【辽琼宁山西专版】课件-2011高三英语一轮 测试卷 外研版必修2-1

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【辽琼宁山西专版】课件-2011高三英语一轮 测试卷 外研版必修2-1_第1页
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【辽琼宁山西专版】课件-2011高三英语一轮 测试卷 外研版必修2-1_第2页
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【辽琼宁山西专版】课件-2011高三英语一轮 测试卷 外研版必修2-1_第3页
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课时作业(七)Our Body and Healthy Habits身体与健康.单项填空1Once you have the_of weight loss or sleeplessness,stop taking the medicine and see your doctor.AprescriptionsBsymptomsCsenses Dfeelings2_to admit mistakes should be praised instead of being scolded.ABrave enough pupils BEnough brave pupilsCPupils enough brave DPupils brave enough3As we know,the_body temperature of human body is between 36 and 37 .Anormal BusualCcommon Dmost4In order to keep a good shape,Ms Freda is on_diet and takes Yoga as_regular exercise.Aa;the Bthe;aCa;a Dthe;the5You two seem good friends.How long have you known him?In fact,I know nothing about him_recently.Aunless BsinceCbefore Duntil6He called for complete quiet.However,every hour or so the phone by his bed would ring.It was driving him_.Anervous BanxiousCeager Dcrazy7What if I move the picture over there?Do you think itll look better?_.Let me give you a hand.AI dont agree with you BThats rightCI couldnt agree more DWith pleasure8The program designed by this director always begins_a pop song and ends with audience laughing all the way.Ato BbyCas Dwith9I wonder if he will show up at the concert.He will.He is only too_to watch the famous musician.Aanxious BproudCinterested Dsatisfied10The rescue team was_the village in order to save the people trapped in the coal mine.Aheading Bheading forCheading on Dheading upon11Would you like some more chicken?No,thanks.I am_a diet and Im trying to_weight.Aon;lose Bon;put onCin;have Din;lose12Why do you look so blue?My brother was_in a car accident.Awounded BhurtedCinjured Ddamaged13I went to see my friends off at the airport.Is that_you were late for the important meeting.Abecause BwhyChow Dreason14He told me that he wanted to date with you and he would be free on Friday and Saturday.Will Friday or Saturday_you?Either will_.Afit;be Bfit;OKCsuit;all right Dsuit;do15Without proper lessons,you could_a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.Agive up Bcatch upCkeep up Dpick up.完形填空(2010年皖南八校联考)The night started our ordinarily enough.Jack and Tara,our_1_,were in their small beds surrounded by toy animals.My husband,Pat,and I went to sleep_2_._3_after midnight,Jack quietly touched me.“Mommy,I want to stay with you.I promise I wont take much room.” I shifted_4_to make room.My son soon fell asleep.An hour later,Tara cried and I carefully went downstairs.“Mommy,my_5_is all stuffed up (堵住)I cant really breathe very well.Will you please_6_with me a little while?” Tara doesnt often get up at night,_7_I decided to be there for her.She soon fell asleep.I returned to my own bed.I was determined to sleep.But to my_8_,I found Jack sleeping on my side of the bed.He looked so_9_that I couldnt remove him.Quietly and carefully,I lay down between _10_and Jack.I did manage to get some sleep_11_I heard Taras voice again.I returned to_12_Tara.“Mom,please lie down with me a little bit.I had a bad dream,and Im so _13_.”“Of course,honey.It was only a dream.Mommys here and_14_is okay.” We fell asleep_15_each others arms.Even in my sleepy state,I thought of_16_these nights of merrygoround (一连串的繁忙活动) will be over.In their place,my twins will be grown._17_before Im ready,our childrens rooms will be much too_18_and empty.So it is especially on days when Im worn out after a night on this moms merrygoround that I remind_19_that these very days and nights are,in fact,“the good old days”,ever so_20_.1.A.sonsBtwinsCdaughtersDstudents2A.downstairsBinCout Dupstairs3A.SometimesBEvery timeCSometimeDAnytime4A.gentlyBkindly Crudely Dimpatiently5A.nose Bmouth Cheart Deye6A.come BstayCtalk Dplay7A.even thoughBsoCno matter whenDhowever8.A.joyBanger CdisappointmentDsurprise9A.friendly Bheavy Ccontent Dsad10A.my fatherBTaraCPatDmy mother11A.before Bwhen Cafter Dwhile12A.show off Blook afterCwatch out Dtake care13A.scared BexcitingCexcited Dscaring14A.somethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing15A.over BonCby Din16A.how often Bhow soonChow long Dhow much17A.No doubtBNo wonderCNo problemDNo worry18A.noisy BquietCstill Dcalm19A.my childrenBmy husbandCmy friendDmyself20A.potential BpreciseCprecious Dprevious.短文填空(2010届大连24中期中)1_The average American moves every five years.People drive straight into their garages,hire lawn services,hang out in their backyards instead of their front porches (前走廊)These days,neighbors dont even know each others names.Good neighbors and good friends are a lot like electricity or running water.2._The surprising thing is that all it takes to strengthen your relationship with friends and neighbors is respect for their feelings,concern for their property,and a helping hand when its needed.3._First,be a true friend to people around you.4._That is to say,a true friend is one who stays true through it allmarriage,parenthood,new jobs,new homes,or even losses.That situations change doesnt mean the person has to.Besides,friendships fade away if there isnt a balance between the give and the take.5._Be sensitive to how much your friend can and cant offer youtime,energy,or helpand dont step over the line.Remember:friendships that tire each other will not last.If a friendship is out of balance in this way,youll need to consider the situation.AModern life is a lot less to the advantage of friendships and neighborliness than it used to be.BA friend in need is a friend indeed.CWe dont know how much we depend on them until we lose them.DHerere two important ways to deepen your friendship with people around in your life.EA true friend doesnt flee when changes come about.FTake your time,please.GSo make sure you arent being a burden to your friends.短文改错(2010届大连24中期中)Construction of a television tower that declared to be the worlds tallest is due to starting in the capital of Guangdong Province.This tower,which could be up to 600 meter tall,is expected to be a new tourist attraction,competing with a 320meterhigh Eiffel Tower in Paris and the 468meterhigh Oriental Pearl Radio or TV Tower in Shanghai.The local government is present busy selecting a design from three foreign companies that has entered the final round of competition.They come to Germany,Britain and France.All the three designs for the new tower require for the project to reach between 580 meters and 600 meters and the project is expected to be completing and open to tourists between August and September,2007.单项填空1B句意为:一旦你有体重下降或失眠的症状,就停药去看医生。prescriptions药方,处方;symptoms症状;sense感觉;feelings感情。根据句意选B项。2Denough作形容词修饰名词时其位置可前可后,但作为副词修饰形容词时其位置必须后置。3Anormal body temperature正常体温。4C句意为:为了保持体型,弗丽达女士正在节食并把参加瑜伽练习作为经常练习。on a diet节食;a regular exercise常规练习。5Duntil recently直到目前为止。6D根据前两句“他想要绝对的安静。但是他床头的电话总响”可以推出他被弄得发疯了。drive sb.crazy是固定搭配,意为“使人发疯”。7C根据后一句可知后者是同意前者的观点的。I couldnt agree more意为“我非常同意”;Thats right“对”和With pleasure很乐意效劳,不合语境,故选C项。8D根据句意可知节目总是以一首流行歌曲开始,伴着观众的欢笑结束。begin with以开始。9A句意为:他一定会来的。他非常渴望看那个著名的音乐家演出。be anxious to do sth.渴望做某事,B项和D项与句意不符,C项搭配不对。10Bhead“朝方向”时为不及物动词,要赶往目的地,要加介词for,head for意为“朝方向前进”。11A后句意为:我正在节食,努力减肥。on a diet意为“节食”,lose weight减肥。12C句意为:你为何看起来那么沮丧?我弟弟在车祸中受伤了。在意外事故中受伤常用injure或hurt,但hurt的过去分词为hurt,故选C。13B句意为:我去机场为朋友送行。那就是你迟到的原因吗?根据句意可知说明迟到的原因要用why引导表语从句。14D题中suit是“对方便;满足需要”的意思。后句中用do替代前面的suit。15Dpick up a lot of bad habits养成诸多不良习惯。.完形填空1B根据文章最后一段中的“In their place,my twins will be grown”可知,此处应为twins。2D根据文章第5空前的句子“An hour later,Tara cried and I carefully went downstairs”可知作者和丈夫在楼上睡。3C午夜的某个时候应该是sometime。sometime有时,间或,every time每一次,sometime在某时,anytime任何时候。4A根据Jack quietly touched me中的quietly,结合上下文可知,此处作者应该是温柔地(gently)给儿子让出地方。5A根据下文女儿所说的“I cant really breathe very well”可知应该是女儿有此鼻塞。6B根据文章内容可知,此处应是女儿要求作者和她呆一会儿。7B7空前后两个分句构成因果关系,所以用so。女儿晚上不常起来,所以这次作者决定陪女儿一会。8Dto ones surprise令某人惊讶的是。这里的意思是作者没有想到儿子将自己的位置占了。9C根据文章内容可知,是因为儿子的表情是如此满足(content),所以作者不愿意去动儿子。10C根据文章内容可知,床上有作者的丈夫Pat和儿子Jack,所以作者只好睡在他们中间。11A作者刚睡没多久就又听见女儿的叫声。12Blook after照看,照顾;show off炫耀;watch out小心,提防;take care小心,注意。13A做了一个噩梦,所以应该是害怕的(scared)。14C根据作者所说的话,这里应该是“妈妈在这里,一切都会没事的”。15D母女二人相拥着睡着了(in each others arms),介词应该用in。16B考查how短语引导的宾语从句,how often对表示频度的词提问;how long多长时间;how much多少。根据句子_16_these nights of merrygoround (一连串的繁忙活动) will be over可知:这一连串的繁忙活动要过多久才能结束。how soon对表示将来的时间提问,意思是要多久以后。17ANo doubt毫无疑问;No wonder难怪;No problem没问题;No worry不慌不忙。18B根据文章内容可知,孩子们要长大,总会离开家的,所以总会人去房空的。19D根据文章内容可知,作者一直在提醒自己,要珍惜这些繁忙而又美好的日子,因为小鸟迟早会飞走的。20C这些日夜操劳的日子繁忙而美好,但终究会因为孩子的长大离开而弥显珍贵(precious)。.短文填空1A2.C3.D4.E5.G.短文改错Construction of a television tower that declared to be the worlds tallest is due to startin in the capital of Guangdong Province.This tower,which could be up to 600 mete tall,is expected to be a new tourist attraction,competing with 320meterhigh Eiffel Tower in Paris and the 468meterhigh Oriental Pearl Radio TV Tower in Shanghai.The local government is busy selecting a design from three foreign companies that ha entered the final round of competition.They come Germany,Britain and France.All the three designs for the new tower require for the project to reach between 580 meters and 600 meters and the project is expected to be completingcompleted and open to tourists between August and September,2007.


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