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20142015学年度第一学期四年级英语期中测试班级:_姓名:_ 分数:_ 听力部分一、听录音选出你所听到的单词。(10分)( )1. A. wall B. what C. water( )2. A. boy B. toy C. key( )3. A. light B. right C. like( )4. A. father B. friend C. friendly( )5. A. floor B. door C. look二、听录音,给图片标上正确的序号。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选出正确的答语。(10分)( )1. A. Its in my schoolbag . B. Its heavy . C. Its blue .( )2. A. An English book . B. Its on the teachers desk . C. Oh , sorry .( )3. A. Its Zhang Peng . B. Its under the schoolbag . C. Its brown .( )4. A. He is seven . B. He is my new teacher . C. He is strong .( )5. A. She is tall . B. She has black hair . C. Her name is Linda .笔试部分四、判断下列单词发音是否一致,是(T)否(F)(5分)( )1. A. name B. make ( )2. A. lot B. note( )3. A. hope B. rose ( )4. A. lost B. nose( )5. A. dog B. box五、找出每组单词中不同类的一项,将其代号写在括号里。(5分)( )1、 A、 window B、 board C、 black( ) 2、A、 bag B、 pencil C、 we( ) 3、A、 colour B、 Chinese book C、 math book( )4、A、 thin B、 strong C、 long hair( )5、A、 computer B、 big C、 small六、单项选择。(10分)( )1、I have English book. A 、a B 、an C 、two( )2、How many do you have?A、 pencils B 、pencil C 、pen( )3、I have a sister.name is Lili.A 、His B、 She C、 Her ( )4、is my schoolbag?A、 What B、 Where C 、How( )5、is she?She is Amy.A、 What B 、where C、 Who( )6、colour is it? A、 What B、 Where C、 Who( )7、isin the classroom?One blackboard , many desks and .A、 How many B、 What C、 What about( )8、Letclean the window. A 、I B、 me C、 we( )9、What is name?His name is Zhang Peng.A、 her B、 his C、 hew W X k b 1.c O m( )10、Is he Wu Yifan? A、 Yes, youre right. B、Yes, he isnt. C、No, he is.七、把下列单词分类。(10分)A.window B. strongC. quiet D. Chinese book E. ruler F. pencilG. doorH. light I.friendly J. English book人物特征:教室设施:学习用品:书 籍:八、从B 栏中找出A栏相对应的答语。(10分) A B()1、How many pencils do you have? A、 His name is Mike.( )2、Where is the picture? B、 It is yellow.( )3、What colour is this bag? C、 She is my sister.( )4、What is his name? D、 I have thirteen pencils.()5、Who is she? E、 It is near the window.九、情景反应(10分)( ) 1. 你想让同学帮你开下门,你可以说: A. Open the door, please. B. Turn on the door, please.( )2. 当你想对父母说自己的朋友很文静,你说:A. My friend is quiet. B. My friend is strong.( ) 3. 当你看到了一个女孩的照片,想知道她是谁,你可以怎么问:A. Whats your name ? B. Whats her name ?C.Whats his name ?( ) 4. 你想知道别人书包里装了些什么东西,你该怎么问:_ A、Whats in your pencil-case ? B、Whats in your schoolbag ? C、 My schoolbag is heavy . ( )5 . 你想知道你班新来男同学的姓名,你问其他同学说: A. Where is my stroybook ? B. Whats his name?十、连词成句。(10分)1. tall is he strong and 2. long has My hair friend 3. is name her what 4. window the lets clean 5. is what your in schoolbag 十一、阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断句子的正和误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(10分)My name is Mary . Im tall and thin . I have a good friend . Her name is Chen Xiao . We have a new classroom . The door is yellow . The windows are green . I have a new schoolbag . Its black and white . Chen Xiao has a new schoolbag , too . Its yellow and purple . ( ) 1. Is Mary tall ?A . Yes , she is . B. No , she isnt . C. Yes , she isnt .( ) 2. Whats Marys friends name ?A. Mary . B. Chen Xiao . C. Tom .( ) 3. Does Chen Xiao has a new schoolbag ?A. Yes , she does . B. No , she doesnt . C. Sorry , I dont know . ( ) 4. What colour is the door ?A. Its yellow . B. Its green . C. Its red .( ) 5. What colour is Marys schoolbag ?A. Its black and white . B . Its yellow and purple . C. Its white and purple .同学们一定要仔细检查!试题分析本试卷共十一道大题,听力三大题,笔试八大题,全部是对学生基础知识的考察,完全符合大纲要求。考情分析除少数几个学生没考出水平之外,大部分发挥正常。四(1)班共40人,平均分82.6,优秀率40%,不及格1人。四(2)班共42人,平均分83.4,优秀率57.1%,不及格3人。此次成绩给人的整体感觉是腰细,尾巴大。今后需要向中看齐,并做好补差工作。卷面分析听力听力材料是我口读,学生应该比较适应,失分最多的是三题。根据分析,存在如下问题:1、听音排序中,学生对句型的听力缺乏耐心,一句话听不完就急着标号,还有25%的学生,四会句型没有掌握,听不懂。2.学生对听问句找答语做的不太好笔试1、找不同类的单词。此类型题学生接触太少,且有25%的学生四会单词没有熟练掌握。2、四会句型掌握不够好,不能在实际情景中灵活运用。3、阅读短文。其实很简单,就是许多同学不认真读题。补救措施1、继续加大听力训练力度,特别是字母的听写。2、四会单词力求人人过关,注重学习方法的指导,特别是注重学生读书习惯的培养,读不离看,看不离思。3、注重向中看齐即对中等生的培养,中等生有很的培养潜力,稍稍用力就会成为优等生。4、多数差生成绩差的原因是因为缺乏兴趣,应想办法增强其学习兴趣,调动其积极性,重要的完善课堂评价体系。5、注重阅读训练,利用课堂和课外活动时间,训练学生阅读能力。此次考试可以看出补差工作非常艰巨,但如果有足够的细心和耐心,一定会取得好的效果。


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