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书面表达书面表达 训练技巧训练技巧 写作基础三大要素:写作基础三大要素:1 1。基础环节。基础环节 (1 1) 句型构架句型构架 (2 2) 错误分析错误分析 (3 3) 基础过渡性训练基础过渡性训练2。行文方法指导行文方法指导(1 1)文法基本常识)文法基本常识(2 2)文体的种类)文体的种类(3 3)范文指导)范文指导(4 4)连贯性表达)连贯性表达 3 3。练习环节。练习环节(1 1)高考例题点评)高考例题点评(2 2)学生习作点评)学生习作点评(3 3)书面表达练习)书面表达练习 习作练习习作练习 短文改错短文改错 改写练习改写练习 润色练习润色练习 养成良好的写作习惯养成良好的写作习惯一、书写规范,卷面整洁。一、书写规范,卷面整洁。 写作质量指内容和书面形式,不可或缺。写作质量指内容和书面形式,不可或缺。二、审清题目,提炼要点。二、审清题目,提炼要点。如,叙述故事包括:时间、地点、人物、事如,叙述故事包括:时间、地点、人物、事件(起因,背景,发展和结局等)件(起因,背景,发展和结局等)三、组词造句,组句成篇三、组词造句,组句成篇四、仔细检查,认真修改四、仔细检查,认真修改 书面表达方法与步骤书面表达方法与步骤方法:方法:(1)常用词汇储备常用词汇储备:从基本词汇和应用:从基本词汇和应用入手,牢记并能使用核心词、主动词汇入手,牢记并能使用核心词、主动词汇1000-1500左右。左右。(2)适当背一些合适的范文适当背一些合适的范文:如新概念:如新概念上的小文,高考参考答案等。主要是背上的小文,高考参考答案等。主要是背常用的句型和短语词组。常用的句型和短语词组。(3)组织文体结构注意层次有序,)组织文体结构注意层次有序,正确完整有逻辑性。正确完整有逻辑性。(4)加强连贯表达基本功的训练:)加强连贯表达基本功的训练: 特别注意使用过渡词语和逻辑特别注意使用过渡词语和逻辑关联词。关联词。(5)注意支撑句段要紧扣主题。)注意支撑句段要紧扣主题。步骤步骤:(1)拟基本点)拟基本点 找出找出5-6个动词或个动词或搭配,进入基本点。搭配,进入基本点。(2)连词成句)连词成句 给出时间、地点、人称等给出时间、地点、人称等(3)连句成文)连句成文 组句搭架,打好草稿组句搭架,打好草稿4)润色)润色 如简单句可变成复合句,改变句如简单句可变成复合句,改变句型,是句子丰满起来。作到连贯流畅有可能型,是句子丰满起来。作到连贯流畅有可能加分加档。加分加档。(5)检查完善)检查完善 有有40分钟时间查拼写、用分钟时间查拼写、用词、事态、连词、标点、内容等。词、事态、连词、标点、内容等。 (4)润色)润色 改变句型改变句型,如:简单句可变成复合,如:简单句可变成复合句,让句子丰满起来。句,让句子丰满起来。使用新颖词汇使用新颖词汇或搭配,让句子连贯活泼流畅。或搭配,让句子连贯活泼流畅。 (5)检查完善)检查完善 查拼写、用词、时态、连词、标点、查拼写、用词、时态、连词、标点、内容等。内容等。 掌握写作规范技巧一、一、写对格式:不同文体要求规范写对格式:不同文体要求规范二、二、写好三部分:开头、中间、结尾写好三部分:开头、中间、结尾三、三、规范三写:大小写;规范三写:大小写; 拼写和书写拼写和书写 规范达标规范达标四、四、突破四关:要点全面、语言无误、突破四关:要点全面、语言无误、 表达清楚、行文连贯。表达清楚、行文连贯。例题:例题:2002NMET 60%的同学认为的同学认为 40%的同学认为的同学认为1.不应收门票不应收门票 1.应收门票但票价不宜高应收门票但票价不宜高2.公园是公众休闲的地方公园是公众休闲的地方2.支付园林工人工资支付园林工人工资3.如收门票,需建大门如收门票,需建大门 3.购买新花木购买新花木 会影响城市形象会影响城市形象1。审题。审题(1)确定文体:)确定文体: 写一封信写一封信(2)内容要求:介绍讨论的情况)内容要求:介绍讨论的情况(3)讨论主题:公园要不要收门票)讨论主题:公园要不要收门票(4)确定人称:第三人称)确定人称:第三人称(5)确定时态:一般现在时、将来时)确定时态:一般现在时、将来时 必要时用被动语态必要时用被动语态2。提炼要点。提炼要点(1)不收费)不收费 free of charge(2)公众需要休闲场所)公众需要休闲场所 people need an enjoyable place(3)建大门、围墙会影响城市形象)建大门、围墙会影响城市形象 do harm to the city appearance(4)低收费)低收费 be charged low(5)支付工资)支付工资 pay for(6)购买新花木)购买新花木 buy plants and young trees3。 紧扣要点,连词成句紧扣要点,连词成句(1) 60% of the students believe that a public park should be charged.(2) People need a place where they can rest and enjoy themselves.(3) To build gates and walls will do harm to the appearance of a city. (4)40% think that fees should be charged low. (5)You need money to pay gardeners and workers. (6)You need to buy plants and young trees.4。分清层次,连句成篇。分清层次,连句成篇 (2002NMET)Dear Editor, Im writing to tell you about the discussion weve had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks. Opinions are divided on the question. 60% of the students are against the idea of entrance fees. They believe a public park should be free of charge. People need a place where they can rest and enjoy themselves. Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away. What is more, it will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the appearance of a city.On the other hand, 40% think that fees should be charged because you need money to pay gardeners and other workers, and to buy plants and young trees. They suggest, however, fees should be charged low. Your truly, Li Hua一、文体一、文体 高考书面表达的体裁有三种:高考书面表达的体裁有三种:1. 应用文(应用文(practical writing) 应用文包括书信、日记、便条、通应用文包括书信、日记、便条、通知、讲演稿、履历表等。通常应用文知、讲演稿、履历表等。通常应用文都较简短,它有自己的固定格式,有都较简短,它有自己的固定格式,有些应用文连措辞都是相对固定的,如:些应用文连措辞都是相对固定的,如:欠条、请柬等。应用文重在应用、力欠条、请柬等。应用文重在应用、力求平实、准确简洁。求平实、准确简洁。应用文范文应用文范文 May I have attention, please? I have announcement to make. The Students Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening, August 15, to welcome our friends from the United States. The party will be held in the roof garden of the Main Building. It will begin at 7:30 pm. There will be music, dancing,singing, games and exchanging of gifts. Will everybody please bring along a small gift for this purpose ? Remember to wrap it up, sign your name and write a few words of good wishes. Dont forget :7:30, Saturday evening, roof garden, Main Building. Theres sure to be a lot of fun. Everybody is welcome.2. 说明文说明文 (expository writing) 说明文是用说明的方法以简明的文说明文是用说明的方法以简明的文字介绍事物的形状、性质、构造、变字介绍事物的形状、性质、构造、变化、成因、结果、功用、特征的文章化、成因、结果、功用、特征的文章。 写好说明文要抓事物特征,安排好写好说明文要抓事物特征,安排好合理的说明顺序:合理的说明顺序:1)时间)时间 2)空间)空间 3) 逻辑逻辑 4) 认识认识 总体结构:总体结构:1)提出对象)提出对象 2) 分析说分析说明明 3) 归纳小结归纳小结写说明文要求你作到:写说明文要求你作到:1) 条理清楚条理清楚2) 层次分明层次分明3) 语言简洁语言简洁4) 用词准确用词准确5) 具有严格的科学性具有严格的科学性说明文范文:说明文范文:The World Trade Organization (WTO), founded on January 1, 1995, aims to encourage international trade to flow as freely as possible, making sure that trade agreements are respected and that any disputes can be settled. In the five years since its founding, the WTO has become well-known as one of the worlds most powerful economic organizations, taking its place alongside the World Bank and international Monetary Fund. The WTO, with its head office in Geneva, has 135 members with 30 more waiting to join.3. 记叙文记叙文 ( narrative essays) 记叙文即记叙文即“故事故事”:他人的故事或:他人的故事或自己的故事。故事最显著的特点是自己的故事。故事最显著的特点是它有情节,而故事的情节由故事的它有情节,而故事的情节由故事的起因、发展、高潮、结局组成。内起因、发展、高潮、结局组成。内容包括写作角度及目的、来龙去脉、容包括写作角度及目的、来龙去脉、关键情节等;交代清楚人物、时间、关键情节等;交代清楚人物、时间、地点、事件等。地点、事件等。写记叙文要求你做到:写记叙文要求你做到:1)按事件发生的先后顺序叙述具体完整;)按事件发生的先后顺序叙述具体完整;2)记叙文大多按时间顺序叙述;也有倒叙)记叙文大多按时间顺序叙述;也有倒叙或穿插手法;或穿插手法;3)要重点突出,内容完整,条理清楚,详)要重点突出,内容完整,条理清楚,详略得当;主次分明;略得当;主次分明;4)记叙文一般记述过去发生的事,多用过)记叙文一般记述过去发生的事,多用过去时态写。去时态写。记叙文范文记叙文范文 :Mrs Myra Webb, who was told by doctors that she would never hear again, lived for six years in a world of silence.But yesterday she heard a blackbird sing in the garden of her home at Brighton, Sussex. “My hearing is coming back - and its wonderful.”she said. Mrs Webb, 26, is said to be the first woman in Britain to have her hearing brought back by acupuncture, the needle treatment widely practiced in China. After six months treatment she can listen to music again, carry on a conversation with the aid of a hearing aid, and she has got a job as a typist with the South Eastern Electricity Board.4. 议论文议论文 (persuasive / argumentative essays) 提出论点并给出论据支撑、提出论点并给出论据支撑、 表明观点。表明观点。(1)引论)引论 (2)本论)本论 (3)结论)结论议论文范文:议论文范文:Stop Wasting Food 不要浪费食物不要浪费食物 Some peoples eyes are bigger than their stomachs. China, and its people, can now enjoy the results of sacrifices made over past decades. Good food, comfort, and beauty are well-deserved rewards. However, we all need to do our little bit to ensure we are not living on natural resources borrowed from Mother Nature. Eventually we must repay the debt. In the even more wasteful west, we call it “Robbing Peter to pay Paul.” My mother often said “waste not, want not.” It is still very good advice.二、文法基本知识二、文法基本知识1。结构完整(句子、篇章)。结构完整(句子、篇章) 2。主题突出(支撑句)。主题突出(支撑句)3。语言连贯、文字流畅。语言连贯、文字流畅4。表达准确、达意。表达准确、达意 5。文体规范。文体规范2001NMET周末活动(减负前)周末活动(减负前)周末活动(减负后)周末活动(减负后)白天:上课、做作业白天:上课、做作业 白天:参观博物馆、白天:参观博物馆、 学习电脑、绘画等学习电脑、绘画等晚上:做作业晚上:做作业 晚上:看新闻、读书晚上:看新闻、读书 、看报、看报就寝时间:就寝时间:11:30 就寝时间:就寝时间:10:00 Good beginning : Although there is still much debate over whether the plan of reducing students learning load should be carried out , it has indeed brought us many pleasant changes. Body:Take the weekend life for example. One month ago, we just attended classes and did our homework from morning till night. That left us very tired, and we had no time at all to do what we wanted. But now , as a result of less burden of studies, we can do whatever we like. For instance, during the daytime we can visit museums, study computer programming, join some clubs and so on. In the evening , we can watch TV, read books , or do anything we like.Ending: As far as I am concerned, I strongly hold that this plan should be carried out continually not only because it gives us more space to develop our critical thinking and independent ability but also because we really feel much happier than ever before.2002年北京题年北京题 英语书面表达例文:英语书面表达例文:Li Ming and I started off, when the sun was rising from the horizon, singing happily. We had compass, camp, bread, map, light, matches, knife, clothes, flashlight and first-aid kit in our bags and prepared our minds for the hard training. We first climbed a mountain, then swam across a river when our bags also “swam” on a piece of wood. After that, we entered a forest. I was just wondering which was the correct way when Li Ming used the compass and showed me the way. After a long walk, we finally arrived at the campsite. I was in charge of setting up the camp while Li Ming made a fire and cooked our dinner. Believe it or not, it was the most delicious meal Ive ever had !1.要点齐全、内容完整要点齐全、内容完整五幅画面六个要点:五幅画面六个要点:(1) 出发出发Li Ming and I started off, when (2)背包中的物品背包中的物品We had compass, camp, bread, map, light, matches, knife, clothes, flashlight and first-aid kit in our bags (3) 爬山爬山We first climbed a mountain (4) 过河过河then swam across a river (5) 找路找路 I was just wondering which was the correct way when Li Ming used the compass and showed me the way. (6) 宿营宿营 After a long walk, we finally arrived at the campsite. I was in charge of setting up the camp while Li Ming made a fire and cooked our dinner.2. 词汇、语法结构变化丰富词汇、语法结构变化丰富: (1)交叉使用简单句、复合句、并交叉使用简单句、复合句、并列句列句。 简单句:简单句: After that, we entered a forest. After a long walk, we finally arrived at the campsite.复合句:复合句: Li Ming and I started off, when the sun was rising from the horizon, singing happily. We first climbed a mountain, then swam across a river when our bags also “swam” on a piece of wood.复合句:复合句: I was in charge of setting up the camp while Li Ming made a fire and cooked our dinner. Believe it or not, it was the most delicious meal Ive ever had! 并列句:并列句: We had compass, camp, bread, map, light, matches, knife, clothes, flashlight and first-aid kit in our bags and prepared our minds for the hard training.( 2 ) 交叉使用长句、短句。交叉使用长句、短句。1)使用各类状语从句)使用各类状语从句 (when; when; while)、非谓语、非谓语动词作状语动词作状语 (singing happily)、宾、宾语从句语从句 ( wondering which was the correct way)、定语从句、定语从句 (the most delicious meal Ive ever had!)、插入语插入语 (Believe it or not) 等复杂结等复杂结构。构。2)使用丰富的词汇和词组)使用丰富的词汇和词组 start off, horizon, prepare our minds for, a piece of wood, forest, wonder, show me the way, arrive at, in charge of, set up, make a fire, believe it or not, delicious3.几乎没有语言错误;几乎没有语言错误;4.有效使用了语句连接成分,所以文有效使用了语句连接成分,所以文章的语言连贯、结构紧凑。章的语言连贯、结构紧凑。when the sun was rising from the horizon / first / then / after that / after a long walk / while三、语言表达的连贯性语言表达的连贯性1. 连贯的标准连贯的标准:流畅:流畅1)思路清楚,思路清楚, 思维没有跳跃,思维没有跳跃, 使读者使读者能跟上作者的思路。能跟上作者的思路。2)两个相邻的句子之间逻辑关系清楚;两个相邻的句子之间逻辑关系清楚;如进一步说明、概括和具体、比较、如进一步说明、概括和具体、比较、对照、因果或转折;句子衔接自然。对照、因果或转折;句子衔接自然。2.衔接的技巧衔接的技巧1)使用衔接词或过渡词使用衔接词或过渡词because , but , therefore , instead , the most importance , besides , in addition , as a result .2) 保持时态、语态及人称的正确保持时态、语态及人称的正确性和一致性。性和一致性。3) 在说明一层意思时,主语不随在说明一层意思时,主语不随意转换。意转换。概括性句子可以例外概括性句子可以例外,如: 谈减负问题时前面用的都是主语we,概括时用了:Im so happy these days because a lot of changes have taken place in my daily life since our learning load was reduced.But now, everything has been improved.I. 用适当的连接词语完形填空用适当的连接词语完形填空 1 people have spread in the world, they have killed wolves, usually to protect their own animals 2 sheep and cattle. 3 , the number of wolves has been greatly reduced. They are extinct in many countries. In Britain, 4 , wolves became in about 1650. 5 , there used to be many thousands of wolves in America. Now there are fewer than 2,000. If people had not come to America, wolves would not have disappeared.Whenever people have spread in the world, they have killed wolves, usually to protect their own animals such as sheep and cattle. As a result , the number of wolves has been greatly reduced. They are extinct in many countries.In Britain, for example , wolves became in about 1650. Similarly , there used to be many thousands of wolves in America. Now there are fewer than 2,000. If people had not come to America, wolves would not have disappeared.II. 找出连接词语找出连接词语 Find out the connectors:The Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D. C. has added several buildings to display its growing collection. First, work has been completed on a three-level underground museum complex called the Center of African, Near Eastern, and Asian Culture. There is also an above ground entrance pavilion for the National Museum of African Art. Another aboveground entrance pavilion exists for the Albert M. Sackler Gallery of Near Eastern Art., In addition a Center of Islamic Studies is under construction. The entire project, moreover, is being financed not only by the United States, but also by contributions from Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain. III. 用表示原因关系的连词填空用表示原因关系的连词填空1. The businessmen took the plane instead of the train to Beijing, _they wanted to conclude the good deal quickly.2._ many students came late, the class couldnt begin on time.3.The advisor did not allow the students to take TOEFL _ they did not follow instructions.4._ the heavy traffic, John didnt catch the train to Shanghai this morning.1. The businessmen took the plane instead of the train to Beijing, for they wanted to conclude the good deal quickly.2. As many students came late, the class couldnt begin on time.3.The advisor did not allow the students to take TOEFL because they did not follow instructions.4. Due to the heavy traffic, John didnt catch the train to Shanghai this morning.IV.用表示结果关系的连词填空用表示结果关系的连词填空1.It is said 90% of the body heat goes out from the top of head._, people should wear hats to keep warm on cold days.2.He listens to English programs everyday. _, his listening ability has been improved greatly.1.It is said 90% of the body heat goes out from the top of head. For this reason , people should wear hats to keep warm on cold days.2.He listens to English programs everyday. As a result, his listening ability has been improved greatly.3.He is a good doctor. He has, _, many patients who ask him for help.4._ of staying an extra day, I was able to gain some valuable information.3. He is a good doctor. He has, therefore, many patients who ask him for help.4. As a result of staying an extra day, I was able to gain more information.V. 用表示条件关系的连接词语填空用表示条件关系的连接词语填空1.Peace in the world will remain only a dream _ the major powers stop the arm race.2.Susan plans to marry Harry _ her parents approve or not.3.You should get a drivers license right away, _ youll have to pay a fine.4.You better leave now , _ you will be late.5._ fire, leave the building immediately.1.Peace in the world will remain only a dream unless the major powers stop the arm race.2.Susan plans to marry Harry whether her parents approve or not.3.You should get a drivers license right away, or youll have to pay a fine.4.You better leave now, otherwise you will be late.5. In case of fire, leave the building immediately.6. _ they had plenty to eat and drink, the men were happy.7. He says hell accept the job _ the salary is satisfactory.8. _ they dont know the way, they will have to stop and buy a map.9. Youd better buy a lot of food for the party. The guests will not have enough to eat, _.6. As long as they had plenty to eat and drink, the men were happy.7. He says hell accept the job on condition that the salary is satisfactory.8. In the event that they dont know the way, they will have to stop and buy a map.9. Youd better buy a lot of food for the party. The guests will not have enough to eat, otherwise.3.使用平行结构使用平行结构-指结构基本相同的一排句子、从句或词指结构基本相同的一排句子、从句或词组,如:组,如:A.Every night for weeks there had been much singing , dancing and shouting.B.“I want a bike for myself , a washing machine for my mother, a good temper for my father, and a very long sick leave for my teacher.”4. 增加句子连贯性增加句子连贯性(2001NMET)Im so happy these days because a lot of changes have taken place in my daily life since our learning load was reduced. Before the plan of reducing students load was carried out, we had to do a lot of homework day and night. We had to go to school even at the weekend. We couldnt go to bed until 11:30 every day. But now, it has been improved. We have less homework to do. Besides, we dont have to go to classes at the weekend. Instead, we can visit museums, learn to use the computer or learn painting pictures. At night we can spend some time watching TV news or reading newspapers or our favorite books. The most important, we can get enough sleep because we can go to bed before 10:00. I hope we can enjoy such a life for ever.Dear Editor, Im writing to tell you about the discussion weve had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks. Opinions are divided on the question. 60% of the students are against the idea of entrance fees. They believe a public park should be free of charge. People need a place where they can rest and enjoy themselves. Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away. What is more, it will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the appearance of a city.On the other hand, 40% think that fees should be charged because you need money to pay gardeners and other workers, and to buy plants and young trees. They suggest, however, fees should be charged low. Your truly, Li Hua无衔接词无衔接词We left home in the early morning. We took all the useful things, for example, a compass, a knife, a first-aid kit, a flashlight, some food and clothes and so on. We had a long way to get to the campsite. We climbed the hill and swam in the river, in the forest. We couldnt find the right way, he used the compass and find that. We had a lot of difficulties to get to the campsite. At there, he build a small house. I cooked the food.改写:改写:We left home in the early morning after we packed all the useful things in our bags, for example, a compass, a knife, a first-aid kit, a flashlight, some food and clothes and so on. On the long way to the campsite, we first climbed a hill. Then we swam cross a river before we got into the forest. In the forest, we couldnt find the right way. Fortunately we had a compass and were able to find the way with the help of it. With a lot of difficulties we got to the campsite when the sun set down. At the campsite, Li Ming built a small house and I cooked the food on the campfire.四、四、 书面表达的润色方法书面表达的润色方法(一)(一) 增加较复杂的句子结构增加较复杂的句子结构1 状语前置状语前置 We met at the school gate and went there together early in the morning.改写:改写:Early in the morning ,we met at the school gate and went there together.2灵活使用强调句、倒装句、复合句、各灵活使用强调句、倒装句、复合句、各种分词短语介词短语等结构种分词短语介词短语等结构(1) 强调句强调句例例1 My parents praised Ah Fu warmly. It had saved my little sister bravely.改写改写: My parents praised Ah Fu warmly. It was our brave Ah Fu who had saved my little sister.例例2 We lost our way, but the compass helped us.改写改写: We lost our way, but in the very time, the compass helped us.(2) 复合句复合句例例1 We had to stand there to catch the offender. 改写改写: What we have to do was to stand there, trying to catch the offender.例例2 We swam cross a river and got ourselves wet. Then we lost our way.改写改写: We swam cross a river and got ourselves wet. What was worse, we lost our way.(3) 介词短语介词短语例例1 (with: being accompanied by) My mother sat in a chair with a newspaper in her hand. 例例2 She left without saying goodbye. 例例3 With the knowledge gained in classroom training, we were able to solve all the problems we met in the wilderness survival program.例例4It was very crowded in town, with all the Christmas shoppers.例例5With being in the trade, I am able to get goods at a discount(打折打折).例例6 With all his boasting, he has achieved very little. (with all= in spite of)例例7.He died with his lifes work still unfinished. (4) 分词短语分词短语例例1 Satisfied with the result, he decided to go on with a new experiment.例例2 After putting bags onto a board, we jumped into the river and swam cross it successfully.例例3 We left home in the early morning. We took all the useful things: a compass, a map a knife, a first-aid kit, and so on.改写改写: We left home in the early morning, carrying the things which were supposed to be useful on our journey: a compass, a map a knife, a first-aid kit, and so on.例例4 An old man came out of the City Park and wanted to cross the Park Road.改写改写: An old man dressed in black came out of the City Park and was about to cross the Park Road. (二)使用较复杂的词汇(二)使用较复杂的词汇例1 Believe it or not, it was the most delicious


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