高考英语一轮总复习 Unit 3 The meaning of colour Unit 4 Behind beliefs课件 牛津译林版选修9

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高考英语一轮总复习 Unit 3 The meaning of colour Unit 4 Behind beliefs课件 牛津译林版选修9_第1页
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高考英语一轮总复习 Unit 3 The meaning of colour Unit 4 Behind beliefs课件 牛津译林版选修9_第2页
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高考英语一轮总复习 Unit 3 The meaning of colour Unit 4 Behind beliefs课件 牛津译林版选修9_第3页
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项目内容 认知词汇 Listen and translate the words into Chinese:1.union_ 2.similarity_ 3.region_ 4.equality_ 5.homeland_ 6.seed _ 7.tiring_ 8.disappointing _ 9.delicate_ 10.image_ 11.ray_ 12.belt_13.proverb_ 14.wine_ 15.Bible_ 16.liberation_ 17.pray_ 18.vague_ 19.neat_ 20.random_ 21.rate_【答案答案】1.联合;联盟联合;联盟2.相似点相似点3.地区地区4.平等平等5.祖国;家乡祖国;家乡6.种子种子,籽籽7.令人困倦的令人困倦的8.令人失望的令人失望的9.易碎的;纤细的易碎的;纤细的10.画像;形象画像;形象11.光线;射线光线;射线12.腰带;传送带腰带;传送带13.谚语谚语,格言格言14.葡萄酒葡萄酒15.圣经圣经16.解放解放17.做祷告做祷告,祈祷祈祷18.模糊的模糊的19.整齐的整齐的,整洁的整洁的20.随机随机,随意随意21.比率;速度比率;速度项目内容 核心词汇 Write down the words you hear and put them into Chinese:1._ _ 2. _ _ 3. _ _4. _ _ 5. _ _ 6. _ _7. _ _ 8. _ _ 9. _ _10. _ _ 11. _ _ 12. _ _13. _ _ 14. _ _ 15. _ _16. _ _ 17. _ _ 18. _ _19. _ _ 20. _ _ 21. _ _22. _ _ 【答案答案】1.abolish 废除废除,废止废止2.symbolize 象征象征,代表代表3.rid 解除解除,免除免除4.object 反对反对,不赞成不赞成promise 妥协妥协,让步让步 6.submit 顺从;提交顺从;提交7.ambitious 有抱负的有抱负的8.instruct 指令指令,吩咐吩咐9.underline 强调;加下划线强调;加下划线10.consistent 一致的;连续的一致的;连续的11.passion 激情激情12.sacrifice 奉献;牺牲奉献;牺牲13.strike 撞击;罢工撞击;罢工14.reap 收割收割15.sow 播种播种 16.substitute 替代替代17.shorten (使使)缩短缩短18.deliver 运送;宣布运送;宣布19.caution 谨慎;告诫谨慎;告诫20.possession 所有物;占有所有物;占有 21.sew 缝;做针线活缝;做针线活22.station 使驻扎使驻扎项目内容 重点短语 Translate the following into English:1.随机,随意随机,随意_2.(使使)沦落,沦落,(使使)陷入窘境陷入窘境_3.随心所欲随心所欲_ 4.追溯到,始于追溯到,始于_ 5.与与有联系有联系_ 6.脱离,分离脱离,分离 _ 7.打工,受雇于人打工,受雇于人 _ 8.受欢迎,流行受欢迎,流行_ 9.以以为例为例_ 10.将将译成译成_ 11.不久,过一会儿不久,过一会儿_ 12.设宴庆祝设宴庆祝_ 13.以以为中心,围绕为中心,围绕_ 14.依靠,依赖依靠,依赖_ 15.换句话说换句话说_【答案答案】1.at random2.reduce sb. / sth. / to doing sth.3.get ones way4.date back to5.have a link with / relate to 6.split off from7.hire oneself out8.catch on9.take. for instance / for example10.translate.into.11.by and by / before long12.kill the fatted calf13.be centered around / center around14.count on 15.in other words项目内容 句型操练背诵与仿写 1.The White Horse Temple is important to Chinese people and history, and as such, it is one of the first historic buildings that the government listed to receive special state protection.(P63,L5658)仿写仿写这些书对老师和学生都很重要这些书对老师和学生都很重要,正因为如此正因为如此,三天之内就售完了。三天之内就售完了。These books _,and as such, _.2.The White Horse Temple has seen a lot of history.(P63,L48)仿写仿写黎明时分黎明时分,那个清洁工就拉着垃圾车来到了马路上。那个清洁工就拉着垃圾车来到了马路上。Dawn _.3.After spending every penny of his money and being reduced to hiring himself out to feed pigs, he realized that he had been a fool and went home.(P51,L3335)仿写仿写那小伙出走几天之后那小伙出走几天之后,就沦落到以乞讨为生。于是他只得回家就沦落到以乞讨为生。于是他只得回家,继续上学。继续上学。_,the kid _.4.Therefore, the next time you choose your clothes, you should think more carefully about what colours to wear.(P47,L5455)仿写仿写他第一次来到中国他第一次来到中国,就参观了长城。就参观了长城。The first time _, he _.项目内容 句型操练背诵与仿写 【答案答案】1.were important to teachers and students; they were sold out within three days2.sees the cleaner pulling a dust cart into the street3.Several days after he left home; was reduced to begging for a living and went home to go on with his schooling4.he came to China; visited the Great Wallget rid ofhaving some flowers deliveredinstructedothera/one wordwordwordsa wordwordsforkeepget intofromout oftoup tomake/havesettaketakeforsetgivefollow/copybydaynightagainblackbluean/the


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