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Task【学习目标】1. 学习在写作中陈述事实性信息。2. 学会通过列要点来构思文章。3. 尝试写一篇有关自然灾害的文章。4. 掌握下列词汇:nearly, clear, behind;词组:sharewith keep falling nearly fall over clear the snow come from behind句型:I was doing my homework in the classroom when Mr. Wu came in and told us to go home early. My parents could not get home that night because of the heavy snow When we arrived at the bus stop, we saw many people waiting there.【课前预习】1. 听录音,读、画、背本课重点词组和句子。2. 预习P102P103,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。1) share an umbrella with sb. 2) the noise of traffic 3) 慢慢地走 4) 继续下(雪) 5) 铲除雪 6) 跃倒 7) snowstorm warning 8) forget to bring keys 9) 暴风雪袭击北京 10) 卷起裤子 家长签字:_日 期:_【自主学习】1. 通读课文,找出每段段落大意,了解文章结构。2. 找出自己理解的难点以备讨论。3. 完成P103,B部分。【质疑拓展】1. 对Sandy所经历的暴风雪的信息进行提问。 如:When did the snowstorm hit Beijing?Whom did Sandy share an umbrella with?Where did Sandy live in for the whole night?How did Sandy feel the snowstorm? 2. 快速阅读B部分,并用A部分的信息完成B部分的填空。3. 文章写作结构分析。Para. _ _ Introduce Para. _ _ During the snowstormPara. _ _ After the snowstorm 4. Sample writingThere was a flood on Saturday, 14 August. The flood happened in the morning after two days of heavy rain.Mum woke me up around 6:30 a.m. She told me to get up quickly. I saw the floor was covered with water and Dad was collecting things. We put on our raincoats and got out of the house. It was still raining heavily and we had to take a boat to get to the main road.Suddenly, a strong wind came and the boat started to shake. Mum lost her handbag and I nearly fell into the water. When we got to the main road, we could see buses and cars moving slowing. Finally, we took a taxi and went to my uncles home.My uncle lives in a tall building. We stayed in his flat that night. The next morning, the rain stopped and we went home. The house was very dirty after the flood. We worked hard to clean it.5.以小组形式提出疑问,小组讨论,组间交流答疑。Questions: _【演练展示】 1. 以小组为单位,用P102 Useful expressions造句。 【当堂检测】(10分)1. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1) We lost our umbrella and I _ (near) fell over.2) Can you hear a girl _ _ (sing) the song in the next room?3) Im really sorry _ _ (tell) you the truth.4) _ _they _ _ (have) a meeting at this time yesterday?5) The old computer _ _ (break) down easily, so I had to restart it again and again.2. 单项选择。( ) 1. What did the teacher say just now? Sorry, I didnt hear it. I _ _out of the window. A. look B. looked C. am looking D. was looking( ) 2. What _ _ you _ _at ten oclock his morning? I _ in class. A. were; doing; was studying B. did; do; am studyingC. are; doing; am studying D. were; do; am going to study( ) 3. Excuse me, what _ to Louis just now? Sorry, I dont know. A. to happen B. happens C. is happening D. happened( ) 4. The stone are on the ground. Please _ _. A. move them away B. move it awayC. move away them D. move away it( ) 5. When I went past, Anna _ piano. A. is playing B. was playing the C. is playing the D. was playing( ) 6. Sam was reading a newspaper _ _ his brother fell onto the ground. A. while B. as soon as C. when D. whether( ) 7. You must drive slowly today. Its dangerous to drive too fast _ _a foggy day. A. at B. on C. of D. in( ) 8. Is Wang Mei good at singing? Yes, she is. We often hear her at all kinds of parties. A. to sing B. singing C. sing D. sang ( ) 9. Where were you in July last year? This time last year my family and I Beijing. A. was visiting B. visited C. were visiting D. had visited( )10. Eddie was sleeping Millie was reading a magazine. A. while B. before C. when D. after【评价反馈】个人得分小组得分自我评价(目标达成情况或记录还未掌握的内容)【家庭作业】1选择题( ) 1. Were you when you were speaking in front of so many people? Not at all. I spent plenty of time preparing for it, you know.A. calm B. nervous C. patient D. surprised( ) 2. How did you make your way out the dark? Well, I walked along the wall.A. across B. past C. along D. through( ) 3. Is that a baby crying outside? No. It a baby. But in fact, it is my neighbours cat. A. looks like B. sounds like C. feels like D. hears like( ) 4. Our team scored a goal just now. Yes. I heard the childrens shouts.A. exciting B. excited C. excitedly D. excitingly( ) 5. youre here, why not find a hotel for the night? Maybe we have to. I am too tired to walk any farther.A. ButB. And C. Since D. So( ) 6. Does your father watch you do your homework? No. But he usually does some reading in the sitting room I am doing my homework. A. afterB. beforeC. whileD. until( ) 7. I think myself a brave girl. Really? But why did you when you saw my neighbours dog?A. smile B. laugh C. scream D. frighten( ) 8. Whats wrong with Mark today? He has got a cold and feels a little uncomfortable.A. smallB. big C. slight D. light( ) 9. Why do you like rock climbing? Well, to myself up is not easy, but I feel great when I am on the top.A. push B. carry C. leave D. pull ( )10. Do you know if the snow this afternoon? I dont know. But I hope so. We will make a snowman if it enough. A. will stop; snows B. will stop; will snowC. stops; snows D. stops; will snow 2. 以“A disaster in my home town”为题写一篇70词左右的短文。 1) 灾难发生的时间; 2) 灾难过程中人们的遭遇及感受; 3) 发表自己的感想以及怎样阻止自然灾害的发生。A disaster in my home town _ _ _


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