高中英语总复习 Chapter 18 SB Ⅱ Units 13~14(1)课件

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1(1)231. The nutrients in whatever falls into the ocean quickly become available to other living creatures.(SB U13) 流入海洋里的任何营养物都会马上被其他生物所利用。 whatever在此作关系代词,引出一个名词性从句,作介词in 的宾语,相当于anything that或all that。 Whatever she did was right. 她做的任何事情都是正确的。 You may take whatever you like. 你可以拿任何你想要的东西。 One should stick to (做任何已经开始做的事情)Dont you know that I always succeed in (我想尽力做的任何事)?【答案】whatever one has begun whatever I try (to do)52. Heat capacity is the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of a substance by one degree centigrade.(SB U13)热能量是一种物质升高一摄氏度所需要的能量。It takesto do sth.是固定句式,“做某事需要”It takes usual courage and determination to make break with his family.与他的家庭决裂需要非凡的勇气和决心。It takes wisdom to settle the quarrel between the two countries.平息两国间的争端需要智慧。 Perseverance is a kind of quality and thats (做好一切事情所需要的)(通常要10分钟) for a taxi to get to the hotel.【答案】what it takes to do anything wellIt usually takes 10 minutes73. One of the reasons why Harrier Tubman joined an action group in 1850 was that she wanted to help runaway slaves. (SB U14) 在1850年加入行动小组的原因之一是她想要帮助逃亡的奴隶。 The reason whyis/was that 的理由是(why引导定语从句修饰 the reason;that引导表语从句) The reason why he was late was that he got up late. 他迟到了是因为他起床迟了。 _(原因) I was late was that there was too much traffic on the road. _(我不能帮你的原因)now is that I cant afford the time at all. Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel, David Copperfield, was _ it was rather closely modeled on his own life.(2010北京卷)A. what B. thatC. why D. whether9【答案】The reason whyThe reason why I cant help youB104. where black people had equal rights and were free to live, study and work as they wished. (SB U14)黑人在那里享有平等的权利,可以像他们所希望的那样自由地生活、学习和工作。as conj. 像,按照(引导方式状语从句) Leave it _(照现在这样)Do _(按医生告诉你的那样)and you will soon recover. No matter whether you are tall or short, this or that, you should accept yourself _ you are.A. what B. as C. because D. which12【答案】as it isas the doctor told youB像你目前的样子接受自己。135. There was a time when women had no right to vote, could not go to university or choose their jobs.(SB U14)有一段时期,妇女没有选举权,不能够上大学或选择工作。There is/was a time when 有一段的时间(when引导定语从句,修饰time) _(有一段时间) I made up my mind to study French. 【答案】 There was a time when15课文原句高考对照课文原句高考对照课文原句高考对照课文原句高考对照 Pick out the topic of each paragraph and use the structures below to make six questions. 选出每段的主题,且用下选出每段的主题,且用下面的结构提出六个问题。面的结构提出六个问题。 It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly _ my friend.(2007四川卷四川卷)A. turn out B. bring outC. call out D. pick out解析:选解析:选D D。句意:电影院里如此漆黑以致。句意:电影院里如此漆黑以致几乎找不出我的朋友。几乎找不出我的朋友。pick outpick out选出,挑选出,挑出,辨认出。出,辨认出。 16课文原句高考对照课文原句高考对照课文原句高考对照课文原句高考对照 The nutrients in whatever falls into the ocean quickly become available to other living creatures. 流入海洋里的任何营养流入海洋里的任何营养物质马上被其他生物所利物质马上被其他生物所利用。用。 There are plenty of jobs _ in the western part of the country.(2008浙江卷浙江卷)A. present B. availableC. precious D. convenient解析:选解析:选B。句意:在祖国西部有很多可。句意:在祖国西部有很多可以获得的工作。如同在以获得的工作。如同在“课文原句课文原句”里的一里的一样,样,available意为意为“可以利用的可以利用的”。 17课文原句高考对照课文原句高考对照课文原句高考对照课文原句高考对照 It was during the “March on Washington DC” in 1963 that he gave the speech他就是在到华盛顿特区的他就是在到华盛顿特区的行进中发表了这篇演行进中发表了这篇演讲讲 It was in New Zealand _ Elizabeth first met Mr.Smith.(2008全国卷全国卷)A. that B. howC. which D. when解析:选解析:选A。本题为强调句式,被强调成。本题为强调句式,被强调成分为分为in New Zealand。18课文原句高考对照课文原句高考对照课文原句高考对照课文原句高考对照 It was during the “March on Washington DC” in 1963 that he gave the speech 他就是在到华盛顿特区他就是在到华盛顿特区的行进中发表了这篇演的行进中发表了这篇演讲讲 Johns success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work _ has made him what he is today.(2010湖南卷湖南卷)A. why B. whenC. which D. that解析:选解析:选D。约翰的成功与好运没关系。约翰的成功与好运没关系。是多年的努力工作造就了他的今天。是多年的努力工作造就了他的今天。 191.It的用法:it作代词的各种用法,特别是it 作形式主语和形式宾语以及it的模糊用法。2.强调句: 强调句的用法,特别是在疑问句 中的运用以及强调句和状语从句、定语从 句的区别。It It的用法与强调句的用法与强调句20it it的用法的用法1.代词it(1)用作人称代词,替代前面提到的事物。例如:My pen is missing. I cant find it anywhere.我的钢笔丢了,哪儿都找不到。21(2)指人(不明身份的人或婴儿)。例如:Who is it speaking? (电话用语,it=that)请问你是谁? Is it your baby?No, it isnt.是你的孩子吗?不,不是。22(3)表示时间、天气、环境、距离等。例如:It was nearly midnight when she came back.(表示时间)她回来时差不多是半夜。23It was very quiet in the classroom.(表示环境)教室里很安静。It is a long way from my home to school.(表示距离)从家到学校有一段很长的距离。24(4)替代前述的短语或句子。例如:Dont let your children play with fire. It is dangerous.(it=play with fire)别让你孩子玩火,那太危险了。Jack is ill. Have you heard about it?杰克病了,你听说了吗?25(5)指心目中或性别尚未确定或身份不明的人。 Who knocked on the door? Its Mary.262.引导词it(1)作形式主语,代替不定式、动名词、主语从句。例如:It is difficult to understand the long passage.(代替不定式)理解这篇长文章很难。27It is no use arguing about that.(代替动名词)对此争论是没用的。It is said that the meeting will be put off.(代替主语从句)据说会议将要推迟。28it作形式主语常见的句型有:It is kind/necessary (of/for sb.) to do sth.It is+形容词+that从句It takes sb. sth. to do sth. 做要花费某人Its + no use / no good/of little use + doing29It is said/reported/learned+that从句(据说/报道/据悉)It seems 似乎,看起来好像It appears似乎,看来It looks 显得,好像It happens碰巧,偶然30(2)作形式宾语,代替不定式、动名词、宾语从句。例如:We think it important to learn a foreign language.(代替不定式)我们认为学一门外语很重要。31They made it clear to the public that they were doing an important and necessary job.(代替宾语从句)他们向公众表明他们正在做的是一项重要而必须的工作。323.it的模糊用法(1)it + that 可以引导宾语从句。能这样用的动词或动词词组有:see to (确保), depend on, rely on, insist on, take等。例如:33I take it that (猜想,认为) he is not fond of reading this novel.我想他不喜欢读这本小说。Our teacher saw to it that our homework should be finished on time.我们的老师确保家庭作业能按时完成。34(2)like (love, hate) it介词短语when引导的从句。例如:I hate it in the evening when you sing.晚上我不愿意听你唱歌。(实际上it代替when引导的从句。)


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