湖南省高考英语总复习 M1 Unit 1 School life(1)课件 牛津版译林版

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Unit1 School lifeUnit1 School lifeModule1热热 点点 单单 词词1.attend vt. 出席,参加;vi. 料理,处理;关注 attention n. 注意;关心, 注意力; attendance出席,在场 attentive adj. 注意的,留心的 attentively adv. 注意地,留心地2.prepare v. 准备 preparation n.准备 preparative adj. 准备的,预备的3.introduce vt. 介绍 introduction n. 介绍 introductory adj.介绍的,引导的,导言的4.culture n. 文化 cultural adj. 文化的 ; culturally adv. 文化方面地热热 点点 单单 词词5.develop v. 发展;培养,开发 development n. 发展;培养,开发;developer开发者,开发商 developed adj. 发达的;developing 发展中的6.donate vt. 捐赠,捐献 donation n. 捐赠,捐献; donator 捐赠者7.please vt. 使满意,取悦 pleasure n. 愉快,乐事 pleasant adj. 令人愉快的; ; pleased愉快的,满意的 pleasantly adv. 令人愉快地热热 点点 单单 词词1.The brook(小河) will continuecontinue running. Some think it will run continuously for the coming millions of years, which I doubt.2.Look at the scared tourists! They must have witnessed something very scaryscary.3.NatureNature refers to everything around us on the planet which is not made by man. Naturally, in a broad sense, we are part of it, too.4.A respectable person is someone deserving peoples respectrespect.热热 点点 单单 词词5.Its good to know that you are eager to achieveachieve something, but before you set your targets, make sure that they are achievable.6.Now you have a challengerchallenger. We will see whether you will rise to the challenge.7.Tell us some of your exciting experiencesexperiences in your career. You are such an experienced pilot that you must have a lot to teach us about.热热 点点 单单 词词 根据中文填单词完成句子,每空一词(记忆时,用下列横线上的新单词造句记忆)1.如果你想要赢得你班上同学更多的尊重,你最好要挑战自己,准备学好你的功课,并取得好的成绩。 If you want to earn more respect from your classmates, youd better challenge yourself, prepare yourself to learn your lessons well and achieve good grades .热热 点点 单单 词词2.我花了大量的时间学习英国文学,并且也学习西班牙语、德语,甚至还学习烹饪。 I spent more time learning English literature,as well as Spanish,German; and even cooking.3.午餐时间后,5位教授和4位来宾发表了关于诗歌的演说并立即引起了媒体的关注。 After lunchtime, five professors and four guests made speeches on poems and was paid attention to by the media immediately .热热 点点 单单 词词4.最近,许多有经验的笔友带着他们的好文章出席了一个文化盛会并拍照留影。 Recently,many experiencedpenfriends with their good articlesattended a great cultural party and took photographs.5.史密斯先生经营了一家大公司,他要求木工工艺应一代代传下去并免费培养出一批熟练工。 Mr. Smith ran a big company. He required that woodwork should be passed on from generation to generation and skillful workers be developed for free.重重 点点 短短 语语根据中文写出英文短语1. 发表演说 make a speech2. 赢得某人尊敬 earn respect from sb. 3. 比平常 than usual4. 免费 for free 5. 放松 at ease 6. 通知某人某事 inform sb. of sth. 7. 对感到愉快 be happy with sth. 重重 点点 短短 语语 8. 取得好成绩 achieve high grades 9. 得到的大意 get the general idea of 10. 在开放日 at the open day 11. 给留言 give messages to sb. 12. 过去常常 used to 13. 对感兴趣 be interested in 14. 注意 pay attention to 15. 在公共场所 in a public place/in public 重重 点点 句句 型型1.Going to a British high school for one year was动名词作主语。2.the best way to v. (原形) is / wasto do sth. 干最好的方式是3.Upon / On v.ing可改写为:As soon as/Immediately/Directly/The moment主语谓语 一就4.notuntil直到才重重 点点 句句 型型.同义转换 1.Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. It was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me to go to a British high school for one year.重重 点点 句句 型型2. He also told us that the best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades. He also told us that the best way that we could earn respect from the school was that we should work hard and achieve high grades.重重 点点 句句 型型3. Though it didnt look like a table when it was finished, I still liked it very much. It didnt look like a table when finished, but I still liked it very much.4. Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China. As soon as he finished his studies, he started travelling in China.重重 点点 句句 型型5. When I attended the first meeting, I was required to write a poem and I had to read it out to the group. They required me to write/that I write a poem and read it out to the group when I attended the first meeting. 重重 点点 句句 型型.汉译英 1.后悔自己的行为不应该是成年人做的事。(regret; 动名词作主语) Regretting ones action is not what an adult is supposed to do. 2. 解决这个问题的方法是制定一个计划。(way) The way to solve this problem is to work out a plan.重重 点点 句句 型型 3.一读完这首诗,这位主持人就笑出声来。(upon / on) Upon / On finishing reading the poem, the host burst into laughter. 4.直到所有人都对其工作满意了,他才松了一口气。(until; please; relieve) He didnt feel relieved until everyone was pleased with his work.1、experience n. & vt. 经历C, 经验U;体验, 有经验Only women with experience of office work can apply for the position.只有具有办公室工作经验的女士才能申请这个岗位。The car accident was a terrible experience to him.那次车祸对他来说是一次可怕的经历。 Have you experienced real hunger? 你体验过真正饥饿的滋味吗?重重 点点 单单 词词重重 点点 单单 词词byfrom experience 通过经验have mucha lot of a littleno experience 有许多有一点儿没有经验have experience (doing) sth. 有(做)某事的经验 Gary has a lot of experience in_gardening. Hes known as the best local landscaper. Gary 在园艺方面有许多经验,他以最好的景观设计师而闻名。重重 点点 单单 词词Jumping out of _ airplane at a height of 10,000 feet is quite _ exciting experience. A. ; the B. ; an C. an; an D. the; the C 根据句意可知airplane和experience均表示泛指意义,而且experience表达“经历”之意是可数名词;airplane和exciting均以元音开头,其前使用不定冠词an。 重重 点点 单单 词词The thoroughly _ teacher,who has just retired from teaching,is said to _ a lot of hardships during those unforgettable ten years.A. experiencing; experienceB. experienced; experienceC. experienced; have experiencedD. experiencing; experiencing重重 点点 单单 词词 C 根据句意可知是“有经验的老师”,时间状语是过去时间,所以第二空用完成时。重重 点点 单单 词词2、attend vt. & vi. 参加,出席;照料, 护理attend a meeting a lecture / a concert / a wedding 出席会议 去听演讲 参加音乐会 参加婚礼 例外:attend school / church / assembly 去上学/ 去做礼拜/参加集会 (注意零冠词的用法)重重 点点 单单 词词 attend on sb. 伺候/服侍某人 attend to sth. /sb. 料理某事或帮助某人Many family members attended_on_him during his illness. 他生病的时候有很多家人照顾他。I always have so many things to attend_to when I come into the office after a trip abroad. 我每次出国之后回到办公室总是有很多事情要处理。重重 点点 单单 词词attend, join, join in, take part inattend指参加会议、仪式、婚礼、葬礼、上课、上学、听报告等,是“出席、到场”的意思。join指加入某个团体或组织,成为其成员之一,如加入政党、团体、组织、俱乐部,还可以接表示人的名词或代词,指加入到这些人当中去参加某项活动。join in意为“和某人一起做某事”,有时可以和take part in互换。join sb. in sth. / doing sth. 加入到某人做某事的行列中去。take part in多指参加大型的群众性活动并在活动中发挥一定作用。take part in短语中part前若出现修饰语,则在修饰语前加不定冠词,如:take an active part in the sport。重重 点点 单单 词词 After I was admitted to join the army,the officer asked me if I would attend the lecture to be given by the general. Will you join us inbuying a birthday present for her? You can never imagine the part he takes in doing the experiment.重重 点点 单单 词词3、earn vt. 赚,挣;(因自己的成就、行为等)得到(应有的事物);博得 The young man earns 10,000 dollars a year. 那个年轻人一年赚10,000美元。 His honesty earned him great respect. 他因诚实而博得人们的尊敬。 His bad manners earned him a blame. 他因为没有礼貌而受到责备。重重 点点 单单 词词When he was still a boy of eight,he began to _ his living by himself.A. earn B. gainC. make D. A and CD make earn ones living都表示“谋生”。重重 点点 单单 词词Russ and Earl were auto mechanics _ the same pay, but Earl had more ambition. A. to earn B. to have earned C. earning D. earned C 分析句式结构可知,该空格处的earn与Russ and Earl构成逻辑上的主谓关系,所以用earning作定语。 earn the same pay 挣同样的工资。重重 点点 单单 词词4、respect vt. & n. 尊敬,尊重;考虑,重视 I respect his courage. 我敬佩他的勇气。 Ill respect your wishes.我会尊重你的意愿。 have show respect for sb. 尊重某人 We should show respect for the old. 我们应尊敬长者。 The students have great respect for their history teacher. 学生们非常尊敬他们的历史老师。重重 点点 单单 词词respectable adj. 可敬的;值得尊敬的respectful adj. 恭敬的;尊敬人的;尊重人的be respectful to sb. 尊敬某人 (pl.)敬意;问候 give send ones respects to sb. 向某人问候 Give my respects to your wife. 请代我向你太太问好。重重 点点 单单 词词 Children should _ their teachers.A. respect B. respectfulC. respectable D. respect for A 本题考查respect作及物动词的用法。重重 点点 单单 词词_ means respecting oneself. A. Self-respected B. Self-respect C. Self-respecting D. Self-respects B self-respecting为形容词,“自尊的, 自重的”; self-respect为名词,“自尊,自重”,根据题干可知缺少主语。重重 点点 单单 词词The leader was very angry because no respect was shown _ him when he entered the room. A. at B. of C. with D. forD show respect for sb. 尊重某人。重重 点点 单单 词词5、achieve vt. 取得(胜利、成功等),实现(目标、目的等) reach / achieve / meet ones goal 实现某人的目标 He hoped to achieve his goal by peaceful means. 他希望用和平方式实现自己的目标。重重 点点 单单 词词 achievement n. C成就;U 达到,实现,成功 make an achievement (in sth.) (在某方面) 取得成就重重 点点 单单 词词During his short life, he made_many scientific achievements that were to change the world significantly. 在他的短暂一生中,他取得了很多后来对世界影响深远的科技成就。He was awarded for the achievements he had_made_in_sports by the government. 政府奖励他在体育方面取得的成就。重重 点点 单单 词词 Compared to his parents expectation,what he _ is _ little.A. has achieved; far tooB. achieved; far tooC. has achieved; far fromD. achieved; far from A 根据题干中的时态判断第一空应用完成时;far too little指相差甚远,far from little虽然语法上正确,但意思不符合本句句意。重重 点点 单单 词词Lucy has _ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university. A. acquired B. finished C. concluded D. achieved D 本题考查词义辨析。 achieve the goals 实现目标; acquire 取得,获得; conclude 结束,下结论,订立。重重 点点 单单 词词6、challenging adj. 具有挑战性的,激励的 He is a person who likes challenging tasks. 他是一个喜欢挑战性任务的人。challenge vt. 挑战,激励challenge sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 The boss challenged_us_to_finish the work as soon as possible. 老板激励我们尽快完成工作。重重 点点 单单 词词I dont care about the good salary offered by the company. What I need is a(n) _ position.A. creating B. awardingC. challenging D. competing重重 点点 单单 词词 C本题考查形容词意义的区别。题意:我不在乎公司所提供的高薪。我需要的是一份挑战性的工作。 challenging意为“富有挑战性的”,符合题意,其他几项均不合题意。


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