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2021-2022学年四川省成都市西川北九年级(上)期中英语试卷六、选择填空。(共10小题,计20分)A.从各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)1. (1 分)We had8 - day holiday, but some of us chose to stay at home to avoid theheavy traffic on the highways.()A. aB. anC. the2. (1 分)Photos are, but they say a lot about our lives.A. specialB. strangeC. silent3. (1 分)一Your friend speaks French as well as a native speaker.一Sure.Shes from Canada.And French is useda second language there.()A. asB. forC. by4. (1 分) wonderful news report he wrote! All of us were proud of him.()A. What aB. WhatC. HowD. How a5. (1 分) 一Jack has taken in so many school activities this term.Hes really outgoing now.一So he is.I remember hestudy and play alone.()A used toB. is used toC was used to6. (1 分)Chengdu Tianfu International Airportin June this year has become a newlandmark (地标)of China.()A. completedB. was completedC has been completed7. (1 分)I walk around in this small town, what I see makes me think of my childhood.( )A. WhateverB. WhereverC. Whoever8. (1 分)Its said that the number of the students who want to study abroadin the past 2years, though the COVID - 19 is still spreading around the world.()A has increasedB. have grownC. has dropped9. (1 分)After the excellent speech.Professor Lisome questions by the students.space tryweWhere did gold come from ? As we can see, there is a lot of it on Earth, howeverEver since it (1) in 40, 000 BC, gold has fascinated human beings.Forthousands of years(2) it, with wealth and power.But what else we can learn about thismetal ?For one thing, it comes from outer (3) .Studies have shown that when neutronstars (中子星)crash into each other, they start a fusion reaction (熔合反应)(4)gold.It didnt just appear on Earth one day - - it was here from the start when these starsspread it all over the universe.Its actually very hard to create gold.The powerful reactions created by neutron stars willdo it, but we cant make it (5).But that hasnt stopped humans from (6).Inthe past (7),scientists who called themselves alchemists” (炼金!)巾)tried makingit by mixing together different elements, such as lead (铅).(8)No matter we got it, gold is useful in our life.lt can be made into a very thinwire (线) that still conducts (传导)(9) , making it useful for makingelectronics.Since its not dangerous to eat in small amounts, gold can be added to food.Andthere are few pieces of jewelry (珠宝)that are as a (10) gold necklace.There is asaying that goes nothing gold can stay, but it does seem gold itself isnt leaving anytimesoon.四、阅读表达。(共2小题,每小题5分:计10分)24. (5分)补全短文,根据短文内容,从每文后的A人F选项中This year marks the 140 anniversary of Lus birthday.To better understand this literarygiants, in September, the publishing house of the National Library of China in Beijingpublished a complete set of Lu*s manuscripts (原稿),000 pages. (1) Born on Sept 25, 1881, Lu was a leading figure of modern Chinese literature. (2)But seeing the turbulent (动荡白勺)state of China, he realized that instead of curing peoplesphysical illnesses (3) As a writer, Lu was often critical of social problems in China. (4) A Madmans Diary is also the first modern work to be written completely in vernacular(白话文) Chinese, the everyday spoken language by the people.A writer Lin Yutang oncecommented: Lu is a warrior more than a literary man.”(5) According to Xinhua, his works have been translated into 50 languagesand published in more than 30 countries.My Old Home was listed as a classic in textbook inJapan and South Korea.Many experts believe that Lus thoughts are still valuable in the 21th century, a time thatis filled with material and money but is short of wisdom.A. In 1902, Lu chose to study medicine.B. So he gave up medicine and studied literature.C. Until now many of his works are still popular at home and abroad.D. Lus great influence has to do with his thinking about common human problems.E. They include his essays, letters, drafts (草稿),diaries, notes on ancient documents andother writings.F. For example, A Madmans Diary criticizes the man - eating society while.The True Storyof Ah Q shows the ignorance (无矢口) of some Chinese people back then.25. (5分)完成表格,解读下面短文,根据其内容完成表格中所缺的信息A documentary tilled Pot of Fire came out on Tencent Video on February 14.Talkingabout different types of hotpot from all over the country, the documentary allows Internet usersto enjoy hotpot together online.No food other than hotpot can show how much Chinese peoplelike to get together to enjoy happiness.At the mention of China, hotpot, tea and china, rises inthe mind. director of the documentary Qu Nan told China Daily.That explains why thedocumentary could get popular during a short time.Hotpot has been popular for ages in China.From vegetables to meat, from poultry toseafood, from noodles to dumplings (食材) are fit for different tastes.Hotpot also warms usup and improves our circulation (血液循环), which is good for our healthMore importantly, eating hotpot is a celebration of family and friendship.According to a survey by Chenzhi Catering Database.40.2 percent of Chinese usually eathotpot with friends, while 17.6 percent eat hotpot during family reunions (团聚).When people sit around a table to eat, chat and drink, it feels quite relaxing. nAs the foodcontinues to boil in the hotpot soup (气氛) around is warm.” 28 - year - old Beijing residentYu Jiaqing said.As a popular saying goes, Theres nothing to worry about after having hotpot.If you arestill worried, then go for it twice So if you are feeling lonely or sadFactsHotpot, as well as silk, tea and china (1) of China.*40.2% of Chinese often eat hotpot with friends.* 17.6% of Chinese eat hotpot when (2) with their family.AdvantagesDifferent ingredients can (3) to the soup according to different tastes.Hotpot does good to our (4) and (5) .It warms up and improves our circulation.We feel relaxed while eating hotpot.A documentary: Pot of Fire* It came out on Tencent Video on February 14.* It makes it (6) for Internet users to enjoy” different types of hotpot from all overthe country.五、书面表达。26. (15分)近些年,人家都在讨论”中国制造”,相信你也一定有很多话要说(1) 描述图片上所出现的信息;(2) 介绍你自己的观照,原因以及对未来的希望;(3) 词数100词左右。提示词:质量quality参考答案与解析六、选择填空。(共10小题,计20分)A.从各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共10小题,每小题1分;计10分)1 .【解答】结合语境可知,holiday在此处表示泛指,8-day以元音音素开头。故选:Bo2. 【解答special特殊的;strange奇怪的、无声的,照片是”无声的”。故选:Co3. 【解答】as作为;for为了,被;根据句意,法语被当作第二种语言。故选:Ao4. 【解答】答案:A根据wonderful news report可知,感叹修饰的中心词是名词短语;又根据感叹句的句式:What+a/an+形容词+单数名词+主+谓,而wonderful是以辅音音素开头的单词,故选A.5. 【解答】usedto过去常常,后跟动词原形,后跟动名词,判断空格处用used too故选:Ao6. 【解答】根据语境,题干谓语是has become,作定语修饰主语airport,因此设空处应用其过去分词形式表被动。故选:Ao7. 【解答】A无论什么,B无论哪里,根据汉语意思:无论我走到小镇上的哪里。wherever无论哪里,故选:Bo8. 【解答】时间状语in the past years (早过去的两年间)是现在完成时的标志,the number of(的数量是)其后动词为单数形式;根据though (尽管)后面的句意来推断出,一直在增加”。故选:Ao9. 【解答】从After the speech判断句子使用一般过去时Li ,使用被动语态,主语是第三人称单数。故选:Bo10. 【解答】设空处为宾语从句,前面没有提及有关法律”如何how”和“时间when”的信息。故选:Co二. 补全对话。11. 【解答】细节推理题。(1) C.根据上下文”你以前和别人说话时很害羞。”,结合选项可知用C项”你能告诉我你是怎么克服的吗。故选C。(2) D.根据上文”你能告诉我你是怎么克服的吗。”,结合选项可知此处用D项”我妈妈告诉我要勇敢面对一切。故选D。(3) A.根据下文”通过每天练习演讲。叩”提问。(4) E.根据上文”通过每天练习演讲。”,使它更好。故选E。(5) B.根据下文”当你知道结果时? ”,结合选项可知要用B项”当我意识到这是真的时。”提问。七、完形填空。(共2小题;计20分。A篇每小题10分,计10分;B篇每小题10分,计10分)12. 【解答】(1) C考查名词。A.方法,C.形状,故选C。(2) B考查形容词。A.很多,C.最多。故选B。(3) C考查副词。A.完全地,C.突然地,你需要在每个拐角处突然改变方向。(4) A考查疑问词。A.为什么,C.什么,句意:那就是人们把跑道设计成椭圆形的原因。(5) B考查动词。A.生产,C.建造。故选B。13. 【解答(1) B考查动词及语境理解。move移动;return归还;根据Some people saythat beginners have all the luck (1) only with practice: 一些人说初学者的运气很大。故选B。(2) C考查连词及语境理解。or或者;But但是(2) not in others.:在某些方面每一种说法都对。前半句是肯定,二者之间明显构成了转折关系。故选C。(3) A考查动词及语境理解。won获胜;lost丢失;根据下句,As a prize. ”奖品是Titanic)的电影票,”我获了奖”。(4) C考查形容词及语境理解。sorry抱歉的;lucky幸运的,想可能再次幸运”可知。故选C。(5) A考查动词及语境理解。tried尝试;stop停止,I ,后面应该是我试着又参加了一次美术比赛。(6) C考查副词及语境理解。often经常;never绝不。这说明”我此次没有获奖,故选Co(7) A 考查形容词及语境理解;more natural更自然的;空格后面有than 词。故此处应用形容词的比较级形式,”在艺术能力方面别人比我强”。(8) B考查代词及语境理解;something 一些;结合语境:艺术不是我特别感兴趣的东西。故选B。(9) B 考查名词及语境理解;drawings 画;奖品,I went to a drawing competition manyyears agoM可知:作者是以自己参加绘画比赛的事情为例的。(10) C 考查介词短语及语境理解;at most至多;开始;根据短文内容可知,但随后却没有获过奖( )o句意:尽管我在刚开始时可能已经很幸运了。所以选C。三、阅读理解(共15题,计30分)14. 【解答】推理判断题。(1) A.根据 Although Father Wolfs jaws closed down on the kids back, he didnt even cut thebabys skin as he laid him down among the wolf cubs.虽然狼爸爸的嘴紧闭在孩子的背上,他甚至没有割破孩子的皮。所以说狼爸爸很小心,表达正确(2) B.根据 How little!How brave put between wolf to close their skin.多么小!”狼妈妈轻轻地说,以接近它们温暖的皮肤。所以说这个男婴有点害怕狼,故答案B.(3) B.根据 Later a tiger named Shere appeared in front of the wolfs cave with his squarehead and shoulders stuck at the mouth of the cave.He had to back out.后来,一只名叫谢尔的老虎出现在狼洞前。他不得不退出,这个洞太小不足以让谢尔进去,是错误的(4) B.根据 Father Wolf was amazed because Mother Wolf used not to be called The Demonbecause of her friendly nature.Shere was not afraid of Father Wolf but afraid of MotherWolf.He knew Mother Wolf had the advantage: she didnt fear to fight until death.He growledas he backed out and shouted.狼爸爸很惊讶,因为她天性友好,而是害怕狼妈妈。他咆哮着后退并大声喊叫。所以说是狼爸爸而不是狼妈妈让老虎退走并救了男婴,故答案B.(5) A.根据 Father Wolf was amazed because Mother Wolf used not to be called The Demonbecause of her friendly nature.Shere was not afraid of Father Wolf but afraid of MotherWolf.He knew Mother Wolf had the advantage: she didnt fear to fight until death.He growledas he backed out and shouted. Every dog barks in his own yard,因为狼妈妈过去不叫恶魔。谢尔不是害怕狼爸爸。他知道狼妈妈有优势:她不怕战斗到死。”每只狗都会在自己的院子里吠叫。”所以说根据这篇文章”每只狗都在自己的院子里吠叫,表达正确九、阅读下面A、B两篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案,(共2小题,每小题10分:计20分)15. 【解答】(1) A.细节理解题。根据The bone” actually a。故选A。(2) C.细节理解题。根据 If hit inside your (手肘)just certain , you experiencea tingling feeling .可知你会有一种奇怪的刺痛感。(3) C.细节理解题。根据 Unlike other that protected muscle or , it on top thepart your where usually much to it .与大多数其他受肌肉或骨骼保护的神经不同,通常没有太多脂肪来保护它。(4) C.细节理解题。根据 You usually the first the controlled the nerves: yourand fingers.你通常可以在尺神经控制的区域首先感觉到这种感觉:你的小指和无名指。(5) A.推理判断题。根据 Unlike most other nerves that are protected by muscle (肌肉)orbone,通常没有太多脂肪来保护它,尺骨神经很容易通过撞击某物而受损。故A错误。16. 【解答】推理判断题。(1 ) B.*艮据 Dumplings are a traditional Chinese food usually eaten at the SpringFestival.Spring roll traditionally eaten during the Spring Festival.Sweet soup balls are themain food for Chinas Lantern the west China: however placed on the table.There are somerules about how your bowl or plate.This is a sign of politeness.饺了是中国传统食物。春卷之所以得名。甜汤圆是中国元宵节的主要食物,每个人都有自己的一盘食物,每个人都分享摆在桌子上的菜肴,有一些规则。这是礼貌的表现、(D)。(B)、(E)属于中国的餐桌礼仪。(2) C.根据 In the west China: however placed on the table.在西方。在中国:然而。可推断出西方人可能会对中国主人的好客感到惊讶。(3) C.根据 There are some rules about how to place the fish.The fish head should beelders.The fish shouldn*t be ,有一些规则。鱼不应该被挪动。故选C。(4) B.I艮据 Chinese hosts like to use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate.This isa sign of politeness.The most delicious it is.中国主人喜欢用筷子把食物放进你的碗或盘子里。你需要做的最恰当的事情就是吃这些食物并说它有多好吃,你应该尝尝食物。故选B。(5) A.根据 Spring roll (春卷)get their name because they are ,是因为它们传统上是在春节期间吃的。故选A。17. 【解答】根据句意”尽管报告中没有最终解决问题的人,但每个人都知道他是谁”,表示被提到”。故答案为mentionedo18. 【解答】根据句意”后天我们将会见篮球赛的一位主要o ”,由首字母c可推出此处用复数名词competitorso故答案为competitors o19. 【解答】根据句意”现在越来越多的人使用天府通APP,因为他们发现我在乘车时携带硬币很O ”,表示”不方便的”。故答案为 inconveniento20. 【解答】根据句意”现在,中国认为春节是家人团聚的时候,由首字母g可推出此处用副词 generally。故答案为generallyo21 .【解答】根据句意”看看她看起来多糟糕!似乎没有理由她的故事。”,表示”怀疑”。故答案为doubto二、完成对话,在空格中填上适当的单词,使对语完整正确,一空一同(含缩写词).把答案按编号依次填入下方表格内。22. 【解答】(1) failing.考查动词。根据句意:我考试不及格。叩介词,fail examinations考试不及格。(2) imagine.考查动词。根据句意:我无法想象你当时的心情有多糟糕,can后面加动词原形。(3) avoid.考查动词。根据句意:她告诉我没有人能避免犯错误,故填avoid(4) progress.考查名词。根据句意:关键是要从错误中吸取教训。make progress取得进步。(5) lazy.考查形容词。根据句意:懒惰一点帮助都没有,形容词,故填lazyo(6) influence.考查名词。根据句意:我很高兴她说的话对我有很大的影响,故填influence。(7) attention.考查名词。根据句意:这些天来。故填attentiono(8) Among.考查介词。根据句意:在所有演员中。among三者或以上的中间。(9) professional.考查形容词。根据句意:人们相信他现在是一名职业演员,职业的,故填 professional o(10) regarded.考查动词。根据句意:难怪他被认为是这些年来最有前途的年轻演员之一,故填 regarded o三、短文填空。从下面方框中选出10个单词并使用其适当形式按编号将答案依次填入题后表格中,使短文意思正确、通顺、(每词限用一次)23. 【解答】(1) was discovered .考查动词,黄金就一直吸引着人类,结合in 40 BC用一般过去时的被动语态was/were+过去分词。(2) have connected.考查动词。句意:几千年来。结合with and ,结合For of ,主语 we 故 haveo(3) space.考查名词。句意:一方面。结合 Studies shown when stars crash each ,故答案是spaceo(4) creates.考查动词。句意:研究表明,它们会开始熔合反应。结合they a fusion熔合反应,这里用一般现在时,先行词是a reaction ,故答案是creates(5) ourselves.考查代词。句意:中子星产生的强大反应可以做到这一点。结合createdneutron will it可知我们自己无法做到,故答案是ourselveso(6) trying.考查动词。句意:但这并没有阻止人类的尝试who themselves (炼金师)making by together elements as , stop sb from doing 阻止某人做某事。(7) centuries.考查名词。句意:在过去的几个世纪里,如铅。结合In past ,故答案是centuries o(8) However.考查连词。句意:不管我们得到了什么。结合句意用however然而,故答案是 Howevero(9) electricity.考查名词。句意:它可以被制成一根非常细的电线,这使得它在制造电子产品方面很有用it for electronics可知是能导电。(10) simple.考查形容词。句意:而且很少有珠宝像一条简单的金项链一样necklace像金项链一样的简单,故答案是simpleo四、阅读表达。(共2小题,每小题5分:计10分)24. 【解答】细节推理题。(1) E.根据前句This year the anniversary Lu*s。可知说的是鲁迅,应说其中包括他的论文、翻译草稿、关于古代文献的笔记和其他著作。(2) A才艮据后句But seeing turbulent state China realized instead curing physical ,enlightening spiritually more ,他意识到,精神上的启迪更重要,结合选项,鲁迅选择学医。A. is askedB. was askedC has been asked10. (1 分) 一Have you ever heard about the new law against food waste?一Im wondering.()A. how it will be helpfulB when it will be carried outC. whether it will be helpful二.补全对话。11. (10分)根据对话内容,从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。A: Hi, Grace!Congratulations on winning the first prize!B: Thank you!A: You used to be shy when you talked to others. (1) Im really interested in it.B: Yeah. (2) She always encourages me when Pm upset.A: (3) B: By practicing the speech every day. (4) A: How did you feel when you knew the result?B: (5) I couldnt stop crying.A: Thanks for answering my questions.B: Youre welcome.A. How could you do such a good job?B. When I realized it was true.I got excited.C. Could you please tell me how you got over it?D. My mom tells me to be brave to face everything.E. I did the same thing hundreds of times to make it better.七、完形填空。(共2小题;计20分。A篇每小题10分,计10分;B篇每小题10分,计10分)12. (10 分) Do you like running? Have you ever noticed a running track has two straight(3) B.*艮据前句But seeing turbulent state China realized instead curing physical ,enlightening spiritually more ,他意识到,精神上的启迪更重要,结合选项,转而学习文学。(4) F.根据前句nAs a writer.Lu often of problems China。鲁迅经常批评中国的社会问题,结合选项,狂人日记批评”吃人”的社会。故选F。(5) C.根据后句According to , his have translated 50 and in than countries.新华社报道,并在30多个国家出版,结合选项,他的许多作品在国内外仍然很受欢迎。25. 【解答 1(1) symbol.考查名词。根据文中第一段 At mention China, as as , tea chinain mind.一提到中国,还有丝绸。结合常识可知,还有丝绸,是中国的一种象征了。(2) getting together.考查动伺。根据文中第四段 40.2 of usually hotpot friends 17.6eat during reunions, 17.3%的人在家人团聚时吃火锅,17.6%的中国人与家人团聚时吃火锅,在时间副词when之后。故填getting togethero(3 ) be added.根据文中第二段 From vegetables meat poultry seafood noodlesdumplings can nearly to boiling soup,从家禽到海鲜,食客几乎可以在沸腾的火锅汤中添加任何东西,可以根据不同的口味添加不同的食材到汤中,即add。故填be addedo(4) body.考查名词。根据文中最后一句 So you feeling or , why cook hotpothome fill your and heart at you watch of ,如果你感到孤独或悲伤?或者至少你可以看一锅火,火锅对我们的身体和心灵均有益处。(5) mind.考查名词。根据文中最后一句 So you feeling or , why cook hotpothome fill your and heart at you watch of ,如果你感到孤独或悲伤?或者至少你可以看一锅火,火锅对我们的身体和心灵均有益处。(6) possible.考查形容词。根据文中第一段 about types hotpot all the , the allowsusers enjoy together ,让网民们可以在网上一起享用火锅,纪录片火锅让网民”享受”来自全国各地不同种类的火锅成为可能,makepossible。五、书面表达。26. 【解答】Recent years, many people are talking about the wordsnMade in China”.As we allknowThese products are made in China and they include both the material and cultural parts ofChina. (宣传中国文化) Once these products were very popular around the world because ofits low price and excellent quality.But in most Westerners* eyes, they think these products arelow quality.They can easily be replaced by other Southeast Asian countries.And they also causeserious environmental pollution/ 问题)Nowadays, so it is in need of creating our own brand.Inorder to increase the international influencelines and two curves(曲线)? Do you know why? Why is it not in some other(1)likea circle or a square?Imagine that the mark is a circle.Then you are changing your direction all the time whenyou run.This will consume (消耗)far (2)energy.If its a square track, you needto change directions (3)at each comer.Ifs not good for the runner either.How about making it a straight 400 - meter line? Well, this is good for the runner, butnot for the audience.Thats (4)people designed running tracks to be oval - shaped.The running track of the fist modern Olympic Games, which were held in Athens, Greecein 1896 (5)in the 1920 Olympic Games.(1) A.wayB.directionC. shape(2) A.muchB.moreC.the most(3) A.exactlyB.quicklyC.suddenly(4) A.whyB.howC.what(5) A.producedB.usedC.built13. (10 分)Whats your idea about success? Some people say that beginners have all the luck,while others believe that success (1)only with practice.In fact,I feel both of thesestatements (陈述) are not true all the time.Each is true in some ways(2)not inothers.For example , I went to a drawing competition many yearsago and ( 3 )suiprisingly.As a prize, I got a film ticket to see.Avatar, I was really (4)because itwas the first time I had taken part in any competition.Thinking that I might be lucky again.I (5)joining in other art competitions.But the result was that I (6)won again.I accepted thefact that the other people had a (7)artistic ability than I did.Art was not (8)I was especially interested in and had never practiced the different art skills.So, the (9)I produced were not of a very high standard (水平).These experiences taught me a lot.Though I might have been lucky (10), I alsoneed to put in hard work.As we know practice makes perfect.So I believe success builds onless luck and chance.(1) A.movesB.comesC.returns(2) A.orB.andC.but(3) A.wonB.lostC.failed(4) A.sorryB.activeC.lucky(5) A.triedB.forgotC. stopped(6) A.oftenB.everC.never(7) A.greaterB.more naturalC.lower(8) A.anythingB.somethingC.everything(9) A.resultsB .drawingsC.prizes(10) A.at lastB.at mostC.at first三、阅读理解(共15题,计30分)14. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的写A,错误的写B。Father Wolf and Mother Wolf found a man cub in a forest.He was small and soft.Helooked up into Father Wolfs face and laughed.Although Father Wolfs jaws closed down on thekids back, he didnt even cut the babys skin as he laid him down among the wolf cubs. nHowlittle!How brave!H said Mother Wolf softly.They put it between the wolf cubs to get close totheir warm skin.Later a tiger named Shere appeared in front of the wolfs cave with his square head andshoulders stuck at the mouth of the cave.He had to back out.He was angry and said, Myquarry (猎物).A man cub went this way.Give it to me!The wolves are free people. nsaid Father Wolf/ They take orders from the head of thepack, not from anyone else like you!The tigers roar (吼叫声)filled the cave.Mother Wolf pushed the cubs away from herand jumped forward.Her eyes were like two green moons in the darkness, facing the blazingeyes of Shere.And it is I.Raksha (That means The Demon (恶魔) ),who is answering you.* saidMother Wolf. The man belongs to me!No one is going to kill him. No one is going to kill him,looking at Shere. Now go away or you re going to be in big trouble!HDo I have to obey your rules? It is L Shere, who is speaking!nFather Wolf was amazed because Mother Wolf used not to be called The Demon becauseof her friendly nature.Shere w


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