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Unit3和unit8易错题复习:一、单项选择( )1.-How were the people in that country ? - _.A It was pretty good. B They went to the beach. C They were friendly. D They were friends.( )2.The cakes _ good . Can I have some more ?A sound B taste C feel D smell ( )3.-Jim, please help_ to some bread. - Thank you.A himself B yourself C herself D myself ( )4. This TV play can be very interesting ,but _ can be enjoyable unless you like it.A anything B something C everything D nothing( )5.Can I ask you _ questions ?A any B a C some D an( )6.We took _ photos yesterday .A quiet a few B quite few C quite a little D quite a few( )7.We didnt go to the movies_ the weather.A because of B because C so D because in( )8.I felt _ when I heard the _ news. A exciting , excited B excited , exciting C exciting , exciting D excited , excited ( )9. Yesterday was as_ as today. A hot B hotter C very hot( )10.-Where did you go on vacation?-_. I could hear birds sing. It was very interesting.A I went to a bookstore. B I visited the museum. C I learned to play the violin. D I went to the mountains.( )11.I had_ useful umbrella when it rained.A a B an C / D the ( )12.-Did you visit your grandma on Friday evening ?- No, I_ to a wonderful movie with my mother.A didnt go B go C went D did went( )13.I never feel_ when I say with him because he is such a _ man.A boring , bored B boring , funny C bored, boring D bored , funny( )14._ bad weather it is .Its rainy for two days.A What B What a C How D How a( )15.Miss White is waiting _ the bus stop _ the No. 5 bus.A for, for B for , at C at ,for D at ,at( )16._ you busy yesterday morning ? A Did B Do C Are D Were( )17Hurry up. It seems _ soon.A rainy B rain C raining D to rain( )18. One of us _ climbing the mountains.A likes B like C liking D to like ( )19.Gina _ an exciting talk show yesterday evening.A looked at B read C watched at D saw( )20.I asked them _.A how is the trip B when they lived tere C where did they travel D what did Tom say21. -Which dress do you like best , Madam ? - Sorry , I cant decide now . A. to buy which buy B. which one to buy C. buy which one D. Which I should buy it22. -Mary dances best in our school . - I agree . Ill never forget her dance for the first time . A. seeing B. to see C. see D. seen23. Look at the words on the blackboard and please . A. write down them B. write down it C. write them down D. write it down24. I forgot my homework this morning , so the teacher got angry . A. take B. to take C. takes D. taking25. -Do you take exercise every day? -Yes. I always thirty minutes after supper . A. spend B. cost C. take D. pay26. They five days finishing the work . A. paid B. took C. spent D. cost27. Water Park is a good place . A. to have fun B. have fun C. having fun D. to have a fun28. I dont know the answer the question . A. to B. of C. with D. at29. She doesnt play the violin as as her sister . A. good B. better C. best D. well30. How far is your family from here ?-Its about ten walk . A. minutes B. minutes C. minute D. minutes用所给词的适当形式填空。1. He always ( try ) his best to finish his work .2. Im sorry I forgot (close) the door last night .3. Could you try (not )speak so fast ? I cant follow you .4.In the exam ,the (careful) you are , the (few) mistakes youll make .5.They (build) a new library next year .6.Jack with his parents often (go) to the zoo on Saturdays .7.What an (excite) basketball match it is !8.The Summer Palace is one of (beautiful) parks in Beijing .9.The more (信息) , the better .10. I like watching the (perform) of that magician .11. They (build ) a new library next year .12. My dream (come ) true last night .13. At this moment they (visit ) the Forbidden City .14. Which is (interesting ) ,maths, Chinese or English ?15. The shops are very (crowd ) on weekends .16. It takes me about two hours (do ) my homework every day .17. We use pens and pencils for (write ) .18. The best way (learn ) English is speaking and reading .19. There are (many ) girl students in our class than in yours .20. Shenzhen is (large ) in population than Beijing .21. My mother is much (busy ) than my father .22. Could you tell me how (get ) to the hospital 23. Can you teach me _ (drive) a car?24. I often watch them _ (play) basketball.25. Please bring _ ( I ) my lunch.26. Dogs are the _ (clever) of all the animals.27. Some of his problems make him _ (worry). Lets help him.28. Dogs are very _ (friend). We love them very much.29. Simon _ (brush) his shoes before he goes to school everyday.30. She can take care of _ (her) when her parents arent at home.31. Dogs and cats are not easy _ (look) after.32. Can you tell me _ (anything) about your pet?33. His parents _ (careful) about his study.34. Id like _ (play) volleyball with you.35. Would you please _ (bring) some cakes for me?36. Daniel gets _ (interest) in pets.37. He eats more apples and vegetables to keep _ (health).38. Everything _ (be) ready. Lets go!39. I am hungry and I want something _ (eat).4


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