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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上be动词小结练习be动词的用法口诀: be动词有三兄弟:is,am, are .I(我)用am,you(你)用are,is跟着he(他) she(她) it(它),单数名词用is,复数名词全用are. 解析: I am; You are; He is;She is; It is; We are; You are; They are.1.否定句只需要在be动词后加 not,即:am not, is not= isnt,are not = arent2.一般疑问句只需要将be动词提前至句首.即: Is .? Are .?3.there be 句型中be动词的用法1)在there be 句型中,主语是单数,be 动词用is;主语是复数,be 动词用are; 如有几件物品,be 动词根据最近be 动词的那个名词决定.2)there be 句型的否定句在be 动词后加not,一般疑问句把be 动词调到句首.一、在横线上填上合适的be动词.(am,is,are)专心-专注-专业1、Helen_ a student2、This _my book.3、My father_a cook.4、Jacks friend_in the study.5、Your mother_ swimming.6、Your sister_in the study.7、Those jackets_my sisters.8、That_her dog.9、The cat_on the desk.10、The books_under the table.11、I_ a letter(字母.)12.The man with big eyes _ a teacher.13.Mike and Liu Tao _ at school. 14.You, he and I _ from China.15._ David and Helen from England?16.These _ buses. 二There be句型中be动词的用法练习.1. There _ a girl in the room. 2. There _ some apples on the tree. 3. _ there any kites in the classroom? 4. _ there any apple juice in the bottle? 5. There _ some bread on the plate. 6.There _ a boy, two girls, three men and ten women in the park. 7._ there an apple on the table? Yes, there _.8.There_many books in the study. 9.There_some ice cream in the fridge.10.There_a pear and some cakes on the table. 三在下面的短文中填上恰当be动词. I _ a girl. My name _ Mary. I _ in Class 2, Grade 7. I _ 12 years old. Here _ my family photo. Look! These _ my parents and those _ my grandparents. This boy _ my brother. He _ 15 years old now. That _ my cat, Mimi. It _ very lovely.4 句型转换.1. Bob is on the football team.否定句: 一般疑问句: 回答:2. They are in the teachers office.否定句: 一般疑问句: 回答:3. It is sunny today.否定句: 一般疑问句: 回答:4. That is an English book.否定句: 一般疑问句: 回答:5. This is her red pen.否定句: 一般疑问句: 回答:6. Those are my sisters.否定句: 一般疑问句: 回答:7. There are four bottles of milk on the table.否定句: 一般疑问句: 回答:+人称代词和物主代词+一、人称代词表示“我”、“你”、“他”、“她”、“它”、“我们”、“你们”、“他们”的词,叫做人称代词. 人称代词主格和宾格的区别:主格通常位于句中第一个动词之前,宾格一般位于动词或介词之后.2、 物主代词表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词,也可叫做代词所有格.物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词二种.物主代词形容词性与名词性的区别:形容词性用时后面一般要带上名词,名词性则单独使用,后面不带名词. 人称代词物主代词反身代词人 称主格宾格形容性名词性单数第一人称我Imemyminemyself第二人称你youyouyouryoursyourself第三人称他hehimhishishimself她sheherherhersherself它itititsitsitself复数第一人称我们weusouroursourselves第二人称你们youyouyouryoursyourselves第三人称他/她/它们theythemtheirtheirsthemselves I like you. You see him. They hit us. You teach them.主格 宾格 主格 宾格 主格 宾格 主格 宾格1、 翻译1.These are _ (他们的) flowers. 2 Is this (你的)photo? 3 (它的)eyes are blue.4 (我们的)Classroom is big and bright 5. The eraser is for _(她).6 .Is this (她的)bag? 7 .I dont like (他们). 8. (他们)are lazy pupils. 9. 9. (他们的)shoes are old. 10. This is (我的)potato. 11. 11.That is (你的)tomato.12. (她)is my mother. 13. He will catch up with (我们).二用am, is, are 填空1. I _ a boy. _ you a boy? No, I _ not. 2. The girl_ Jacks sister. 3. The dog _ tall and fat. 4. The man with big eyes _ a teacher. 5. _ your brother in the classroom? 6. Where _ your mother? She_at home. 7. How _ your father? 8. Mike and Liu Tao _ at school. 9. Whose dress _ this? 10. Whose socks _ they?三单项选择.1. This is a girl._ name is Lily.A. His B. She C. Her D. Its2. This is Wang Fang._ is twelve.A. His B. She C. Her D. Its3. I _ a girl._ name is Wang Hong.A. am; My B. is; Her C. am; Your D. is; His4.Li Lei _ a boy._ is in class 5.A. am; He B. is; She C. are; His D. is; He5. This is a bird. I dont know _name.A. its B. its C. it D. its6. -Whats this? Its _pencil.A. my a B. a my C. my the D. my7. I think _ Mrs. Wang.A. hes B. His C. shes D. its8-Whats that? -_ is a cat.A. It B. He C. She D. You9. Its seven oclock in the morning. Lets . A. go to bed B. go to school C. to go to home D. going to school10.Thosegirlsenjoyed_inthepartylastnight.A.them B.they C.themselves D.herself11.Help_tosomefish,children.A.yourself B.your C.yours D.yourselves12.Thefilm_isveryfun.A.its B.itself D.its13.Whoteaches_math? Iteach_.A.your,myself,myself,me,herself四填空 I Love My Family_(我) have a happy family. There are four people in my family. _ (他们)are my father, my mother, my brother and _(我). My father is a doctor. _(他) is very tall. He likes reading books. My mother is a teacher. _(她) likes watching TV. My brother and I are students. _(我们)study in the same school. My brother is strong. He likes playing football. They love _(我),and I love_(他们), too. I love my family. Do you love _(它)?


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