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初中英语物主代词强化练习(附答案)学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、单项选择1. Miss Green isEnglish teacher.teachesEnglish.A.us; She; myB. our; She; ourC. ours; Her; usD.our; She; us2. bags are red.are blue.A.We; TheyB. Our; TheirsC. Our; TheirD.We; Their3. Mr. Li isntEnglish teacher. He teachesChinese.A.I; meB. my; meC. me; myD.my; mine4. Ifsown business. Please do it by yourself.A.youB. yourC. yoursD.his5 一The Trumpet of the Swan is a lovely book.is this one on the desk?Its. Would you like to have a look?A. Who; mineB. Whose; mineC. Whose; meD. Who; me6. I share my living rooma friend of.A. to, meB. with, mineC. with, meD. from, mine7. Jia Ling is a popular actress. We all likenew movie Hi, Mom.A. ourB. herC. his8. Amy, Im sorry I mistook your book forand took it home.Never mind. Bring it to school tomorrow.A. meB. myC. mine9. My brother doesnt finish his homework sometimes, butis always finished ontime.A. IB. myC. mineD. me10. I don9t likeshoes. I like, because theyre nice.A.mine;yours B. my;yoursC.mine;your D.my; your11. His new house has two yards, soprice is a bit high.A.hisB. itsC.itD.their12. This is not Franks shirt.is blue.A. ItsB. HimC. HeD. His13. My mom bought this bike for Lucy and me. It is参考答案1.D30.B59.C88.B2. B31.A60.A89.A3. B32.C61.B90.A4. B33.C62.C91.B5. B34.C63.B92.A6. B35.D64.C93.D7. B36.C65.A94.C8. C37.D66.D95.B9. C38.C67.D96.C10. B39.D68.B97.A11. B40.C69.D98.A12. D41.C70.D99.C13. C42.C71.D100.A14. C43.D72.D15. C44.B73.B16. D45.C74.C17. C46.D75.B18. A47.B76.D19. B48.A77.C20. A49.D78.A21. D50.B79.C22. B51.C80.C23. D52.B81.A24. D53.A82.B25. D54.B83.A26. D55.B84.B27. A56.D85.D28. D57.B86.B29. C58.D87.BA.hersB. mineC oursD.yours14.Lisa was on the sofa just now. Maybe the silk scarf isA.sheB. herC.hersD.herself15.Helen, is thisdictionary?No. Look! Here is Lindas name. If sA. your, herB, yours, hersC.your, hersD.yours, her16. 一Is this your book?No, it isnt.It is Marks.A.myB. IC.meD.mine17.This isbrother, andname is Mike.A.I, hesB. my, herC.my, his18.A set of keyson the table. IfsA.is, hersB. are, hersC. is, yourD.are, theirs19.Hi, Tom. Is that your schoolbag?一Yes, it is. And the ruler near the bag is,too.A. hisB. mineC.hersD.yours20. Excuse me, is thisiPad mini?No, it isnt.is at home.A.your; MineB. your; MyC.yours; MyD.yours; Mine21.Can you spellname?A.youB. heC.meD.your22.name is Li Ming.A.myB. MyC.MYD.23.bike is this?Its not.I think itsA. Whos ; mine; hersB.Whose ; my ;herC. Whos ; my ; herD.Whose ; mine ; hers24. 一Whose cat is that?Itscat.A. hersB. heC.youD.her25 一Hi, Amma. Are these your brothers pens?Oh, no. Theyre notA. mineB, yoursC. hersD. his26. 一Alice lost her ruler. Is this?一No, it isA. her; myB. hers; myC. her; mineD. hers; mine27. Ismother a teacher?一 Yes.is a middle school teacher.A. your; SheB. yours; SheC your; HerD. yours; Her28. Is this ruler?No, it isnt.is yellow. Its.A. your, My, herB. your, Mine, herC your, My, hersD. your, Mine, hers29. 一Is thisbook?一No, it is not. My book is on the desk.A. you; mineB. your; myC.your; mine30. The man over there isEnglish teacher. And he teachesEnglish.A.we; usB. our; usC. us; our31.This isfriend Eric.last name is Miller.A.my; HisB. I; HisC. my; HeD. his, my32.My little cousin has a pet dog._ name is Huanghuang.A.ItB. IfsC. Its33.一Is this your ruler, Anna?No, its not.is on the desk.A.YoursB. HersC. Mine34.Like many other cooks, Jack dreams about havingown restaurant.A.theyB. heC. hisD. him35.一Are Lily and Lucy?Yes. This isfriend, Linda.A.they, theyB, their, theirC , their, theyD. they, their36.一I wonder if this smart phone is Maryls.Itbelong to her.is totally different from this one.A.mustnt; HerB. cant; HerC. cant; HersD. may; Hers37. Our first English class started with introducingSo did.A. your; herB. yours; hersC.yours; her39. 一May I usedictionary?Sorry,is at home. You can ask Mary.A. you; myB. your; myC. you; mineD. your; mine38. 一Is this notebook?No, itsnotebook.40. Jane, is this your umbrella?No, its not.I didnt take one this morning.A.meB. myC. mineD. I41.My brother likes painting. Its one ofhobbies.A.myB. herC. hisD.your42.I want to call my mother. But I cant find my mobile phone.一Dont worry. My sisters phone is here. You can useA.myB. mineC hersD.her43.The lovely girl is from Shanghai.name is Joan.A.ItsB. HisC.SheD.Her44.skirt is this?I think itsA.Who; hersB. Whose; hersC.Whose; herD.Which; her45.Each different part of China hasownspecial forms of traditional art.A.hisB. herC.itsD.your46.A. IB. myC.meD.mineLilys book is much nicer than47. 一What do you think of the mobile phone (手机)?Its useful. It makeslives easier.A. usB. ourC. ours48. Hi, Xiao Ming! I havent seen you for a long time.Yeah! Its you, Lin Tao. Tosurprise, we can see each other here.A.myB. herC. hisD.our49.A.him and hersB, his and herC. him and herD.his and hersSome of the books belong to me, while the rest are.50. 680 tourists from Chinese mainland startedsightseeing in Taiwan on July 4,2012.A. theyB.theirC. themD. theirs51. This isclassroom, but where is ours?A.theyB.themC. theirD. theirs52. 一Where is your dictionary, Gina? 一Lisa borrowed (借)it from. Can I use9A.mine; yourB. me; yoursC. I; yoursD. mine; your53.This is my grandmother.name is Wang Lili.A.HerB. ShesC.She54.Kate is my friend.last name is Green andis in No.7 MiddleSchool.A. Her; herB. Her; sheC. She; sheD.She; her55. What color ispen?pen is blue.A. you; IB. your; MyC. you; MyD.your; I56. Lisa is a friend of.We have known each other for ten years.A. IB. meC. myD.mine57. Who isfavorite teacher?Its Miss Wang.A. sheB. herC. me58. I haveorange dog.name is Bob.A. an; ItsB. a; ItsC. a; IfsD.an; Itsfirst59. Eighteen Ladder in Chongqing opened on Sept. 30th and welcomedvisitors.A. itB. themC. itsD, their60. Is this Jane9s ID card ?Yes. IfsA.hersB. mineC.her61.My sister is Jenny Smith.first name is Jenny.A.HisB. HerC.My62. 一Lucy, is this your Chinese book?No, Helens name is on it. It must beA. sheB. herC. hers63 一Is this your uncles sweater?一No.is on the chair behind the desk.A. heB. his64. This is my new classmate andA. myB. her65. 一 Is thispen, Bob?No, its not.A. your, mineB. your, my66. Is that red pencil box Bobs?一No, it isnt. ItsA. hers; hisB.her; his67. 一What color is cup?cup is red.A. you; IB.your; IC. hesD. hername is Michael.C. hisD. itsC. you, mineD. you, myC. his; herD. his; hersC. you; MyD. your; MyEnglish name is Alice.68. Li Mei is my friend.is 11 andA.Her; herB. She; herC. She; sheD. Her; sheI think they are.B. Whos; Mikes and BensD. Whose; M汰es and Bens69. model ships are these?A. Whose; Mike and BensC. Whos; Mike and Bens70. ruler is yellow.is white.A. My; YourB. His; HerC. Hers; Mine D. Your; His71. 一 Where ishandbag?一 The yellow one on the chair is.A.hers; hersB. her; herC.hers; herD. her; hers72. Miss Jiang isMaths teacher. She teachesvery well.A.we; usB. our; weC.we; ourD. our; us73. This is my little brother.name is Bob, we all like.A. He, himB. His, himC. His, heD. He, his74. Isyour uncle? And whafsname?A.she, hisB. he, herC. he, hisD.she, her75.Tom, is this.eraser? No, its not mine. It isA.your; herB. your; hersC. yours; herD.you; hers76.Look! This isschoolbag.A.red myB. red heC hers redD.his red77.一Susan, is this your sisters cup? No, it isnt.is purple.A.MineB. HerC HersD.Yours78.Our Chinese teacher Mr. Zhang often helpswithChinese.A.us, ourB. our, usC. ours, our79.Does your cousin always go to a restaurant withfather?A.heB. sheC. herD. hers80.I have two brothers.room is not clean.A.HisB. TheyC. Their81.Is thiskey?No, its Lilys.key is over there.A.your; MyB. yours; MyC you ; YourD. your; Mine82.The boy with glasses isnew classmate, and lets say hello toA.our; heB. our; himC. us; heD.us; him83.Hi, Tom, is this your dictionary?A. HimB. HerC.D.HisYes, it is. ItsA. mineB. hersC. his84. This iscat.nameis Mimi.A. my, ItsB. my, ItsC. I, ItD. me, Ifs85 一What color is your brothers coat?coat is blue.86. Tom, are these books一No, they are.Mine are on that shelf.A.mine; JennyB.yours;JennysC.mine; JennysD.yours;Jenny87.Tina, is this your dictionary? No,is at home.A.myB. mineC yourD.yours88.Jim, my room is clean and tidy. What about yours?is tidy, too.89. This isbook.is there.A.her; MineB. my; HerC.his; MyD.my; Your90.My books are on the desk, butarent.A.hisB. hesC.heD.they91.一Is this Lindas English book?一No. The one on the desk isA. mineB. hersC.hisD.yours92.Is this bike,Lucy?No, it isnt.is white.A. yours; MineB. yours; MyC. your; MineD.Your; My93. 一 Who is that young woman?She isteacher. She teachesEnglish.A. us; usB. us; ourC our; ourD.our; us94. 一Is this your Chinese notebook, Mary?No. Look! Here is Mikes name. ItsA. heB. hersC.his95. Is this penNo, its notpen, but I think itsA.your; my; ElsasB. yours; my; ElsasC.your; mine; ElsaD. your; mine; Elsas96.I like sports very much and basketball isfavorite game.A.B. meC. myD.mine97.As the young man was trying to findway out, he heard some noise above.Then he knew he was safe.A. his; himB. his; hisC. him; hisD. him; him98.shoes are those?They areA. Whose; hisB. Whos; hersC. Whose; herlast name.99. Thats Lucy Green. Green isA. yourB. myC. herD. his100. Liu Ying is asas me but her hair is longer thanA. tall; mineB, tallerer; meC. tall; meD. taller; mine


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