北京市昌平一中高中英语 Unit 8 Adventure Grammar课件 北师大版必修3

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北京市昌平一中高中英语 Unit 8 Adventure Grammar课件 北师大版必修3_第1页
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By the end of this period, you will be able to: discover the differences between defining and non-defining relative clauses as well as their rules. write a short passage, using defining and non-defining relative clauses. Read the text and find out as many relative clauses as you can.1) , who wanted to do trade with the Chinese. (Line 2)2) which he described as“The greatest palace that ever was” (Line 13)3) which were not available in Europe at that time . (Line16)4) who enjoyed listening to his stories about China. (Line 27)5) which became one of the best selling books in Europe.(Line 30)6) to which he replied, “I have only told half of what I saw!” (Line 35) Find out the word(s) that the clause refers to in each sentence.1) he travelled across Europe and Asia with his father, who wanted to do trade with the Chinese. (Line 2)2) He was impressed by Beijing and the emperors palace, especially the Summer Palace which he described as“The greatest palace that ever was” (Line 13)3) There were inventions and developments in China which were not available in Europe at that time . (Line16)4) Marco was lucky enough to meet another prisoner who enjoyed listening to his stories about China. (Line 27)5) The prisoner then wrote a book called The Description of the World which became one of the best selling books in Europe.(Line 30)6) “Was it all true?”, to which he replied, “I have only told half of what I saw!” (Line 35)his fatherthe Summer Palaceinventions and developmentsanother prisonerThe Descriptionof the World“Was it all true?”, Observe the two groups of sentences carefully. Can you find the difference between them ? 2) 3) 4) 1) 5) 6) There is a comma before the clause. No comma before the clause.SUMMARY-1外在表现形式不同外在表现形式不同In forms Differences between defining and non-defining relative clauses:对比对比2. Professor Wang has a son, who works inBeijing. 1. Professor Wang has a son who works in Beijing.王教授有一个儿子,在北京工作。王教授有一个儿子,在北京工作。 王教授有个在北京工作的儿子。王教授有个在北京工作的儿子。第一组A.The old man has a son, who is in the army.B.The old man has a son who is in the army.第二组A.My younger brother who is 18 years old is a college student.B.My younger brother, who is 18 years old, is a college student.第一组A.The old man has a son, who is in the army.B.The old man has a son who is in the army.第一组:第一组:A中的从句是非限制性定语从句,是对先行词的中的从句是非限制性定语从句,是对先行词的补充说明。整个句子的意思是:这位老人有一补充说明。整个句子的意思是:这位老人有一个儿子,在部队工作。(隐含的意义:只有一个儿子,在部队工作。(隐含的意义:只有一个儿子)个儿子)B中的从句是限制性定语从句,作用是对先行词中的从句是限制性定语从句,作用是对先行词son进行限定、修饰。整个句子的意思是:这位进行限定、修饰。整个句子的意思是:这位老人有个在部队工作的儿子。(隐含的意思:老人有个在部队工作的儿子。(隐含的意思:也许还有其他的儿子,在干别的工作)也许还有其他的儿子,在干别的工作)第二组A.My younger brother who is 18 years old is a college student.B.My younger brother, who is 18 years old, is a college student.第二组:第二组:虽然两句的表达顺序完全相同,但是由于停顿和语调的变虽然两句的表达顺序完全相同,但是由于停顿和语调的变化,造成的定语从句与主句关系的紧密程度发生变化。化,造成的定语从句与主句关系的紧密程度发生变化。A句可以翻译成:我句可以翻译成:我18岁的那个弟弟是大学生。从句是限岁的那个弟弟是大学生。从句是限制性定语从句,是限定性定语从句限定了先行词的意义,制性定语从句,是限定性定语从句限定了先行词的意义,明确是明确是18岁的那个弟弟(而不是其他的,即有可能还有岁的那个弟弟(而不是其他的,即有可能还有几个弟弟)。几个弟弟)。B可以翻译成:我弟弟是大学生,今年可以翻译成:我弟弟是大学生,今年18岁。岁。 1.I have a sister who works in a hospital. 我有一位在医院工作的姐姐。(不只一位姐姐)我有一位在医院工作的姐姐。(不只一位姐姐)2. I have a sister , who works in a hospital.我有一位姐姐,她在医院工作。(只有一位姐姐)我有一位姐姐,她在医院工作。(只有一位姐姐)3. He has a brother, who lives in Beijing他有一个哥哥他有一个哥哥,住在北京住在北京. (只有一位哥哥)(只有一位哥哥)More examples:4. He has a brother who lives in Beijing.他有一个住在北京的哥哥他有一个住在北京的哥哥(不只一位哥哥)(不只一位哥哥) Which of the clauses give: information to identify the persons/objects? extra information about a person or a thing, which can be left out? 1) , who wanted to do trade with the Chinese. (Line 2)2) which he described as “The greatest palace that ever was” (Line 13)3) which were not available in Europe at that time . (Line16)4) who enjoyed listening to his stories about China. (Line 27)5) which became one of the best selling books in Europe.(Line 30)6) to which he replied, “I have only told half of what I saw!” (Line 35限制性定语从句限制性定语从句: 是先行词在意义上是先行词在意义上不可缺不可缺少少的定语的定语,如果去掉如果去掉,主句的意思就不完整主句的意思就不完整. 而非限制性定语从句而非限制性定语从句: 对先行词进行补充说对先行词进行补充说明明,关系不是十分紧密关系不是十分紧密,省去对主句没有多大影响省去对主句没有多大影响.Non-restrictive attributive clause:A clause that adds extra information to the man clause of a sentence.SUMMARY-2在句中作用不同在句中作用不同 PRACTICEPair work: Please finish Ex.6 on Page27 with your partner.There hasnt been any news about him since he left home, which upsets me.自从他离开家后就没有他的任何消息,自从他离开家后就没有他的任何消息,这使我很不安。这使我很不安。在这里,在这里,which 引导的从句,代表前面的引导的从句,代表前面的整个主句。此时,不能放在主句之前整个主句。此时,不能放在主句之前观察观察运用非限制性定语从句的情况运用非限制性定语从句的情况当关系词指代整个主句内容时当关系词指代整个主句内容时The boy was away from home for a week, which worried his parents very much.小男孩离家一个星期了,这使他的父母小男孩离家一个星期了,这使他的父母很担心很担心 The book is very touching, as most readers say.正如大多数读者所说的,正如大多数读者所说的, 这本书很感人。这本书很感人。Taiwan belongs to China,as everybody knows.As is known to us, Taiwan belongs to China.众所周知,台湾属于中国。众所周知,台湾属于中国。在这里,在这里,as 引导的定语从句,代表整个主引导的定语从句,代表整个主句,可以放在主句之前或之后,句,可以放在主句之前或之后,as 在从句在从句中作宾语或主语。中作宾语或主语。as 引导非限制性定语从句时与引导非限制性定语从句时与which的区别的区别 当主句和从句语义一致时,用当主句和从句语义一致时,用as;反之,用反之,用which来引导非限制性定语从句。来引导非限制性定语从句。e.g. He made a long speech, as we expected.He made a long speech, which was unexpected. 当非限制定语从句为否定时,常用当非限制定语从句为否定时,常用which引导。引导。e.g. Tom drinks a lot every day, which his wife doesnt like at all.Jinan, which is a nice city, attracts many visitors every day.济南是美丽的城市,每天吸引了很多的游客。济南是美丽的城市,每天吸引了很多的游客。John Smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year. 约翰约翰史密斯去年退休了,他曾是我的老师。史密斯去年退休了,他曾是我的老师。当先行词指的是世界上独一无二的事当先行词指的是世界上独一无二的事物或专有名词时。物或专有名词时。小结小结限制性定语从句限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句意义上意义上功能上功能上结构上结构上1. 从句与主句的关系相对从句与主句的关系相对松散,从句用于补充主句松散,从句用于补充主句的内容和信息,的内容和信息,2. 去掉从句不影响句意的去掉从句不影响句意的完整。完整。修饰先行词或整个句子修饰先行词或整个句子1.1.主句,从句之间多用逗主句,从句之间多用逗号隔开号隔开2. 2. 关系词不可以省略关系词不可以省略3.3.不能用不能用thatthat引导引导4.4.翻译时先译主句再译从翻译时先译主句再译从句句修饰先行词修饰先行词1.1.没有停顿,主句与从句没有停顿,主句与从句之间不用逗号之间不用逗号 2.2.关系词若作从句的宾语,关系词若作从句的宾语,可省略可省略. .3.3.可用可用that that 引导引导4.4.翻译时先翻译从句在翻翻译时先翻译从句在翻译主句译主句1. 从句与主句关系紧从句与主句关系紧凑,从句对先行词起凑,从句对先行词起修饰限定作用修饰限定作用2. 缺少从句会影响句缺少从句会影响句意的完整。意的完整。 PRACTICEPair work: Please finish Ex.7 on Page27 with your partner. PRACTICEPair work: Please complete the following four sentences with your partner. Try to use non-defining clauses. LANGUAGE IN USE Have you ever taken an adventure? If so, write a short passage about it. If youve never taken any adventure, please write about one that you have read or heard about. Dont forget to use relative clauses in your passage.用定语从句挑战高考原题(浙江(浙江2005)Jim passed the driving test, _ surprised everybody in the office. A. which B. that C. this D. it(浙江(浙江2005)_ I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting. A. When B. After C. As D. Since(浙江(浙江2006)I was given three books on cooking, the first _ I really enjoyed.A. of that B. of which C. that D. whichACB(浙江(浙江2007)Chans restaurant on Baker Street, _ used to be poorly run, is now a successful business. A. that B. which C. who D. where(浙江(浙江2008)Yesterday she sold her car, _ she bought a month ago. A. when B. where C. that D. which(浙江(浙江2009)The young man weve just talked to is a traveler _ parents visited us last year. A. that B. whose C. whom D. whichBBD


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