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universitiesSuppose we see these pictures in a column of a booklet.Can you use one word to summarize these pictures ? _TASK BASED READING-to summarizeGases such as carbon dioxide produced by burning of coal, oil, wood, together with industrial pollution, are creating a warm blanket around the earth. This blanket is trapping heat in the atmosphere and so raising the temperature of the earth.Title: Global warming_Gases from burning coal, oil,and wood with industrialpollution create a warm blanket, whichraises the temperature of the earth. CausesSnoring(打鼾打鼾) is a common problem not only to adults but to children. It contributes to peoples lack of sleep. It may also prevent air from reaching the heart and lungs during the sleep. But for most persons, snoring affects relations with another person who must sleep in the same room. _ 1.Preventing enough sleep 2.Stopping air reaching the lungs 3.Affecting personal relationshipEffects These two countries were soon racing to get to space firstpeople in the US were worried when the Soviets were first to launch a space satellite. The soviets were also first to send a person into space.The Soviet Union _ the race when it launched the first satellite and sent the first astronaut into space.firstfirstfirst wondue to /thanks toon account of/owing toas a result of/result fromin that/now that/for/sinceThe reason whyis thatbecause of因因 果果lead to/result in /contribute toIt turns out that / to be,making /causing /leavingso/therefore /hencethus /consequently /accordingly /eventually On average, Americans waste as much energy as two-thirds of the worlds population consumes. Thats largely the result of driving inefficient cars, using inefficient appliances, and living and working in poorly insulated buildings.of energy waste in AmericaDriving inefficient carsUsing inefficient appliancesLiving and working in poorlyinsulated buildingsCausesSimilarity (-ies)meanwhile/ too/ and /similarly/alsobesides /as well as moreover/ furthermorenot only . but alsobesides this (that )(and) in addition in other words 并列并列此外此外There are some very good things about open education. This way of teaching allows the students to develop their own interests in many subjects But many students may not do well in an open classroom. For some students, there are too few rules. They will not make good use of open education. Because open education is so . Open education enables students to realize they are learning as in open classrooms, many students dont need to be afraid of grades or rules. .Many students cannot prove themselves as good in open classrooms as in traditional classrooms. AdvantageDisadvantagebut/ while/ however/ despite though/ although/ whereas/ still/ onlyyet /however/ nevertheless / rathernonethelesson the other handin spite ofon the contraryinstead ofin contrastdifference (-s)advantage strengths benefitconveniencedisadvantage weaknessesdrawbackinconvenienceactionpurposebeginningending/ conclusionproblemsolutionviewfactin conclusion,/on the whole,in short,/in a word,all in all,/in brief,to sum up总结总结for the sake of /in the interest of for the purpose of/that the aim is /the objective iswith the intention of/ in order to/thatso as to /so that(just) to do目的目的 因果因果reasons (for), causes (of), analysis (about) effect ,influence, result ,consequence, outcome异同异同difference ,similarity 优劣优劣benefit, (dis) advantage, convenience, strengths, weaknesses,目的目的purpose ,aim ,goal建议预计建议预计advice, suggestion, tip, proposal, prediction, forecast, estimate, calculation方式方法方式方法means (of), way, method (of) ,solution (to doing) ,approach (to doing), how (to do)总结概括总结概括summary ,conclusion态度观点态度观点attitude (to/ towards) ,idea (on) ,opinion (on), view, viewpoint (of)特点特点feature ,characteristic ,character (something, especially the unique) 措施行动措施行动 measure ,action ,activity ,behavior 评论评价评论评价 comment, remark, assessment 问题问题problem, trouble 要求需求要求需求 demand ,need, requirement, qualification 种类种类 kind ,type ,category ,style , form步骤步骤 step, procedure , process 来源用途来源用途 history, source ,origin use ,usage, function 重要意义重要意义significance(s) ,importance(s) ,meaning(s)定义主题定义主题 definition, theme(s) , topic(s), subject(s)Practice makes perfect!Practice makes perfect!Lets do some exercises!Lets do some exercises!Tip1 从文章内容和表格内容同时考虑所需要填写的词从文章内容和表格内容同时考虑所需要填写的词Tip2重视重视文章段落文章段落和和表格层次表格层次的一一对应的一一对应 主题句主题句 vs 细节细节Tip3关注:时态,拼写,书写,单复数形式,大小写关注:时态,拼写,书写,单复数形式,大小写字母,以及动词的正确形式。字母,以及动词的正确形式。Title: Wens visit to Singapore main points contextsGeneral(1) of Wens visit To co-operate with Singapore To strengthen mutual relationship.purposes /aims/goalsTypes of People1. _2._ The happyfixing their equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts of lifeThe unhappythink and Differences Similarities Title: About Two Types of PeopleThe1._ of earthquakesAs the plates, which form the earths crust, move, they sometimes crash against each other, causing the crust to quake.Some 2._ of earthquakesIf earthquakes break up gas or oil pipes, fires will happen, which can do as much damage as the earthquake itself.Tsunami is another effect of earthquakes. cause effects Title: The EarthquakeTypes1._2. . 3. . IC Chip CardsA larger memory &better security Hold dataNot mentionedPopularityLarge memory Low cost of cardsOptical Memory cardsStore much dataGood for doctors, drivers and travelers To keep recordsCost not muchUnchangeable dataNo processors Expensive card readersTitle: Smart cardsAdvantages Disadvantages Similarities Title: Are Modern People Becoming More Selfish?The authors understanding1._ for the changes in authors eyesFierce competition and great pressure on modern people may be responsible for the changes.The authors 2._ towards topicA relationship which can benefit two sides should be established.Reasons attitude _ tothe problemMonitor the volume of toys Return gifts making loud noiseLimit childrens time spent in video arcades Avoid taking children to loud action moviesMake children wear hearing protection when around loud noiseEncourage children to participate in quiet activitiesSolutions Title: Protecting Young EarsPeople have different .on owning private guns.Those in favor of owning guns believe that it is the freedom given by the Constitution. Besides, the key factor in killing is people instead of guns.However, those against owing private guns argue that the right to own guns should be removed, because an increasing number of killings occur in schools and shopping malls.Possession of Private Guns in the United Statesopinions 1. Educating girls is FamiliesFrom low-income familiesFrom educated mothers families2. Girls are of 1ess importance than boys.Development should be for all children .Viewpoint/TopicAttitudesTitle: The significance of female education in developing countriesPracticesThere is little investment in daughters.Girls are made to stay at home, doing housework.Girls and boys have equal chances.3. A vicious circleA virtuous circle4. Educating girls contributes to social benefits, economic advantages and health practices, including family planning.5._Educating girls in developing countries is important and rewarding.Consequences/ResultsSignificance/ImportanceConclusion因果因果异同异同优劣优劣目的目的总结概括总结概括态度观点态度观点reasons (for), causes (of), analysis (about) effect ,influence, result ,consequencedifference ,similarity(dis) advantage, (in)convenience, strengths, weaknesses, benefit purpose ,aim ,goalsummary ,conclusionattitude (to/ towards) ,idea (on) ,opinion (on), view, viewpoint (of)


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