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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! Unit 1 Making New Friends10 / 10Topic1 Welcome to China!(43)1. adj.好的;令人愉快的_2. n.早晨,上午_3. pron.我_4. v.是 _5. interj. v. 欢迎_6. prep.到,对,向;在之前;(动词不定式符号,无词义)_7. n.中国_8. v. 谢谢,感谢_9. pron.你;您;你们_10. art.这(那)个;这(那)些_11. 美国;美利坚合众国_12. 英国,(大不列颠及北爱尔兰)联合王国_13. interj.喂;你好_14. v.是_15. interj.是,同意;(升调)什么,是吗_16. interj. det. 不,不是;没有,无_17. adv.不;没有_18. interj.哦;啊_19. adj.令人愉快的;友好的_20. v. 结识;遇见_21. adv.也;太;很_22. interj.喂_23. interj. n.感谢,谢谢_24. n.先生_25. v.遇见;看到;明白_26. n.妈妈_27. n.妈妈(BrE)_28. pron. det.这;这个_29. v.是_30. det.我的_31. n.老师,教师_32. adv.怎样;多少;多么_33. v. aux. (构成否定句、疑问句)助动词,无词义;做_34. n.爸爸_35. n.女士,小姐_36. n.女士_37. n.下午_38. interj.再见_39. interj.再见_40. adj.健康的;美好的;晴朗的_41. conj.和_42. adj. interj.(口语)安然无恙;好,行_43. adv.在这里_Lets sing:1. HelloHello, Sarah! do, oh, do. Hello, John! do, oh, do. Hello, Mike! do, oh, do. Hello! Hello! He-llo!2. Happy Teachers Day!Hello Happy Teachers Day!Hello Happy Teachers Day!Hello Hello Miss White!Happy Happy Teachers Day!Topic1.2 Where are you from? (38)44. v原谅_45. pron.我(宾格)_46. pron.什么_47. det.你的;你们的_48. n.名字,名称_49. interj. 请_50. adv.在(到)哪里_51. prep.来自;从_52. n.加拿大_53. n.美国_54. n.日本_55. n.英格兰_56. pron.他/她/它们_57. pron.谁_58. n.古巴_59. pron.他_60. pron.她_61. v.看;看起来_62. n. 电话_63. n.(No.)号码;数字;数量_64. pron.它_65. adv.非常,很_66. adv. det.非常;很;多少;许多;大量_67. 非常,很_68. pron. det.那;那个_69. num.零_70. num. pron. 一(个,只)_71. num.二_72. num.三_73. num.四_74. num.五_75. num.六_76. num.七_77. num.八_78. num.九_79. num.十_80. det. pron.她的;她(宾格)_81. n.家庭;家族_Lets sing:3. Ten little Indian boysOne little, two little, three little Indians,four little, five little, six little Indians,seven little, eight little, nine little Indians, ten little Indian boys.Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians,seven little, six little, five little Indians,four little, three little, two little Indians, one little Indian boy.4. Edelweiss雪绒花Edelweiss, Edelweiss Every morning you greet me Small and white, clean and brightYou look happy to meet meBlossom of snow may you bloom and growBloom and grow foreverEdelweiss, EdelweissBless my homeland forever雪绒花,雪绒花,每日清晨我遇见你又小又白,又干净又晶莹你看上去很高兴看见我含苞待放的雪骨朵,也你会开花生长永远灿烂生长雪绒花,雪绒花,祝愿我的祖国春常在Topic1.3 How old are you? (55)82. num.十二_83. n.年_84. adj.岁的;老的;旧的_85. n.班级;课;同一个班的同学_86. prep. adv. 在里;用;以;穿着,戴着;在家,在里面_87. n.年级_88. num.十一_89. num.十三_90.num.十四_91. num.十五_92. num.十六_93. num.十七_94. num.十八_95. num.十九_96. num.二十_97. n. adj.英语(的);英国的;英国人的_98. n.橡皮;黑板擦_99. n.地图_100. n.钢笔,笔_101. n.铅笔_102. n. 书桌_103. art.一(个;件)_104. v.拼写_105. art.一(个;件)_106. modal v.能;会_107. n.苹果_108. n.玩具_109. interj.呀,哇_110. v.试;试图,努力_111. adv.再一次_112. pron. det.那些_113. n. v.书,本子;预约,预订_114. pron. det.这些_115. v.让_116. v. n.帮助_117. n.尺子_118. n.小汽车,轿车_119. n.蛋_120. n. adj.柑橘;橙子;橘黄色(的)_121. n.公共汽车_122. n.盒,箱_123. adv.现在_124. n.学校_125. 北京国际学校_126. det. pron. 他的_127. adj. pron.相同的,同样的事物_128. conj. 但是,可是_129. n.朋友_130. adj.初级的_131. adj. adv.高的;在/向高处_132. 初中_Review of Unit1133. n.女孩_134. pron.我们_135. n.学生_136. v.讲,说;谈话_Unit 2 Looking DifferentTopic1 I have a small nose. (37)137. v.猜_138.v.有,吃,喝_139. adj.小的_140. n.鼻子_141. v.有(have的三人称单数)_142. adj. 大的 _143. n.眼睛_144. v.知道;认识_145. adj. n.正确的;右边的;右边_146. n.耳朵_147. n.头发_148. n.头_149. n. 脸_150. n. 脖子_151. n.嘴_152. n.嘴(复数)_153. adj.圆形的_154. adj.长的_155. adj.宽的_156. adj. n.最喜爱的,特别喜欢的人/物_157. adj. n.最喜爱的,特别喜欢的人/物(BrE)_158. n. 演员_159. n. adj. 中国的;中国人(的);汉语(的)_160. v.(do的三人称单数)_161. n.胳膊_162. n.手_163. n.腿_164. n.脚;英尺_165. n.脚;英尺(复数)_166. adj.短的;矮的_167. n.男孩_168. v.来;来到_169. 出生于,来自_170. n.姐;妹_171. adj.不同的_172. n.小刀_173. n.小刀(复数)_Lets sing:5. Teddy BearTeddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch your nose.Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around.Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch your head.Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.6. Head shoulders knees and toesHead shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes, knees and toes. Head shoulders knees and toes, eyes, ears, mouth, nose.Topic2.2 What does she look like? (51)174. adj. n.黑色的,黑色_175. adj.金黄色的;浅色的_176. adj. n. 蓝色的,蓝色_177. n. v. 颜色,给着色;涂色_178. n. v.颜色,给着色;涂色(BrE)_179. n. adj.粉色,粉红色的_180. n. adj.红色,红色的_181. n. adj.紫色,紫色的_182. n. adj.棕色;棕色的_183. n. adj.灰色,灰色的_184. n. adj.灰色,灰白色的(BrE)_185. n. adj.黄色,黄色的_186. n. adj.绿色,绿色的_187. n. adj.白色,白色的_188. v.给_189. n.信;字母_190. interj. adj.对不起,抱歉;难过的_191. prep. v. 像;跟一样 喜欢,喜爱_192. adj.高的_193. modal v.会;将_194. prep.(表对象、用途等)给;因为;对于_195. adj.年轻的_196. n.男人_197. n.男人(复数)_198. n.成年女子,妇女_199. n.成年女子,妇女(复数)_200. n.雪人_201. n.雪人(复数)_202. v.想要;需要_203. v.买_204. n.T恤衫_205. n.便帽_206. n.一对;一双_207. prep.(表示所属、数量、其中)的_208. n.鞋_209. n.外套,大衣_210. n.连衣裙_211. n.(pl.)裤子_212. n.(pl.)裤子(BrE)_213. n.(女式)短裙_214. n.(分手指的)手套_215. prep.向;在(几点钟);在(某处)_216. 看着_217. n.照片_218. adj.强壮的_219. adj.幸福的,快乐的;高兴的_220. adj. adv.下一个的;随后_221. 在近旁,近邻_222. n.衬衫(尤指男式)_223. adj.酷;凉爽的_224. pron. adj.另外,其他_Lets sing:7. Who is wearing yellow today?Who is wearing yellow today?Yellow today, yellow today.Who is wearing yellow today?Whos wearing yellow today?Topic2.3 Whose cap is it? (23)225. pron.我的_226. det. pron.谁的_227. adv.那么;那时;然后_228. pron.你的;你们的(名词性)_229. pron.她的(名词性物主代词)_230. pron.我们的(名词性)_231. pron.他/她/它们的_232. n.自行车_233. n.猫_234. det.我们的_235. n.香蕉_236. det.他/她/它们的_237. n.夹克衫,短上衣_238. v.想,认为;思考_239. n.书包_240. n.婴儿;动物幼崽_241. adj.新的 _242. n.同班同学_243. n.(pl.)衣服(复数)_244. pron.我们(宾格)_245. v.找到_246. pron.他(宾格)_247. n.警察_Unit3 Getting TogetherTopic3.1 Does he speak Chinese? (29)248. modal v.可以;能(can的过去式)_249. v.告诉_250. adv. adj.(表示同意)当然;确信的,肯定的_251. n.笔友_252. n.笔友_253. det. pron.一些_254. prep.关于;具有;和,用_255. n.问题_256. adv. interj. adj. 很好地,充分地;好吧;那么;健康的;良好的_257. adv.经常_258. pron.许多_259. 许多_260. prep. adv.关于;大约_261. v.居住;生活_262. v.说,讲_263. v. n.参观;拜访_264. det. pron.许多的;许多(人或物)_265. adv. adj.一点儿,稍许;小的_266. 一点儿_267. conj. adv.因此,所以;如此;这么_268. pron.他/她/它们(宾格)_269. pron.det.各个,每个_270. 互相,彼此_271. pron.所有,全部_272. 一点也不,根本不_273. v.读,朗读_274. n.人;人们_275. det.每一个,每个_276. n.一天,一日;白天_Topic3.2 What does your mother do? (36)277. adv. n. 家;到家;在家_278. n. v.小孩;开玩笑_279. adj.高兴的;愉快的_280. n.母亲_281. n.父亲_282. n.医生_283. n.父(母)亲_284. n.办公室_285. n.工人_286. n.司机_287. n.农民_288. n. v.厨师;烹饪,烹调_289. n.护士_290. v. n. 给看,出示;表明;演出;展览(会)_291. v. n.工作;运转;劳动_292. n.医院_293. n.餐馆_294. prep.在上;关于_295. n.农场_296. v.教_297. v.扮演,表演_298. v.驾驶,开车_299. n.姑母,舅母,伯母,姨母,婶母_300. n.叔,伯,舅,姨父,姑父_301. n.兄,弟_302. n.长沙发_303. n.祖父(母);外祖父(母)_304. n.堂(表)姐妹;堂(表)兄弟_305. n.女儿_306. n.树_307. 家谱_308. n.儿子_309. adj.可爱的;机灵的_310. v. n.玩耍;演奏;戏剧_311. det.它的;他的;她的_312. v. n.爱;喜爱_Lets sing:8. Father and MotherI love my father. I love my mother.They love me. They love me.I love my father. I love my mother.They love me. They love me.9. My father Is a DoctorMy father is a doctor. My mother is teacher.They love me so.My father is a doctor. My mother is teacher.I love them, too.My uncle is a driver. My aunt is farmer.They love me so.My uncle is a driver. My aunt is farmer.I love them, too.Topic3.3 What would you like to drink? (39)313. pron.你自己_314.pron.你们自己_315. modal v.打算,想要;(will的过去式)将会_316. n. v.鱼肉;鱼;钓鱼_317. n.鸡肉;鸡_318. n.大米,稻米_319. v. n.喝,饮料_320. n.果汁_321. n.牛奶_322. n.主意_323. n.水_324. n.蔬菜_325. n.面包_326. n.汉堡包_327. adv.通常地_328. n.早餐_329. n.午餐_330. n.晚餐;正餐_331. n.食物_332. modal v.可以;可能_333. v.拿;乘坐;花费;服用;携带_334. n. v.命令;顺序;点菜;组织_335. n.先生_336. pron.某物/事_337. n.(玻璃)杯_338. v.吃_339. adv.在(到)外面_340. adv.为什么_341.adj.亲爱的,昂贵的_342. adj. n.友好的;种,类_343. v.在;是_Review of Unit3344. adv.在那里,到那里_345. v.去;走 _346. v.得到;到达_347. n.动物园_348. n.星期日_349. v. modal v. 需要_350. n.狗_351. 盼望_Lets sing:10. Mary has a little lambMary has a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.Mary has a little lamb. Its fleece is white as snow.Everywhere that Mary goes, Mary goes, Mary goes.Everywhere that Mary goes,The lamb is sure to go.Unit4 Having FunTopic4.1 What can I do for you? (30)352. n. v.商店;购物_353. n.夫人;女士_354. 试穿_355. num.七十_356. num.三十_357. num.四十_358. num.五十_359. num.六十_360. num.八十_361. num.九十_362. num.百_363. adv.仅仅;只是_364. 认为;想起_365. 考虑_366. pron.任何东西(事物)_367. v.意思是_368. n.千克_369. n.千克_370. n.袋子_371. n.一条(面包)_372. n.(长方形)条,块;酒吧_373. n.一瓶(的量);瓶子_374. n.听,罐_375. v.节省;攒钱;挽救_376. n.巧克力_377. n.可乐_378. 购物_379. det. pron.任何的;任一的;任一,任何一些_380. adj.重的_381. interj.哦,嗯_Topic4.2 Would you like tocook with us? (19)382. adj.空闲的;免费的_383. adv. (尤指异常或不愉快的事)发生;向上_384. 西山_385.n.野餐_386. v. (给)打电话;称呼_387. adv. conj.什么时候,何时;当的时候_388. adv. n.(在)明天_389. v.唱歌_390. n.歌;歌曲_391. 不得不_392. v.飞行;放(风筝、飞机模型等)_393. n.风筝_394. n.时间;次;回_395. n.狗汪汪叫声_396. v.请求;邀请;询问_397. adv.往后;回到(原处);背部;后部_398. n.傍晚,晚上_399. n.路;道路;方式_400. n.家庭作业_Lets sing:11. The coat in the WindowHow much is that coat in the window?The one that is green and yellow.How much is that coat in the window?I do hope mom buys me that coat.Topic4.3 What ime is it now? (21)401. n.熊猫_402. n.猴子_403. n.狮子_404. n.老虎_405. n.象_406. adv.点钟_407. prep. n.(超)过;经过;过去;往事_408. n.一刻钟;四分之一_409. n.半,一半_410. 上午,午前_411. adj.聪明的,聪颖的_412. n.动物_413. n.小时_414. adv.以后;后来_415. adv. n.(在)今天,当今_416. 起床,起来_417. n.肉类,(某种)食用肉_418. n.兔_Review of Units 3-4419. conj.如果;是否_420. n.电子邮件_421. 下午,午后_Lets sing:12. What Would You Like?Dumplings, dumplings, noodles or rice.Hamburgers, hot dogs would be nice.French fries, French fries, bread or pies.Chicken or vegetables would be nice.13. Books and PencilsHow many books do you have, do you have, do you have?How many books do you have, big and small?How many pencils do you have, do you have, do you have?How many pencils do you have, short and long?14. FriendsFriends are big. Friends are small. Friends play sports like basketball. Friends are cute. Friends are tall.We are friends, one and all.15. My BedroomIn my bed room, in my bedroom, near the table and the chair, you can see my little teddy bear sleeping in my little bed.16. My clothesThis is my cap/shirt/skirt/ here that I like to wear.These are my socks/shoes/jeans herethat I like to wear.17. The More We Get TogetherThe more we get together, together, together,the more we get together, the happier well be.For your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends.The more we get together, the happier well be.18. A merry ChristmasWe wish you a merry Christmas.We wish you a merry Christmas.We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!


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