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不定代词专项练习1He cant hear you, because there is noise hereA very much Btoo much Cmuch too Dso many2 name is Han Meimai.A Herself BHers CShe DHer3All of us were invited, but of us cameA neither Bnone Cboth4The weather in Shanghai is different from A Baotou B Baotou weather Cthat in BaotouD those of Baotou5There isnt water in the cup.A any B many C some D the6Is this pen?No, is on my desk.A your; my Byours; my Cyour; mine Dyours; mine 7The bottle is empty. There is in it.A anything Bsomething Cnothing8Look! We have sugar.Really? Lets go and buy some.A few B a few ClittleDa little9There isnt milk in the fridge. Youd better buy some.A no Bany Csome10 “There isnt water here. Could you get for me? ” “All right. ”A some; some Bany; any Csome; any Dany; some 11Today, trees are still being cut down somewhere in the world.A much too Btoo much C many too Dtoo many12There are lots of English books here, and of them is easy to understand.A both Ball C every Deach13Is the shirt on the bed ?A yours Byour Cyou 14Mr Green taught English last year.A our B we Cus 15These sweaters are too small for me. Please show me one.A other Bothers Cthe othersDanother16Mary cant go with us. has to look after mother at home.A She; his BShe; her C He; her DHe; His 17There isnt paper in the box. Will you go and get for me?A any; some B any; any Csome; some Dsome; any 18I often help .A he or she Bhis and her Chim and her D his and hers 19There are some trees on side of the street.A both Ball C either Devery20“ Which of the two dictionaries do you like better?”“I like , becausetheyre not useful. ”A both Beither Call Dneither 21They were all very tired, but of them would stop to take a rest.A any B some C none D neither 22There were people and noise in the park last Sunday.A many; much Bmuch; much Cmuch; many Dmany; many 23 of them has a dictionary and one of them can look up words in thedictionary.A Each; every BEvery; each C Each; each DEvery; every 24Please keep together. We want of you to get lost.A none Bsome Cmany Dany 25There is water here; but there are quite empty glasses.A little; a fewBfew; littleCfew; a few D little; a little26The skirt is . She made it .A hers; herselfBher; herselfCherself; hersDherself; her27“ Havent you forgotten ? ”“ ,oh, I forgot my bag.”A anything; Excuse me Bsomething; Excuse meC something; Pardon Deverything; Pardon 28Be quiet! I have to tell you.A important anythingB anything importantC important somethingDsomething important29My father is very busy with his work. He has time to do the housework.A littleBfew Ca littleDa few30 of the boys in Class Four are playing games.A All B Each CThe both DNone31The boy promised mother never to lie to again.A his; himBher; herC her; him Dhis; her32“ Would you like some milk in your tea?”“ Yes, just . ”A much Ba littleCa few D little33 school is much larger than .A Their; ourBTheir; oursC Theirs; oursD Theirs; our34Put it down, Richard. You mustnt read letter.A anyones elsesB anyones elseCanyone elsesDanyone else35He found very interesting to ride a horse.A this Bthat Cit Dwhich36Han Meimei, what about to eat?A everythingBsomething C nothing Danything37 office is much smaller than .A Ours; yours B Our; yours CTheirs; ourD Your; their38“ Help to some meat, Mary, ”my aunt said to me.A themselves BourselvesC yourselfDhimself39There are twenty teachers in this grade Eight of them are women teachersand are men teachers.Athe otherBthe othersC othersD other40Though they had cleaned the floor, there was still water on it.A littleBa littleCfew Da few不定代词专项练习参考答案1Btoo much 只能修饰不可数名词, much too 修饰形容词或副词, very much 可修 饰动词;many只能修饰可数名词,不能修饰不可数名词。2Dher 作物主代词,意为“她的” ,注意 her 还可作 she 的宾格。3. B.句意:“我们都接到邀请,但我们谁没来。” none是all的反义词,表示“(三者以 上的)没有一个(人或物) 。”4. C. that作为代词。代替主语 weather. A项错误在于Baotou与前面的主语 weather 不相对应,无法比较。代词 that 既可代替不可数名词,也可代替单数可数名词。5. A. any用于疑问句和否定句,some用于肯定句。6. C. your 是形容词性物主代词,只能作定语修饰名词; mine 是名词性物主代词,可 作主语、表语和宾语,但不能作定语。 7 . C.空白处填nothing是与前一句的empty 相呼应、吻合的。8. C.从后一句“去买些糖”可知“糖不多了” 。little的意思是“少”,有否定含义, 只能修饰不可数名词, a little 是“一点”,有肯定含义。 few 和 a few 是修饰或代替 可数名词,前者否定,后者肯定。9. B.肯定句中用some疑问句和否定句中用any。10. D.前一句是否定句,故用any ;后一句是说话者恳请别人做某事,希望对方同意, 并认为对方能同意,故用 some。11. D. too much只能修饰不可数名词,too many只修饰可数名词;A项只修饰形容词或 副词; C 项本身就是错误的。12. D. every 和 each 都作“每一个”讲,但 every 只能作定语; each 既可作定语,还 可作主语、宾语、同位语等成分。 both 和 all 作主语(代替可数名词) ,谓语动词应用复 数。13. A14. C.代词作宾语应用标本宾格,us是we的宾格。15Dother 意为“别的、其它的” ,可修饰单数名词,也可修饰复数名词。 others 表 示“别人”或“别的事物”,是泛指的复数概念。 the other 是特指的“其余的(人或物)”。 another 是泛指的“另一个(人或物) 。” 16 BShe 在句中作主语,故用主格, her 作物主代词。17A18. C.代词作宾语应用宾格。19. C.此处的either可换用each; both后修饰复数名词。20. D.后一个分句说“没有用”,当然是“两个都不喜欢。”21. C前一句说“她们都累了”,后一句说“他们都不愿停下来休息”,故填none.22. A. “人多(many”故然“噪音大(much)”。23Aeach 可作主语, 而 every 不能,故第一空填 each。 every 和 each 都不可作定语, 但every强调全体,而each强调“个体”,故第二空填every。24. A.前一句说“让大 家靠近些”。后一句是说希望大家谁也不要掉队,故用 none。25. A.前一空填little ,表示“水很少”.第二空填a few,修饰可数名词glasses , 注意quite a few 的意思是“好几个” 。26. A.注意第二句中的herself意为“亲自”。27. A.乙方说“ Excuse me”,是表示他正在查点他的东西。28. D.形容词修饰something、anything之类的复合不定代词应后置。29. A. “我的父亲”忙于工作,故几乎没有时间做家务,故用little .30. A.填all,表示“所有的男孩”都在做游戏。 B项的each作主语,are应改为is。 C项本身就是错的,the不能放在both前。因为此句没有表示否定含义(即选 none的条 件”,故不能选之。31. D.句意:“那个男孩向他妈妈许诺再也不对她撒谎了。 ” promise sb. (never) to do sth .向某人许诺(永远不)做某事了。lie to sb .对某人撒谎。32. B. just a little只来一点; just a few 只有几个 .33B34. C此题考查else的所有格形式,else修饰复合不定代词需后置,其所有格形式是 在else后加s,因此在anyone后加s是没有道理的。35. C. it做形式宾语,代替 在句尾作真正宾语的不定式短语 to ride a horse , very interesting 是形容词短语作 宾语补足语。注意此句型结构:“find + it +名词/形容词/分词+ to do sth .” 36. B.用 something 表示邀请。如用 anything 则非邀请, 而是单纯的询问。 37B38Cyourself 与后面的me相对应。39. B,除了八位女教师之外的“余者(the others ”是男教师40. B.地板上还“有点儿(a little )水”。一. 改成正确形式。1. Are there anyone in the room?2. Kate has else nothing.3. He looked at me and didnt say nothing.4. Did you meet somebody on your way home?二. 用不定代词及不定副词填空1. Do you havequestions?2. Maybeput my dictionary,I cant find it3.Im so thirsty.Shall we getto drink?4.1 dont thinkknows her new address.5. Theres in the new cupboard. Its empty now.6. is too difficult if you put your heart into it.7.1 think you can find him in the school.8. can run fast than he. He s the winner.9. Could you telldifferent btween the two pictures?10. Please help yourself tosoup.答案:1. Is there anyone in the room?2. Kate has nothing else.say anything.3. He looked at meand said nothing. He looked at meand didnt4. Did you meet anybody on the way home?二. 用不定代词及不定副词填空1. any 2.someone, somewhere, anywhere 3.somethinganyone5. nothing 6. Nothing 7. nowhere somewhere8. Nobody 9. anything 10. some赞同 18| 评论


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