高考英语一轮总复习 Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication课件 外研版必修4

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高考英语一轮总复习 Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication课件 外研版必修4_第1页
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高考英语一轮总复习 Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication课件 外研版必修4_第3页
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考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 写 作 必 备 基础词汇 1achieve v实现 2motivate v. 激发,促动 3patient adj. 有耐心的 4director n. 董事;负责人 5intelligent adj. 有智力的 6frank adj. 坦诚的必考话题必考话题17个人情况个人情况()考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 7married 已婚的 8slim adj. 苗条的 9dream of 梦想 10come true 实现 11apply for 申请 12feel proud of 为感到自豪考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关提分句型1Im a curious person,and Im very interested in learning new things.我是个充满好奇心的人,我对于学习新的事物感到很有兴趣。2I think Im reasonably optimistic by nature.我想我生性是相当乐观的。3Im quite hardworking,responsible,capable and outgoing.我觉得自己是个工作勤奋、负责、能干而且性格外向的人。考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关4I am selfconfident and optimistic.When it comes to work,I always get the job done,for Id like to be thought of as someone who can be trusted.我是个自信又乐观的人。在工作方面,我一向能贯彻使命。因为,我喜欢被当做是可以信赖的人。5As for my personality,I think Im very honest and have a strong sense of responsibility.性格方面,我觉得自己是一个坦诚和富有责任心的人。考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 美 文 赏 析 素材示例(2014郑州模拟)最近,你针对同学们的理想进行了一个调查,下图反映了你调查的结果。请根据图画的内容,写一篇英语发言稿,向同学们介绍你的调查情况,并谈谈你对调查结果的看法。 词数:100左右。考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 _ _ _考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关As the above pictures show,students in my class have different dreams for their future.Here are the results of my survey:The boy with a cap says he wants to be a scientist when he grows up;a girl with glasses says she dreams of becoming a writer;a girl in green says she is looking forward to becoming a singer;another boy says he wants to become a millionaire like Bill Gates.佳作播报佳作播报 考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关I am delighted to see everyone has his/her own dreams.It is dreams that motivate us to keep on trying until we achieve our goal. We should work hard in order to make our dreams come true.It is no use daydreaming.考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关1Here are the results of my survey.此句使用了全部倒装结构。here位于句首时,若主语是名词句子要用全部倒装。模拟Here is the milkman,who has two daughters.送奶工来了,他有两个女儿。2It is no use daydreaming.此句中it作形式主语,真正的主语是后边的动名词daydreaming.模拟It is no use crying over spilt milk.谚语牛奶洒了,哭也无用(覆水难收)。 考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关.核心单词1_vt.包括;涉及2_vi.张开3_vi.凝视;盯着看4_v恐慌;惊慌5_n请求;要求6_n恩惠;善意的行为7_adj.现场的8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v i . ( 用 语 言 、 信 号 ) 传 递 信 息 ; 交 流_n交流;沟通考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关9_adj.无意的;不知不觉的_adj.有意识的10_vi.变化_n种类_adj.各种各样的11_adj.正式的_adj.非正式的12_adv.传统地_adj.传统的_n传统13_adj.恐吓的;具有威胁的_v威胁_n威胁14_n表演_v表演_n表演者考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 15_n判断;意见_v判断 16_n平等_adj.平等的 17_adj.社会的_n社会 1 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ a d j . 有 感 染 性 的 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v 感 染_n感染考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 答案municate;communication9.unconscious;conscious10.vary;variety;various 11formal;informal12.traditionally;traditional;tradition13.threatening;threaten;threat1 4 . p e r f o r m a n c e ; p e r f o r m ; p e r f o r m e r15.judgement;judge16.equality;equal17.social;society18.infectious;infect;infection考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关巧学妙记1语境记忆(1)The weather _ from day to day; as a result, people wear _ clothes. A _ of germs spread in the air and many people have fallen ill.(vary)(2)_ is very important in our daily life. Everyone relies on _ with other people to make friends.(communicate)答案(1)varies;various;variety(2)Communication;communicating考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关2词汇串记An excellent salesperson is requested to be aggressive and good at communicating with other p e o p l e i n t o d a y s c o m p e t i t i v e s o c i e t y . Communication,which involves various interactions,helps to improve the relationship. He needs to have good judgement and be used to dealing with all kinds of people whether on formal or informal occasions. Are you in favour of me?考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 .重点短语 1(保持)警惕_ 2达成协议;做成交易_ 3. 举起_ 4 . 暴 露 ( 自 己 的 情 况 ) ; 赠 送_ 5 u p a n d d o w n_ 6by accident_ 7say hello to_ 8 s w i t c h o n_考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 答案1.on guard2.make a deal3.hold up/lift up4.give away5.一上一下地6.偶然地7.向问好 8打开(灯、无线电等)考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关.经典句式1Although these are very important, we communicate with more than just spoken and written words.尽管这些很重要,但我们并不仅仅只是通过口语和书面语交流。句式提炼more than不仅仅;多于,超过;非常;超出句式仿写 我们远不仅仅是同学,我们是知心朋友。We are much _ classmates. We are close friends.考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关2One person then holds up his hand, palm outwards and five fingers spread.一个人接着举起手,手掌向外,五指展开。句式提炼独立主格结构句式仿写 下课了,孩子们冲出了教室。_, the children rushed out of the classroom.考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关3In Russia you must make a toast every time you take a sip from your glass.在俄国,你每一次从杯子里抿一小口时,都要祝酒干杯。句式提炼every time 引导时间状语从句句式仿写 每次看到老师站在我旁边,我都会紧张。_ I saw the teacher standing near me, I felt nervous.答案1.more than2.Class over3.Every time考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关核核 心心 单单 词词vary vi.变化变化vt.改变;变更改变;变更经典例句经典例句With the EP, the temperature will not vary in any part of the room.(2013北京北京阅读理解阅读理解A)用用EP便携式加热器,房间的各个部分的温度不会有差异。便携式加热器,房间的各个部分的温度不会有差异。考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关(1)vary with随而变化vary in 在方面不同,有差异vary from.to. 由到情况不等(2)variety n. 变化,多样性,种类a variety of (varieties of )各种各样的(3) various adj. 各种各样的;多方面的考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关Teaching methods _ greatly _ school _ school.各个学校的教学方法大不相同。I want to know whether this plant can adapt to _ soils.我想知道这种植物能否适应各种土壤。答案vary;from;toa variety of考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关involve vt.包括;涉及;使参与经典例句The test will involve answering questions about a photograph.考试将包括回答关于一张照片的问题。(1)involve sb in (doing) sth使某人参与(做)某事,使人牵扯到某事中involve doing sth包括做某事;需要做某事(2)involved adj.复杂的;有牵连的;有关的get/be involved in被卷入之中;热衷于,专心于get/be involved with sb/sth与某人混在一起;和有密切联系考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关Sarah wanted to _ a volunteer program.(2012江西阅读理解C)莎拉想参加一个志愿者项目。Try to involve as many children as possible _ the game.尽量让多些孩子参与游戏。答案get involved inin考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关stare vi.凝视;盯着看经典例句Stop staring out of the window and do some work!别盯着窗外看了,快干点活吧!stare at 凝视;盯着看stare into space 发呆考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关语境填词He _ me in the face for several minutes and then told me that I couldnt be served wine as I was still a teenager.She didnt shout. She just _ me silently._ the blackboard, can you see the words clearly?My father _ his watch and went out in a hurry.答案stared atglared atLook atglanced at考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关request n& vt.请求,要求经典例句He ignored the neighbors requests that he should make less noise.他无视邻居要他别那样吵闹的要求。考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关(1)make a request for.请求,要求at sbs requestat the request of sb应某人之要求(2)request sb (not) to do sth请求某人(不)做某事request sth from/of sb 向某人请求某物request (that).(should) do. 请求某人做某事It is requested that.(should) do.据要求考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关He went there _ his manager.他按经理的要求到了那里。It is requested that no one _ the exhibits.参观者请勿触摸展览品。考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 答案at the request of(should) touch 名师点睛 request后跟宾语从句、同位语从句或用于“It is/was requested that .”句型中时,从句谓语动词用虚拟语气,形式为“shoulddo”,should可以省略。考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关favour n恩惠;善意的行为;赞成;偏袒 vt.支持;喜爱;偏袒经典例句My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was in favour of it.我妹妹反对我的建议而我弟弟赞成。in favour of支持,赞同in sbs favour 对某人有利do sb a favourdo a favour for sb 帮某人忙ask a favour of sb 请某人帮个忙do sb the favour to do sth/do sb a favour by doing sth给某人帮忙做某事考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关The situation both at home and abroad is _.国内外形势都对我们有利。Will you _ by lending me the English dictionary?你能不能帮个忙把英语词典借给我?答案in our favourdo me a favour考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 集 训 中 心.单词拼写1The price of this type of computer v_ in different shops.2The fire s_ very rapidly because of the strong wind.3. As you know, human beings sometimes enjoy c_ with others in body language.4If you are u_ of something you do not know it is happening.5This is a(n) _ (非正式的) conversation between the leaders of two countries.考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 6Scientists have _(传统上地) considered talking and listening to be two independent processes. 7She got into a real _(恐慌) when she thought shed lost the ticket. 8Since he took over the case,he always receives _(恐吓的)emails. 答案municating4.unconscious5.informal6.traditionally7.panic8.threatening考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关.介词填空1The color of that animal varies _ the season.2Dont involve other people _ your trouble.3The two strangers requested some old clothes _ the villagers.4My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was in favour _ it.5He stared _ the word trying to remember what it meant.答案1.with2.in3.from/of4.of5.at考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 核 心 短 语hold up 举起,拿起;支撑;耽搁; 抢劫经典例句The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather.新路的修建工作因天气恶劣而停顿。考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关写出下列句中hold up的意思Its reported that three men held up a jewelers l a s t n i g h t ._This old tree is held up by a post._Sorry Im lateI was held up at work._She held up her arm and wiped her tears off._答案抢劫支撑延误抬起考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 【巧学助记】 hold up表示“举起”,为什么又表示“抢劫”?原来Hold up your hands!(举起手来!)是强盗抢劫时的用语,由“举起(手来)”引申为“抢劫”。 考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关give away 暴露(自己的情况);泄露;赠送;颁发;分发经典例句If a person has not had enough sleep,his actions will give him away during the day.如果一个人没有足够睡眠,那么白天他的行为就会表露出来。写出下列句中give away的意思She gave away state secrets to the enemy._He gave away part of his income to his needy friends._The headmaster gave away the prizes at the sports meeting._答案泄露赠送颁发考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 集 训 中 心.介、副词填空1The little boy gave _ his hiding place when he coughed.2The citizens were warned to be _ guard against a sudden night attack.3Please hold _ your hand if you have any questions.4I ran into an old friend in the street _ accident.5He lifted _ the box and put it in the truck.答案1.away2.on3.up4.by5.up考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关.完成句子1我们在路上被交通事故耽搁了近一个小时。We_on our way by the traffic accident.2在故事开头不要提及这件事,否则就可能泄露那个令人惊奇的结尾。Dont mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may _.答案1.were held up for nearly an hour2.give away the shocking ending考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 核 心 句 型 In France you should shake hands every time you say hello and goodbye.在法国,每次打招呼或告别时,你都要(与别人)握手。 (1) every time 用作连词,引导时间状语从句。 (2)有类似用法且可以引导时间状语从句的还有:each time/the first time/next time/the last time每一次/第一次/下一次/最后一次 考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 Every time I came into her room, she was so happy because she thought I was her daughter.(2013山东完形填空) 每次我进入她的房间,她都是那样的高兴,因为她认为我 是她女儿。 _ I met her, I felt as if I had seen her somewhere. 当第一次见到她时,我感觉好像在某地见过她。 名师点睛 the first time表示“第一次”,在句中可作宾语、表语,还可以用作连词,引导时间状语从句。for the first time表示“第一次”,独立作状语,不引导从句。考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 How should you behave when you meet someone _?(2012安徽任务型读写)当你第一次遇到某个人的时候应该如何表现?答案The first timefor the first time考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关集 训 中 心.完成句子1_(每当他来哈尔滨的时候), he always drops in on me.2_(每次你向某人微笑时), you give a gift to that person.3The beauty of the mountainous country is _(我难以描述)答案1.Each time he comes to Harbin2.Every time you smile at someone3.more than I can describe 考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 .单句改错1I fell in love with the park for the first time I saw it._2More than one student in our class are good at English._答案1.去掉for2.areis考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关单 元 语 法条件、让步状语从句完成句子1 I t h i n k y o u s h o u l d w o r k h a r d e r _(除非你对满意)the way things are.2You seem to have a readymade answer _(不管我什么时候问你问题)3 I d o n t m i n d h o w y o u d o i t _(只要你能按时完成这幅画)OK, I see.4_(不管结局是否完美), you cant disappear from my world. 考点归纳拓展考点归纳拓展基础知识通关基础知识通关 答案1.unless you are satisfied with2.whenever I ask you a question3.as long as you finish the painting on time4.Whether the ending is perfect or not


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