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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! Unit 7 Where is the post office ?导学案编号: 学习人: 班级: 【课题】Unit 7 Where is the post office ? Section A 1a-1c【课型】新授课 【课时】一课时【学习目标】1、学会询问某一场所的位置。 2、学会如何问路【学习过程】一预习指导与检测(一) 预习指导1) 根据音标预习生词,做到会读知意2) 复习学过的表示方位的介词3).知识点拨:A. There be 结构的基本句式为: “There be +某人某物+某地”, 表示某个地方存在有某人某物.其中there是引导词,be没有实际意义.主语是后的名词,要随其后主语的人称和数的不同而选用相应的形式.e.g. There is a bank near here. There are two pay phones in the park. Is there a library in Center Street? Yes, there is. There arent any supermarkets in Fifth Avenue.B. 常用的问路方法有以下几种: (1) Can you tell / show me the way to the church?你能告诉我去教堂的路吗? (2) Which is the way to North Street Hospital? 请问去北街医院怎么走? (3) Wheres the ladies room? 女洗手间在哪? (4) How can I get to the caf? 请问去咖啡厅怎么走? (5) Is there a video store near here? 附近有影碟店吗? (二)预习检测 1Match the English words with the Chinese words. 中英文词汇配对。( ) 1. post office A. 图书馆( ) 2. pay phone B. 中心街( ) 3. restaurant C. 超市( ) 4. Bridge Street D. 邮局( ) 5. supermarket E. 银行( ) 6. library F. 第五大道( ) 7. Center Street G. 餐馆( ) 8. bank H. 公园( ) 9. Fifth Avenue I. 公用电话( ) 10. park J. 大桥街2 看1a中的图画,完成以下对话。1、A: Is there a restaurant near here? B:Yes, theres a restaurant _.2、A: _ near here? B: Yes, theres a hotel on Bridge Street.3、A: Is there a library near here? B: Yes, _.4、A: _? B: Yes, theres a pay phone on Bridge Street.二课堂互动探究1.开动脑筋好好想一想我们都可以怎么样向别人问路呢?2.讨论:There be 句型的构成及作用.3.通过查资料区别 there be 和have 有哪些不同,看谁总结的最好三当堂检测(一)、按要求改写句子1.The pay phone is in front of the bank.(变同义句)The bank is _ the pay phone.2.Is there a video shop?(同义句)_ the video shop?3.The pay phone is across from the library.(改为一般疑问句并作出肯定回答)_ the pay phone across from the library?_, _ _.4.The post office is between a library and a school.(就划线部分提问)_ _ the post office?5.Close the door, please.(改为否定句)_ close the door, please.(二)、 补全对话。A: _ _. Where is the park?B: Its _ here _ the neighborhood. Just _ _ and _ right. Its _ New Street _ _ right. Its _ to a hotel.A: Thank you very much. B: Youre _.四、学后反思 1、我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences 学习本节后,我能用英语进行 2、我的易错点: 3、我需要提高的是: Unit 7 Where is the post office ?导学案编号: 学习人: 班级: 【课题】Unit 7 Where is the post office ? Section A 2a-4【课型】新授课 【课时】一课时【学习目标】1、学会询问某一场所的位置。 2、学会为他人指出去某一场所的路线。3、学会阐述某一场所各个建筑间的位置关系。【学法指导】1、了解生活学习英语。通过对话表演方式大胆张口,敢于用英语表达,用英语进行交际。2、听力策略:A. 放松心情。B. 注意关键字【学习过程】一 预习指导与检测1.预习指导:1)根据音标预习第生词,做到会读知意2)了解如何给别人指路的的用语。3)知识点拨:常用的指路方法有以下几种: (1) Go / Walk along / down this road and . 沿着这条路走. (2) Turn left at the second crossing. 在第二个十字路口处往左拐。 (3) Go across the bridge. 穿过这座桥。 (4) Take the second turning on the left. 在第二个转弯处左拐。2.预习检测:将下列句子和短语翻译成汉语。1. in the neighborhood 2. turn left 3. go straight 4. on the right 5. Excuse me. 6. Youre welcome 二课堂互动探究小组讨论:1.区别in front of 和 in the front of 有哪些的不同。2.小组讨论怎样给别人准确的指路。三当堂检测:A.从B栏中找出A栏的答案。A B( ) 1. Thank you very much. A. Yes, there is. Its on Fifth Avenue.( )2. Is there a restaurant near here? B. Youre welcome.( ) 3.Where is the video shop? C. He lives in MexicCity.( ) 4.Whats your favorite subject? D. On Green Street.( ) 5. Where does he live? E. Math.B.填空1Where is the post o_ ? Its _ Center Street.2. The _ (超市) is _ the park _ the hotel.3. Is there a _ (图书馆) in the _ (附近) ? No, there _.4. The school is _ _(在对面)my house .5. I sit _ _ (在旁边) Li Hua.四课后拓展延伸Jim wants to go to the supermarket. But Jim doesnt know the way. Kate writes the way on the paper(纸) for him.Go down First Street and you can see a video store. Turn left and you are on Center Street. Walk on and pass a library. Then turn right and you are on Fifth Avenue. Go straight and you can see a park in front of you. Go through the park and turn left. Now you are on Bridge Street. After you pass the seventh store, you can see a zoo. The supermarket is next to the zoo. You cant miss(错过 ) it.写出笑脸代表的地点的名称,在括号内写出它所在的街道。1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. ( )四、学后反思 1、我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences 学习本节后,我能用英语进行 2、我的易错点: 3、我需要提高的是: Unit 8 Why do you like koala?导学1 Section A 1a-2b【课型】新授课 【课时】一课时【学习目标】1. 学习一些表动物名称的词汇;2. 学会用why来询问对方喜爱某种动物的原因及其回答。3. 培养热爱自然、爱护动物的良好情操。【学习过程】 一、预习指导与检测(一) 预习指导A.预习 生词,根据音标会读知意。 B.朗读句型,能英汉互译。C.知识点拨: 1.Lets see the pandas first. 让我们先看熊猫吧! Lets = Let us 意思是“让我们.吧。”,后面跟动词原形,即Lets +动词,表示建议别人和自己一起做某事。 2.-Why do you want to see the lions? 你为什么想看狮子? -Because theyre cute. 因为它们可爱。 (1)why 是特殊疑问副词,用来询问原因。 eg : Why do you like elephants?你为什么喜欢大象? (2)want 为动词,意为想,想要,后面可跟动词不定式作宾语,即want to do sth. (3) because用作连词,意为“因为,由于”,用来回答由why提问的特殊疑问句或引导原因状语从句。(2) 、预习检测 1.根据音标写出下列单词及汉语意思。(注意与黑体部分对应的字母或字母组合) tag ku:l pnd dir:f lain pegwin elifnt dlfin 2.写出本课中的两个描述品质特征的形容词: 我们学过的此类形容词还有: 3.翻译下列句子。 1)Lets see the lions. (1) -Why do you want to see the lions? -Because theyre cute. 二、 课堂互动探究 1.说出修饰动物的形容词。(看哪一组知道的最多) 2.小组讨论总结动词want的用法。 3.熟背1c对话。 4.Make a survey: 四人小组讨论并做报告。Name Animal Why 三、当堂检测一) 单项选择1._do you like the mascots(吉祥物) of London 2012 Olympics, Wenlock and Mandeville? _ they re very cute.A .Why; But B.What; So C.Why; BecauseD. What; Because2The pandas are _interesting.A.kind of B.a kind of C.kinds of D.kind 3._your friend like koalas? A.Is B.Are C.Do D.Does 4.This kind of animal _ my favorite. A.are B.do C.is D.be .Lets _the lions. A. see B. to see C.seeing D. sees 二)连词成句1. us let pandas see2.do you tigers why like ? 四、学后反思 1、我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences 学习本节后,我能用英语进行 2、我的易错点: 3、我需要提高的是: Unit 8 Why do you like koala?导学2 Section A 2c4【课型】新授课 【课时】一课时【学习目标】 1.掌握3a对话中出现的词汇:China, Australia,South Africa, 2.巩固和灵活使用句型why开头的特殊疑问句及其回答。 3.学会问答某种动物的的主要产地。【学习过程】 一、预习指导与检测(一) 预习指导1.预习 生词,根据音标会读知意. 2.朗读 句型,能英汉互译. 3.知识点拨:1)Because theyre kind of interesting. 因为他们有几分可爱。 kind of 意为“有几分”。是常用短语,相当于a little ,a bit等。 2)Where are lions from? 狮子来自哪里?be from “来自。其中be要随着主语的变化而变化。eg : Im from China. Lucy is from Amarica.4知识链接:十二生肖的英文名称 鼠rat 牛ox 虎 tiger 兔 hare 龙 dragon 蛇 snake 马horse 羊sheep猴 monkey鸡 cock 狗 dog 猪 boar(2) 预习检测 咱们一起翻译吧!1.有几分可爱 _ 2.非常聪明 _ 3.你喜欢海豚吗? _ 4.狮子来自哪里?_5.你为什么喜欢考拉?_二、课堂互动探究 1.你能补全下面的对话吗? A: _you like lions ? B: Yes , I do A: _ B: Because they are cute. 2. 利用2c和3a的内容来组织对话,看谁编写的对话多并且好。 3. Survey and report: 四人小组调查并根据下列示范进行报告。 Model: Alice is from the USA. Her favorite animals are pandas. She likes them because theyre cute and smart.3、 当堂检测一、按顺序排列好句子,组成对话,把正确的序号写在前面的横线上。_A. Because theyre cute._B. Lets go and see the giraffes and pandas._C. Why do you like pandas?_D. Because they are smart._E. Okay, so why do you like giraffes二、按要求转换句型, 一空一词。1、A koala is from Australia. (变复数句) _ _ from Australia.2、He likes dolphins very much. (变一般疑问句) _ he _ dolphins very much? 3.The koala is from Australia。(对划线部分提问) the koala from?4、I like Tom because he is very friendly. (对划线部分提问)_ do _ like Tom?5、The shy girl wants to see giraffes. (对划线部分提问) _ _ does the shy girl want to see? 四、学后反思 1、我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences 学习本节后,我能用英语进行 2、我的易错点: 3、我需要提高的是: Unit 9 I want to be an actor.导学 1 Section A 1a1c【课型】新授课 【课时】一课时【学习目标】1.学习并会掌握本课有关职业的词汇2.掌握谈论有关职业的句型。3.语法:一般现在时态的概念和用法: 当主语用第三人称单数时, 谓语动词的相应变化。疑问句要用助动词does,其他人称用do【学习过程】一、预习指导与检测一)预习指导A.预习单词,根据音标读单词,做到会读知意。B.知识点拨1.对职业提问What do you do?或What does she/he do?答语是“Im.”“She/He is.”2. 1)want +名词 想要. I want an apple.我想要一个苹果。2)want to do sth.想做/干某事She wants to watch TV after school.她放学后想看电视。3)want to be. 想成为.Tom wants to be a reporter.汤姆想成为一名记者。C.你在预习过程中有哪些不会读的单词和不懂得地方,请列举出来:_二)预习检测1.至少写出10个表示职业的单词_2.翻译下列句子1).My uncle works in that restaurant._2).What does he do?_3).Hes a waiter._二课堂互动探究 1.询问职业.你是干什么的?有哪三种表达方式?(看谁写得准确)_ _ 2.总结有关职业的词汇(看谁写得多)_ _3.动词怎样转化为动作的执行者?_4.Groupwork(小组合作活动),练习下列句型A: What do you do? B: I am a reporter.A: What does he do? C: He is a student.A: What does your mother do? C: Shes a bank clerk.5Play a guessing game每小组抽一名成员对某一职业特征进行表演,然后让大家猜出职业名称. 6、课堂小结。1).对职业提问的三种句型是:What do you do?Whats your job?或What are you?2).动词+er转化为动作的执行者 report+errep workworker 部分词语+or转化为动作的执行者actactor visitvisitor三当堂达标检测(一)、选择填空。( ) 1. She works in a bank. She is a _. A. shop assistantB. bank clerkC. policewoman( ) 2. Where does your father _? A. workB. workingC. works( ) 3. My father wants to be _ actor. A. aB. the C. an(二)中考连接:1.Jenny is a nurse and _ in Town Hospital. A. Works B. worked C. had worked D. work2.Whats your sister?A. She is a sales assistant. B. She is nice.C. She is cooking dinner. D. She works in a bank(三).句型转换1.I want to be an actor.(就划线部分提问)_ _you want _ _?2.My uncle works in a restaurant.(就划线部分提问)_ _your uncle _3.He works at a hospital.(改为一般疑问句) _ he _ at a hospital.四、学后反思1.我的收获:_学习本节后,我能用英语进行 _2.易错点总结:_3我需要提高的是:_ Unit 9 I want to be an actor.导学 2 Section A 2a4【课型】新授课 【课时】一课时【学习目标】1.学习并会掌握本课词汇2.谈论自己或他人想从事的职业并陈述原因。3.热爱学习,培养热爱各种工作、热爱社会的感情。【学习过程】1、 预习指导与检测 一)预习指导A.预习单词,根据音标读单词,达到会读知意。B.总结有关职业的词汇(看谁写得多)_ D知识点拨1. want to be. 想成为. 2.wear uniform 穿制服3.give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.给某人某物 4.kind of dangerous 有点危险 5.go out to dinners 出去吃饭二)预习检测1.写出表示职业的单词,看哪一小组写的最多_2.thief的复数_3.翻译下列句子1).I work with people and money.People give me their money or get their money from me._2).I work late. Im very when people go out to dinners._3).My work is kind of dangerous._二课堂互动探究1.合作探究自己或他人想从事的职业并陈述原因。2.一般现在时态的概念和用法: 当主语用第三人称单数时, 谓语动词的相应变化。3.合作归纳kind的法4.sometimes在一般现在时中的用法.小组讨论sometime与some time和sometimes三者之间用法。5.Pairwork:练习 want to be句型.A:What do you want to be? A:_B:I want to be a teacher. B:_A:What does your mother do? A:_B:Shes a bank clerk. B:_A:What does she want to be? A: _B:She wants to be a policewoman. B:_6.GROUPWORK(小组合作活动) :小组抽出一名成员,对小组内的成员练习5.Pairwork,组与组之间展开竞争7、课堂小结1)本节课学习了哪几种职业?如何用英语描述?有关职业的句型?2)一般现在时表示经常性的、习惯性的动作,当主语是第三人称单数时,动词也要用第三人称单数。变成一般疑问句时要借助动词does. 3)kind1.n.种类 All kinds all of 各种各样There are all kinds all of animals in the zoo.2.adj.亲切的、仁慈的、友好的 She is kind to her students.3.kind of 稍微、有点 My work is interesting but kind of dangerous.Thieves dont like me.三当堂达标检测(一)、用所给动词的正确形式填空。1.Her father _ (work) in a restaurant.2.What _ you _ (do)?3.They _ (be) students. They want _ (be) doctors.4._ he _ (live) in China?5.- _ (be) your sister a student? - No, she _ (work) in a hospital.二、根据汉语补全对话。 1. A: What do you do? B: _. (我是一名老师) 2. A: _?(你想成为什么) B: I want to be an actor. 3. A: What does he do? B: _. (他是一个学生) 4. A: _?(他想成为什么) B: He wants to be a bank clerk.5. _ does _ mother work ? (莉莉的妈妈在哪工作)四、【学后反思】1.我的收获:words and expressions:_ 我能用英语进行_ 2.易错点总结:_ 3.我需要提高的是:_ _ Unit 9 I want to be an actor.导学 3 Section B 1a2c 【课型】新授课 【课时】一课时【学习目标】1.了解各种职业的特点和职责。2.学会表达自己在职业上的选择和理由。3.读懂简单的职业招聘广告,能模仿书写自己的广告。【学习过程】1、 预习指导与检测 一)预习指导A.先读再背newspaper报纸这个单词 。B.总结有关描述性的形容词 如interesting、exciting.(看谁写得多)_C.知识点拨Job n.工作,零工;可数名词 an exciting jobwork n.工作;不可数名词He want a job but he cant find work in the town. work v.工作 We must work hard.二)预习检测1.写出本节课描述性的单词_2.翻译下列句子1).Hes a policeman.Its an exciting job._2).I want to be a newspaper reporter,because its an interesting job. 二课堂互动探究1.exciting与excited的用法 1) Childrens Day is coming.Its very _.2) On Childrens Day,we are very_.3) Today is my birthday,Im very _.My birthday party is _(exciting).2.类似的词还有boring与 bored;tiring与tired;interesting与 interested3.newspaper是可数名词还是不可数名词4.Groupwork(小组活动)四人小组活动,与你的组员问答这些问题 What do you want to be? Why?并在全班以小组汇报的形式展示,比一比哪一组最好。 6.课堂小结1.本节课你学到了什么?_2.excited,exciting.它们不光外形相似,意思也差不多。excited意思是兴奋的,激动的。而exciting意思是令人兴奋的。excited一般用于形容人,如: an excited boy:激动的男孩, get excited 变得激动;exciting则是用于形容事物的: an exciting moment 令人兴奋的时刻, an exciting book一本令人惊心动魄的书。例如:1.Childrens Day is coming.Its very (excting).2. On Childrens Day,we are very (excited).3. Today is my birthday,Im very (excited).My birthday party is (exciting)三当堂达标检测一用适当的介词填空1. I work in a bank. I often work _ people and money.2.I like talking_people.I meet interesting people every day.3.My work is intering but kind _dangerous. 4.I work late.Im very busy when people go out_dinners.二.补全对话A: Hi, Jim. _ does your father do? B: Hes _ policeman A: Do you want to _ a policeman? B: Oh, yes. Sometimes its dangerous, but its also a very exciting _. Your father is a bank clerk, right? A: _, he is. B: Do you want to be a bank clerk, _? A: No, not really. I want to be a reporter. B: Oh, why? A: Its very busy, but its fun, too. You meet so _ interesting people.四总结反思1.学习本节后,我能用英语进行 _3.易错点总结:_4我需要提高的是:_8 / 8


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