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广东惠州市小学英语研讨会经验交流英文发言稿(理念环境团队)Idea Environment Team 广东惠阳区实验小学 朱建红 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.I am very pleased to represent Huiyang E_perimental Primary School to introduce the e_perience of our English teaching.First of all, I would like to say something about our school.I am going to use several numbers to describe it: 20_1, 30000, 43, 1940, 123.Our school was founded in 20_1.Itrsquo;s about 30,000 square meters.We have 43 classes and 1940 students. teachers are teaching here at present.And 18 of them are English teachers.Ne_t I am going to talk about our English teaching and research group.Our team structure is like this: Our headmaster is like our guide.Mainly I am in charge of our English team.We have a research leader and a subject leader in each grade.Under the leadership of them, all the English teachers work hard together.It has a member of 18 young and active English teachers, 12 of them are elementary school senior teachers, and 4 of them are Chinese munist Party members.With the support of our headmaster Zhang Yinqiu, we have been to different places to participate some important seminars, conferences or training classes during the past decade, such as Beijing, Hong Kong and so on.There is no doubt that they refresh our minds with advanced teaching ideas, methods and theories, and they have broadened our vision and knowledge as well.Besides, itrsquo;s also very important to improve ourselves by self-study.So everyone in our school needs to subscribe to some newspapers or magazines each year.So teachers here have more opportunities to learn, and they are getting more and more e_perienced.So we often hold some petitions of basic teaching skills.And the English teachers have to pass ten kinds of those: listening, speaking, reading, writing, drawing, typing, making stories, singing, acting, and making PPT.(show some photos on PPT) And these are the basic rules of hiring a new English teacher if necessary.You might think itrsquo;s hard to get through.But sometimes proper pressure is the motivation of someonersquo;s achievement.So under the pressure of the different petitions, all the English teachers always try their best to practise and make progress.And they really do, because they have to use English to municate with students in class or even after class.They create an English environment, which provides better input.Itrsquo;s the very important precondition of output.So this makes an une_pected chain reaction: better practice, better improvement, better e_perience, and better teaching result.After all, we all know “No pains, No gains.” But too much pressure may cause mental or psychological problems.Knowing the serious consequence it might have, we usually hold some different activities to rela_ ourselves: such as playing basketball, skipping rope, holding a Christmas party, having a relay race or having a picnic, going cing or hiking.See? Where there are English teachers, there is laughter.Itrsquo;s easy to enjoy our life if we are in an optimistic mood.With these simple ways, we are just like brothers and sisters.When any of us has any problem in teaching or real life, we try to help as possible as we can.Such thankful ways make us unite closer.And some of them even sacrificed their rest time to e back to do e_tra work and didnt plain anything.I really appreciate them very much.This is the way we devote our youth, passion and creation to our teaching career.Feeling the special care and love from the teachers, students are fond of having English classes, because they can sing and play, chant and act.They enjoy the happy time and have great fun.They can learn English in paratively real situations which can help them obtain language skills better.In spite of the chance of listening, speaking, reading, writing and acting in class, they donrsquo;t feel enough.So we provide some other chances for them as a showing platform: such as making a short English speech after morning e_ercises from Tuesday to Friday; having English broadcast on Friday morning and afternoon; having a listening, reading, singing, story-telling petition; and attending a calligraphy, oral English contest or talent show etc.The activities above are really attractive to students.And they somehow arouse their interest of English learning.And it pushes them to study harder because they want to show themselves in the performance.But of course, chances are very few.This is not the only way to get them interested in English.To those who can hardly understand what an English teacher talks about in class, it could have some opposite effect.Everything has two sides.So, such students will lose their confidence when they find nothing sparkling on themselves.Considering this point, we have to try to make each class easy to be accepted and effective.This is the most important thing we should be aware of.And I am sure you will enjoy the studentsrsquo; happiness and success on learning in your class.So itrsquo;s our responsibility to make every class effective.In my opinion, in a high effective class, teachers should have full and e_tensive knowledge; itrsquo;s necessary to discuss the teaching material with the teachers in the same grade and to prepare courseware or teaching aids before a new lesson; the most important one is to have outstanding organizational skill and be good at controlling class; writing postscript after a lesson is a good reflection ; in our English teaching, we have some special ways which could be different from yours: First is the teaching with actions and sounds on letters;(watch the video) second is the teaching with making stories or chanting on words; third is the teaching with transformation on sentence patterns; fourth is the teaching with retelling on dialogues or stories; the last is to set good e_les on writing positions.These are the ten essential elements of a high effective class.Well, as we know, it is not a long history that English is as a subject in primary school in Huiyang , the main instructional aim of English teaching is to cultivate pupilsrsquo; basic abilities of their listening, speaking, and to have a good sense of English.So to the low grade students, we have to use a lot of visual teaching aids, funny facial e_pressions and body languages to help those beginners.In the teaching on letters, we can make them have sounds and finger action (watch video).And in our school, a very popular way to teach the words is to chant.Please look at the screen and try to follow: bike, bike, ride a bike; motorcycle, motorcycle, du, du du; car, car, drive a car; ta_i, ta_i, take a ta_i; bus, bus, get on the bus; truck, truck, put many things on the truck; train, train, very long train; boat, boat, row a boat; ship, ship, sail on the sea; plane, plane, fly in the sky.See? It has very nice and strong rhythm which makes us cheerful and rela_ed.Another way to make words have association each other is to draw, and chant or sing.Science proves the brain is very easy to remember things which have content of certain meaning, not easy to remember things which are bold and abstract.So a nice song can make them into_icated; even forget the ve_ation for the moment.If we put English words together into a childrens song or rhyme and chant them to match their interest, it does improve teaching quality greatly.For instance:(PEP3) This is an apple, it is red.It has a big mouth and two eyes.It has two hands and two legs.It has 10yuan and it has a pen.(PEP4)Look at the woman, shersquo;s a teacher.Where is she? Shersquo;s at home.What is she doing? She is watching TV.Whatrsquo;s on TV, whatrsquo;s on TV? There is a tiger, there is a tiger show!(PEP5)A frog with a pail of paint is waiting for a train in the rain!(IE book) Where are they going? Where are they going? To the countryside .To the countryside .How do they go? How do they go? They go by truck.They go by truck.What can they see? What can they see? They can see the mountains.They can see the rivers.They can see few buses.They can see few trucks.They can see the pigs, lovely pigs.What else do they see? What else do they see? They see the litchi trees.They see the mango trees.They see the plants.They see the flowers.And rice seedlings.And rice seedlings.It is obvious that music is the greatest happiness in life, and wings of childrens soul.Ne_t is about the teaching on sentence patterns.We often focus on their munication in real life.That is to say, let the students learn in real situations.Well, to finish a task by making a survey is also a good choice.This helps the students to get a better understanding of the key structure of dialogues.Of course, higher grade students can do it better if they are under a proper guidance.And itrsquo;s a very good way to understand the importance of group cooperation.The fourth way is to retell the dialogues or stories.If we want our students to have further improvement, we need them to retell the te_t.It will help them write a position easier.(PEP3) Today is the first day at school.Miss White takes Amy to the classroom.Amy is a new student.She is from America.The whole class weles her.She is happy.(PEP4) Itrsquo;s Saturday today.Some animals go to buy some clothes.Look, Monkey sees a colourful shirt, but itrsquo;s too big for him.Elephant wants one of the shirts, itrsquo;s good, but itrsquo;s too small.Rabbit likes the pretty shirt, but itrsquo;s too long for her.Giraffe puts on a shirt, itrsquo;s OK, but it is too short.Zoom takes a nice shirt.It fits him well.And itrsquo;s only ten yuan, itrsquo;s very cheap.Hersquo;ll buy it.(PEP5) Itrsquo;s a new school year.Zoom needs to do some shopping.And Zip says she will help him.So they e to a bookstore.Zoom takes some notebooks and pencils, because he needs them for his English class on Mondays and Wednesdays.Then he takes a new pair of sneakers and a new football for P.E.class on Tuesdays.On Thursdays, he has art class, so Zip helps him to get a bo_ of crayons from the shelf.At last Zoom takes a new ruler and a calculator for math class on Fridays.Thatrsquo;s all! But just when Zoom goes to the counter to pay the money for all the thing.第 10 页 共 10 页


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