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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 动词(I)知识归纳讲解及专项训练一、概述动词是表示动作或状态的词。句子中的谓语成分是由动词充当的,谓语通常是句中不可缺少的成分,因此动词是英语词类中最重要的一种。动词可以通过本身的变化来表示动作发生的时间以及说话人的语气、态度等。1动词的种类动词按其词义和在句中的作用可以分为:行为动词(或称实义动词)、连系动词、助动词和情态动词。详见下表:动词分类 特征 例词 例句行 为 动 词 vt./vi. 表示动作或状态。有完整的词义。能独立作谓语。按其带不带宾语、分为及物动词(带宾语)和不及物动词(不带宾语)help帮助(vt.) see看见(vt.) go去(vi.) fly飞(vi.) He often helps me. I can see a bird in the tree. Planes can fly.连 系 动 词 link v. 本身有词义,但不能独立作谓语,必须和表语一起构成谓语(名词性合成谓语) be是 look看起来 seem似乎 get变得 become变成,成为 He is an English teacher. They look the same.助 动 词 v. aux. 本身无词义,不能独立作谓语,只能和实义动词一起构成谓语。可用来表示否定,疑问、时态、语态、语气等。 be; have; do; will; shall He doesnt speak English. We are playing basketball Do you have a brother?情 态 动 词 mod v. 本身有一定词义,但不完整。不能独立作谓语,只能和行为动词一起构成谓语,表示说话人的态度 can; many; must; need; dare; will; would; shall; should She can speak a little English. May I come in? We must go now.注意:1)行为动词又可分为及物动词(vt.)和不及物动词(vi.)两种。及物动词作谓语,后面必须跟宾语意思才完整。不及物动词作谓语,后面不能跟宾语,只有加上介词后才可接宾语。2)英语中有些动词常常是既作及物动词又作不及物动词;既作连系动词工作及物动词。例如:He speaks English very well. (vt.) 他英语讲得好。He spoke at the meeting. (vi.)另外,动词按其在句中能否作谓语,又可分为谓语动词(finite verb)和非谓语动词(non-finite verb)两大类。说明:谓语动词又称限定动词,非谓语动词又称非限定动词。非谓语动词初中阶段主要学习动词不定式的用法。2动词的基本形式英语动词有五种基本形式,即动词原形、过去式、过去分词、现在分词和第三人称单数形式。如:work-worked-worked-working-works。它们的构成及形式详见下表。形式 构成 例词动词原形 不带to的动词不定式形式(也就是词典中一般给予的形式) be, have, do, come过去式与过去分词(规则变化) 1在动词原形后加-ed 2以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,先将y变为i再加-ed 3以重读闭音节一个辅音字母结尾的动词,先双写结尾的辅音字母再加-ed workworked carrycarried stopstopped现在分词 1在动词原形后加-ing 2以不发音的e结尾的动词,去掉e再加-ing 3以重读闭音节一个辅音字母结尾的动词,先双写结尾的辅音字母再加-ing 4少数几个以ie结尾的动词要变ie为y,再加-ing readreading writewriting swimswimming diedying第三人称单数形式 1在动词原形后加-s 2以ch, sh, s, o, x结尾的动词后加-es 3以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,先将y变为i,再加-es 4以元音字母+y结尾的动词后加-s runruns teachteaches washwashes gogoes passpasses trytries staystays说明:1)词尾-ed在清辅音后读t;在浊辅音和元音后读d;在t和d后读id。2)词尾-es或-s在s 、z、t 、d 后面读iz;在清辅音后读s;在浊辅音及元音后读z;在t,d后读ts、dz。3)不规则动词的过去式与过去分词则要根据不规则动词表逐渐记住。二、动词的时态在英语中,由于谓语动作发生的时间不同,或表达不同时间存在的状态,谓语动词都要发生相应的变化。这些动词的变化形式就叫做动词的时态。初中阶段主要学习,掌握以下八种时态。1一般现在时1)构成动词一般现在时,除主语为单数第三人称以外,谓语动词一律用原形,若主语为第三人称单数,则谓语动词的词尾应发生变化(加-s或-es)。另外be和have有特殊的人称变化形式。详见下表:动词to be 动词to haveI am a student You are a student He (She) is a student. We (You, They) are students I have a pen. You have a pen. He (She) has a pen. We (You, They) have pens.2)用法a表示经常发生的动作、行为或存在的状态。常用的时间状语有:often, usually, always, every day等。I go to school every day except Sunday.除了星期日,我每天上学。There are fifty students in our class.我们班上有五十个学生。b表示主语的身份或特征。His father is a doctor.他的父亲是医生。Tom is tall.汤姆个子高。c表示一种客观事实或普遍真理The earth is round.地球是圆的.The sun is bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大。d在条件状态从句和时间状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。If you dont go soon, youll be late.如果你不快去的话,你就要迟到了。I will wait for you until you come back.我将一直等到你回来。2一般过去时 1)构成一般过去时其谓语动词使用动词过去式形式。肯定式 否定式 疑问式一般动词 I (You, He, She, We, They) worked there. I (You, He, She, We, They) did not work there. Did you (I, he, she, we, they) work there?be动词 I (He, She, It) was there. We ( You, They) were there I (He, She, It) was not there. We (You, They) were not there. Was I (he, she, it) there? Were you (we, they) there?have动词 I (You, He, She, We, They) had books. I (You, He, She, We, They) had not/ didnt have any books Had I (you, he, she, we, they) any books?或Did I (you, he ?)have any books?2)用法a表示在过去某一时间内发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday, last week, an hour ago, the other day, just now, upon a time, in 1989, in the old days, when I was at middle school等。He left for Beijing yesterday morning.他昨天上午到北京去了。She wasnt at home last night.她昨晚上在家。Did you finish your work at four yesterday afternoon?你昨天下午四点完成工作了吗?b表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。I got up very early at that time.我那时总是起得很早。Mary always got up too late and never had enough time for breakfast when she was at middle school.玛丽上中学时总是起得很晚,从来都没有足够时间吃早饭。3一般将来时1)构成动词一般将来时由助动词shall或will加动词原形构成。shall用于第一人称作主语,will用于第二、三人称作主语。除英国以外的说英语的国家,在陈述句中,即使在第一人称作主语时一般也使用助动词will,在英国现在也有这种趋势。在口语中,shall,will常缩写成Ill Youll, Well等。在否定句中,will not缩写成wont shall not缩写成shant。肯定式 否定式 疑问式I (We) shall / will go there I (We ) shall / will not go thereShall I (we) go there?You (He, She, They) will go there You (He, She, They) will not go there Will you (he, she, they) go there?2)用法a表示将要发生的动作行为或存在的状态。常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow, next time, next year, in a few days等。Ill go and see her next Friday.我下周五去看她。He wont go there tomorrow morning.他明天上午不到那儿去。Will you do it again?你再做一遍好吗?b有时没有时间状语,根据上下文判断其谓语动作是将要发生的。I dont know who will do it.我不知道谁将做这件事。Dont worry, he will be there on time.别着急,他会准时在那儿。c表示将来经常发生的动作。From now on Ill get up early every morning.从今以后,我每天早晨早起。注意:1)表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态,除了用上述的一般将来时外,还可以用be going to 来表示。be going to这个结构表示:a即将发生的动作;b主语打算或准备要做的事;c说话人根据已有的迹象判断即将发生的事。be going to 结构中的be随着句子中主语的人称而变化。例如:We are going to learn English.我们将学习英语。How are you going to spend your holidays?你们打算怎样度过假期?Look at these black clouds. I think its going to rain.看这些黑云,我想天要下雨了。2)在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,一般将来时要用一般现在时代替。例如:He will come to see you when he has time.他有空时会来看你的。They will ring you up as soon as they get back.他们一回来就打电话给你。4现在进行时1)构成现在进行时由助动词be的人称形式加动词的现在分词构成。它的肯定式,否定式及疑问式的结构如下:肯定式 否定式 疑问式I am working now. I am not working now. Am I working now?You are working now. He (She) is working now. We (You, They) are working now. You are not working now. He (She) is not working now. We (You, They) are not working now. Are you working now? Is (he, she) working now? Are you (we, they) working now?2)用法a现在进行时表示说话时谓语的动作正在进行。Who are you waiting for?你在等谁?He knows that we are helping him now.他知道我们现在正在帮助他 。b在现阶段正在进行的动作,但不一定说话时动作正在进行。The students are working on the farm there days.这些天学生们正在农场劳动。c有些动词的进行时态还可用来表示将来时。这类动词有go, come, leave, arrive, move, die等。He is coming soon.他不久就要来了。Mary is arriving here at 4 o/clock this afternoon.玛丽今天下午四点到达这里。注意:1)表示状态或感觉的动词,如:know, love, like, want, hear, see, think等,一般没有进行时态,因为它们不能表示正在进行的动作。但是,如果词义发生变化,能表示一个正在进行的动作,也可使用进行时态。例如:Stop, I am thinking.停下来,我正在想问题呢。2)无法延续动作的动词,如:jump, begin, start, stop等一般不宜用于进行时态。但是,若想表示动作反复或即将发生,也可使用进行时态。例如:He is jumping up and down.他一下一下地跳个不停。5现在完成时1)构成现在完成时由have的人称形式加动词的过去分词构成。它的肯定式、否定式及疑问式如下:肯定式 否定式 疑问式I (We, You, They ) have done it. He (She) has done it. I (We, You, They) have not done it. He (She) has not done it. Have you (they, I , we) done it? Has he (she) done it?2)用法a表示过去某一时间发生的动作或存在的状态,对现在仍有影响。 She has been ill for three days.她病了三天了。He has already left.他已经走了。b表示从过去某一时间开始一直持续到现在的动作或状态。Weve known each other since we were children.我们从小就认识。注意:在用already, always, yet, just, ever, never等副词作状语时,或者由for, since引起的短语作状语或状语从句时,句子的谓语动词常用现在完成时。区别:1)have (has) been to 与have (has) gone tohave (has) been to +某地,表示到过某地,说明去过某地,说话时已经回来了。have (has) gone to +某地,说明去某地了,说话时还没有回来。例如:He has been to Beijing three times.他去过北京三次。He has gone to Shanghai.他去上海了。2)have (has) been to do sth. 还可以表示做过某事。have (has) gone to do sth.则表示去做某事了。例如:He has been to see Tom in the hospital.他去医院看过汤姆。He has gone to see Tom in the hospital.他到医院看汤姆去了。3)have got虽然在形式上是现在完成时,却和have是相同的意思。例如:Have you got any book?=Do you have any book?你有书吗?6过去进行时1)构成过去进行时由be动词的过去式加动词的现在分词构成。2)用法过去进行时主要表示过去某个时刻或过去一段时间正在进行的动作。过去进行时常与表示过去的时间状语如:then at that time, once, a moment ago等连用,或者用另一动作表示过去的时间。例如:I was writing a letter at home at seven yesterday evening.我昨晚七点在家写信。He was watching TV when I came home yesterday evening. 昨天晚上回家时,他在家看电视。7过去完成时1)构成过去完成时由助动词had加动词的过去分词构成。2)用法过去完成时表示过去某一时间以前或过去某一动作以前已完成的动作,即过去的过去。为了更容易理解过去完成时的时间概念,使之与过去时有明显的区别,可见下面的时间示意图。例如:I had learned eight hundred English words by the end of last year. (在过去某一时间之前)到去年年底之前,我已经学会了八百个英语单词。He had finished his work before I came here.(在过去另一动作之前)在我来这儿以前,他已经完成了工作。说明:1)在包含when, as soon as, before, after, until等连词的复合句中,若主句谓语和从句谓语所表示的过去的动作是在不同时间发生的,那么,先发生的动作用过去完成时,后发生的动作用一般过去时。例如:I told them after you had left.你走后我就告诉了他们。I had been at the bus stop for twenty minutes when a bus finally came.我在公共汽车站等了二十分钟,汽车终于来了。2)如果主句动作和从句动作紧接着发生,特别是连词为after或before时,由于连词本身很清楚地表明了动作发生的先后,两个动作此时都可使用一般过去时来表示。例如:After we said good-bye to them, we left the village.在和他们告别后,我们就离开了村庄。8过去将来时1)构成过去将来时由助动词should或would加动词原形构成。第一人称用should,其他人称用would。但目前在美、英等国也有第一人称用would的情况。2)用法a过去将来时是个相对的时态,主要用于从过去某一时间来看将要发生的事情。常用在宾语从句中表示从句的动作发生在主句动作之后。They said they would go to visit the second factory.他们说他们将要去参观第二个工厂。The teacher told us that there would be a concert the next Tuesday.老师告诉我们下周二将要有场音乐会。b过去将来时也可由“was / were going to + 动词原形”来表示。She said she was going to see her uncle.她说她要去看望她的叔叔。c有些动词的过去进行时也可表示过去将来时。这一用法与某些动词的现在进行时表示一般将来时的用法相同。I didnt have much time to talk with you became I was leaving for Shanghai in two hours.我没有多少时间跟你谈话了,因为再过两个小时我就要动身去上海。注意:“would+动词原形”有时并不表示过去将来时,而表示一种客气的请求。例如:Would you please open the window?请把窗子打开好吗?三、随堂监测A组单项选择:1. Look! There _ some apples in that tree.A. is B. was C. are D. were2Well have to clean the plates before Mother _ home.A. will come B. is coming C. come D. comes3-Will your mother _ you if you _ the English exam?-Of course not. Because I am trying my best.A. be angry with; dont pass B. be angry with; wont passC. be angry to; dont pass D. be angry to; wont pass4Im sorry youve missed the train, it _ 10 minutes ago.A. left B. has left C. had left D. has been left5. I dont think I _ you in that dress before.A. have seen B. was seeing C. saw D. see6. _ you _ to the radio? -No, you can turn it off.A. Did; listen B. Have; listened C. Do; listen D. Are; listening7. -Wheres Mr Lee? I have something unusual to tell him.-You _ find him. He _ Japan.A. may not; has gone to B. may not; has been toC. cant; has gone to D. cant; has been to8. -I wont come to the party unless Sue _, too.-You mean if Sue comes youll come?A. will invite B. invites C. invited D. is invited9. The world _. Things never stay the same.A. changes B. is changing C. was changing D. will change10. -Excuse me, does Mr Smiths son live here?-He _ live here, but he has moved.A. has to B. used to C. tried to D. happened to11. The children planted more threes and flowers after they _ Greener China.A. joined B. took part in C. became D. were12. -Wheres Mr Zhang? -He _ London.A. has been to B. has been C. has gone D. has gone to13. -Do you know if he _ to play basketball with us?-I think he will come if he _ free tomorrow.A. comes; is B. comes; will beC. will come; is D. will come; will be 14. -May I speak to Mabel, please? -Sorry. Shes _ Pairs.A. gone in B. been in C. gone to D. been to15. My pen friend Phillip _ to see me from Australia. He will be here soon.A. comes B. came C. has come D. is coming16. I wont go to the concert because I _ my ticket.A. lost B. dont lose C. have lost D. is coming17. -Do you know Jack well? -Certainly, we _ friends since ten years ago.A. were B. have made C. have become D. have been18. -Where is Jim? -He _ to the shop. Hell back in an hour.A. goes B. go C. has gone D. will go19. -Excuse me, look at the sign NO PHOTOS! -Sorry, I _ it.A. dont see B. didnt see C. havent seen D. wont see20. Jims father said to him, I hope you _ what I _ you to buy.A. didnt forget; told B. not to forget; have toldC. wont forget; have told D. havent forgotten; will tell21. I like my new bike. It _ very well.A. rides B. is riding C. is ridden D. has ridden22. A lot of trees _ along the river last year.A. planted B. are planted C. were planted23. These books _ out of the reading room. You have to read them here.A. must be taken B. cant take C. can take D. mustnt be taken24. - Whose CD player is this? -Its mine. It _ me 800 yuan.A. took B. spent C. paid D. cost25. -May I _ you Chinese-English dictionary? -Sorry, I _ it at home?A. borrow; forgot B. lend; left C. lend; forgot D. borrow; left26. Can you _ a little French?A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell27. The internet _ it easy go get much new information in a short time.A. finds B. makes C. feels D. takes28. -Do you like the music The Moonlight Sonata? -Yes, it _ really beautiful.A. feels B. sounds C. listens D. hears29. Alice, we are going to spend our holiday in Canada,if you _, we can go to China instead.A. hope B. wish C. prefer D. agree30. -Hello! Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight?-Im sorry I cant Mother wont _ me to go out in the evening.A. let B. allow C. offer D. ask31. Its too dark here. Please _ the light.A. turn back B. turn down C. turn on D. turn off32. After finishing your paper, look it over to _ there are no mistakes. A. find out B. try out C. make sure D. think about33. The baby is sleeping. Please _ the radio a little.A. turn down B. turn up C. turn on D. turn off34. -Look! The bus is coming.-But there are too many people. We cant _ it.A. get off B. get down C. get on D. get up35. Dont _ your coat, Tom! Its easy to catch a cold in spring.A. take away B. take off C. take down D. take out36. The trees must _ three times a week.A. water B. is watering C. be watered D. waters四、随堂监测B组II用所给词的适当形式填空:1 They _ (visit) the museum last week.2. Zhang Hong _ (make) many friends since she came to Paris.3. She _ (go)to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow evening.4. John is always busy. He _ (sleep) only six hours very night.5. Stay here; boy; dont go out. It _ (rain) now.6. She often _ (do) her lessons after supper.7. Hurry up! The train _ (leave) in five minutes.8. They _ (arrive) in London on the night of April 30, 1989.9. While we _ (talk) in the room, the light suddenly went out10. They _ (learn) about 200 English words since this term.11. The meeting _ already _ (start) when we got there.12. He _ (work) hard at English every day.13. Put on your coat. The wind _ (blow) hard outside now.14. I _ (not finish) my homework yet.15. He _ (must send) to the hospital at once.16. By the end of last year we _ (plant) 1,500 trees.17. She _ (play) the piano when I went to see her last night.18. Ill tell him about i8t as soon as I _ (see) him.19. She isnt at home, she _ (go) to Shanghai.20. _ you _ (get) up early every morning this year?21. The film _ (be) on for five minutes when I got to the cinema.22. He said that light _ (ravel) much faster than sound.23. How many Chinese words _ Mike _ (learn) since he got to Beijing?24. The earth _ (move) around the sun.25. The teacher said he _ (give) us a talk on history soon.26. All the students _ (plant) trees tomorrow.27. Please _ (not shout) here, the baby is sleeping.28. We were sure that he _ (can work) out the problem.29. The singer said she _ (not sing) twice in one evening.30. We are sure he will come to see us before he _ (leave) Tianjin.31. Look! The Yong Pioneers _ (pant) trees on the hill.32. Mr Wang _ (not give) us a talk last Monday.33. They _ (play) basketball this time yesterday.34. He said that they _ (clean) the classroom the next day. 35. We often _ (have) an English party on Saturday evenings.36. He _ (joint) the army a few years ago.37. Ill tell him the news as soon as he _ (come) back.38. Tom always _ (think) much of others, but little of himself.39. Mr Black, together with his students, _ (visit) the Science Museum now.40. There _ (be) a League meeting the day after tomorrow.41. My brother _ (be) away form home for three years.42. When Black got to the classroom, the first class _ (begin).43. I dont know if he _ (come). If he _ (come), please let me know.44. Tom said, This pair of trousers _ (be) mine!45. The story _ (take) place in 1985.46. -Where is your uncle?-He_ (go) to the bank.47. I usually _ (do) my homework in the evening.48. If it _ (not rain) tomorrow, the League members of class _ (plant) trees around the lake?49. I _ (finish) my homework by half past eight last night.50. -Whats in the lake?-Some boys _ (swim) in the lake.51. The USA _ (attack) Iraq (伊拉克) in March, 2003.52. My brother likes English very much, and he _ (practice) reading every morning.语法练习答案动词(I)五、参考答案A组I1-5C D A A A 6-10D C D B B11-15A D C C D 16-20 C D C B C21-25 C C D D D 26-30 C B B C B31-36C C A C B CB组II1. visited 2. has made 3. is going 4. sleeps5. in raining 6. does 7. is leaving 8. arrived9. were talking 10. have learned 11. had, started 12. works13. is blowing 14. havent finished 158. must be sent16. had planted 17. was playing 18. see 19. ha


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