常见的动词有:,want, expect, hope, wish, like , hate, would like, prefer, mean, intend,等。,She denied _ any misunderstanding between them.,她否认他们之间有任何误会。,Teachers dont want _ any students lagging behind.,老师不希望有任何学生掉队。,They hate _ long queues everywhere.,他们不愿意处处都要排长队。,there being,there to be,there to be,三、作状语,1.,作独立主格结构,用,there being.,There being nothing else to do, they went home.,没有别的事做,他们回家了。,There being nobody else to help me, I had to do by myself,由于没有人帮我,我只得单干了,2.,但若置于介词,for,之后,则用,there to be,,整个介词短语作程度状语。,It was too late for there to be any buses.,太晚了,不会有公共汽车了。,It is enough for there to be five minutes.,五分钟就足够了。,there + be+ doing/done/to do,在,there + be,结构中,非谓语动词可作定语,相当于一个定语从句。如果被修饰对象和非谓语动词之间是主谓关系,且表示正在进行状态,则用现在分词作定语;如是动宾关系,且表示完成,则用过去分词作定语;如表示将来发生事情,则常用不定式主动式作定语。,There is a man _ (wait) for you downstairs.,There were ten people _ (kill) in the crash.,There are ten soldiers _ (attend) the celebration.,waiting,killed,to attend,4. There are five pairs _, but Im at a loss which to buy. (Shanghai99),A. to be chosen B. to choose from,C. to choose D. for choosing,5.There was a terrible noise _ the sudden burst of light. (MET89),A. followed B. following,C. to be followed D. being followed,B. following,B. to choose from,巩固练习,1. It is not uncommon for _ problems of communication between old and young.,A. there to be B. there being,C. there to being D. there be,2. We didnt find Smith attending the lecture., No one had told him about _ a lecture the following day.,A. there was B. there to be,C. there being D. there be,A. there to be,C. there being,3. _ nothing more to discuss, the secretary-general got to his feet, said goodbye and left the room.,A. There was B. Being,C. As there being D. There being,4. The students expected there _ more reviewing classes before the final exams.,A,is B. being,C. have been D. to be,D. There being,D. to be,5. We have no objection to_ a meeting here,A. there to be B. there being,C. there be D. there is,6. I dont want there _ misunderstanding.,A. was B. being,C. been D. to be,B. there being,D. to be,7. There _ a big tree here when I was a child.,A. is B. used to be,C. used to being D. was used to,8. There _ no money left, I cant buy the book.,A. being B. is,C. to be D. are,B. used to be,A. being,9. There has been a car _.,A. stealing B. to steal,C. has been stolen D. stolen,10. There is going to _ a meeting tomorrow.,A. have B. hold,C. having D. be,D. be,D. stolen,11. _ to take a taxi.,A. There is no necessary,B. Its no necessity,C. There is no necessity,D. There is not necessity,12. There must have been a heavy rain yesterday, _?,A. hasnt there B. have there,C. mustnt there D. wasnt there,D. wasnt there,C. There is no necessity,


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